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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-20 13:59:36

Looks like it's been kinda slow in here lately. I probably haven't helped much in that respect, being that I've been pretty inactive lately (in comparison to how active I normally am). I've just been having a hard time getting motivated to do stuff on NG lately. I've managed to deposit my EXP for my main and alt account, and also Jake's account over the past few weeks (whilst he's on vacation)... but other than that I haven't done much.

I'm hoping soon to get back into the B/Ping too. Any of you who bother to look at my line on the roster will have noticed my averages falling week by week, which - in light of the fact that I was previously a top gainer for 13 rosters in a row - is fairly abysmal. Joshiwa has now broken that 13 in a row record, and is powering away towards Commander, and beyond that, Supreme Commander, and I'm being left behind at Brigadier General.

Better get back on it soon... don't want any young whippersnappers overtaking me. Expect to see me back on form in the next month or so. I'm not out of it yet ;P

On an activity-related note, I'd like to see a bit more going on here. I know everyone's busy (at least I know I have been, and so has APF and EagleRock, amongst others), but I'm sure we can pull our fingers out and get this place kick-started once more. I think part of it is a lack of things to say to one another. I know lately when I've dropped in, I've struggled to find anything that I feel the need to reply to, and thus haven't bothered to post.

The problem with being a club that is directed at one main goal (i.e., protecting the portal), is that we sometimes become somewhat focused on one thing, and not much else.

I propose that everyone give EagleRock's manifesto another read, and most especially the bottom section about where the EGB is headed. Look at the below points, taken from the manifesto, and have a think about them. See if there's anything you can come up with to help reinforce those ideas, and thus move this club forwards:

- The Barracks will be run more openly and clearly to all members.

- The Barracks Officers will be kept active and available to its members.

- The Barracks will stay committed to its allies and keep the ties strong.

- The Barracks will stay devoted to its ideals until change is made.

This has become a bit of a long post, but I'm hoping that this might inspire some people to help me make this place slightly more active. Hopefully there's something in this post that everyone has something to say about, so there's no excuse not to reply!

I think that possibly a part of my loss or interest on NG of late has actually been in part due to the EGB sliding down the spiraling path of inactivity. So now there's two reasons to help me make this thread more active: for the EGB's sake, and FOR MY SAKE!

One more thing... I noticed that we're short of an NG mafia liaison officer at the moment. If anybody has affiliations with that club, please speak up. It's not a guarantee that you'll be selected for the position, but it'll certainly put you up for consideration, as right now we have nobody being considered for that position (I don't think).



BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-20 14:31:00

At 6/20/08 01:59 PM, NEVR wrote: Looks like it's been kinda slow in here lately. I probably haven't helped much in that respect, being that I've been pretty inactive lately (in comparison to how active I normally am). I've just been having a hard time getting motivated to do stuff on NG lately. I've managed to deposit my EXP for my main and alt account, and also Jake's account over the past few weeks (whilst he's on vacation)... but other than that I haven't done much.

Well I am glad you have at least lurked during this inactivity patch, I would hate for you to leave. I have lost motivation in plenty of things in life over the years but for some reason this place keeps me addicted.

I'm hoping soon to get back into the B/Ping too. Any of you who bother to look at my line on the roster will have noticed my averages falling week by week, which - in light of the fact that I was previously a top gainer for 13 rosters in a row - is fairly abysmal. Joshiwa has now broken that 13 in a row record, and is powering away towards Commander, and beyond that, Supreme Commander, and I'm being left behind at Brigadier General.

And I hope that you get back into B/Ping, I have fond memories of our B/P battles. I wouldn't call it left behind but just momentarily immobile due to motivation.

Better get back on it soon... don't want any young whippersnappers overtaking me. Expect to see me back on form in the next month or so. I'm not out of it yet ;P

You tell them gramps :P

On an activity-related note, I'd like to see a bit more going on here. I know everyone's busy (at least I know I have been, and so has APF and EagleRock, amongst others), but I'm sure we can pull our fingers out and get this place kick-started once more. I think part of it is a lack of things to say to one another. I know lately when I've dropped in, I've struggled to find anything that I feel the need to reply to, and thus haven't bothered to post.

I know exactly what you mean, I have trouble myself thinking of things to say, but I try. Maybe it is because of summer and people have a ton of stuff going on. But I would hate for the place to turn into the NGPD with spam posts and no real goal.

The problem with being a club that is directed at one main goal (i.e., protecting the portal), is that we sometimes become somewhat focused on one thing, and not much else.

Statwhores ftw.

I propose that everyone give EagleRock's manifesto another read, and most especially the bottom section about where the EGB is headed. Look at the below points, taken from the manifesto, and have a think about them. See if there's anything you can come up with to help reinforce those ideas, and thus move this club forwards:

- The Barracks will be run more openly and clearly to all members.

I've got that down.

- The Barracks Officers will be kept active and available to its members.

I am always available for any member.

- The Barracks will stay committed to its allies and keep the ties strong.

I don't talk much to the other clubs but the again I have nothing to talk to them about. Noss has not been around lately and he is the liaison to the NGPD and we have no one for the NG Mafia.

- The Barracks will stay devoted to its ideals until change is made.





Dancing Pineapple Guy!

128th EGSC. I popped NEVR's BBS ban cherry.

Also cocks.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-20 16:31:05

The Barracks will be run more openly and clearly to all members.

Hopefully, if new recruits are briefed properly, all current members should know what the Barracks are about. As for potential members (and even the general Newgrounds population), this should apply as well.

