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[PAID] Casting VO For Indie RPG

Indie RPG Currently in Development

soundAPE Casting is casting voiceover for a small, indie RPG that's currently in development. I am looking to fill one character role at the moment. There will be multiple roles available in the future so make sure you follow this thread!

How long will it take?


When do I need to send in my demo reel?

January 11th, 2021 - no exceptions

Where should I send my demo reel?

You can send your demo reel to me directly https://johnmontoya.wetransfer.com


TBD - please include your rates. Note: this is a small, indie game. I expect the budget to reflect that.

Character Specs

Age: 30 - 50

Sex: Male

Description: Deep voice, not too deep. Middle aged. No accent. Kind and caring, with various points of aggression and shadiness.

# of Lines: (Approx. 600 words for this character)

Audition Script

<Caring, comforting>

The fear of death is natural, we live so we may one day die. Whatever you do in between is up to you.

<Also calm and caring, but it is all a facade. Slightly shady.>

And what would you dear brother say? I'd say he won't be saying much now!


You are no longer worth any more of my time.

<Super aggressive, morale lowering>

I didn't think you would have the guts to face me. I will make sure to rip yours out!

<You have transformed into a monster. Deeper, slow and pained voice.>

Death.. awaits... us.. all...

After this casting call closes, I will reach out to those who closely fit the character's specs. You may be asked to read an additional, short audition script in the character's voice at that time.


Looking for Voice Actor - Young Adult - Male


I'm looking for a voice actor for a short clip i'm making to pitch to [adult swim]. I'm looking for a voice for a loveable smart ass character. His name is Jose (Pronounced Joe-Ss not Hoe-Zay) a 23 year old dude in a pop punk band. I imagine him with a confident demeanour but not masculine. Just a cool interesting voice that doesn't come off wimpy really but not deep or manly either. I'll attached a character design sheet below as well to help you get a feel for him.

If you're interested send me a message with a link to your voice acting reel or I can email you the script to do some test lines. This will be a really fun project for everyone involved.

Come on. Don't be scared. Hit me up.



**UPDATE** This project has been put on hold for a while but i'm looking for more voice actors for a animated pilot i'm pitching to Cartoon Network. Go to my profile for details. Cheers.


Casting Winter of Empires

Already mid-production on this star trek/star wars inspired war epic with distribution plans despite shoe-string budget (18K). Need ADDITIONAL voices for smaller roles in film. Pay TBD, receive IMDB credit


1) Older, Male, Scottish or Irish accent, very depressed

2) Older, Male or Female, Native American accent, wise slow leader

3) Mid-Age, Male or Female, Brave Soldier (needs to shout)

4) Youthful to Mid-Age, Female, Transgender Officer, maverick wisecracking

5) Youthful to Mid-Age, Male or Female, Kindhearted Laid back officer

6-7) ANY, Tactical or Navigation Officer

+) ANY, soldiers in crowd shouting a line in film.

For more information please email RNeverEnding@Gmail.com, thank you




