Ok, really normally i don't give bad scores, (cause most of the time it get's you down and stuff). So don't take the 6 as a bad thingy :P. I have to say you have a blurry style (which i like ^^) to bad the end was kinda fastly done :P. But believe me i know how hard it is to keep working on 1 thing (still got about 5 unfinished things here, cause i am lazy -.-). Anyway, the sound... yeah could have been a bit more :). the crying baby sound in the end was funny though :P. I have to say i am suprised this didn't get blammed... most of the time there are always people that just blam stuff with comments like: "Omg you noob, go kill yourself", "Did you really think this wasn't gonna get blammed??", "LOLMAO, ROFL, YOU SUCK BIGTIME FAG!!!!" or "Yay free blampoint!!". So my advice is (I know it's cool when many people can watch your movie, but kinda sucks when it get's blammed so...) Keep practicing, never give up (so don't stop halfway and start a new cartoon like me :P) even legendary frog or gerkinman had to start somewhere (they just didn't submit it ^^). So when you made something you are really proud of and your friends go complelty insane cause YOU made that piece of heavenly sh*t, then you can submit it ;).
P.S.: don't mind those other noobs with there O points bet they don't even know what flash is :P