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Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue

3,903 Views | 57 Replies

Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-06-09 18:44:29

I respect what you are saying.There Is a show called Penn and Tellers:Bullshit that did a topic related to what you are talking about.It was on abstinence.I think a good amount of teens In this country are pregnant because of Ignorance of not knowing how to use birth control.But hey It's just my opinion take It or leave It

i'm back with 46 and 2 ahead of me

BBS Signature

Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-06-09 18:49:19

There is evidence that only 50 per cent of under-18s in the UK use contraception the first time they have sex, which contributes to the UK’s very high teenage pregnancy rates. Gillingham, one of the Medway Towns, has one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates of all.

I live in Gillingham. Hah, our town is full of sluts.

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Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-06-09 19:17:30

i say if the 13 year old cheer leader wants to get rammed let her its her choice

The newgrounds secrets

A Fourm Post Should Be Like A Skirt, Long Enough To Cover The Subject, But Short Enough To Keep Things Interesting.

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Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-06-10 02:10:34

At 6/9/06 06:49 PM, Syrup-Stealer wrote:
Hah, our town is full of sluts.

That's the problem.

You see, when it comes right down to it, I think women WANT to be treated like whores. Why do they dress like that, why do they wear shirts that fit around their breasts like swimming-caps on beautiful shaved men? I think it all has to do with salmon, you see, salmon swim upstream, much like the Titanic did when it ran into the iceberg. Icebergs always travel downstream.

Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-06-10 02:11:49

pulling out doesn't work
proven fact


Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-06-10 02:27:23

First off it's human nature for people to have sex. Albeit 13 Is kinda young there seriously is nothing wrong with that. And also Teenage preganacies have been going on since well as long as ther have been humans. Back a long time ago humans didn't live long at most 40 years and well We had babies really really early. Now that we're living longer We no linger veiw having kids at a yopung age a good thing. But all in all We need to respect each other. and when people chose to have a baby.

Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-06-10 02:28:03

Don't be silly this is a hilarious issue.

Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-06-28 11:26:42

At 6/28/06 11:23 AM, SleepWellMyAngel wrote:
Won't be so hilarious then will it big boy!?

Sing it man. Did you know that there are babies being born every moment of every day? The world is making life, all the time. You won't be spared the force of mother nature just because you're young, look at New Orleans, you know how many high mofos there probably were when that happened. Think about trying to rollup and then having a tsunami come and wipe your ass out.

Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-07-02 02:08:21

Let's see...a girl gets pregnant while being a teen and that makes her a whore? Biggest load of horse crap I have ever heard. As I recall it takes a MAN AND A WOMAN to create a life. Most of the comments here on this matter are truely ignorant and retarded. What about the guy who got her tpregnant I guess he is off the hook because he doesn't have to carry a life in side of him for 9 months and then have to tpush something the size of a melon out of a hole the size of a lemon. Unless any of you have been pregnant as a teen or can get pregnant you need to keep your backwater sarcastic comments to yourself. I know a few teen mothers who got pregnant their first time because they actually loved that person. MM what about the women who don't get pregnant mm i guess their alright to fuckshit men who know they can't get "that fine piece of ass tpregnant and if they do...why care". BLAH fucking blah. Everyone has a shitty comment to make because someone got pregnant young. And no im not referring to me...i didn't get tpregnant as a teen but i did before i was married i guess that means im a easy fuck huh? Wrong only a moron would say that OR a person who wouldn't stand a chance with a woman who they know wouldn't put out. Not everyone can use birth control or condoms ever think of that mm? yeah...Until a man can get pregnant they all need to shut the fuck up with their speculations. So before you are quick to mock a tpregnant teen tponder this: What if that was your little girl? Unless its your daughter who is in this situation you need to mind your own damn business... Looking down on them is not the way to go NOR is saying you should wait until your married...tell the shit who got her pregnant not to use that " If you love me.." Better even, tell the impregnator Keep you dick in your tpants and stop getting women pregnant and decide you can't handle it. Unless any of you lost your virginity after you were married or is capable of giving birth...Stfu

Don't only look at her,,,LOOK at him as well . If you are the "him"....you need to not even comment on the matter. I doubt most of you even waited until you were married or practice abstance.

Thread killer and proud of it :)

Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-07-02 02:18:38

lol, Teenage Pregnancy!

Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-07-02 02:34:22

At 6/4/06 02:53 AM, No-oneSpecial wrote: Nice, but you know it's not exactly what's going through my head at the time. I mean who thinks of the guy from BBS when there's a chick with her legs spread? Not that I don't use a condom.

nice emo sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-07-02 02:46:22

as the specials put it all those years ago:

"you've done too much, much to young... now you're with a kid when you should be having fun with me"

My mother got knocked up at a young age.
because of that, I had a less than decent childhood.
there were alot of things I had to go without.

If you arent able to keep up with the jone's and provide your child with the essentials to gurentee their sucsess in life, you shouldnt be allowed to have children.

someone should step in and put a stop to all this; for the sake of the children!

Manditory Birth Control for everyone!
Depoprovera, Orthotrycycline, whatever.
Condoms arent good enough. Pulling out doesnt work.
Abstenence isnt realistic, although oral is encouraged.

If you cant afford to spare $30,000 a year per child,
the government should'nt allow you off the birth control.

we can certainly afford to cut down on people, and only give children to those who can afford to raise them...

