Goodness...I hadn't even breathed a sigh of relief at having finished before I made front page...Tom, you are an internet superhero.
Blockhead features in part one of his first movie.
Running time: I don't know, like 10 minutes or something.
I still can't get over the fact that an entire town was about to lynch a man because he had lights on
And so begins Blockhead's epic quest to get his velociraptor signed. Also, can we look at the terrifying fact that Blockhead is apparently immortal?
This really is a classic.
It was weird not to have Blockhead's conscience appear in this much. I really like how you set up a story arc with this. Did you know "Time Squad" was the name of a show on Cartoon Network? This probably is one of the best of the "Blockhead" series. It's mostly because the characters besides Blockhead play it straight so well. It really does work better as something serious.
It's a little hard to follow. Blockhead seems less annoying than usual. Well, he really isn't because he annoys the other characters like his conscience more than he annoys the audience. It's a rule of comedy! The animaton is great too.