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Resident evil club

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Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-17 11:18:31

At 7/14/06 07:14 AM, Zer0_exy wrote: I GOT IT!The next RE game should be DD:RE...lol Dance Dance Resident Evil

Yeah. And maybe one of the song's can be a big orchestra of zombie moans! That would be cool. 0_0


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Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-17 13:40:48

At 7/14/06 11:38 PM, Zer0_exy wrote:
At 7/14/06 09:27 AM, ReDSoUlJa wrote: ah yes dancing to the moans of enemies uhh.. interesting lol
I meant dancing AS a zombie...

Can zombies really dance? ...oh, nevermind. Thriller just came to mind...

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

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Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-17 15:21:48

At 7/17/06 01:40 PM, StevensA wrote:
Can zombies really dance? ...oh, nevermind. Thriller just came to mind...

don't forget the break dance!
*thinks about zombie parts flying around*

Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-17 15:52:08

May I join this club?

Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-17 16:59:10

Hey, don't know if you guys remember me, I am Flash/Spowis and I was here from about page 40 onwards, Exy and Majin SHOULD know me. Anyway, I just thought I should let all the zombie hunters know that I'm working on a radio show at the moment, sorry to whore it all here, but I need pro guys such as yourselves to give your opinion. ^^

So, if you're interested, go to Playgold Radio and hopefully we'll see you there!

Peace out, keep on surviving.

And to the last guy, you need to say 'I am a zombie' to get in. ;)

Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-17 23:22:44

I am a zombie

But zombies can't talk! unless you have some kind of groan-to-english dictionary :p

Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-18 09:47:05

well... I happen to speak fluent in groans and moans so there will be no problem with translations.
just dont start speaking in ashley, very hard to interpret.

Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-18 10:54:26

At 7/17/06 04:59 PM, Playgold wrote:

:sorry to whore it all here, but I need pro guys such as yourselves to give your opinion. ^^

Sounds cool I'm looking forward to it.


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Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-18 11:28:18


E-Mail The above post can in no way be held against the user in a court of law. So fuck you Po-Leeece.

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Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-18 12:16:22

I will join. Huge fan of everything RE, except the book Caliban Cove because I thought it sucked

Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-18 12:18:55

Why is it that when the characters on RE see nemisis there like "oh i can take him!" (nemisis bites their head off) o.O

Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-18 12:29:12

Exactly, the characters all think, oooh, i can take him down with my measly little magnum with four bullets, that'll get me through to the next typewriter...

***Claire Redfields diary...***

Today i pushed a box. And another one, which made some stairs appear. Then some dogs came out. The dogs killed me. I pushed a box. And another one, some stairs appeared, then some dogs came out and i killed them. Then i went down the stairs and this big spider poisoned me. I died. I pushed a box...

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Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-18 12:49:38

At 7/18/06 12:16 PM, Kehoe86 wrote: I will join. Huge fan of everything RE, except the book Caliban Cove because I thought it sucked

Hey that booked rocked my socks! I have the whole freaken series.

Aslo that diary is pretty funny maybe I should make my own version sometime :)

Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-18 12:55:27

What about a few diary stories??? Different people in the group take a different character and write a few days or something each time? Based on either the movies, games, books or just a figment of zombie imagination?

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Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-19 08:09:33

lol here's leo's diary

Today I found a gun with no bullets,when i picked up the gun a zombie came at me from nowhere and i tried to shoot it with the gun.the gun had no bullets.i died


Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-19 09:54:08

At 7/18/06 12:16 PM, Kehoe86 wrote: I will join. Huge fan of everything RE, except the book Caliban Cove because I thought it sucked

just repost saying "i am a zombie" and ur in. and yes caliban cove was horrible lol

Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-19 12:09:17

Diary of a gandos (or how ever it is spelt)

woke up to milk the cows to day. find out that some lunatic has burnt them all too death. found him hiding in the hay loft of the barn. he procedes to shoot me in the face and kicks me in the chin while i stagger about. now im on the floor where he starts to knife me in the face untill, to my surprise as much as his, my head explodes with what looks a large penis with a knife on the end growing out my neck. so it cut off his dick and shove it down his throat. then i done some fishing.

Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-19 12:14:21

At 7/19/06 09:54 AM, ReDSoUlJa wrote:
At 7/18/06 12:16 PM, Kehoe86 wrote: I will join. Huge fan of everything RE, except the book Caliban Cove because I thought it sucked
just repost saying "i am a zombie" and ur in. and yes caliban cove was horrible lol

Why is it that everyone seems to have read Caliban Cove? I mean is it like the only resident evil book you can come by? Anyway right now im reading Resident Evil City of the Dead. It's pretty good, but then again I though Calibain Cove was good.

Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-19 20:39:14

Hm, so now we are doing diarys? Cool, I found the ones up very funny. I would do one, but one, I am very lazy. Two, Maybe I better play the rest of Resident Evil one before attempting to do one.

