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NG Stickers!

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NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 17:14:13

Soon I will be known as the sticker man! I have updated the NG STICKERS PAGE with a graphical map that roughly shows where we have current sent stickers too! You will find the MAP at the bottom of the sticker page. So keep those orders coming in so we can cover up every bit of brown on that map! :) I will be working on an international map once we get some more international orders (cough cough).

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Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 17:32:45

Whoa nice lookin map hehehehehhe You know the cafepress has sticker options but there not as good as theys stickers ! (please un ban me of the ng chat account: Tropicana_Clock i wont flood again in my life)
cool map though it reminds me of the weather channle theres some high tank for cast ehhehehehheheheh

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 17:33:48

Tght first posT!

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 17:35:54

At 11/7/02 05:14 PM, WadeFulp wrote: Soon I will be known as the sticker man! I have updated the NG STICKERS PAGE with a graphical map that roughly shows where we have current sent stickers too! You will find the MAP at the bottom of the sticker page. So keep those orders coming in so we can cover up every bit of brown on that map! :) I will be working on an international map once we get some more international orders (cough cough).

Cool map but where can I get some 4 1/8 by 6" envelopes?

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 17:46:56


Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 17:48:40

egnore my last post, i was typing in somthing and hit post it by accident, i meant to ask who was ranked 1st out of all the newgrounds gold members

NG Stickers!

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 17:49:23

Seriously what dose it take to be unbaed off you ng chat is been 3 months

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 17:55:01

hey wade, whats the largest order of stickers to a single address you have recieved

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Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 18:06:50

At 11/7/02 05:35 PM, Lpmofo wrote: Cool map but where can I get some 4 1/8 by 6" envelopes?

That's just the minimum requirement for an envelope. You can send any size envelopes you want, just as long as they are at least that big. :) The stickers are like 4 1/8" by 4 1/8" so you just need an envelope that they will fit in.

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Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 18:08:17

wade or tom, here is a question, is there a page on newgrounds that explains the new ranking systemi never really payed any attension, and if not can some one explain it cause i go aorund and see security officer, blam security, and such and i'm a civilian when i am in the blam club and have over 70 blam points and am ranked in the 5 or 6 hundreds out of 92,000 users.

NG Stickers!

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 18:08:53

At 11/7/02 05:55 PM, thisisasignin wrote: hey wade, whats the largest order of stickers to a single address you have recieved

$10 for 50 stickers. Want to be the new record holder? :) If so, just make sure you send a big envelope with plenty of postage. :) On the sticker page I state you have to send 1 envelope for every 25 stickers, but if you send a big ass manila envelope I could put a lot in it. :)

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Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 18:17:50

At 11/7/02 06:08 PM, DeathScytheBoneshard wrote: wade or tom, here is a question, is there a page on newgrounds that explains the new ranking systemi never really payed any attension, and if not can some one explain it cause i go aorund and see security officer, blam security, and such and i'm a civilian when i am in the blam club and have over 70 blam points and am ranked in the 5 or 6 hundreds out of 92,000 users.

you go up a rank every 100 points
then once you get to 500, it will take another 500 to get to Captain(gold badge)
then it is 1000 every other rank I believe

BBS Signature

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 18:21:19

At 11/7/02 06:08 PM, WadeFulp wrote:
At 11/7/02 05:55 PM, thisisasignin wrote: hey wade, whats the largest order of stickers to a single address you have recieved
$10 for 50 stickers. Want to be the new record holder? :) If so, just make sure you send a big envelope with plenty of postage. :) On the sticker page I state you have to send 1 envelope for every 25 stickers, but if you send a big ass manila envelope I could put a lot in it. :)

"record holder"
I like the sound of that...
will I be announced on the sticker page if I achieve such status??

BBS Signature

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 18:21:29

anyone else sick of this Mr.boombastic stuff on the portal? ::even though its totally off topic i just thought it had to be said::

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 18:28:49

At 11/7/02 05:33 PM, TropicanaClock wrote: Tght first posT!

i think that since you are one of the dumbasses who has to point out that you were the first person to reply to a post, you shouldnt be unbanned from chat. i think all of you morons who find it necessary to post something to the effect of 'OOOOOOO!!!!!!! me first! first post! wooptie fuckin do!!!!!' should be banned from posting on the message boards. posting something like that is the same as flooding, so apparently you havent learned your lesson. do you think that we cant tell anyway? do you think that we are so stupid that we cannot read your name on the first post? redundency at its finest.

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 18:46:43

I will be working on an international map once we get some more international orders (cough cough).

Does Canada count as international?

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 18:57:32

At 11/7/02 06:21 PM, thisisasignin wrote: oooooooooo
"record holder"
I like the sound of that...
will I be announced on the sticker page if I achieve such status??

Haha. If you want that kind of status then include a note with your user name with your sticker order. I will then put you on the page under the map or something like "User JOEBLOW has placed the largest order to day, ordering 75 stickers!" or whatever. Then if someone wants to beat you they just order more and include their username. :)

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Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 18:59:12

At 11/7/02 06:46 PM, Ice_Demon wrote: I will be working on an international map once we get some more international orders (cough cough).

