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NG Stickers!

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Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-09 15:42:46

When can we expect to see a page for pics sent in by fans with the NG stickers?

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-10 13:00:20

Oh yea, 5-25 people from my hometown Brookline, Mass have ordered stickers! See the little yellow mark underneath Boston, THATS MY TOWN (Since we're surronded by Boston on three sides)!

We order stickers from the best site on the net. The one good thing about my town.

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-10 19:15:09

At 11/10/02 01:00 PM, KoreanPsycho21 wrote: Oh yea, 5-25 people from my hometown Brookline, Mass have ordered stickers! See the little yellow mark underneath Boston, THATS MY TOWN (Since we're surronded by Boston on three sides)!

We order stickers from the best site on the net. The one good thing about my town.

I guess I should have made my key clearer. Each NG sticker icon on the map represents a single order. If it's yellow it was an order between 5-20 stickers. If it's red it was an order of 25 or more.

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Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-10 19:33:56

hi, mr. wade, im jimmy, have you heard of my bro, wiggah-x? Ok bye-Bye

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-11 01:23:39

Dude Im gonna buy some soon.

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-11 16:03:45

I don't really know. NG stickers? When, where, and how would we get them? And who would really want them? Oh, well, I guess I'll just see how this goes...

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-12 12:02:27

At 11/11/02 04:03 PM, Bursitis wrote: I don't really know. NG stickers? When, where, and how would we get them? And who would really want them? Oh, well, I guess I'll just see how this goes...

When - We've had NG stickers for some time now. You must not have been following the front page posts or checked out http://www.newgrounds.com/stickers

Where - http://www.newgrounds.com/stickers

How - http://www.newgrounds.com/stickers

Who would want them? Pretty many people, check the sticker order map to see where people have been ordering them from.

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Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-12 17:34:11

At 11/7/02 05:14 PM, WadeFulp wrote: Soon I will be known as the sticker man! I have updated the NG STICKERS PAGE with a graphical map that roughly shows where we have current sent stickers too! You will find the MAP at the bottom of the sticker page. So keep those orders coming in so we can cover up every bit of brown on that map! :) I will be working on an international map once we get some more international orders (cough cough).

i'm gonna buy 500 stickers

NG Stickers!

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-12 17:35:33

At 11/7/02 05:14 PM, WadeFulp wrote: Soon I will be known as the sticker man! I have updated the NG STICKERS PAGE with a graphical map that roughly shows where we have current sent stickers too! You will find the MAP at the bottom of the sticker page. So keep those orders coming in so we can cover up every bit of brown on that map! :) I will be working on an international map once we get some more international orders (cough cough).

or maybe 75

NG Stickers!

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-12 17:37:15

At 11/7/02 05:14 PM, WadeFulp wrote: Soon I will be known as the sticker man! I have updated the NG STICKERS PAGE with a graphical map that roughly shows where we have current sent stickers too! You will find the MAP at the bottom of the sticker page. So keep those orders coming in so we can cover up every bit of brown on that map! :) I will be working on an international map once we get some more international orders (cough cough).

hey if i buy like a huge amount can i send a check? and a huge manila envolope?!

NG Stickers!

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-12 17:39:58

At 11/7/02 05:14 PM, WadeFulp wrote: Soon I will be known as the sticker man! I have updated the NG STICKERS PAGE with a graphical map that roughly shows where we have current sent stickers too! You will find the MAP at the bottom of the sticker page. So keep those orders coming in so we can cover up every bit of brown on that map! :) I will be working on an international map once we get some more international orders (cough cough).

is anybody gonna reply?

NG Stickers!

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-13 00:13:26

Hot dang, i can see my house from that map!

only person to order stickers in the whole state! :)!
(and 25 to boot!)

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-17 16:27:22


I hold the record for most stickers ever ordered!

Actually my stcikers havent come in yet, and Already I have sold all 50 off to my friends, who are hardcore NG fans, but to damn lazy to get gold accounts or buy their own stickers.
Now say I were to place another order for 50... would my sticker count stay at 50, or would it double, and go to 100. Because if it was a cumulative count I would be very very eager to buy more....

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-29 07:33:14

Too expensive

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-12-02 18:18:17

I'm going to buy some as soon as I get ahold of some cash.

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-12-05 19:17:52

Woo Stickers i can hardly Wait

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-12-07 14:09:05

coolio ill be sure to check it out

Response to NG Stickers! 2003-01-19 21:57:46

At 11/7/02 10:21 PM, ShadowofChaos wrote: it would be nice for once is someone would answer my questions if only one of the million i've asked

Sorry Chaos but there are 200,000 other people on NG ok there were but They cant answer them all even if you have asked millions which god knows is an overstatement because NOBody And I mean Nobody!!!! has posted that much ever.

Response to NG Stickers! 2003-01-28 03:55:10


Response to NG Stickers! 2003-01-28 03:58:37

everythings good, until u gotta pay...

Response to NG Stickers! 2003-01-29 03:58:39

At 1/28/03 08:03 AM, JoeZazza wrote: Stickers, eh. Hmmmm...as in Stick it to Flashers who post stolen property?


Response to NG Stickers! 2003-02-09 03:42:05

Hey Wade, that blue marker in between minnesota and wisconsin, what city is that, because I live in that area, oh, and you can expect to receive my order sometime this week!

Response to NG Stickers! 2003-10-16 03:49:37

Hey Wade, I just noticed you recieved my payment for 25 stickers. But I live in the Island of Oahu (The State of Hawaii). Where are you going to put the Icon that distinguish where the order was from? hahaha.

In the Ocean? The Entire State? Mission complete in covering up that space. ;-)

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