It's critical for our operations and image that no one thinks of the Barracks as a simple B/P club. "Oh, you guys try to blam everything" or "so you guys are obsessed with points" is not what we want to convey. If you bring up the Barracks to someone, be sure to get the whole message across---we're not about fighting flash crews or fifening everything to stay on top of stat lists, we're about voting fairly on every flash, regardless of creator or subject, in order to counter-act mass-voting, raise the bar for quality, and promote impressive flash. Mentioning our rule-breaking battling is imperative as well.

Attempts at blam clubs and the like happen all the time in the C+C---make sure that you don't give the impression that the Barracks is anything like them.

The Barracks Officers will be kept active and available to its members.

I may be inactive in terms of posting, but I still respond to all messages as quickly as possible, whether over PM, e-mail, Myspace, whatever. If anyone has any questions about the Barracks, Newgrounds, whatever, feel free to pop on over a message.

The Barracks will stay committed to its allies and keep the ties strong.

The closest ally we have is, of course, the Police Department. Barracks members should be sharing all stolen flash alerts (which also helps get shit flagged more efficiently), answering any questions about Newgrounds that come up, and simply visiting and engaging in friendly, intelligent conversation. Having some more Guardsmen in our ranks would be helpful, as well.

The Barracks will stay devoted to its ideals until change is made.

I don't think this is any problem for us. Remember that EGSC and Newgrounds ain't going nowhere---vote for quality, not for points. It can be tempting to fifen a spammy piece of shit that is "certain" to pass, but if enough people stop thinking like that, that shit will not pass.



Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-20 19:49:32

I agree NEVR its strange how in the space of a few weeks the EGB like a ghostdown hardly any posts. Its like how the NGDD was before the contest. Is it because of the fact that people are posting more ,as a result of the contest?. its a shame that may be the reason why NGDD is more active. I slow on the b/p but i dont do as much as some people, its nice to SlashFirestorm post. I dont know how EGB can get more active, maybe a contest or something.

Archer I'm a good shot!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-21 14:08:19

I'm in the mood to be writing a lot lately, so bear with me if a few of my posts are longuns.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to read my previous essay and reply to it. I think that as I've now finished everything that I had going on lately (admin stuff for university, etc.), I have more time to be proactive with other things, such as the EGB. Feels good to get back to it TBH, despite the fact that some of you may barely have noticed my semi-absence.

I'm even getting the motivation to B/P back, which is nice. It's just getting back into the routine more than anything I guess. The longer you stay away from it, though, the harder it is to get back into it - same as anything.

I had a thought after I last posted in here, but thought I'd wait until some people had replied so as not to dominate the entire page with my ridiculously long ramblings. Basically, what I thought was that it would be a nice idea to have some recruiting agents in the EGB. We're currently a bit short of fresh meat in here (no jailhouse type pun intended), so I thought it would be nice to pick a few people who are fairly active, and send them out on a recruiting hunt - looking for suitable candidates for membership, etc.

Not only would this help some people here feel a bit more involved, but it would also help swell our ranks a bit, which is never a bad thing. It doesn't have to be some ridiculous recruiting orgy which ends up getting up 50 more members, but perhaps 1 or 2 new members every few weeks would be a nice thing.

Obviously having too many new members over a short period of time would cause a problem for Joshiwa and I, being that I've already had to expand the roster once already. I can foresee a time when I may have to expand it again, or else find a way of dividing our members up into sections and presenting the roster that way. By 'sections', of course, I mean something that would fit with the whole quasi-militaristic feel to the EGB, so perhaps something along the lines of Platoons or similar would be appropriate... but this is all hypothetical future scenarios.

The main point I'm trying to put across is that it would be nice to get some new people in here, as with new people comes an increased activity level from both old and new members. I would like to see some more Guardsmen in the EGB too, but I've already tried (and failed) to inspire the NGPD folks into taking advantage of the position that we've opened up for them, so I guess we'll need to rethink a way of getting them involved.

I'll leave it there for now. I'll probably have a bit more to say later on (knowing me).


BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-21 17:37:13

I agree NEVR your posts are always fun to read ,and well done. I dont know either why is so inactuve in here its a good place, to share whats going on as well as brag about stats well thats nice. I think its needs something the lack of posts ,is a worry more this club continue?. I do try to contribute but thats not going to help much.

Archer I'm a good shot!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-21 18:19:50

At 6/21/08 05:37 PM, phantomlassuk wrote: I agree NEVR your posts are always fun to read ,and well done.

Heh, thanks. I'm glad you actually enjoy reading my posts rather than seeing the sheer size of them and running in the opposite direction (like most General forum regulars would do). I'm hoping that if I write enough it'll inspire some other people to start being a bit more active in here. Don't know exactly what my logic behind that hope is, but meh. I'll keep powering on until it works ;P

I dont know either why is so inactuve in here its a good place, to share whats going on as well as brag about stats well thats nice. I think its needs something the lack of posts ,is a worry more this club continue?. I do try to contribute but thats not going to help much.

I guess it's just a bit of a dry patch. People obviously have their own lives and things that they need to do, which is fine. Also, perhaps as it's coming towards summer, some people are going on holidays or something? I'm not sure - just guessing really.

Like I said in one of my last posts, I know that certain people are particularly busy right now. Thinking about it, most of these people are those who keep this place going: EagleRock; APF; Joshiwa; Slash; and previously myself as well. I'm sure it'll pass and we'll be back to normal in no time.

Still, I don't like to see the EGB falling off the radar. The deeper it gets buried in the depths of the BBS, the more anxious I get. It's nice to see it staying on the first page of C&C at least.


BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-21 20:05:36

At 6/21/08 02:08 PM, NEVR wrote: a whole lotta stuff.

Well I am very glad you are getting back into the swing of things, and glad you got all that boring bureaucracy stuff out of the way. I honestly would not mind recruiting from time to time to get "fresh meat" onto the roster, seems like it would be fun to get young, aspiring stat whores that we can teach the proper way of doing it.

