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Corpse Crew

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Response to Corpse Crew 2005-10-14 12:49:27

I say let this die. I just looked through the really bad noobish posts of me when I claimed this club. I now don't want anything to do with this. This belongs to no one but LC. I am deeply sorry about the noobish posts I made here in the past. I wish there was some sort of delete button so I could just delete my posts. Oh well, can't change the past. In short, let this die, let it just stand as a hidden gravestone to say "LiveCorpse made this club".

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to Corpse Crew 2005-10-14 15:11:26

you know what thats enough for me

Response to Corpse Crew 2005-12-05 22:39:15

You all say "let this thread live on"

But you know what? You arent doing much in leeping it alive. Livecorpse would be pround of you for continuing this without him. Now get up, and continue, we MUST NOT LET THIS DIE. Do it for Livecorpse..

Veteran of the MapleStory Crew

BBS Signature

Response to Corpse Crew 2006-03-14 02:59:51

postman pat postman pat postman pat ran over his caaat blood and guts were flying postman pat was crying so that will teach him not to drink and drive
sure i'll join i can't animate
but i love the stuff
mehhehehehehehehehe mbwahahahahahahahaha
i have a sick mind

BBS Signature

Response to Corpse Crew 2006-03-14 03:02:25

At 10/14/05 03:11 PM, HellboundNinja wrote: you know what thats enough for me

hahahaha suk 3 day ban sukker

BBS Signature

Response to Corpse Crew 2006-03-14 03:08:50

At 3/14/06 03:02 AM, dooseyboy wrote:
At 10/14/05 03:11 PM, HellboundNinja wrote: you know what thats enough for me
hahahaha suk 3 day ban sukker

what ban bitch
i dont get banned
and why hasnt this been locked yet
if you people dont want it loocked then fucking post in it and make some dam flash other wise dont waste his ideas like he wasted his life

Response to Corpse Crew 2006-03-14 04:21:35

what ban bitch
i dont get banned
and why hasnt this been locked yet
if you people dont want it loocked then fucking post in it and make some dam flash other wise dont waste his ideas like he wasted his life

you should get banned for being here man

BBS Signature

Response to Corpse Crew 2006-03-16 02:34:31

hey i think this club should have a sig so if you are a member put this in the bottom right hand corner
its just a suggestion
oh and you will have to resize it

Corpse Crew

BBS Signature

Response to Corpse Crew 2006-03-21 04:08:51

does anyone like to pick their scabs and watch the blood come out

BBS Signature

Response to Corpse Crew 2006-03-31 22:11:04

At 3/31/06 02:28 AM, dooseyboy wrote: does nobody go here

respect for LiveCorpse. long live his memory

Response to Corpse Crew 2006-04-01 10:26:52

This might be the most mindless piece of neanderthal crap that I've ever seen. Teh intelligence of the posts in this thread have reached an all time low. I have no diea who livecorpse is or was but I can guarantee that he didn't condone fucktards like dooseyboy coming in here and making a mockery of life. What a douche nozzle. I hope you choke on your own vomit.

Response to Corpse Crew 2006-04-01 17:57:45

This club can't be locked except by an admin, so quit saying things like "lock this thread."

What I really hate about the people who post here is that they say "LiveCorpse probably would've wanted it this way", this truly demeans the club in the sense that LiveCorpse was a complicated person, I doubt anyone could look into the insight of what he might be thinking, wherever he is right now.

LiveCorpse was a hero to some, and those who looked up to him, wanted to carry on LiveCorpse's "memento" to the BBS.

I for one, think this club should rest, along with LiveCorpse.

Response to Corpse Crew 2006-04-15 14:47:20

what happened to him?


[Newgrounds] CounterStrike: Source server - [FusioN] +uK

BBS Signature

Response to Corpse Crew 2006-04-17 05:33:18

At 4/1/06 10:26 AM, TheNewAgeOutlaw wrote: This might be the most mindless piece of neanderthal crap that I've ever seen. Teh intelligence of the posts in this thread have reached an all time low. I have no diea who livecorpse is or was but I can guarantee that he didn't condone fucktards like dooseyboy coming in here and making a mockery of life. What a douche nozzle. I hope you choke on your own vomit.

who are you aimingt this @ bitch
i'm sorry i did not know thgat no one was coming here this club had potential
and now
fucktards like you are here

BBS Signature

Response to Corpse Crew 2006-06-12 16:55:40

...for all who care -- -- its June ---- another counter marking the time of our departed friend.

Friends -- take a few minutes of your time and remember, in your own way.

For those who don't know who Livecorpse is.... Just watch his flash. Over 100 contributions to choose from will keep you busy for a while.... Good or bad, LC's flash seemed to evoke some kind of passion from watchers. Some of his most entertaining pieces were of the worst qualilty, but for the comments people left!!!!! Astounding and arguably well worthy in entertainment value.

Rest in Peace, my friend.

Response to Corpse Crew 2006-06-26 11:53:12

can i claim this club as my own?/?


30 mindfeed ?

Response to Corpse Crew 2007-06-12 21:31:25

To Adam, the livecorpse -- a unique and tormented soul with a taste for the demented and a flair for twisted vision. On this fateful day you are fondly remembered, my friend.

Response to Corpse Crew 2008-06-12 21:54:13

I walked along, beside this angel
across the rolling sea,
but everyone comes to a point when
they just don't believe...

Today, my friend, you are remembered.