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The Atheist Army

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Response to The Atheist Army 2009-03-31 13:02:44

I'ma first time poster here, but if I may pose a question: What do you guys think of Atheists who choose to demonstrate in front of churches, religious displays, etc? They seem to put Atheists in a worse light then we're already given.

If life gives you lemons, read the fine print; chances are, there's a monthly fee attached.

BBS Signature

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-03-31 16:58:01

At 3/31/09 01:02 PM, Patton3 wrote: I'ma first time poster here, but if I may pose a question: What do you guys think of Atheists who choose to demonstratematt362 in front of churches, religious displays, etc? They seem to put Atheists in a worse light then we're already given.

I could honeslty care less if people go to church. Most people that go to church aren't religious at all and really go out of tradition/societal pressures. Or they believe they can sin all they want then go to church and make it all up.
I only really have a problem if the religous try to take their views to a political stage and when that happens I protest congress not churches.

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-03-31 18:53:55

At 3/31/09 01:02 PM, Patton3 wrote: I'ma first time poster here, but if I may pose a question: What do you guys think of Atheists who choose to demonstrate in front of churches, religious displays, etc? They seem to put Atheists in a worse light then we're already given.

I wouldnt say anything. I'd sack each and every one of them for being such a douche

"Well shit, Daniel, I just left!"


BBS Signature

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-03-31 19:08:30

At 3/31/09 06:53 PM, Grizzli wrote: I wouldnt say anything. I'd sack each and every one of them for being such a douche

The people in the church or the atheists?

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-03-31 20:12:40

who protests specifically for the death of religion outside churches?

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-03-31 20:29:47

At 3/31/09 07:18 PM, Eman110 wrote: Can I join?

Are you an atheist?

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-03-31 21:54:21

At 3/31/09 09:42 PM, Eman110 wrote:
At 3/31/09 08:29 PM, aninjaman wrote:
At 3/31/09 07:18 PM, Eman110 wrote: Can I join?
Are you an atheist?
Well ya

Then welcome.
Don't spam.

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-04-02 15:01:47

Hey guys? By the question I posed earlier, I was referring to atheists who choose to put signs about how God doesn't exist outside of churches, in front of nativity scenes, etc. those who try to convince religious persons that they're wrong in all the wrong ways, giving atheists a bad reputation.

If life gives you lemons, read the fine print; chances are, there's a monthly fee attached.

BBS Signature

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-04-02 17:32:00

At 4/2/09 03:01 PM, Patton3 wrote: Hey guys? By the question I posed earlier, I was referring to atheists who choose to put signs about how God doesn't exist outside of churches, in front of nativity scenes, etc. those who try to convince religious persons that they're wrong in all the wrong ways, giving atheists a bad reputation.

Once again I never really cared enough to do something like that.
I do hate it some religious blow it out of proportion and say all atheists are like that.

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-04-02 22:32:08

Holy crap there's a club for this? I wish I saw this sooner!

BBS Signature

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-04-02 23:19:19

you don't have any proof that god doesnt exist so why ur just a religion like all else

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-04-02 23:46:54

At 4/2/09 11:27 PM, Eman110 wrote:
At 4/2/09 11:19 PM, Paryl wrote: you don't have any proof that god doesnt exist so why ur just a religion like all else
And where have you been living? Under a boulder or a mountain?

tell me what proof u have u cant cause u have none

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-04-03 12:03:35

At 4/2/09 11:46 PM, Paryl wrote:
At 4/2/09 11:27 PM, Eman110 wrote:
At 4/2/09 11:19 PM, Paryl wrote:
tell me what proof u have u cant cause u have none

Why don't you let the people who know what they're talking about and actually make valid contributions to the crew instead of spam sort this out, and you can go watch Hannah Montana, m'kay?
Besides, you don't need proof to show something doesn't exist, just a lack thereof. And any proof that a God exists just hasn't manifested itself. On the other hand, proof of scientific theories as to the formation of the Universe and life, like the Big Bang, Biogenesis, primordial ooze, evolution, etc., are continually being uncovered. Take for example the "Predator X" just found in Antarctica.

If life gives you lemons, read the fine print; chances are, there's a monthly fee attached.

BBS Signature

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-04-03 20:54:10

The user attacking atheists was a troll.
Get over it. If you really want to talk religion take it to a debate thread in politics or something.

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-04-03 21:16:58

Whenever someone asks me "If there's no God, who created everything?" then I say, "Who created God?"