As for the roster ideas, we can cross that bridge when we get to it, I'm sure we could figure something out.



Dancing Pineapple Guy!

128th EGSC. I popped NEVR's BBS ban cherry.

Also cocks.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-21 22:17:43

At 6/19/08 08:20 PM, Joshiwa wrote: Haha well you will get use to that feeling of it taking forever to get your new rank. Are you in the 2000 gap yet or still the 1500?

I'm still in the 1,500 gaps. I confused it with the 1,000 point gaps, since I recently entered the 1,500 ones.

I am getting excited because my Commander tank is starting to show up from behind my General badge.

Yup, that must look quite exciting. Could you post your NG Log page here?

At 6/20/08 01:59 PM, NEVR wrote: One more thing... I noticed that we're short of an NG mafia liaison officer at the moment. If anybody has affiliations with that club, please speak up. It's not a guarantee that you'll be selected for the position, but it'll certainly put you up for consideration, as right now we have nobody being considered for that position (I don't think).

First of all, can anyone explain me what's the purpose of the NG Mafia. I read some pages but I couldn't really get their point.

At 6/21/08 02:08 PM, NEVR wrote: I'm in the mood to be writing a lot lately, so bear with me if a few of my posts are longuns.

Whatever, I like reading your posts. They're always worth reading, even when they are a small one-liner (which doesn't happen very often, anyway).

Thanks to everyone who took the time to read my previous essay and reply to it. I think that as I've now finished everything that I had going on lately (admin stuff for university, etc.), I have more time to be proactive with other things, such as the EGB. Feels good to get back to it TBH, despite the fact that some of you may barely have noticed my semi-absence.

I noticed your "semi-absence", as you called it. Even though, your posting count here is still higher than some users.

I'm even getting the motivation to B/P back, which is nice. It's just getting back into the routine more than anything I guess. The longer you stay away from it, though, the harder it is to get back into it - same as anything.

I know that. When I came back from my vacations, it was pretty hard to B/P again. I came to Newgrounds only for depositing in the first days after I got back, but soon I got back to action.

I had a thought after I last posted in here, but thought I'd wait until some people had replied so as not to dominate the entire page with my ridiculously long ramblings. Basically, what I thought was that it would be a nice idea to have some recruiting agents in the EGB. We're currently a bit short of fresh meat in here (no jailhouse type pun intended), so I thought it would be nice to pick a few people who are fairly active, and send them out on a recruiting hunt - looking for suitable candidates for membership, etc.

I've seen some members that have a good posting quality and are acceptable here in terms of stats. I even thought of asking them to join here, but I didn't want to look like a dumbass promoting us via PM. I know, Slash once mentioned it that the maximum we could get was "a fuck you and a PM blocking" but, still, I don't think I have courage to do so.

However I could mention a few users to those who apply for this task. They aren't many, but some could be good additions here.

Not only would this help some people here feel a bit more involved, but it would also help swell our ranks a bit, which is never a bad thing. It doesn't have to be some ridiculous recruiting orgy which ends up getting up 50 more members, but perhaps 1 or 2 new members every few weeks would be a nice thing.

This would be nice. It's always good when someone new comes, even though I haven't seen many coming in since I joined.

...The main point I'm trying to put across is that it would be nice to get some new people in here, as with new people comes an increased activity level from both old and new members. I would like to see some more Guardsmen in the EGB too, but I've already tried (and failed) to inspire the NGPD folks into taking advantage of the position that we've opened up for them, so I guess we'll need to rethink a way of getting them involved.

Sure it would be nice. It's always good when someone new comes. As for the Guardsmen... well, Tails posted here a few days ago, but where is he now? I'd like to see him posting here again.



Phantom is Russian, right? Well, he should be pretty happy with Russia now, because they won The Netherlands in Euro. Nice game.

I'm off to play Guitar Hero now. I'll leave Portal Guard on to catch the new entries.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-22 14:47:16

At 6/21/08 10:17 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 6/19/08 08:20 PM, Joshiwa wrote: Haha well you will get use to that feeling of it taking forever to get your new rank. Are you in the 2000 gap yet or still the 1500?
I'm still in the 1,500 gaps. I confused it with the 1,000 point gaps, since I recently entered the 1,500 ones.

Ah yes, just wait till the 2,000 point gaps ;)

I am getting excited because my Commander tank is starting to show up from behind my General badge.
Yup, that must look quite exciting. Could you post your NG Log page here?

Sure why not. NGlog

First of all, can anyone explain me what's the purpose of the NG Mafia. I read some pages but I couldn't really get their point.

Basically they protect the portal like the NGPD but with a mob feel to it.

Dancing Pineapple Guy!

128th EGSC. I popped NEVR's BBS ban cherry.

Also cocks.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-22 15:03:22

Sorry about the inactivity, been off the net most of this week. Partying and socializing, celebrating everyone's exams finished. And nearly off the top 5 B/P this week too :/

But I thought I'd confirm I didn't die. So NEVR you can't pass me that easily, and Joshiwa I'll continue to bite at your heels :P

But the reason I'm here posting is that I've now reached the last "BADGE" type B/P rank. GENERAL. and with the VP boost I also reached 10.00 Votes. A very long term goal of mine. So I'm quite happy. And I even got a screenie (even if it is in low quality :/)

The Elite Guard Barracks

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-22 15:20:52

At 6/22/08 02:47 PM, Joshiwa wrote:
At 6/21/08 10:17 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: I'm still in the 1,500 gaps. I confused it with the 1,000 point gaps, since I recently entered the 1,500 ones.
Ah yes, just wait till the 2,000 point gaps ;)

It'll take a while until I get there, but I'm already looking towards it. =)

Yup, that must look quite exciting. Could you post your NG Log page here?
Sure why not. NGlog

Pretty cool. You're almost halfway there!