Now, if you excuse me, I'm gonna dance to "Thriller" the best I can...(nose falls off)...damn the Micheal Jackson curse!

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

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Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-20 07:00:58

lol, I don't have Caliban Cove, I have that and the book of Zero Hour, both pretty damn good!

lol, and newgroundsluvr, you could actually check out the show if you're interested...;)

Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-20 11:00:29

Jill Valentines Diary

I was sitting in my the precinct, enjoying a coffee, when suddenly i looked around for no particular reason, and, everyone had disappeared!!! Needless to say, i immediately went to the bulletin board, where i found nothing of interest. I turned around to the desk, and saw that it was very messy, so i looked again and it was still very messy.

I decided to take a walk around, and i saw Terry acting very strangely, mumbling and groaning, wandering around with ketchup all over his face...(note to self, recruiting from the special ed school may be a bad idea)

I went upstairs and all the doors were locked...which was quite strange, but even stranger, when i lent on the statue on the top floor, it moved, and the door opened down the hall...

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Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-20 11:59:37

Leons Diary (RE2)

After being chased by some wierd zombies I came across this wierd room. I found nothing of interest in the one desk and I found nothing of interest in that desk about 50 more times. Then I found something interesting they were photos of interesting people with interesting intrests (little RE2 secret there) . I then saw something shiney in the corner of the room and to my surprise it was a herb. I ate it and suddenly my wounds healed and my heartbeat returned to normal. Then I saw some shiney ink ribbon in the side of the room and started tapping mindlessly on a typewriter about how long I was in this mansion.

Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-20 15:06:45

Hey has anybody ever noticed the the herbs look suspiciosly like weed plants? Anyway I guess I can make a diary entry.

Leon's Diary RE4

Okay so I finally got that bitch Ashley out of the godamn church. I mean who would put the fukckin' key all the hell back in a fuckin' waterfall? I mean wouldn't it be pretty inconvienient to have to go all the way there to get into the church. Oh yeah. When she wasn't looking I took out my rifle and zoomed in on that nice rack of hers!

What the fuck? I was just helping her down a ledge and I just looked up to try and catch her and she put her hands in between her legs and said out of the blue "Oh you pervert!" I didn't do shit! Pssh.. whatever last time I help that bitch.


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Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-21 21:50:14

Diary or Jill Valentine RE1

Some how today we all got seperated in a creepy mansion. We all ran in together yet somehow as soon as we opened the door Chris dissapered. Yet we couldnt find him even though I found the keys that open the doors to go further into the mansion he must of found some super key. Then Barry told me to investegate some wierd noise in the next room even though he is a way higher rank then me. I guess its not that bad because this room is safe from the zombies I mean its the SAFE room theres no way they can get in here. Well I gotta go, somehow wesker opened the locked doors as well.

Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-23 02:24:23

well, I bought a GC to try to rebuild my RE collection and the first one I bought was RE2 for now.

One problem though, I cant seem to unlock Hunk or extra battle even though I beat the game on both scenarios wirh both characters, without saving more than once, no special weapons, and no aid sprays. I did only do it on easy, is that the problem? Because the guides I read said the only thing I hade to do was get an A rank on scenario B with either character, which I did all 4 times through. My best time was 1:59.11 and the worst was something like 2:38.??.

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Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-24 11:38:30

At 7/23/06 02:24 AM, MasterStalker wrote:
One problem though, I cant seem to unlock Hunk or extra battle even though I beat the game on both scenarios wirh both characters, without saving more than once, no special weapons, and no aid sprays. I did only do it on easy, is that the problem? Because the guides I read said the only thing I hade to do was get an A rank on scenario B with either character, which I did all 4 times through. My best time was 1:59.11 and the worst was something like 2:38.??.

Don't do it on easy.

Thats your problem.

Though the Hunk scenario is overrated.

Tofu is better. Tofu and a knife

Between the idea And the reality

Between the motion And the act, Falls the Shadow

An argument in Logic

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Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-24 12:03:36

Tofu is insane I wish he was in mercs for RE4. I remember first seeing RE2 tofu. Zombies, all they want is a bite to eat. They switched to tofu because its healthier

Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-24 16:12:51

At 7/24/06 12:03 PM, Biff777 wrote: Tofu is insane I wish he was in mercs for RE4. I remember first seeing RE2 tofu. Zombies, all they want is a bite to eat. They switched to tofu because its healthier

makes them barf up less.

also, will make a diary tomorow.

Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-24 16:17:24

I can't believe this diary idea has actually gotten this much response. I actually had a good idea for once. Go me and my strange mind. Haha.

Thanks all!

E-Mail The above post can in no way be held against the user in a court of law. So fuck you Po-Leeece.

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Response to Resident evil club 2006-07-24 18:22:49

make a diary written by the tofu ^__^