Does Canada count as international?

Yes, Canada does count, and I have gotten 1 or 2 orders from Canada so far. I'm trying to figure out how I want to go about creating a world map.

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Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 19:47:21

WADE i had a stroke of genious, Tom wanted to use some of my art for newgrounds and i'm suggesting we use it for stickers for newgrounds since i have noticed people wanting more variety, one of the pics is below next i'll post some more.

NG Stickers!

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 19:48:42

here is another pic

NG Stickers!

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 19:50:52

the first pic is newgrounds tank upgraded the second is Newgrounds Vikings

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 19:59:03

I am gonna buy a bunch of them and I am gonna write "Property of" and then put a NG sticker on my girl's ass. LOL I will take a pic and upload it on NG. Oh that will be so funny.

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 20:08:25

Mmmmm, stickers.

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 20:43:42

So you want international map..Well i live in canada and would send it but i dont trust those damn post offices anymore..I sent 37 dollars to the U.K. and it didn't ever get there...that and im to lazy...But i'll order twenty or more soon..*cough*

NG Stickers!

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 21:42:52

Hey, pretty cool stickers, I say you should contact some stores to sell more stickers and for more people to get stickers. Hey if you consider what I'm saying and sell your stickers to some stores, why don't you send some to the southernmost city in the Continetal U.S., Brownsville, Texas, there's this store called Spencer's Gift, they sell stuff you don't find anywhere else, it's located on the Sunrise Mall, I guess they would accept selling your stickers and you could get more people to know NewGrounds. Think about it!

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 21:53:15

At 11/7/02 08:43 PM, C_o_o_l_i_o wrote: So you want international map..Well i live in canada and would send it but i dont trust those damn post offices anymore..I sent 37 dollars to the U.K. and it didn't ever get there...that and im to lazy...But i'll order twenty or more soon..*cough*

Yeah, money through the mail is always a risk, but we're only talking $1 US for 5 stickers. :) Who can't afford to lose a dollar these days? Don't give me that 10-10-220 crap! :) (If you don't have that in Cananda it's a US long distance plan that you access by dialing 10-10-220 before you dial the number you want to call and you get the first 20 minutes for $1 and each minute after that is only $.10. They run the damn promo so much I am able to repeat it almost word for word). So anyway, what's a buck? :) For that matter, what's 5 bucks? :)

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Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 21:54:14

Hey sticker man. I was just wandering is there an e-mail I could have to talk to the NG company more directly? Because I love the little like sceme you guys have going her. it's ingenious, getting kids to beta test the game products for free. Instead of paying employees and spending money you don't need to spend. I actually hope to own my own company eventually for developing and eventually producing video games my self. I just wanted to through some ideas off of you guys and I was wanderin if there was an e-mail I could have so as to have better contact with you guys. BYE BYE CIAO!!!

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 21:54:53

Can someone tell me what is that song that plays in pico? You know the one where he meets up with someone and a hard rock tune comes on? I have been wanting that but I can't find it. DAMN IT

Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 21:54:56

At 11/7/02 09:42 PM, ADN wrote: Hey, pretty cool stickers, I say you should contact some stores to sell more stickers and for more people to get stickers. Hey if you consider what I'm saying and sell your stickers to some stores, why don't you send some to the southernmost city in the Continetal U.S., Brownsville, Texas, there's this store called Spencer's Gift, they sell stuff you don't find anywhere else, it's located on the Sunrise Mall, I guess they would accept selling your stickers and you could get more people to know NewGrounds. Think about it!

We have Spencer's gifts around here. We should try to get some NG merchandise in there. We want to get NG T-shirts into Hot Topic. Swear Bears started selling in Spencer Gift's and supposedly they are supposed to have the NG logo on them.

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Response to NG Stickers! 2002-11-07 21:56:56

I have a question wade. WHAT IS UP WITH THIS STICKER THING? Yeah, i am 100% weird ass bastard that says shit on the computer beccause I know you can't do anything to me very harsh only banish me from the site that's all. I will not say shit to anybody I am also 95% nice, 3% weird, and 2% mean. Also I have no idea jusdt quit the sticker thing replace the damned osbourne thing with the NG sticker logo. May a sticker that says NG on it and says stickers underneath. Oh also I want the people that check the remember my shit thing to stay logged on for 1 whole month. Yes, a month I just finished my rolos so im gonna be quiet and look at porn now. By the way any typing teachers I type with 4 fingers sometimes 2. I have my own home row postiton though. Wrisint resting on the keyboard, and all fingers on the spacebar alt and window thing sometimes I go over to the menu button. I also fart alot can you help me by bitching about how I type. I type just fine I can type up to if I am really pumped 50 words a minute with 4 fingers. Yes I make mistakes and I dont you semicolons commas or apostrophes. I dont Care so come on and Bitch about how bad my technique is. ( hits enter with index finger)

(tab) with middle finger ok then space with thumb. ME! Earthcrisis