First of all, can anyone explain me what's the purpose of the NG Mafia. I read some pages but I couldn't really get their point.
Basically they protect the portal like the NGPD but with a mob feel to it.

I get it now, thanks. Is anyone a member there which is also a member here? I couldn't find any.

At 6/22/08 03:03 PM, Shanus wrote: Sorry about the inactivity, been off the net most of this week. Partying and socializing, celebrating everyone's exams finished. And nearly off the top 5 B/P this week too :/

It's OK, you're forgiven. ;)

But the reason I'm here posting is that I've now reached the last "BADGE" type B/P rank. GENERAL. and with the VP boost I also reached 10.00 Votes. A very long term goal of mine. So I'm quite happy.

Congratulations! Last "badge", huh? Pretty interesting, your next prize will be a Tank Trophy!

And wow, 10.00 total VP? Great, mine is still at 8.29.

And I even got a screenie (even if it is in low quality :/)

Not bad. I always try to take the screen-shot, although sometimes I can't.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-22 15:45:01

A stolen game passed judgementhttp://www.newgrounds.com/porta l/view/445499 its stolen from herehttp://www.newgrounds.com/portal/vie w/7703. Its from newgrounds! how on earth did it get pass judgement?. Should i pm Wade Fulp with the details?, is digusting it got through. Read the reviews it clearly stolen.

Archer I'm a good shot!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-22 15:54:35

At 6/22/08 03:45 PM, phantomlassuk wrote: A stolen game passed judgementhttp://www.newgrounds.com/porta l/view/445499 its stolen from herehttp://www.newgrounds.com/portal/vie w/7703. Its from newgrounds! how on earth did it get pass judgement?. Should i pm Wade Fulp with the details?, is digusting it got through. Read the reviews it clearly stolen.

Hey guys! How is everyone?! Well I apologize in advance if I'm breaking any rules by posting here, but it is in regard to Phantomlassuk's last post. I looked into this problem and contacted sevensize, a review and forum mod, and he is going to contact an admin to have the stolen submission removed.

I miss this place, but believe me I'm working my ass off to fix my godforsaken whistle. It's really hard to tell if what you're doing to fix it is working, because it takes forever to raise it, and it can't get any lower. Not to mention the obvious problem of being able to see your whistle points.

Anyways, I hope everyone is well and I'm always reading the goings on here so eventually I can jump right back into the swing of things!

The New NGPD / Join the EGB

To Blam and Protect!

Sig by MuffDiver102

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-22 16:26:33

At 6/21/08 08:05 PM, Joshiwa wrote: seems like it would be fun to get young, aspiring stat whores that we can teach the proper way of doing it.

That's a good point - I'm sure there's still a lot of kids out there who just vote for points rather than voting how they SHOULD be voting (i.e., the way they feel about the submission).

As for the roster ideas, we can cross that bridge when we get to it, I'm sure we could figure something out.

I've got a few ideas, but it doesn't matter for now, as everything fits in comfortably as it is. It would be a bit stupid to have to change the roster again so soon after doing the expansion.

At 6/21/08 10:17 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: First of all, can anyone explain me what's the purpose of the NG Mafia. I read some pages but I couldn't really get their point.

No idea. I was hoping that somebody else might be able to explain it to me. I just saw that there was a vacant officer position and thought I'd mention it, to see if we could get anybody who would do well in that position.

Whatever, I like reading your posts. They're always worth reading, even when they are a small one-liner (which doesn't happen very often, anyway).

Meh, I sometimes write one-liners. I wish to dispel the myth that you should ALWAYS write massive posts. Sure, it's better to write more if you can, but in some situations, it's really not necessary to write more than a few lines - for example, when answering a simple question in the Wi/Ht forums.

I noticed your "semi-absence", as you called it. Even though, your posting count here is still higher than some users.

Well, that's not particularly surprising considering we have some users who haven't posted in here for weeks, or even months in some cases ;P

I've seen some members that have a good posting quality and are acceptable here in terms of stats. I even thought of asking them to join here, but I didn't want to look like a dumbass promoting us via PM. I know, Slash once mentioned it that the maximum we could get was "a fuck you and a PM blocking" but, still, I don't think I have courage to do so.

You can always PM me their usernames if you find any potentially suitable people, and I'll let you know what I think of them, and possibly even drop them a PM if I feel they'd be a good addition. Still, there's no reason to worry about PMing someone about joining a club or something (especially a well-established club such as this one). I occasionally receive PMs asking me to join clubs or outside websites/forums, but I just ignore them if I'm not interested. No point wasting energy yelling at someone via PM.

A good way to kick things off if you feel the need to PM someone about joining the EGB is simply to say something like this:


I'm a member of the Elite Guard Barracks (EGB), a well established club based upon the protection of the Flash Portal here on Newgrounds. I noticed you fulfill/exceed (depending on user) the entry requirements, and simply wondered whether you'd be interested in joining. If you are, feel free to PM me for more info.


Sure it would be nice. It's always good when someone new comes. As for the Guardsmen... well, Tails posted here a few days ago, but where is he now? I'd like to see him posting here again.

That's kinda my point about the Guardsmen. As it is, I notice a lot of NGPD users feel like they want to stay in the NGPD - and even one or two EGB members still hang around in there more than they do here. There doesn't really seem to be a great level of interest, and I'm not sure if that's because we're seen as too formal in comparison to the PD, or simply that they're more like a lounge rather than a club dedicated to an ideal (no offense NGPD'ers, just an observation).

