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Anime Club

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Response to Anime Club 2005-07-16 14:14:17

At 7/16/05 03:32 AM, AU542 wrote:
At 7/16/05 12:45 AM, -HyperShadow- wrote:
At 7/15/05 03:34 PM, DrDeath2k3 wrote: Berserk is awesome as shit.
Ummm shit isn't awsome! Saying something is awsome as shit is like saying it sucks...
but shitting is so trendy, all the cool kids do it.

anyways. I beserk is too morbid for me. for some reason i need the action and dialouge to balance eachother out.

LOL Berserk's violence is laughable and honestly after you get about half way through you look forward to the dialogue more than the retaarded fight scenes (even though the animation is good.)

Response to Anime Club 2005-07-16 14:19:05

***Kinda Spoiler****

There's actually 28 episodes in Dot Hack//Sign! The last two are on DVD! :)

*****End kinda spoiler*****

Response to Anime Club 2005-07-16 18:36:22

Well today at a barbeque at my cousins house his sisters boyfreind brought over s-CRYE-d or however it's spelled and i saw the first 2 and part of the third episode but couldn't hear it too well because of all the people but i can tell you i liked what i saw !

Response to Anime Club 2005-07-16 19:03:57

At 7/16/05 06:36 PM, BeanBagBoy wrote: Well today at a barbeque at my cousins house his sisters boyfreind brought over s-CRYE-d or however it's spelled and i saw the first 2 and part of the third episode but couldn't hear it too well because of all the people but i can tell you i liked what i saw !

S-CRY-ED rulz! and yes i liked it to :D hmm wonder


how hes gonan save the alter users


Response to Anime Club 2005-07-16 20:13:20

I just thought I'd ask how big everyone's anime collections are, in DVDs please. Instead of naming off every DVD just say how many of the DVDs you have of that series, for example if you have all the DVDs in the Berserk series then you'd say Berserk 6/6.

I guess I'll start:
Jin-Roh the Wolf Brigade
Samurai X 3/3
Berserk 6/6
Serial Experiments Lain 4/4
Kino's Journey 1/4
Neon Genesis Evngelion Platinum edition 7/7
Princess Monoke
Hellsing (bootleg) 2/2
Berserk (bootleg) 3/3
Gungrave 6/7
Yu Yu Hakusho 9/?
Roruni Kenshin TV 1/21
Neon Genesis Evangelion Director's Cut: Genesis Reborn (I only have DVD 7)
Gantz 3/6

Response to Anime Club 2005-07-16 20:23:00

I don't have much, just enough to qualify me as an otaku:
Robotech - Macross: 6/6
Robotech - Masters: 4/4
Robotech - New Generation: Currently 0/4, but I should have 4/4 by August 3rd.

After my Robotech collection is complete, I plan to start buying another series.

Jack of all trades, Master of none

Head Scientist of NG Mafia

& proud member of Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2005-07-16 20:48:44

O don't have any on DVD's. But I have a lot in divx. See, my country doesn't support online shopping, so I have a really hard time getting anime. And since no anime is licenced in my country, I can d/l like crazy. I have about 600GB of anime in me collection.

Response to Anime Club 2005-07-16 21:00:31

Has anyone here seen Akira? I believe this to be one of the greatest of the genre. You don't see to many huge Japanese animes survive from the late eighties as Akira did. Something old animated flicks and toons featured that newer ones fail to provide is the silky smooth animation. Just because technology is better, doesn't mean the work shouldn't take as long, only be a bit less tedious and burdonsome.

Anyway, I just enjoyed every aspect of it. The English voice-overs were difficult to deal with, so I went with the true Japanese originals with English subtitles. [ I've been attempting to learn the language, so I can better enjoy the culture of Japanese anime, but I've already got to much language to deal with from education. Moreover, its said to be a difficult language to learn and write in properly. ]

All I really know is 'MISA' from Full Metal Alchemist. lol. Ahh well.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2005-07-16 21:30:17

At 7/16/05 09:00 PM, noir_ wrote: Has anyone here seen Akira? I believe this to be one of the greatest of the genre. You don't see to many huge Japanese animes survive from the late eighties as Akira did. Something old animated flicks and toons featured that newer ones fail to provide is the silky smooth animation. Just because technology is better, doesn't mean the work shouldn't take as long, only be a bit less tedious and burdonsome.

