needs work
The ship loses attitude control really fast and it's near impossible to correct, the all stop button doesn't work, and most of the time I feel like I'm just being whipped around that central hub. if I ever had to aim at something I'd never be able to point the lasers at it in time.
The radar is useless. The perspective is too close (the ship should be much more distant). Anything that might be nearby you wouldn't be able to see (and the radar wouldn't help).
The HUD should be along the bottom of the screen (I didn't even see it there until some time after i started floating around space like a lost moth).
The physics are pretty good, but they need tweaking to make the ship controllable.
The background (starfield) moves convincingly at least, but it's a tad bland.
Keep working on it, though. This might make a cool space game.
One suggestion would be for there to be a tactical interface (ever play star raiders) where you could look over the nearby sectors to seek out enemy ships. I'm not sure what kind of game you're making though...