At 6/22/08 03:03 PM, Shanus wrote: But I thought I'd confirm I didn't die. So NEVR you can't pass me that easily, and Joshiwa I'll continue to bite at your heels :P

Haha, at my current pace, I won't be catching you for a very long time. I'm trying to get back into it, but we'll just have to see how it goes.

At 6/22/08 03:54 PM, DBlach wrote: Hey guys! How is everyone?! Well I apologize in advance if I'm breaking any rules by posting here, but it is in regard to Phantomlassuk's last post.

There's no rule that says you can't post here, but I'd advise you not to frequent the EGB until you've fixed your whistle problem, etc. The odd post every now and again is OK, though.

I looked into this problem and contacted sevensize, a review and forum mod, and he is going to contact an admin to have the stolen submission removed.

SevenSeize is actually a woman, despite her changing her age and sex on her profile every few days ;P


BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-23 14:56:54

At 6/22/08 03:54 PM, DBlach wrote: Hey guys!

Hey! Good to see that you're still alive!

How is everyone?!

Siiiiick. Almost collapsed in the class today. I'm felling better now, but my throat can't say the same.

Well I apologize in advance if I'm breaking any rules by posting here, but it is in regard to Phantomlassuk's last post. I looked into this problem and contacted sevensize, a review and forum mod, and he is going to contact an admin to have the stolen submission removed.

Well, I don't think you're breaking any rule by posting here. But I advice you do not turn this into something common. You aren't a member anymore, and you still can't join because of your whistle.

But it's good to see you around! Go fix your whistle, Private!

I miss this place, but believe me I'm working my ass off to fix my godforsaken whistle. It's really hard to tell if what you're doing to fix it is working, because it takes forever to raise it, and it can't get any lower. Not to mention the obvious problem of being able to see your whistle points.

I'll try to post in the abusive stuff thread more often. I used to post more there, but since it got locked/unlocked and I got a deity whistle... well, I gave a break form posting there. I still post stolen flashes there. So look whenever I post there. ;)

Anyways, I hope everyone is well and I'm always reading the goings on here so eventually I can jump right back into the swing of things!

Good to see your motivation!

At 6/22/08 04:26 PM, NEVR wrote:
At 6/21/08 10:17 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: First of all, can anyone explain me what's the purpose of the NG Mafia. I read some pages but I couldn't really get their point.
No idea. I was hoping that somebody else might be able to explain it to me. I just saw that there was a vacant officer position and thought I'd mention it, to see if we could get anybody who would do well in that position.

Joshiwa explained it yesterday. But I still couldn't find anyone that is a member here and there.

Maybe we could invite a member there that applies in terms of status to join here. Hmm...

Meh, I sometimes write one-liners. I wish to dispel the myth that you should ALWAYS write massive posts. Sure, it's better to write more if you can, but in some situations, it's really not necessary to write more than a few lines - for example, when answering a simple question in the Wi/Ht forums.

Yeah, sometimes one-liners can explain better than a massive post. Example: "No you can't do that, read the FAQ for more info" OVER! =P

Well, that's not particularly surprising considering we have some users who haven't posted in here for weeks, or even months in some cases ;P

There are some members who haven't posted here for more than 6 months, even after your roster clean-up. We could contact them to remind that they're still members here.

You can always PM me their usernames if you find any potentially suitable people, and I'll let you know what I think of them, and possibly even drop them a PM if I feel they'd be a good addition.
Thanks for that. Do you want me to send you a mini-list of people who I think that can be a good addition here?
A good way to kick things off if you feel the need to PM someone about joining the EGB is simply to say something like this:

Can I join? =P

On a slightly unrelated note, I entered the top 400 in B/P! Now it's even harder to climb ranks. Now, at my current pace, I move like... one rank a day? =P


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-23 16:38:29

So I've been taking a trip down memory lane and playing an MMO called Star Fury for the past few weeks. It's a pretty basic space battle themed game where you build your empire, and attack other empires etc to gain their resources and all that, making yourself more powerful. I used to play this game years ago, and decided to play it once more for old time's sake.

The problem is that when I used to play it, the people were much nicer, and it wasn't a problem that I didn't get into the whole IRC side of the game, which I was never interested in. This time, though, the people all seem to be a bunch of idiots. Perhaps I've just outgrown it, I dunno. I just got bored of dealing with their shit though, so I deleted my account. It just wasn't fun any more. It's kinda sad that something I used to like a lot has taken a turn for the worse... but that's life I guess.

Anyway, seeing as I'm not playing that game anymore, I don't have to split my internet time between that and NG, so I'll be resuming my old activity levels (hopefully). I've even done a bit of B/Ping today, so hopefully I'll be able to get back into the swing of things pretty soon.

Remember - roster is tomorrow, so be sure to check that out. Joshiwa is giving me some much needed time off and taking the next 2 rosters, so that will hopefully give me even more time to be getting back into things.



BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-23 17:39:23

At 6/21/08 10:17 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: Phantom is Russian, right? Well, he should be pretty happy with Russia now, because they won The Netherlands in Euro. Nice game.

Russia played awesome! I'm personally more familiar with the Ukraine as a home away from home, but Russia still played like they owned those god damn Dutch. Their in the semi finals now, HAHA. Russia however has a Dutch coach, ownage much?

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-23 18:29:38

Nice to see it more active i think im coming down, with a headcold i felt dizzy the other day or maybe its hayfever i suffer with that. Anyway enough about that i remember when i had ,garbabe whistle it only took a few weeks to raise it. I remember how i rose up to bronze from looking at reviews, for Salad fingers someone was leaving chain letters this was in late 2006!. I got a exellant memory. I look forward to the rooster tomorrow salutes!!