Anyway, I just enjoyed every aspect of it. The English voice-overs were difficult to deal with, so I went with the true Japanese originals with English subtitles. [ I've been attempting to learn the language, so I can better enjoy the culture of Japanese anime, but I've already got to much language to deal with from education. Moreover, its said to be a difficult language to learn and write in properly. ]

All I really know is 'MISA' from Full Metal Alchemist. lol. Ahh well.

Akira. One of the best Sf/Horror anime's ever. Despite how old it is, it still looks better than most of the present anime's. And the story is top notch.

As for FMA I suspect you wanted to write "Nii-san" (older brother). That's what Al calls Ed throughout the series. Japanese isn't that hard to learn to speak, but writing it on the other hand is tough. There are four ways to write in Japanese: in hiragana, katakana, chinese kanji and rMmaji.

Response to Anime Club 2005-07-16 21:39:38

Ahhh yes AKIRA the film that killed the mangas plot, themes motifs and even changed the plot a little bit o how I give ye no props AKIRA for your lack of everything but action that I've probably watched about 21 times now. Btw maybe the reason AKIRA is one of the few animes from the 80's to survive is because they wasted like 200 million dollars on animation which is a ton because the animators only get payed like 2 dollars an hour. Honestly AKIRA the film is a classic but read the manga it's soooooo much better.

Response to Anime Club 2005-07-16 21:54:38

As for FMA I suspect you wanted to write "Nii-san" (older brother). That's what Al calls Ed throughout the series.

Haha, damnit- I can't even get that right. ;|
I might spend my next summer in Japan, which will provide me with oodles of Japanese culture to take in, and plenty of time [to have an even more pratical use] for learning and practicing their language.

At 7/16/05 09:39 PM, Dudeman05 wrote: Ahhh yes AKIRA the film that killed the mangas plot, themes motifs and even changed the plot a little bit o how I give ye no props AKIRA for your lack of everything but action that I've probably watched about 21 times now. Btw maybe the reason AKIRA is one of the few animes from the 80's to survive is because they wasted like 200 million dollars on animation which is a ton because the animators only get payed like 2 dollars an hour. Honestly AKIRA the film is a classic but read the manga it's soooooo much better.

My experience with manga is extremely lacking; I didn't have anything to compare Akira to when I viewed it. Going into anything with no expectations can almost garauntee your satisfaction.

Alot of movies aren't close to comprable to the material they were based off. Likewise, most people who base their movies off of previous works of literature, comics, or manga have a passion for it. [ Otherwise, they wouldn't be producing something based on it. ]

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2005-07-16 23:22:02

I've been paying more attention to my side of conversations lately, and I've noticed that I'm starting to sound like Chichiri from Fushigi Yugi; for some odd reason, I keep saying "ya know?" at the end of my sentences. So far, this has had no effect on my typing, but there's no telling when a habit like this will grow.

Jack of all trades, Master of none

Head Scientist of NG Mafia

& proud member of Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2005-07-16 23:28:09

At 7/16/05 09:54 PM, noir_ wrote:
Haha, damnit- I can't even get that right. ;|
I might spend my next summer in Japan, which will provide me with oodles of Japanese culture to take in, and plenty of time [to have an even more pratical use] for learning and practicing their language.

Lucky SOB. Why do you have to be so lucky. Dammit!!!!!

Response to Anime Club 2005-07-17 00:27:56

I've only burend some Naruto episodes on DVD! But I am planning on getting The Dot Hack//Sign DVD boxset, episode 27 and 27 of Dot Hack//Sign (which aren't on T.V.), Cowboy Bebop, and Hellsing...

Response to Anime Club 2005-07-17 03:46:21

Samurai Champloo was on a little bit ago and I was wondering. When Mugan is fighting the "street killer" that used his chi/wind to attack, what happened during his final attack? He blew Mugan's sword out of his hand and someone got his sword blown out of his hand. Did Mugan do the same technique or what? I hope that wasn't a spoiler.....

