Newgrounds Background Image Theme



Hello! Small artist open for commissions!

Hello! I'm DuskSilver, a digital artist looking to do some work! I'm... A bit low on money at the moment, unfortunately. Which is why I'm open to do some commissions in my artstyle! I can do images of characters, cover-art, those kinds of things! I'll admit, I'm not the best at doing backgrounds... But that's somethin' I'm trying to improve in! I don't exactly have a good comm sheet at the moment. I'm still a bit new to doing this kind of thing. But I'd say I'll draw a fully shaded full-body character with lineart and color and everything for around $25 as the starting point, depends on detail. That's just an example. Here are some examples of my work! Let me know if you're interested at all!iu_1170720_21305460.webpiu_1170721_21305460.webpiu_1170722_21305460.webpiu_1170723_21305460.png