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Most annoying things in video games

4,441 Views | 109 Replies

Here are mine- Post your thoughts.

When any game doesn't give you good instructions.

When someone in the game expains the game for 20 minutes and there is no skipping it.

In an online game when one player keeps following you around and keeps on beating you.

In a mulitplauer game where you are just learining the controls and all of the experienced players attack you because it is an easy win.

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 19:46:17

At 7/5/06 07:44 PM, Little_Benwa wrote: In a mulitplauer game where you are just learining the controls and all of the experienced players attack you because it is an easy win.

Well before you play online I suggest learning to play the game. Or beat the single player mode first. My biggest peeve in a game is when you die you cant skip a scene that youve already watched.

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 19:47:01

Escort Missions.

The only good one was in Ace Combat 4.

Jason Becker, will of steel. | Django Reinhardt, the greatest.

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Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 19:48:08

SKIPPY! who remembers starfoxs intergalactic "special friend"

Buffy the Vampire Slayer vs. Gold Bikini Leia... FIGHT!

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 19:48:25

Lag. :(

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 19:49:07

At 7/5/06 07:47 PM, HellzYeahCCR wrote: Escort Missions.

The only good one was in Ace Combat 4.

I liked the ones in RE4, if you can call them that.
But other annoying stuff? Unnesscary sneaking. That's why there's MGS and Splinter Cell.

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http://metaldart.webs.com/ My freewebs website. Check it out dog.

My old NG profile ID: 1321019

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Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 19:49:35


Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 19:49:43

At 7/5/06 07:48 PM, modernizenerd wrote: SKIPPY! who remembers starfoxs intergalactic "special friend"

Yes Slippy the frog's voice makes my ears bleed.

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 19:50:12

yeah it stinks when you die and have to see the seen again. But what I hate the most is when they put you in acity and make you run around and find stuff. And go into buildings and... AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH EVIL

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 19:51:52

At 7/5/06 07:44 PM, Little_Benwa wrote: Here are mine- Post your thoughts.

When any game doesn't give you good instructions.

True, usually the phamplet gives the overview good enough to at least get started.

When someone in the game expains the game for 20 minutes and there is no skipping it.

I agree, this includes cut scenes for me. Don't really care about the story line for fighting games.

In an online game when one player keeps following you around and keeps on beating you.

It is annoying, but I've done that soooo many times in Golden Rogue Agent. Just get better or at least change up yoru style.

In a mulitplauer game where you are just learining the controls and all of the experienced players attack you because it is an easy win.

Thats why you have offline mode. When I'm online, I don't care if a n00b is playing. Stats are stats. Practice in story mode or offline with friends to get prepared for online. Halo people can get ugly for n00bies.

Though one thing I do hate about some games, are games with absoluetly no replay value. You know, once u beat the game, you really don't have a reason to go back and play more. All fighting games have replay value just because u can fight with different characters or agaisnt people. I guess I mean games like Fusion Frenzy. They already give you all the games, once u go through them all. unless you see one thats alot of fun, pretty much put it in the back of the closet and forget it.

NG Review Moderator // Pm me for Review Abuse

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Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 19:52:05

Choppy graphics annoy the hell outta me, especially on a shooter.

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 19:53:23

At 7/5/06 07:44 PM, Little_Benwa wrote: When any game doesn't give you good instructions.
When someone in the game expains the game for 20 minutes and there is no skipping it.

Isn't that giving good instructions though? Or are you talking about plot/dialouge scenes? Yeah long cutscenes suck, usually because they end up being dragged out and boring.

In an online game when one player keeps following you around and keeps on beating you.

In a mulitplauer game where you are just learining the controls and all of the experienced players attack you because it is an easy win.

Heh yeah, if you're going to play multiplayer or online you need to be pretty good at the game to stand a chance against some people. If you're a newbie at the game it's good to practice in single player first before jumping to online.

I'd say some of the most annoying things in games would be really cheesy plots or characters that try to act way too overdramatic and end up making the game feel really silly. It ends up being hilarious but it's still annoying.

BBS Signature

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 19:54:14

At 7/5/06 07:49 PM, Little_Benwa wrote:
At 7/5/06 07:48 PM, modernizenerd wrote: SKIPPY! who remembers starfoxs intergalactic "special friend"
Yes Slippy the frog's voice makes my ears bleed.


Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 19:55:04

Mine is when you beat two extremely hard but you beat em people but then the final boss picks you up when you are at almost the lowest health

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 19:55:13

every time i play css i hate it but i also love it :(

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 19:55:44

Puzzles/mini games.
Rarely any of them are worth the waste of my time and barely any contribute to the plot, where the plot would not progress without it.

Acceptable minigames include but are not limited to: blitzball in FFX, and the card game in FF8.

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 19:55:45

Stealth missions in killing games.

I have nothing against people who can use pot and lead a productive life. It's these sanctimonius hippies that make me wish I was a riot cop in the 60's

BBS Signature

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 19:55:51

I hate when I play a game and I mess up over and over, and the game just says, "HAHA! YOU SUCK!" each time a lose which pisses me off even more.


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Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 20:03:06

When i'm, playing an online game and all the people do is complain about how bored they are

Biggest mistake in life #3 : Mispronouncing "Niger" while giving a speech in Africa.

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Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 20:05:16

Unskippable cut-scenes, the amount of memory it takes up, even though it shouldn't have to.

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 20:05:54

i dunno guy, you're dis-likes are rather vague in my opinion... anyway... I don't like:

~how often matches become one-sided in the comp's favor in wrestling games...
~people who bash games that are quirky and innovative, like "Katamari Damacy"
~when everyone one your team in an online game is an idiot.
~when games you get really excited about end up sucking (like Marvel Nemisis)
~ the xbox360's "backwards compadibility"
~how the music my 360 is really fitting for custim soundtracks (try listening to They Might Be Giants while playing G.R.A.W)
~The fact that there isn't an X-Men Legends 3
~The Fact that there aren't any wrestling games for the 360 (and that there won't be for a while
~The Fact that it takes a while to level up in Elder Scrolls IV
~The extra monthly fee for Final Fantasy XI.

Twitter|Big Mean Flash Gamer| Art by John Dyer Baizley, sig by Shaun.

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Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 20:10:17

At 7/5/06 07:49 PM, AeroZeppelin wrote: Tingle.

I f*cking hate Tingle! Luckly he's not coming back for LoZ: TP :)
Also when you can't skip something someones says or a cut sceen your've read/watched a thousand times!

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 20:12:19

At 7/5/06 08:05 PM, redface wrote: ~how the music my 360 is really fitting for custim soundtracks (try listening to They Might Be Giants while playing G.R.A.W)

jeez, I really F'd up that one.

~How the music on my 360 isn't really fitting for the "costum soundtracks" (try listening to They Might Be Giants while playing G.R.A.W)

Twitter|Big Mean Flash Gamer| Art by John Dyer Baizley, sig by Shaun.

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Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 20:19:02

I'd like to add: excessive faggot 13-year-olds at XBL, backtracking (except in Castlevania), stealthy missions, having no idea what to do next, save spots that are a mile away, shit character designs, and repetitive gameplay.

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 20:19:52

I really hate the accidental video game porn.

BBS Signature

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 20:19:56

My number one gripe is glitches:
(e.g. Characters hands/gun/head/etc. goes through the wall.)

Other than that, it's Loading times and Lag. I can't really think of anything else. I love video games too much.

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 20:21:40

I guess those are things that annoy me when I play games especially the newb gets attacked always thing.

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 20:22:22

When the angle of the camera is unchangeable, and it's stuck on a wall or some shit like that.

PSN id - dellick

STEAM id - Yokumashu


Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 20:25:23

Let's see here...
**glitches in console games...
**when people are random scammer jerks because they have nothing better to do with life
**paying to play a game you already bought
**constantly having to download more patches for online games because people just can't help but find ways to cheat
**actually completing the single player / offline modes of a game, then going online and just because you play different from somebody else having to lsiten / read their useless flaming comments for the next hour and a half wherein they die many more times then you because they're busy trying to rant about how much you suck instead of playing the fuggin' game
**the majority of the warcraft 3 online populace
**last but not least, seeingt as the previous items were not listen in any particular order, how people seem to find it necessary to start spamming "im not a n00b!!" everytime they join a custom game on warcraft 3...

Response to Most annoying things in video games 2006-07-05 20:26:29

Having to push crates to solve puzzles... Like in Blood Omen and Resident Evil and God of War and Tomb Raider and pretty much every game that has some sort of puzzle.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!