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Sonic Unleashed

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Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 18:36:09

This is the name of the next Sonic game that Sega will be developing. Now the big question is, will it be above decent?

Oh, and source.

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

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Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 18:46:24

It looks glorious. I am SO getting this game.

Like the last one for the PS3 and 360 without the suck.

My PSN: Obilisk745

"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

Add me on Steam! :D

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Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 19:05:30

Looks good, except for the part where it doesn't have a Wii version.

Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 19:22:04

It'll probably be absolute rectal gunk if the last two are anything to judge by.

BBS Signature

Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 19:23:22

I dont really like the new sonic games, Give me Sonic 1 through Sonic adventure 2 battle

Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 19:54:17

This actually looks decent. I'm looking forward to it.

Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 19:55:48

i hope it has some sort of badass Chao system like in Sonic Adventure 2 battle.

Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 19:57:18


Also, wut.

BBS Signature

Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 20:27:05

Sonic looks......well....uh.....good.

Sonic Unleashed

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Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 20:42:46


You never grinded rails in 2D games or the first Sonic Adventure.

And I actually think they were a good idea, but I agree that it's overused. They need to bring back the shuttle loop, which I think they are doing in this game!

Graphics look sweet, screenshots and name say "Only Sonic this time", possibly a simpler storyline....if it turns out to be good I WILL LAUGH SO FUCKING HARD AT NEWGROUNDS.

BBS Signature

Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 20:56:32

Those screenshots definatly look promising, who knows what potential this game could have. Hopefully Sega has finally decided to clean up Sonic and give him the amazing 3D game that he truely deserves.

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Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 20:58:12

At 3/22/08 08:42 PM, supperman2 wrote: Graphics look sweet, screenshots and name say "Only Sonic this time", possibly a simpler storyline....if it turns out to be good I WILL LAUGH SO FUCKING HARD AT NEWGROUNDS.

Remember when the first screen shots of Sonic '06 came out?

Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 21:00:29

Gonna wait a while, wait for reviews, yeah... They should release every 2d sonic game with 3D graphics.

Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 21:01:40

At 3/22/08 08:58 PM, Sparkpro wrote: Remember when the first screen shots of Sonic '06 came out?

That's what I'm worried about too, but who knows, maybe this could be an amazing game. Sega has definatly shown signs of improvement with some of their recent games. Sonic and the Secrets Rings was a decent game, it wasn't great and it had a lot of flaws, but it did show that Sega is starting to try harder.

BBS Signature

Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 21:26:14

I dunno, man. It looks to me like another "Secret Rings." If it IS like the classic games, then they better put it out on the Wii, unlike they did with that one self-titled game...

I laugh at your sigs!

Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 21:50:14

If this game sucks they should just give the whole franchise to some other company that will do it good.


BBS Signature

Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 22:07:04

No, Sega has adamatly proved that they just don't give a shit anymore. The last Sonic game that came out was supposed to be the great reinvention of the series, but it was just as much of a shit as every other non-Genesis Sonic (Granted I never played it, but even my most adamantly die-hard Sonic loving friends couldn't stick up for it. Also, I just don't care about the GBA and DS versions, sorry.). I can't really blame Sega though. All they have to do is hire a few twelve year olds to write an anime inspired story and slap it on a broken game and it still sells like hot cakes that Jesus personally rubbed out a sweet, heavenly, ambrosia load on. Poor fools, all it took was half of Sonic Adventure 2 (never played the first) to make me forever turn my back on that franchise.

Happy with what you have to be happy with

you have to be happy with what you have

to be happy with you have to be happy with what you have

BBS Signature

Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 22:10:22

At 3/22/08 10:07 PM, Jercurpac wrote: Stuff

I don't want to dis the mods, but you're being retro. GROW UP AND ACCEPT CHANGE, THEN PLAY THE GAMES BEFORE JUDGING. FUCK.

BBS Signature

Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 22:12:53

At 3/22/08 10:08 PM, Sekhem wrote:
At 3/22/08 10:07 PM, Jercurpac wrote: Also, I just don't care about the GBA and DS versions, sorry.)
Then you're missing out, those are probably the only sonic games worth playing nowadays.

I played a bit of one of them and it was just a retread of the classic versions. I had my fill of them back in the day. More power to you if you love the classic style that much, but I still have copies of the old Genesis versions if I ever want to go that route. Even the hilariously named after a carnival game gone horribly wrong Cream the Rabbit is enough to make me pick one up.

Happy with what you have to be happy with

you have to be happy with what you have

to be happy with you have to be happy with what you have

BBS Signature

Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 22:19:30

At 3/22/08 10:10 PM, supperman2 wrote:
At 3/22/08 10:07 PM, Jercurpac wrote: Stuff
I don't want to dis the mods, but you're being retro.

Trust me, I'm the last gamer in the world that you would call retro. I don't pine for the SNES/Genesis days in the least, but if a game made today can't stand with it's fifteen year old siblings i think it speaks volumes. I played Sonic Adventure 2, hated it, and based on every review I've read and first-hand conversations with friends I've been repeatedly told that this game follows the same path, only worse. I don't think that I'm going out on a limb here by calling a piece of shit. If you'd like to refute that point feel free to explain why you like it.

Happy with what you have to be happy with

you have to be happy with what you have

to be happy with you have to be happy with what you have

BBS Signature

Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 22:31:48

At 3/22/08 10:19 PM, Jercurpac wrote: If you'd like to refute that point feel free to explain why you like it.