Archer I'm a good shot!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-24 00:43:47

At 6/23/08 04:38 PM, NEVR wrote: stuff

Well it sucks that your game experience turned sour but I am glad you are coming back to the dark side and spending more time with us :P

Remember - roster is tomorrow, so be sure to check that out. Joshiwa is giving me some much needed time off and taking the next 2 rosters, so that will hopefully give me even more time to be getting back into things.

Omg its like going to be later today, and next week. MADNESS. Also you need to B/P more.






Dancing Pineapple Guy!

128th EGSC. I popped NEVR's BBS ban cherry.

Also cocks.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-24 05:37:37

At 6/24/08 12:43 AM, Joshiwa wrote: Omg its like going to be later today, and next week. MADNESS. Also you need to B/P more.



Haha, that was a fairly hyper post. This one is just to make a break between your previous post (made 4 hours ago), and the roster being posted, because I KNOW how irritating it is when you have to triple post because nobody had the courtesy to break things up a little for ya ;P

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-24 08:20:01

Gentlemen, a special announcement that is particularly meaningful to Barracks Members.

Dream-of-Duke has now been passed by me. If I am capable of putting someone like him behind me, then so are all of you.

That is all.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-24 08:28:29

At 6/24/08 08:20 AM, Coop83 wrote: Gentlemen, a special announcement that is particularly meaningful to Barracks Members.


Dream-of-Duke has now been passed by me. If I am capable of putting someone like him behind me, then so are all of you.

Passed in which way? The stat-whoring way, or the maturity thing, because when you are concerning the latter, we've all passed him.

This is just about the most mature group of users I've seen in a while. It's quite refreshing to come here after being surrounded by idiots for the majority of my day. It's also good to see a familiar face around here. Glad you decided to pop in, Coop.

That is all.

I'm returning to Portal Duty now.

By the way, how could you forget to salute?


Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // Take My Cymbals // ALL my big sample projects, FREE

I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT and X! If you got music, I'll playlist you!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-24 08:34:28

At 6/24/08 08:20 AM, Coop83 wrote: Gentlemen, a special announcement that is particularly meaningful to Barracks Members.

Dream-of-Duke has now been passed by me. If I am capable of putting someone like him behind me, then so are all of you.

I saw it mentioned in the 51+ thread yesterday, but please do accept my formal congratulations for your achievement, Coop. It's great to see you finally knock him off his ivory tower. I can't wait until he returns to NG after the summer and sees that he's been passed by 2 ( and maybe more by that point) of his rivals (I believe pwroftheseagoat passed him recently too, right?)

That is all.


BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-24 13:21:45

Barracks roster - Tuesday, June 24th 2008

Post #1 of 2

Joshiwa's note:

Later than I usually like to make the update due too sleep, much needed sleep.

Enjoy the update!

EGB Statistical analysis

EGB Total B/P: 884,194 B/P
Average B/P per member: 20,563 B/P
Average EGB rank: Brig. General

Total B/P gain this week: 4,126 (096.0 B/P per member)
Total B/P gain last week: 4,241 (096.7 B/P per member)
Difference: -115 B/P since last week

Rank distributions:

Private: 1 (2.4%)
Pvt. First Class: 4 (9.5%)
Corporal: 2 (4.8%)
Sergeant: 2 (4.8%)
Staff Sergeant: 0 (0%)
Master Sergeant: 4 (9.5%)
Sgt. First Class: 4 (9.5%)
Sgt. Major: 2 (4.8%)
Praporshchik: 0 (0%)
Lieutenant: 1 (2.4%)
Captain: 1 (2.4%)
Major: 2 (4.8%)
Colonel: 0 (0%)
Brig. General: 3 (7.1%)
Lt. General: 1 (2.4%)
General: 2 (4.8%)
Commander: 0 (0%)
Sup. Commander: 13 (31%)

Most frequent rank: Sup. Commander

Member Statistics

New to the list this week: None
Leaving the list this week: None
Returning to the list this week: None


Shanus - General
Mendou - Major
TheNossinator - Pvt. First Class

Other B/P Milestones:

Casualty - 10,000 Blams
lilhunter03 - 15,000 B/P
Coop83 - Passed his long time rival Dream-Of-Duke :P

:::End of post #1:::

Dancing Pineapple Guy!

128th EGSC. I popped NEVR's BBS ban cherry.

Also cocks.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-24 13:23:21

Post #2 of 2

The List

Top 5 Gainers:

Joshiwa - 517
Mendou - 453
lilhunter03 - 371
pwroftheseagoat - 367
aldlv - 357

Top gainers, repeat offenders: Joshiwa (15), Mendou (5), lilhunter03 (2)
Top 3 biggest average rises: Penguinlink (34.0+), aldlv (17.4+), Sentio (12.0+)
Random word: Turbo

All EGB members/guardsmen & Personal B/P statistics

No.## || [Total B/P] || [Gain] || [Gain/day] || [Rise/drop] || [Name, Rank]