That way, bastard children, like the one i was, won't have to go without.

BBS Signature

Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-07-02 03:03:49

At 6/4/06 02:06 AM, SnakesOnAPlane wrote: Pull-out. Give her a load in the face, not a baby.

You lost my respect here.

Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-07-02 03:06:07

I too know a whore who got pregnan at the age of 13. Dumb bitch

Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-07-02 03:27:34

At 7/2/06 03:01 AM, White_Rhyno wrote: Fucking Arts students. Clueless.

Ouch White_Rhyno. Ouch.

Sure, while we're at it, let's not let black people have kids either. That should free up correctional facilities and reduce crime.

Black people should have kids. Just not out of poverty, wetlock, or

I've got a nice bit of legislation for you. How about if you can't afford to work out at the gym for 10 hours a week, the government shouldn't let you eat cake.

That'd be nice. It'd certainly be motivation for a person to stay fit. Only people who are healthy enough to eat unhealthy foods would be allowed to do so. I like it.

If people dont have the self control to do something themeslves, the government should help them- by raising taxes for rich people.

BBS Signature

Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-07-02 03:30:52

At 6/4/06 02:06 AM, SnakesOnAPlane wrote: Pull-out

^ teenage pregancy

Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-07-02 03:31:54


Plot: Dueling alien races, the Autobots and the Decepticons, bring their battle to Earth, leaving the future of humankind hanging in the balance.

Everything seems in order to me.

Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-07-02 03:32:36

At 7/2/06 03:31 AM, SnakesOnAPlane wrote: http://movie-list.co...php?id=transformers

Plot: Dueling alien races, the Autobots and the Decepticons, bring their battle to Earth, leaving the future of humankind hanging in the balance.

Everything seems in order to me.

Sir, you posted in the wrong thread.


Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-07-02 03:35:01


Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-07-04 14:46:37

At 7/2/06 03:27 AM, JustinBianchi wrote:
At 7/2/06 03:01 AM, White_Rhyno wrote: Fucking Arts students. Clueless.
Ouch White_Rhyno. Ouch.

Sure, while we're at it, let's not let black people have kids either. That should free up correctional facilities and reduce crime.
Black people should have kids. Just not out of poverty, wetlock, or

I've got a nice bit of legislation for you. How about if you can't afford to work out at the gym for 10 hours a week, the government shouldn't let you eat cake.
That'd be nice. It'd certainly be motivation for a person to stay fit. Only people who are healthy enough to eat unhealthy foods would be allowed to do so. I like it.

If people dont have the self control to do something themeslves, the government should help them- by raising taxes for rich people.

Ignorance must truly be blissful for you. What is wrong with you? You have the most backwater logic i have ever witnessed. You actually believe that dribble. Who are you to decide who is fit to do what? And the government could give a rats ass about tpeople needing help. Your "loving" government ONLY gives the rich tax cuts. And for your info $30,000 a year isn't middle class, its low class. So unless you make that+$80,000 you are in the same boat as us poverty strickin baby factories. I'm not married and i have a child and i'll tell you what being married or rich doesn't make you a better parent. I'm a DAMN good mother. But i guess having someone else raise my child (ie nanny) i would be mother of the year. BS you are retarded, your opinion on the matter is stupid.

In the words of Gir "Stupidity is the enemy..." *that's you*

Now if you will excuse i need to go conceive another "bastard child" so the government will raise the taxes for the rich to help me. OH and shovel 50 pounds of cake down my throat.


Thread killer and proud of it :)

Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-07-04 14:48:50

At 6/4/06 02:06 AM, SnakesOnAPlane wrote: This, Is a Topic on Your BBS

In this day and age, a proud day and age, full of technology and politics, it is a shame that we are still plagued with an inorexably midieval problem, that dates back to the darkest ages of the Dark Ages. This problem, is teenage pregnancy.

So if this is a problem, why does the body let you be pregnant at that age? BECAUSE IT IS NATURAL! It's not a problem,!

Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-07-04 14:53:19

Also, absteiance only is like saying you can't have a seat belt or a airbad in your car because it would encourage you to crash into things.

I don't take revenue from my profile.

TV Tropes Wiki

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Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-07-04 14:54:22

airbads are bad for your health

Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-08-02 17:41:02

Sometimes one must focus on the past, in order to see to the future.

Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-08-02 17:54:20

Is this a serious intelligent post on the General forum? Wow, what a rare sight.

I commend and fully agree with you good sir.

Now let us tackle the other medievilal problem. Religion.

Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-08-02 17:58:14

At 8/2/06 05:41 PM, JackPhantasm wrote: Sometimes one must focus on the past, in order to see to the future.

thanks for bumping your OWN TOPIC

BBS Signature

Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-08-02 18:01:20

At 8/2/06 05:58 PM, Petroleum wrote:
thanks for bumping your OWN TOPIC

No, thank you. Sometimes when you look outside you see clouds in the sky, but there are also clouds that hang low, these are called mist clouds, i like to call them pimps though, because they hang low.

Response to Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Issue 2006-08-02 18:07:34

At 6/4/06 02:35 AM, Carn-Evil wrote: I know, my refused to have sex with my girlfriend because I didnt have a condom and because it was only a month. And because if she did get pregnant, I wouldnt be able to support it.

...Age: 14. You're only sexual partner should be your hand at that age.