homestars a farout series man, and pong is a well i suppose. so this is pretty neato
ima play this more if im justbored ajaja
Yay! It's finaly here! Homestar Pong, who doesn't love pong? Now with extra Homestar Runner!
Well anyways, you may have seen the first version of the level hand drawn, only multiplayer and one annoying song. Well now, there are 14 single player levels, 5 songs and still a multiplayer mode. Oh, and can't forget credits who doesnt love credits.
I also have asked the assistance of the maker of alien vs. predator pong. You should give that a look also if you like this
Note: if you are a disliker of pong please dont vote just cause you hate pong, vote on how well put together it all is and enjoy!
homestars a farout series man, and pong is a well i suppose. so this is pretty neato
ima play this more if im justbored ajaja
pog is my favorite game!
oh my fqwagads
I loved thsi game, I even beat it, but you should have "experimental film" as one of the songs.
I made it to level 5
then i lost and quit. Thanks for the game
Not enogh
Its an awesome game but if the bouncers were like the king of towns or strongsads stomach it would be beyond cool!