very col
**** sry but the database site is down... submit has been disabled 4 a while ****
An improvment of the game i made long ago -
(draw dotz)
here i made the dots stylish and nicer, u can change here the colors and styles. + easy key shortcuts
**** space = submit **** *** r = reset *** ** mouse wheel or up/down = change style ** * p = pause drawing (ball still moves) * left mouse click = change color
ok then - draw nice stuff and submit it...!
very col
Fun game. Fun idea. Great job.
Only down side...the annoying "tink" noise of the ball hitting the side.
i found a cool glich
put the friction on 0 and gravity full then use repell then bam instant boom of briliance
great game
best draw game i've played love the idea love the repel attract option ability to change gravity and friction just wonderful.
Great idea. Nicely put together, horrah.