Newgrounds Background Image Theme



I am OPEN for work, will write almost any style song!

No longer free, I'm afraid. Just message me through Newgrounds and we can discuss the details. I assure you it's still pretty cheap from $3-$10 depending on a few things.


I wanna work

Hello I'm amir know as Risatira Im a Mexican voice actor and an animator but I can be very versatile to work with anything. I speak English and Spanish I spend my time studying. I study animation and digital art. I am 19 years old, (about to turn 20), and I am very excited to work.

My work experience is very extensive.I have helped with many school projects and other stuff.

Here's an example of my voice acting role for a school project (I'm the Villan)


Also my YouTube channel have have a lot work if you wanna check it out


I have a relative cheap price depending on what job they are looking for me to do.

If you are interested in something feel free to send me a a message.

My email.