>>> 01 || [ 61735 ] || [ 049 ] || [ 07.0 ] || [ 02.6+ ] || X-Naut, Sup. Commander
>>> 02 || [ 59908 ] || [ 066 ] || [ 09.4 ] || [ 02.4+ ] || BlueHippo, Sup. Commander
>>> 03 || [ 58668 ] || [ 018 ] || [ 02.6 ] || [ 01.3+ ] || Phantom, Sup. Commander
>>> 04 || [ 56273 ] || [ 199 ] || [ 28.4 ] || [ 02.0+ ] || Seamonky, Sup. Commander
>>> 05 || [ 45718 ] || [ 107 ] || [ 15.3 ] || [ 12.0+ ] || Sentio, Sup. Commander
>>> 06 || [ 42790 ] || [ 367 ] || [ 52.4 ] || [ 07.3+ ] || pwroftheseagoat, Sup. Commander
>>> 07 || [ 41325 ] || [ 328 ] || [ 46.9 ] || [ 06.5 - ] || Coop83, Sup. Commander
>>> 08 || [ 37772 ] || [ 000 ] || [ 00.0 ] || [ 14.4 - ] || EagleRock, Sup. Commander
>>> 09 || [ 34564 ] || [ 290 ] || [ 41.4 ] || [ 34.0+ ] || PenguinLink, Sup. Commander
>>> 10 || [ 34199 ] || [ 289 ] || [ 41.3 ] || [ 11.0+ ] || Idiot-Finder, Sup. Commander +1
>>> 11 || [ 34143 ] || [ 000 ] || [ 00.0 ] || [ 00.0+ ] || SlashFirestorm, Sup. Commander -1
>>> 12 || [ 30306 ] || [ 000 ] || [ 00.0 ] || [ 00.0+ ] || Hemlok, Sup. Commander
>>> 13 || [ 30000 ] || [ 000 ] || [ 00.0 ] || [ 00.0+ ] || life, Sup. Commander
>>> 14 || [ 24476 ] || [ 517 ] || [ 73.9 ] || [ 03.3+ ] || Joshiwa, General
>>> 15 || [ 23678 ] || [ 280 ] || [ 40.0 ] || [ 05.6 - ] || Shanus, General +1
>>> 16 || [ 23477 ] || [ 063 ] || [ 09.0 ] || [ 02.3 - ] || bifgis, Lt. General -1
>>> 17 || [ 21110 ] || [ 118 ] || [ 16.9 ] || [ 05.9+ ] || NEVR, Brig. General
>>> 18 || [ 20229 ] || [ 008 ] || [ 01.1 ] || [ 00.3 - ] || Casualty, Brig. General +1
>>> 19 || [ 20221 ] || [ 000 ] || [ 00.0 ] || [ 01.1 - ] || Sterockicy, Brig. General -1
>>> 20 || [ 16564 ] || [ 357 ] || [ 51.0 ] || [ 17.4+ ] || aldlv, Major
>>> 21 || [ 15693 ] || [ 453 ] || [ 64.7 ] || [ 03.3+ ] || Mendou, Major
>>> 22 || [ 15015 ] || [ 371 ] || [ 53.0 ] || [ 08.9 - ] || lilhunter03, Captain
>>> 23 || [ 13321 ] || [ 048 ] || [ 06.9 ] || [ 03.0 - ] || ever-vigilant, Lieutenant
>>> 24 || [ 10499 ] || [ 030 ] || [ 04.3 ] || [ 14.7 - ] || DarkSoldier, Sgt. Major
>>> 25 || [ 10417 ] || [ 238 ] || [ 34.0 ] || [ 05.6 - ] || Sir-Nuts, Sgt. Major
>>> 27 || [ 08885 ] || [ 006 ] || [ 00.9 ] || [ 01.7 - ] || FBIpolux, Sgt. First Class
>>> 26 || [ 08842 ] || [ 019 ] || [ 02.7 ] || [ 00.4 - ] || PantyWipe, Sgt. First Class
>>> 28 || [ 08727 ] || [ 072 ] || [ 10.3 ] || [ 06.0 - ] || AnalPenguinFarming, Sgt. First Class
>>> 29 || [ 08136 ] || [ 003 ] || [ 00.4 ] || [ 00.4+ ] || Lotus, Sgt. First Class
>>> 30 || [ 07797 ] || [ 000 ] || [ 00.0 ] || [ 00.0+ ] || Peregrinus, Master Sergeant
>>> 31 || [ 07499 ] || [ 001 ] || [ 00.1 ] || [ 00.1+ ] || RSQViper, Master Sergeant
>>> 32 || [ 07234 ] || [ 000 ] || [ 00.0 ] || [ 00.1 - ] || UnfathomableSin, Master Sergeant
>>> 33 || [ 07079 ] || [ 000 ] || [ 00.0 ] || [ 00.0+ ] || Grammer, Master Sergeant
>>> 34 || [ 05478 ] || [ 049 ] || [ 07.0 ] || [ 01.3 - ] || Pinoyguy75, Sergeant
>>> 35 || [ 05121 ] || [ 003 ] || [ 00.4 ] || [ 00.6 - ] || HeavenDuff, Sergeant
>>> 36 || [ 04789 ] || [ 000 ] || [ 00.0 ] || [ 00.6 - ] || TheThing, Corporal
>>> 37 || [ 04409 ] || [ 066 ] || [ 09.4 ] || [ 00.6 - ] || phantomlassuk, Corporal
>>> 38 || [ 03679 ] || [ 000 ] || [ 00.0 ] || [ 00.0+ ] || I-Love-Caitlyn, Pvt. First Class
>>> 39 || [ 03313 ] || [ 015 ] || [ 02.1 ] || [ 04.6 - ] || Andrea364, Pvt. First Class
>>> 40 || [ 03117 ] || [ 000 ] || [ 00.0 ] || [ 00.0+ ] || NintendoMadness, Pvt. First Class
>>> 41 || [ 03085 ] || [ 123 ] || [ 17.6 ] || [ 11.0+ ] || TheNossinator, Pvt. First Class
>>> 42 || [ 02688 ] || [ 000 ] || [ 00.0 ] || [ 00.0+ ] || soulknight96, Private

>>> 43 || [ 02230 ] || [ 023 ] || [ 03.3 ] || [ 01.2+ ] || SoulMaster71, Police Captain (270 until Eligible)

Link to previous update.

Dancing Pineapple Guy!

128th EGSC. I popped NEVR's BBS ban cherry.

