that really happened to you!!!
here's episode 2 of my series short shorts ....enjoy!p.s! i fixed the sync!
that really happened to you!!!
funny stuff
hey im that dude who stood up for random paper drawings haha i jsut got a mic and a new NG account and i'd love to help out with short shorts, jsut email me or atlak to me on AIM or soemthin
Hey man ya i rmemebr but hey i kno it sounds strange cuz im working on a 2 year project on my finnaly improved flash skills but i stopped to work on machinama were i make halo2 movies ive made 4 and i need actors so if u have xbox live send ur gamer tag to my aim which is punkshroom64.
((( HEH OK )))
Haha ok that was odd, dont get me wrong the artwork was very nice great "EFFORT" and lots of color and detail, very nice job there, but as for "STORY" i dont know it was odd and strange but that was also a good point, it was way short in my opinion though...
That was... bad...
Was that supposed to be funny?