Spring traning is around the corner
Not bad, though not good neither.
Baseball + Blood
Spring traning is around the corner
Not bad, though not good neither.
When is the sequel coming?
It was funny as hell (made me want to go out and challenge a handicapped hockey team to a shoot out just so I could watch them play). LOL
Character graphics could have been better.
The inclusion of brains just added to the pleasure.
Not bad.
Why the changing cursor? I dont think it was really needed, but it was alright I guess.
The drawings could of been better, but I will give you credit for your drawing style.
I love the wavy look of your characters, and the buttons at the top really complement them.
More goodness.
You've made many great off-beat flash. Something that's harder than it looks! This is great tasteless and pointless trash. So very entertaining!
This sucks
Can't you make 1 good flash? Would that be so hard!? This is tasteless, pointless, trash. It's not even entertaininG!