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Corpse Crew

16,682 Views | 287 Replies
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Response to Corpse Crew 2004-08-24 14:08:39

can everyone try to keep this crew alive! you know, invite some friends....ect ect

This too will pass.

Memento mori

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Response to Corpse Crew 2004-08-24 14:09:52

At 8/24/04 02:08 PM, lost_chances wrote: can everyone try to keep this crew alive! you know, invite some friends....ect ect

i post after somebody posts, dso i don't double post! =]

Response to Corpse Crew 2004-08-24 14:11:29

At 8/22/04 10:41 PM, -AERO- wrote: is there a council here? if there, is can i be in it?

a council.......which is what.....far as i know there is no counciel unless if someone eles who was a member of this club before the original owner.........resigned.........says livecorpse did set one up.

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to Corpse Crew 2004-08-24 15:50:48

At 8/24/04 02:11 PM, lost_chances wrote:
At 8/22/04 10:41 PM, -AERO- wrote: is there a council here? if there, is can i be in it?
a council.......which is what.....far as i know there is no counciel unless if someone eles who was a member of this club before the original owner.........resigned.........says livecorpse did set one up.

nobody seems to be postin who posted before though, atleast i don't think so.

Response to Corpse Crew 2004-08-24 16:07:50

maybe they don't know this still excists, or maybe, they think that it's not as good since livecorpse doesn't run it anymore

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to Corpse Crew 2004-08-24 16:09:50

At 8/24/04 04:07 PM, lost_chances wrote: maybe they don't know this still excists, or maybe, they think that it's not as good since livecorpse doesn't run it anymore

yea most likely, woohoo! 10 pages!

Response to Corpse Crew 2004-08-24 16:15:13

wow..... 10 pages

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to Corpse Crew 2004-08-24 17:35:58

At 8/24/04 04:15 PM, lost_chances wrote: wow..... 10 pages

live corpse would be prouud of us! lol

Response to Corpse Crew 2004-08-24 19:06:25

At 8/24/04 05:35 PM, -AERO- wrote:
At 8/24/04 04:15 PM, lost_chances wrote: wow..... 10 pages
live corpse would be prouud of us! lol

why would he be proud of you? you think he would be proud, that some guys came into his crew (after he had left us) and spammed up his topic. I dont think he would be proud of that, and I think you should let this topic die. you are not honouring him by keeping it alive, and spamming it. thanx.

Retrogade Art

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Response to Corpse Crew 2004-08-24 19:21:48

At 8/24/04 07:06 PM, wazup190 wrote: why would he be proud of you?

He would be proud of us because we gave him a legacy, small and meaning less but his allias does live on. He died on the 8th page, here we are on the tenth, does that not mean something?

I swear, this is, my signature!

Response to Corpse Crew 2004-08-24 23:30:54

At 8/24/04 07:21 PM, Xanadu32 wrote: He would be proud of us because we gave him a legacy, small and meaning less but his allias does live on. He died on the 8th page, here we are on the tenth, does that not mean something?

You know what, I really wouldn't care if people who actually knew him, were trying to give him a legacy. I really wouldn't care.
But I highly doubt that either aero, nor lost_chances knew who LC was. They are just looking to make a name for themselves. and if they were truely just trying to give LC a legacy, lost_chances would not have claimed this crew for himself, he would've just went on like it was before.
so yes, I do think someone should carry on this club, but only someone who knew LC, now someone who did not, and is just trying to make a name for themselves.

Retrogade Art

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Response to Corpse Crew 2004-08-25 00:48:19

It still has never been proved that any of that story was real. The whole of LC legacy may be fabricated

Response to Corpse Crew 2004-09-25 15:23:33

true, i didn't know live corpse, but from the sounds of it, he sounds like a really cool guy. i'm just running it as a favour, not cose i claimed it, if you look back you would of seen 2 people or more asking/agreeing with me running it, but, now i think about it (i have thought about it but not as much now) that someone should take over from me cose i never knew him, but i think this club should be carry on running as like a rememberance club of him, or something like that. i think someone who knew him better than me should run it..........

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to Corpse Crew 2004-09-27 02:32:36

what was so great about this "live corpse" guy? im new here

Response to Corpse Crew 2004-09-27 10:00:43

At 9/27/04 02:32 AM, CasketGrind wrote: what was so great about this "live corpse" guy? im new here

He was a great flash artist. a very popular one to. and something tragic happened, and he passed away. do a search in the portal and find some of his movies, you will see why he was so famous.

Retrogade Art

BBS Signature

Response to Corpse Crew 2004-11-11 06:18:59

His memory lives on. :O

Response to Corpse Crew 2004-11-21 14:07:58

How come LC quit creating flash near the end?