Also cocks.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-24 14:30:58

At 6/24/08 02:18 PM, Mendou wrote:
At 6/24/08 01:23 PM, Joshiwa wrote: Post #2 of 2

The List

Top 5 Gainers:

Joshiwa - 517
Mendou - 453
lilhunter03 - 371
pwroftheseagoat - 367
aldlv - 357
I get the feeling that no one's going to ever beat you in terms of weekly gainers. I'LL ALWAYS BE IN SECOND OR THIRD, WHY, HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN TO ME.

Nah, people pass me all the time for the top gainer but I manage to stay n the top 5, I am sure you will pass me from time to time. Just had a good week. AT LEAST I AM NOT IN THE 600 TO 700 RANGE I USE TO MAINTAIN.

Anyway thanks for the update Joshiwa.

Anytime :)

Dancing Pineapple Guy!

128th EGSC. I popped NEVR's BBS ban cherry.

Also cocks.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-24 14:54:03

At 6/24/08 01:21 PM, Joshiwa wrote: Barracks roster - Tuesday, June 24th 2008

Thanks for the update, Joshiwa!

Joshiwa's note:

Later than I usually like to make the update due too sleep, much needed sleep.

ZZZzzzZZZzz... huh?

Enjoy the update!

From what I've seen so far, I won't enjoy this one as much as the last ones...

Total B/P gain this week: 4,126 (096.0 B/P per member)
Total B/P gain last week: 4,241 (096.7 B/P per member)
Difference: -115 B/P since last week

We weren't as good as we were last week... Let's see if this week we can get more active - both Portal and posting-wise!

Rank distributions:
Commander: 0 (0%)

Soon to have a 1 here, right Joshiwa? =)


Shanus - General
Mendou - Major
TheNossinator - Pvt. First Class

Congratulations, guys!

Other B/P Milestones:

Casualty - 10,000 Blams
lilhunter03 - 15,000 B/P

More congratulations!

Coop83 - Passed his long time rival Dream-Of-Duke :P

Not really a milestone... but AN ACHIEVEMENT! Congrats, Coop!

Top 5 Gainers:

Joshiwa - 517

+500? =0

Mendou - 453
lilhunter03 - 371
pwroftheseagoat - 367
aldlv - 357

Congrats to all of you! And good to see both aldlv and lilhunter03 back to B/Ping!

Top gainers, repeat offenders: Joshiwa (15), Mendou (5), lilhunter03 (2)

Joshiwa, the unstobable machine! 15 and couning!

Random word: Turbo


No.## || [Total B/P] || [Gain] || [Gain/day] || [Rise/drop] || [Name, Rank]
>>> 10 || [ 34199 ] || [ 289 ] || [ 41.3 ] || [ 11.0+ ] || Idiot-Finder, Sup. Commander +1
>>> 11 || [ 34143 ] || [ 000 ] || [ 00.0 ] || [ 00.0+ ] || SlashFirestorm, Sup. Commander -1

Uhh, Slash... Are you still out there?

>>> 20 || [ 16564 ] || [ 357 ] || [ 51.0 ] || [ 17.4+ ] || aldlv, Major
>>> 21 || [ 15693 ] || [ 453 ] || [ 64.7 ] || [ 03.3+ ] || Mendou, Major
>>> 22 || [ 15015 ] || [ 371 ] || [ 53.0 ] || [ 08.9 - ] || lilhunter03, Captain

Wow, the race here is back, now with a new competitor!

>>> 24 || [ 10499 ] || [ 030 ] || [ 04.3 ] || [ 14.7 - ] || DarkSoldier, Sgt. Major

Watch out, if you don't get back on B/Ping then I shall pass you in a couple of days!

>>> 25 || [ 10417 ] || [ 238 ] || [ 34.0 ] || [ 05.6 - ] || Sir-Nuts, Sgt. Major

WAAAAHH, what the hell is this pace!?!

I really need to B/P more... 34 a day is ridiculous for me!

>>> 40 || [ 03117 ] || [ 000 ] || [ 00.0 ] || [ 00.0+ ] || NintendoMadness, Pvt. First Class

Good news, he's alive! Well, that's at least what Haggard said here.

Again, thanks for the update, Joshiwa!

At 6/24/08 02:18 PM, Mendou wrote:
Also, anyone else have this problem when voting, sometimes when i click one of the voting buttons...nothing happens. I have to refresh my page in order for it to work. It's not a serious problem but it is a little annoying.

No, I never got that problem. Although sometimes it happens that I click the voting panel and nothing happens, so I just click it again and it works.

However, one similar thing happened to me a couple of times. I clicked the voting panel but it just kept saying "Submitting vote...." but nothing happened. I had to refresh the page but it said I had already voted on that submission! =/

Back to the Portal, to see if I can make that pace better!


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-24 15:17:58

At 6/24/08 01:23 PM, Joshiwa wrote: >>> 16 || [ 23477 ] || [ 063 ] || [ 09.0 ] || [ 02.3 - ] || bifgis, Lt. General -1
>>> 17 || [ 21110 ] || [ 118 ] || [ 16.9 ] || [ 05.9+ ] || NEVR, Brig. General

Long way to go to pass bifgis, but I'll get there. Expect to see me back on form in the coming few weeks.

Thanks for doing the update this week man.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2008-06-24 16:57:49

At 6/24/08 01:23 PM, Joshiwa wrote: Post #2 of 2

What a bunch of people I don't know, you included.

Well, I suppose B/P hasn't been my point of interest for a long time now, even with the time to dedicate to it most of the time, I just feel the portal has nearly collapsed with spam submissions. There are of course great new animations and games that keep this place going (There she is 3, Dino run, Thing Thing 4) but in spite of that, the spam made fair voting nearly a smudge of the past...

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature