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Most annoying things in video games

4,439 Views | 109 Replies

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 22:34:44

At 7/5/06 07:44 PM, Little_Benwa wrote: When any game doesn't give you good instructions.

Every game I've played has given good enough instructions. And I've played ALOT of games. What are you playing?

When someone in the game expains the game for 20 minutes and there is no skipping it.

You mean like a cutscene? Well if you can't skip a cutscene (which is rare in games) chances are the makers wanted the user to see it to understand the story. And that was by far an over exaggeration, because I've never played a game that had a 20 minute cutscene. If there were a scene that long, it would definatly be skip-a-ble. You just need to be a little more patient with games.

In an online game when one player keeps following you around and keeps on beating you.

Play with people your own skill level if your frustrated with people who are better then you. One way of doing this is playing over Xbox Live, where you get paired automatically with people your skill level.

In a mulitplauer game where you are just learining the controls and all of the experienced players attack you because it is an easy win.

For this situation, simply create your own room and learn. Or better yet, learn faster or see if the game offers a tutorial.


As for me, I don't really think anything in video games are annoying. This are only annoying if you let them be. For example, when people breath in the mics loudly, it used to annoy me, but rather then get annoyed now, I learn to just not care. It's quite simple and less stressful.


BBS Signature

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 22:40:56

I hate certain publishers/devolpers that let Uwe Boll direct or have anything to do with there movie.

They were better than actors. We looked for local Romanian actresses, but there they are all from the theater and act very broadly. For 150 euros a piece the whores would be naked and do as they were told. It was better." (in an interview for Bloodrayne: The Movie talking about why he chose to use prostitutes instead of actual actresses)


ITs sucks because he has the Far Cry movie, >:(

He even has postal FTW. I didnt even know that game had a story.



Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 23:24:18

Semi-immortality...I understand it'd be hard to create another method of play, but I hate how in all the war games like Call of Duty and stuff, you kill everyone else with 3 or 4 bullets or 1 in the head, yet you can take a grenade 5 feet away and ~25 shots or ~5 in the head before you die...Like wtf...are you supposed to be some kind of super-human...most people at war would be lucky/unlucky (however they look at it) to kill a single person, yet a single person in these games is EXPECTED to kill nearly the entire opposing army. Plus not only does it take so much to kill you but...you heal if you wait a few seconds inbetween eating lead. If you add it up you can literally be fighting in perfect condition with like 50lb's of lead in you (unless you're supposedly pulling out these bullets in the few seconds you hide in between shootings...).

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Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 23:26:04

Dieing from a gunshot online because of online lag on Call Of Duty 2.
Also, missing somebody with your gunshot because of lag

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Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 23:40:22

Cheap fighters in fighter games,Mega man, way too much grinding in RPGs(which is why i never play them anymore.)

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 23:44:18

god of war when your in the desert the freakin noise those monster make


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Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 23:47:18

When the thumbsticks fall out :(

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 23:55:53

well when people follow me around i get pissed and i kill them.
as for guys attacking newbies i use stradigy to win i run around and hide then pounce. it doesnt always work but it does damage

Gamertag: Catspirit123

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Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 23:57:47

At 7/5/06 07:51 PM, kidray76 wrote: Thats why you have offline mode. When I'm online, I don't care if a n00b is playing. Stats are stats. Practice in story mode or offline with friends to get prepared for online. Halo people can get ugly for n00bies.

No when your one on one with your freind who plays every day, against me who doesn't own an X-box and only played it a little while before. It just downright sucks for any one who doesn't own it.

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-06 00:00:31

Loading screens. Plain and simple.


BBS Signature

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-06 00:01:24

When you're using a Playstation and it keeps locking up and takes a painfully long time to load.

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-06 00:04:36

I hate when games don't take the shotgun serously. It's not one step over a handgun, it's a close range fire breathing dragon. In the first rainbow six when you fired the shotgun 6 pellets came out and if any of them hit something it was complete coincidence.

I have nothing against people who can use pot and lead a productive life. It's these sanctimonius hippies that make me wish I was a riot cop in the 60's

BBS Signature

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-06 00:10:57

hahaha I just thought of one, for every fighting game there is one guy thats some Bruce Lee wannabe with a high pitched scream everytime he kicks or punches and usually (i said USUALLY) he is one of the characters that are cheap.

Techno IS overrated

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Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-06 00:14:41

Over-censorship. I'm not saying a game HAS to have swearing, but when all the dialogue has been gutted to dumb it down so that little kids could understand it and/or not be offended, it makes me cringe, especially during the important or dramatic scenes. (eg. You just destroyed that entire city! You big meanie!) Killed a good deal of Star Ocean 3 for me. I really wanted to like that game, too. =(

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-06 01:18:14

Anything too repedative.

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-06 01:29:35

Red buttons...they are scary o.O

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-06 01:32:36

Any online game where a server admin will kick and/or ban people just so they can steal a win.

50% of all statistics are made up 90% of the time.

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-06 02:04:48

Console/PC games that look and sound like they would be kickass, but they really aren't

PC games that look to be kickass, but really aren't and you can't return them.

PC games that lag, and you can't return them.


Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-06 02:08:10

Im sorry Mario, but our princess is in another castle.


Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-06 02:15:00

I hat these about video games

1. When it ses press the ___ button example: super button. and you have no idea which button that is
2. when they make a game of a really crappy movie.
3. when they make a game whith a really crappy story
4. When ur on an online game and nobody even spares you one credit(game money)
5. online game and everybody kills u cause u just got on.
6. ppl send u spam in an online game privateley
7. a game that sais press this buttin repeatedly. becuase my fingers are hurt (broken) (just my thumbs)

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-06 02:23:36

When you fight a really hard mini-boss only to then be murdered by the real boss.
Or when somebody is portrayed as an extremely powerful character but when you fight him you beat him easily.
And finally enemies that knock you on the ground then get right up in your face and the second you get up he knocks you on the floor again and carrys on going like that until your dead.


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Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-06 02:29:06

One more thing. Annoying secondary characters that annoy you so much you just want to murder them in the most brutal way possible. An excellent example is Toad off most Mario games and Slippy off all Star fox games.


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Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-06 17:21:15

At 7/5/06 09:39 PM, Slython wrote:
At 7/5/06 08:05 PM, redface wrote:
~The Fact that there aren't any wrestling games for the 360 (and that there won't be for a while
Rumble Roses XX is a wrestling game... and a solid one at that.

you're joking, right?

wait until WWE Smackdown! vs. RAW 2007 and TNA iMPACT! come out and blow that shitty game outta the water.

Twitter|Big Mean Flash Gamer| Art by John Dyer Baizley, sig by Shaun.

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Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-06 18:37:58

when you have an ass load of ammo, some bazooka's, and alot of other good shit, there's a wooden door, and you can't shoot it down, you have a fuckin' bazooka and you can't blow up a fuckin' wooden door, man that pisses me off

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-06 18:59:34

Invisible walls.

Also, in RF, when one person can Tank an entire army.

Shameless plug

Dont really like the song, dont blame me, I didnt make it.

BBS Signature

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-06 19:19:05

Thought of 5 more

1. Every fighting game has some sort of Bruce Lee wannabe with a high pitched voice whenever he attacks

2. When you play Halo 2 Multiplayer in split screen and there a 4 players and someone kills someone first and the guy says "Gained the lead, lost the lead, lost the lead, lost the lead" to every player that lost the lead. One fucking time is enough dammit!

3. There is always that one cheap weapon that noobs use in an online FPS (Halo 2, the sword/sniper)

4. When someone uses STANDBY

5. When people breathe through the mic.

Techno IS overrated

BBS Signature

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-06 19:23:17

when your about to beat a level then all of a sudden the game freezes (and you didnt save yet, sorta like fable)

Whoop Whoop

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-06 19:31:23

Bad camera angles, bad controls, cut-sceans that you can't skip and when you have to pay to play a game. Like WoW, why would someone wan't to pay monthly fees for a game you already payed for.

BBS Signature

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-06 20:04:38

Star Ocean till the end of time.

good game but half of the time u have no frikin idea were 2 go next

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-06 20:09:22

what i hate is when your walking around (like in resident evil 4) and all the sudden something pops out of nowhere and attacks you or kills you (this happened to me in resident evil 4) lol