Response to Corpse Crew 2004-11-22 17:01:45

At 11/21/04 04:36 PM, Kingjonners wrote: because he DIED

That's not what I meant. Months before he died, he gradually made less and less flash.

Response to Corpse Crew 2004-11-22 17:04:48

At 11/22/04 05:01 PM, BurntOffering wrote:
At 11/21/04 04:36 PM, Kingjonners wrote: because he DIED
That's not what I meant. Months before he died, he gradually made less and less flash.

Stop bringing this topic to life, LC was close to me, and i dont want to keep thinking back over our good times and bad. He gradually faded and stopped flash because months before he died, he was suicidal, on the last week, he had done bad, and ran, becoming fugitive. IS THAT ENOUGH? Now you know, bye.

BBS Signature

Response to Corpse Crew 2004-11-29 22:05:58

At 11/22/04 05:04 PM, -WhiteFang- wrote:
At 11/22/04 05:01 PM, BurntOffering wrote:
At 11/21/04 04:36 PM, Kingjonners wrote: because he DIED
That's not what I meant. Months before he died, he gradually made less and less flash.
Stop bringing this topic to life, LC was close to me, and i dont want to keep thinking back over our good times and bad. He gradually faded and stopped flash because months before he died, he was suicidal, on the last week, he had done bad, and ran, becoming fugitive. IS THAT ENOUGH? Now you know, bye.

Dude, shut the fuck up. I knew him just as well as you, and probably better. We were going to make a game together in late '03, but I got busy with a bunch of shit, and came back to hear the news.
Everyone's sad that he's gone, but it's better to accept it, then to try to fucking forget.

Response to Corpse Crew 2005-01-24 20:02:36

Clive Corpse I thought I told you to stay in your room!

Sorry about my pet dog he just learnt how to use the internet
I jivecorpse hereby take controll of the Corpse crew!

Response to Corpse Crew 2005-01-24 20:28:31

This crew makes me sad, i miss livecorpse


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Response to Corpse Crew 2005-01-24 20:31:57

At 1/24/05 08:28 PM, Mr_Fluffykins wrote: This crew makes me sad, i miss livecorpse

Same here...

Response to Corpse Crew 2005-01-25 17:28:43

At 1/24/05 08:28 PM, Mr_Fluffykins wrote: This crew makes me sad, i miss livecorpse

This is a sad thread isnt it?

what a strangly fitting thread. I just lost two of my friends and was looking for a RIP crew to post there names in. This thread will do: RIP Justin Hodge, 20, and Damian Muirhead, 22

Response to Corpse Crew 2005-02-03 15:00:34

xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

Corpse Crew

Response to Corpse Crew 2005-02-03 15:21:12

At 2/3/05 03:00 PM, xLiveCorpsex wrote: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

Now thats abit scary yikes...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to Corpse Crew 2005-06-10 03:01:20

For All those of you who care, Sunday, June 12 marks one year since Livecorpse decided to depart from this world.
For those of you who don't know, he was a troubled soul, but a real good guy deep down. He spoke his mind, had many friends and always had time for a good gab session. His flash skill was questionable to say the least, but never ceased to evoke emotion from viewers. There are 100 of his works on NG , but I'm sure he'd done more than 200--- a handfull of bad ones which he had Wade delete after capturing the top submition spot.
To those who remeber, take some time to reflect on some good times with our lost friend this Sunday.
To those of you who don't care----He wouldn't care if you did, anyhow.
Adam, my good man, you are missed!

Response to Corpse Crew 2005-10-13 01:12:57

ok im gonna ask this once and if the overall answer is no then so be it
i waS seconed to join this crew after LC
so if anyone is to keep it going it would have to me
so ive decided to give it a shot
i have no flash skills or anyhting like that but im sick in the head and i can give ideas to those of you who do
i see some of my old frinds have stoped by to greive and what not well i invite you back to celebrate the reason we liked lc
he was fun
like the rest of us he was just human
cept he found humor in the darkest of things...even in the end he had sarcasim in his note
im sorry he had to go
and im sory for how bad he felt leading to his reason for going
but crying aint gonna help
lets just ban together and do what we really came here to do
gross some pussy motherfucker out
make em question their own moral standing just cause they watched another C_C flash and laughed
so thats pretty much it
if you wanna do this then say so ill be back in a few days to see whats good

Response to Corpse Crew 2005-10-13 01:16:35

I say let is rest with the creater, because while it was great while he was alive, it could just be a reminder and even some direspect to the artist who died....



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to Corpse Crew 2005-10-13 13:34:27

well we got one vote to let it go
ill be back like sunday or monday to see if anyone else is gonna leave their opinion
peace out niggas till then