Don't mess with Mr Ben.
Its a great flash, been mess with the shop keeper from Mr Ben, or Mr Ben will dress up as a killing machine and come after you.
Some old footie action from the England team of 3 years ago in a Total Recall parody...if people like it, I'll up a few more episodes. :) Ignore the link at the end, it don't exist anymore...
Don't mess with Mr Ben.
Its a great flash, been mess with the shop keeper from Mr Ben, or Mr Ben will dress up as a killing machine and come after you.
it was bad
bad realy bad
It wasn't that bad. George Bush, playing soccer? Are you a fucking moron?
Was a little funny..
it was interesting...
it was interesting cuz it was funny at some parts, i didnt get some of the parts. they just didnt make sense. the music was bad, but the graphics were good.
Not too bad
Was very funny at parts. Some killer graphics on that Virtua-soccer game lol. Keep up the good work!