You get 0.
Sorry, but this wasn't funny. Next time put more effort into it.
Spread the <3, spread the 5.
Clockday 200FIVE
You get 0.
Sorry, but this wasn't funny. Next time put more effort into it.
Not much to say about it.
All i can really say about this is it's a pretty good E-Card for Clock Day 2005,other then that not too much else.
cutiebones, YOU suck, this a decent cartoon.
Like I said above, ok, not perfect, though.
your perseverance to make this is amazing
You must have tooken months to make this, it is truly a god among clock films, this deserves a 5 all the way. You are a symbol of perseverence
It did take months actually. Thanks.
if i calculate correctly
the time u took to make this+the hours i lived under a house = deers