BBS Signature

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-04-03 21:33:34

At 4/3/09 09:16 PM, hhcash wrote: Whenever someone asks me "If there's no God, who created everything?" then I say, "Who created God?"

I said everything has always been there.
What do you say when people say your life is empty without god?

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-04-03 21:55:38

God is a tyrant.

Because a tyrant is one who rules by fear. God uses Hell to control people to follow his ten commandments.

He is no different than a king who states:

"If you do not follow this law, you will be hung."

It only sounds like this:

"If you do not follow my commandments, you will burn in Hell."

BBS Signature

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-04-03 21:57:01

At 4/2/09 05:32 PM, aninjaman wrote: Once again I never really cared enough to do something like that.
I do hate it some religious blow it out of proportion and say all atheists are like that.

Just as much as I hate it when someone says I'm some Bible-thumping, chastity-belt wearing, gullible twat. We're not so different after all, are we?

Happily ETS'd.

BBS Signature

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-04-03 22:01:03

At 4/3/09 09:33 PM, aninjaman wrote: What do you say when people say your life is empty without god?

I tell them to look at my life:

- I excel in school.
- I have many friends.
- I have a loving family.
- I'm a decent programmer/animator.
- I'm great at sports.

The best part is, I didn't pray for it. I use something called hard work to get where I am.

BBS Signature

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-04-03 23:52:28

At 4/3/09 09:33 PM, aninjaman wrote:
What do you say when people say your life is empty without god?

That just seems like a complex question. But really, even if I was a theist I wouldn't feel that an abstract being (God) could get rid of my loneliness, or emptiness.


BBS Signature

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-04-04 00:30:19

I would like to join
How can I believe in god, if god doesn't exist?


Response to The Atheist Army 2009-04-04 16:37:06

At 4/3/09 09:57 PM, TailsPrower wrote:
At 4/2/09 05:32 PM, aninjaman wrote: Once again I never really cared enough to do something like that.
I do hate it some religious blow it out of proportion and say all atheists are like that.
Just as much as I hate it when someone says I'm some Bible-thumping, chastity-belt wearing, gullible twat. We're not so different after all, are we?

I don't call all religious that. Only the ones that are. Don't stereotype ateists as hating anything religious.

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-04-05 18:56:49

I don't know why people make such a big deal that Jesus turned water into wine. He was just a magician. David Blaine turned water into fucking coins.


BBS Signature

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-04-05 21:30:12

I was wondering, do Atheists celebrate Christmas? Because there are many non-Christians that do.

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-04-06 17:35:45

At 4/5/09 09:30 PM, DocSprite wrote: I was wondering, do Atheists celebrate Christmas? Because there are many non-Christians that do.

I do, not religiously of course but as a time of union and giving for friends and family.

Also, I pulled this hilarious quote from an anti-atheist forum:

"My personal favourite is any permutation of, 'Well, if you CLAIM you don't believe in god, then that means you acknowledge that god exists and you HAVE to believe in him not to believe in him! HAH!' I see that one used far more often than it should ever be."


BBS Signature

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-04-06 18:37:32

At 4/3/09 09:33 PM, aninjaman wrote:
I said everything has always been there.
What do you say when people say your life is empty without god?

That you don't need religion to lead a happy life. I'm atheist, and whenever I tell someone I am, they're surprised. Probably because so many people sterotype atheists as being mopy, suicide-prone, and condescending fucks.

If life gives you lemons, read the fine print; chances are, there's a monthly fee attached.

BBS Signature

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-04-06 22:36:53

At 4/5/09 09:30 PM, DocSprite wrote: I was wondering, do Atheists celebrate Christmas? Because there are many non-Christians that do.

I do, but more out of because its a fun tradition then religious reasons. Honestly there isn't much religion left in holidays like Christmas and Easter anyway.

On a different note: I was thinking about how if the universe was so complicated already then why do you need a god?
The physical universe in itself is so complicated and even god-like. There is so much about beyond what we understand like how religious say god is beyond our understanding.

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-04-08 14:21:07

At 4/6/09 10:36 PM, aninjaman wrote: stuff

Maybe I should elaborate more but honestly I think I made my point.
What Im trying to say is who needs god when there is more then enough wonder in the physical world?

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-04-08 17:04:16

Yesterday, I came to a conclusion.

Theists aren't right. Atheists aren't right either.

Theists have no proof that there isn't a god. Atheists have no proof that there isn't a god.

Response to The Atheist Army 2009-04-08 20:25:58

I'm a aheist so can i join.

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