Newgrounds Background Image Theme




here's my commisions table, just a reminder that i will be posting sfw art here done for comissions, the nsfw art will go on my alt account

(VHS filter is free due to the 80s anime artstyle)


Payment metods will be Paypal and Kofi

If you want to buy a commission DM me here, Discord or Twitter



Hey There! Here is my commision table for the ones that want a shimmering pixel art!




For now, the main payment method will be PayPal

If you wanna buy a commision DM me here, Discord or Twitter.


Custom Beat Commissions!

Need a beat to put your raps on? I'll see what I can do!

Hello, I'm Maggie (Magg for short) and if you're looking for someone to do a custom beat for ya, I'm literally right here. Whether you can't find an instrumental with the mood you're looking for, or you just need something unique with enough room for you to speak your piece, I'm willing to compose, process, mix, and master a track to your satisfaction.

While I primarily work on boom-bap/lo-fi type stuff, I also know a small bit about making trap beats. I primary compose with virtual instruments, however if you have a sample that you wanted me to use, I can also flip things to an extent. If you want to see my past works or just want to rap on something that's free and premade, check out my music here on NG or even on my YT channel.

My initial price is $30 a beat, however this can increase depending on the complexity and time it takes to achieve something you're comfortable with. To deter anyone who isn't serious about this, I charge $10 upfront. If you aren't satisfied with the end result or decide that you don't like where things are going in the middle of it, I won't charge you the other $20+ and will offer refunds, but I will keep the initial $10 for my time spent.

If you're interested, DM me here or on my Twitter and we'll exchange Discord info (or if you prefer to stay on Twitter, that's cool as well.) I take both Paypal and Cashapp as payment methods.

I hope you consider me and if you think I'm the right producer for you, please get in touch and we'll see what I can do for you!

Till Then!




[FREE] I can ghostwrite songs for you - ONE REQUIREMENT include my name ATZ [FREE]