Ah, Tommy-M-Gun my good sir, your internet goes down for years at a time also? we should form a group, in anytime from 2016 to 2018, see you then my good chap.
This movie basically deals on a pointless stat on how many spears it would take to destroy a tank. That's all. Well enjoy, please review.
Ah, Tommy-M-Gun my good sir, your internet goes down for years at a time also? we should form a group, in anytime from 2016 to 2018, see you then my good chap.
that shit sucked balls
you ripped off mortal combat!! that was a awsome arena and u ruined the image!!! hope your happy!!!
Shit doesn't suck balls my friend. If anything you do RAB-r-us. Mind the step children. I would have responded earlier but my internet was down... for three years.
not much..
i think that your true effort is not shown here.
you cab and should be better.
good luck with that
It was moderate at best. Ther graphics weren't your own, nor were they very high quality. The sound wasn't that good, though added to the humor ("doink"). Also, you might want to do a little bit of math work on this. It took 1 million years and 3 million spears. That is only 3 spears a year. Then again, I guess that was supposed to be a joke. Not very funny, but oh well. Anyway, not a bad job.
I really don't know what was funnier...
...the actual movie, or the "i hope you slip in a puddle of AIDs and die" comment. This just made my day better.