Newgrounds Background Image Theme



Open for game development

I have a degree as a technician in programming. I love developing videogames, both in technicality and design elements, I have personal experience and few laboral experience. I tend to learn whatever I need to make my ideas possible, and experiment a lot to see how to improve them.

I don't tend to work with graphic engines, although if needed, I can grab whichever engine is needed to work with (specially if the game is meant to be 3D). I know how to code for JavaScript and C++, speaking of languages that allow game development, and I also know HTML & CSS. I study very regularly about elements for game design, and I've put some of that knowledge in practice before.

If you ever need a programmer or just a game designer, I'm open for any of that matter.


Illustrator for collaborations or projects

I introduce myself.

I'm Juatrox, a graphic designer with experience in character design, illustration and animation (practicing).

I am interested in small or short projects related to animation and video game development to increase my portfolio.

I am open to any project, especially if it is erotic.


i can be your guy... for free!!!

I make doom levels, I'll do some maps for your wad or help work on your doom-engine or doom derivative game. I also write things with varying degrees of quality. I used to make a lot of doom levels and the people who played them said they were pretty good. I never uploaded them onto the net so don't ask if they're on idgames. But i may be free to help so just ask if you're interested. I don't ask for money, And i don't take money. I just do things because designing for doom is just as fun as playing it.