Oh and the DVDs I have:

The Slayers (all of the different ones)
Saiyuki (Gensomaiden, Reload, Gunlock Reload)
Excel Saga
Outlaw Star
Tenchi Muyo
Chobits (vol 1-3)
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Plus many movies (Cowboy Bebop, Akira, GW Endless Waltz, Ninja Scroll etc)

I'm also hoping to get One Piece and FMA eventually, but stores open and close constently, so it may not happen. Oh, is FMA 2 a sequal or is it just a second part of the FMA series?

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2005-07-17 07:36:44

In Parinoia agent what the hell happend

The way I see it they just screwed the girl and killed themselfs.
They killed themselfs cause when they took the picture they were ghost and in the end they show the condoms.....Wait I just got it it hit me.They had aids. thats why they showed the condoms cause if Imright the Zebra character was gay and probably got aids. Oh I get it.
Well If I got it right can some one tell me.
End Spoiler

Response to Anime Club 2005-07-17 11:05:04

I used to post here sporadically, but I seem to be visiting more often and consistantly in the recent days. Thus, it is about time I officially join up here.

My favorite five:
Full Metal Alchemist
Viewtiful Joe

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2005-07-17 11:37:53

At 7/17/05 11:26 AM, Brewtality wrote:
At 7/17/05 11:05 AM, noir_ wrote: I used to post here sporadically, but I seem to be visiting more often and consistantly in the recent days. Thus, it is about time I officially join up here.
You still need a character to represent you and you should read through the club rules to know the do's and don'ts. Click on the word Club in my sig to see them and to see a list of characters already taken.

ey ey, captain. I read the rules on Tink's freeweb site, but I had forgotten to choose my character.

Anyhow, I'll be Roy Mustang [[from fma]].

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2005-07-17 11:40:07

At 7/17/05 11:37 AM, noir_ wrote:
Anyhow, I'll be Roy Mustang [[from fma]].

Nevermind. I missed that he was already on the members' list. >:(
Uggg. I'll be back when I've found someone not taken.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2005-07-17 13:45:39

At 7/16/05 01:17 AM, Lavi721 wrote:
At 7/16/05 12:18 AM, Lavi721 wrote: has anyone seen saikano? i just finished watching to entire series and i found it sad, depressing, miserable, funny, weird, and pretty good. but mostly sad and depressing. but thats just because
it took them the entire series (13 episode) to have sex. who waits until the end to do all that?

I don't know about you, but that's the same exact number of episodes it took Kei to have sex with Mizuho in Please Teacher. But that's more along the lines of average marital problems. I think. O.o

Plus since I'm on the ubject of sex scenes in anime (NOT HENTAI), I could refer to many like:

******SPOILER ALERT (KINDA)***************

1. In episode 4 of FLCL when Naota catches Haruko fooling around/having sex with his father in the room.

2. The end of Episode 21 in NGE where Kaji and Misato are having sex in the love hotel. In the scene, neither people are actually shown, but sounds are abundant.

3. The entire movie of Tenchi In Love 2 (the last Tenchi movie that ended the entire series), Tenchi is sucked into his grandfather's past,where his wifeis tryig to control him so he wonn't leave her. And let's say confusion, amnesia, and sex are the order of the day. But the sex scenes are done so beautifully, it's not having sex. It's making love. =)

4. In a scene in the movie RahXephon The Movie, Ayato and Haruka make love in a jail cell. I'm not going to explain why, the story is too long to do that.

5. In Episode 12 of Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi, when Arumi's Grandfather comes to Mr. Abe's (Pronounced Ah-Bay) to talk with him about the development of the Shopping Arcade, only to find his crush (Ms. Mune-Mune)'s slippers at the front door next to Mr. Abe's. Now before you say that's not a sex scene, yes It is. In the episode we find out that Mune-Mune is in love with Mr. Abe. And it's also traditional for Japanese to take off thier shoes when entering a house. Take those two together and
add the fact that Arumi's grandfather visited at Nighttime and the inside of the house was dark, face it, they were boning.

6. In Vol. 2 and Vol. 4 of Please Teacher, we find out Hyosuke and Kaede have sex in a hotel during summer vacation and a love hotel in the last episode, and we also find out Koishi has been having sex with Mr. Yamada, the teacher! O.o And the weird thing is while Kei was about 19-20 in Episode 13, Koishi was only about16-17. Wow. PEDORAMA.