First off, friends say a lot of shit. I never trust anyone at school about good games. They're talking about the new CoD 4 and Halo 3 and stuff like that, and I ask them why don't they get into Smash Bros, Sonic, Megaman, Mario, or anything like that. They answer, "Because it's for little kids." Who the fuck cares? I'd buy a Barbie game if it was the greatest game ever fucking made.

The reason I liked SA2 was because the graphics and frame-rate issues were awesome on Dreamcast, and Shadow was possibly the last character they should've brought in to the series. All new characters after that (And future carnations of Shadow after SA2) sucked ass. Here, he wasn't near as emo as other games. There weren't a lot of glitches at all, it introduced grinding, had lots of replay value, and the theme songs kicked ass. Also, raising Chao was a lot more fun then in SA1. Homing attacks were more accurate and there were more upgrades for each character. The story was great, too, with better voice-acting then in SA1. The only downside was that it was either too easy or too fucking hard.

BBS Signature

Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 22:38:30

Honestly, fuck this game. Sonic Adventure 2 was the last GOOD Sonic game.

I seriously hope that BioWare will provide a good jumpstart for the franchise with with this game. If it does not follow a ludicrous plot and make the useless characters (Tails, Knuckles, Amy, etc.) useful, it should be good.

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Achievement Whore Status: 47th place as of 05/18/09

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Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 22:40:59

Judging from screenshots, there's a scene where Sonic turns Super, flies into Robotnik's Fortress (alone), kicks his ass, then Robotnik activates some machine while down, which zaps Sonic and makes his Chaos Emeralds disperse from him, losing Super energy. He then falls unconscious.

BBS Signature

Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 22:46:56

I really hope this game is good, if they're gonna stick woith old 2D gameplay, it makes me feel more confident. I hope they dont screw up this one, because the graphics are pretty good.

Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 22:47:04

At 3/22/08 10:31 PM, supperman2 wrote: First off, friends say a lot of shit. I never trust anyone at school about good games. They're talking about the new CoD 4 and Halo 3 and stuff like that, and I ask them why don't they get into Smash Bros, Sonic, Megaman, Mario, or anything like that. They answer, "Because it's for little kids." Who the fuck cares? I'd buy a Barbie game if it was the greatest game ever fucking made.

They have to show off their "manliness," "maturity," and how they are "grown up."

...Shadow was possibly the last character they should've brought in to the series. All new characters after that (And future carnations of Shadow after SA2) sucked ass.


There weren't a lot of glitches at all, it introduced grinding, had lots of replay value, and the theme songs kicked ass.

Grinding worked in that game. It was the only time where I felt that it worked fluidly with the level design. Glitches, I think there were a few instances of the fall-through-the-fucking-floor glitch. The music in the game were pretty good, especially "Live and Learn."

Also, raising Chao was a lot more fun then in SA1.

Lest you want to get all of the Emblems, it's not worth it.

Homing attacks were more accurate and there were more upgrades for each character.

I have managed to miss with homing attacks, and sometimes the game has problems with accuracy when using it too fast. The upgrades did add to the replayability, since you actually needed them to do the 2nd-5th missions of the game.

The story was great, too, with better voice-acting then in SA1.

The voice actors from 4kids either need to get acting lessons or just get replaced with the original voice actors. Story, I'd say no.

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Achievement Whore Status: 47th place as of 05/18/09

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Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 22:49:15

At 3/22/08 10:47 PM, SniperWolf1564 wrote: The voice actors from 4kids either need to get acting lessons or just get replaced with the original voice actors. Story, I'd say no.

Aww, dussu wanna go back to saving itty wittle bunnies from the big bad fat man?

BBS Signature

Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 22:52:00

At 3/22/08 10:49 PM, supperman2 wrote:
At 3/22/08 10:47 PM, SniperWolf1564 wrote: The voice actors from 4kids either need to get acting lessons or just get replaced with the original voice actors. Story, I'd say no.
Aww, dussu wanna go back to saving itty wittle bunnies from the big bad fat man?

I just want a good game. If Sega got their act together, then maybe I will start to like Sonic again. Also, bad voice acting is enough to make me want to stab rusty nails through my ears.

Want to play something or just chat? Click here. For all the daily shit that happens in my life, click here.

Achievement Whore Status: 47th place as of 05/18/09

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Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 23:30:55

Holy shit, new details.

Well, I think it's best to rip the band-aid off now, so.....

- Story takes place after Sonic '06
- Sonic can transform into a werewolf
- Yet another new character will be introduced
- Gameplay will change between levels
- Platform still unknown

*sigh* On the bright side, the graphics look great.

Sonic Unleashed

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Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 23:37:04

At 3/22/08 11:30 PM, TITROTU wrote: - Sonic can transform into a werewolf

Wait, what?

- Yet another new character will be introduced

Another bland, useless character that shows that Sega hates Sonic? Exciting!

Want to play something or just chat? Click here. For all the daily shit that happens in my life, click here.

Achievement Whore Status: 47th place as of 05/18/09

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Response to Sonic Unleashed 2008-03-22 23:42:25

Gameplay video of one of the levels that has screenshots. It's pretty low quality, but it kind of gives a feel of what the gameplay might be like. It scares me that I'm even a little bit excited for this game, since Sega doesn't have a great track record for sonic games of late.

PS3 ID: Jerkapotamus

Sig by Akula

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