i liked it
i like evanesence and never heard this song before but your video is great ok its not the best made flash in the world but the story behind it is great, if people cant look past the quality of the drawing then more fool them
This is a serious flash and is in no way meant to be funny. Im reasonably new to flash and aimed to get a more artistic feel to this one. Plus if youve seen this on the site before dont whinge cause im making it better and hoping for feedback.
i liked it
i like evanesence and never heard this song before but your video is great ok its not the best made flash in the world but the story behind it is great, if people cant look past the quality of the drawing then more fool them
the best
i think that this is the best flash that ive erer really seen! its amazing! i really loved the choice of music. it went perfect with the movie! but seriously it is the best ive ever seen no doubt!
cheers dude. Glad you liked it. If your telling the truth that is.
why would you turn something so great and meaningliss as flash into this pile of crap
Heh heh
That was pretty funny.
you might want to go back and edit this one.
the music keeps playing after it's done, the artwork is pretty poor quality, the voices are too quiet, there's a part where the trees just stop on one side of the screen while they're driving, and there's some random white square in it.
put more effort into it.