*********END SPOILER LERT (KINDA)**********************************

After all that sex, I'm gonna smoke me a cigarette, and whatever Mugen was smoking last night. lol

*****END SPOILER ALERT************

Response to Anime Club 2005-07-17 14:35:35

Who wanna help me with my flash: Fight skills

Please reply if you wonna join me

Response to Anime Club 2005-07-17 14:53:33

At 7/17/05 02:35 PM, Fastmario wrote: Who wanna help me with my flash: Fight skills

Please reply if you wonna join me

This sint the place to ask you should go to the flash forum and make a new topic.
Mabey Ill chack it out.

Response to Anime Club 2005-07-17 16:51:14


Response to Anime Club 2005-07-17 18:21:18

What are your favourite anime comedies? Here are a few that I liked a lot: Chobits, Jungle Wa Itsuma Hale Nochi Guu, Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu!, Photon, 2x2 = Shinobuden, Ranma 1/2, Dragonball (when Goku's a kid), Azumanga Daioh, etc.

Response to Anime Club 2005-07-17 19:40:28

At 7/17/05 12:51 PM, _RanmaSaotome_ wrote: Sorry for double post but

* More Spoilers for Tonights Paranoia Agent *
Ok theres also another sign, they dont have any shadows. Now I have a copy of the episode myself and they all have shadows up intill when they are in the construction building. So its quite possible they died there with that attempt at suicide and since it was such a easy peaceful death they most likely didnt realize they died. Also the condoms are called Happy Family which is the title of the episode and how they have become a happy family thats the symbol behind that. The reason the old man becomes dizzy in the parking lot is because he notices he has no shadows. He also mutters delusion which he means by them delusioning themselves.
* End Spoilers *

or the fact that zebra saw the man who got hit by the train get up and while the crowd was still looking at his body.....
*****End spoiler****

Response to Anime Club 2005-07-17 22:43:18

At 7/17/05 07:40 PM, DF64 wrote:
At 7/17/05 12:51 PM, _RanmaSaotome_ wrote: Sorry for double post but

* More Spoilers for Tonights Paranoia Agent *
Ok theres also another sign, they dont have any shadows. Now I have a copy of the episode myself and they all have shadows up intill when they are in the construction building. So its quite possible they died there with that attempt at suicide and since it was such a easy peaceful death they most likely didnt realize they died. Also the condoms are called Happy Family which is the title of the episode and how they have become a happy family thats the symbol behind that. The reason the old man becomes dizzy in the parking lot is because he notices he has no shadows. He also mutters delusion which he means by them delusioning themselves.
* End Spoilers *
or the fact that zebra saw the man who got hit by the train get up and while the crowd was still looking at his body.....
*****End spoiler****

lol that episode was so funny i couldnt stop laughing at what was happening lol they were chasing lil slugger XD when i saw that scene i laughed so hard


s-CRY-ed was also funny as hell


Response to Anime Club 2005-07-17 23:30:40

hey just got back from camping over the past 3 days. sorry I haven't posted lately. More anime we don't get -Hyper Shadow-

Response to Anime Club 2005-07-17 23:58:21

hay every1 i am proud to announce that kouga-kun has passed his road test.

also, that guy from samurai chamloo was pretty powerful this week.

Response to Anime Club 2005-07-18 00:01:33

At 7/17/05 11:58 PM, Riousoul wrote: hay every1 i am proud to announce that kouga-kun has passed his road test.

also, that guy from samurai chamloo was pretty powerful this week.

Mike, the way you so casually post here is hillarious... But yes, you do speak the truth, I have passed my road test.

Staying on topic, Paranoia Agent was amazing this week...

Founder of the Newgrounds Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2005-07-18 00:02:32

At 7/17/05 11:58 PM, Riousoul wrote: hay every1 i am proud to announce that kouga-kun has passed his road test.

Congrads Kouga

also, that guy from samurai chamloo was pretty powerful this week.

Mugen rocked the house.

Well anyways Im in a budget right now so I cant buy that much anime
but hell the anime in Ebay are pretty cheap and I have a awsome Dvd player so I was wondering if anyone knew of a good cheap Complete anime(I hate waiting) I can get on ebay.