Dress Up featuring Megaman flash. Graphics have that robotic vibe to them. If you had a larger selection of props and weapons that would be helpful.
UPDATE- Vile,bit gea,and shadow armor are availabe. Two more songs, quality select amd more!
I made a game of Megaman. Its the same as any other dress up, drag the picture on top of him. There are two songs in this flash, seen on the bottom. If you dont like the song press off, then try the other. I had fun makeing it, and I hope you have fun playing it. Music is from ZeRo_BaSs & Koei.
Dress Up featuring Megaman flash. Graphics have that robotic vibe to them. If you had a larger selection of props and weapons that would be helpful.
Sure brings back memories.
loved this as achild OMG
Great awesome game!