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Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul

8,549 Views | 93 Replies

Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-05-29 01:48:38

This, as you can see is pretty long resonse so before read just note that i'm not a perv, black (mostly) and extremely crazy w/ a lot of time on my hands. ZOMBIES RULE!
(if you read it you'll understand)

Darth Vader hands down would win Darth Vader be all like "RRRRAWWR!" and Darth Maul be like "HRRRK-GSSSP!" and then Darth Vader would say "LOL fuckin n00b"
And then this big sign with the word: PWN'D! would suddenly appear followed by some hardcore gang bangin' with magic mushroomz in teh backgrownd! But Darth Maul would be like "NO!" and their lightsabers would go "wwoooo-vrooon" And this long-ass lightsaber duel would follow. (the porn is still in the background mind you) and then everyone in the audience would be like "GO VADER" George Lucas would naturally be in the audience secretly masturbating while thinkin' of all the money he'll make when he sues me for making a movie with a STAR WARS reference in it. I'd sneak behind him with a machete and stab it through his chair and like 5 seconds later cry after realizing a killed my father (jk) and not getting an autograph to sell on e-bay.
The lightsaber duel will almost be half-over with DV of course winnin when OMFG th lil' kid (this is when the movie gets really drunken cuz anikin is DV)
Lil' Ani would be like "Suck it, BITCH" and pull out this like 15 foot tall lightsaber an' cut off Maul's legs in this hella cool flip thingy. At this point the movie has been going on for 5 hours, people are restless and trying to leave but the doors are locked some resort to suicide while others suck it up (this one dood commited suicide with 2 burnt popcorn kernals it wuz teh cool) but anywayz DV would be like "VVVSSMMT" (sound a lightsaber makes while going through flesh) to Lil' Ani. Ani would leave with his heart-warming catchphrase "These black folk are fuckin' krazy!" He'd do a cutsie wink and the camera and fall face first onto the floor covered in his blood thereby crushing his skull because they were on a 1,000 foot obelisk in Naboo. Darth Vader totally won everyone who didn't commit suicide breathes a sigh of relief. And as a st00pit Loony Tunes reference Yoda pops out and says "All that is, folks" "LOL" says the audience as they get up and start leaving. With a look of shock and horror in there eyes the audience sees that the doors are still locked and will never be opened. Suddenly, the THX ultimate sound starts as teh movie is immortal. Most go def immediatly, those not lucky enough have to suffer the pain of what seems to be a waterfall of blood falling from their ears. The horrid stench of death fills the air as the once enjoyable background porn becomes a disgusting montouge of blood and penis. Some people blind themselves with straws. The children happily dance until they can't no more that's when they get bored and hungry. Everyone is hungry after all it's been 55 days. "DAMMIT" some random person yells as everyone is getting progressivly hungry he shoves his face within the bowels of George Lucas' maggot-ridden flesh and pulls out a big chunk with his teeth. The virus spreads and everyone becomes ZOMBEEZ! "OMFG!" the cops yell as they see the zombies burst out of the cinema wall "THAT BASTARD COW DID IT AGAIN!" Yes, yes I did do it again *insane laugh* "Thank god for tamponz thank god almighty.... I haven't been caught yet! So yes of course Darth Vader would win!

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

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Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-05-29 01:50:12

Darth Vader would win. Although Darth Maul is pretty good with the dual lightsabers.

Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-05-29 01:56:34

Actually I change my mind Maul would win because Darth Vader sucks. Anakin is stronger than the empeor but after he feel into the lava, he's no longer stronger than the palpatine. George Lucas said if Anakin didn't fall into the lava, he would have been the emperor. After loosing so much of his body he also lost a lot of the force. Vader now relys on his suit to survive. Anakin can beat Maul but not Vader.

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Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-05-29 02:40:29

Obi-Wan killed Maul, Obi-Wan trains Anakin, and Anakin kills Obi-Wan.

Vader > Maul

Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-05-29 02:46:50

darth vader will win

Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-05-29 02:51:23


Vader WAS better than Maul, leaps & bounds beyond Palpatine - but his lava bath on Mustafar changed all that (hence why the Emperor sought Luke as his new successor).

Maul. Pure hate, pure arrogance, not an ounce of good left in him, unlike that fuck farmer Anakin.

Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-05-29 02:51:26

At 5/28/05 11:36 PM, a_lost_prophet wrote: Who would win in a duel? Darth Vader or Darth Maul?

Darth Vader would force choke Maul before he could even think about whipping out that duel blade light sabre.

BBS Mod. PM with queries and complaints if you must.

LazyTV | Stuff White People Like

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Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-05-29 02:59:01

At 5/29/05 12:53 AM, cant_count_to5 wrote:
At 5/29/05 12:49 AM, lonesniper08 wrote:
At 5/29/05 12:44 AM, cant_count_to5 wrote: ill list best siths to worst.

1) lord vader
2)general grievous
3)darth sidious
4)count dooku
5)darth maul

thats all the siths that i know.
First of all, General Grievous isn't a sith.
If by Count Dooku, you mean Darth Tyrannus, OK.

What about Exar Kun?
Or Freedon Nadd?
Or Darth Nihlis?
Or Darth Trayus?

By the way, Palpatine is known to have used fleet destroying force storms. So techincally he should be higher than Vader.
well darth vader killed him so vader is higher.

the only reason that darth vader killed palpatine was coz he pushed him over the edge of a conveniently placed void, lets not forget that vader was 'killed' by the amount of power he got from palpatine when he TOUCHED him. palpatine killed vader after HE HIMSELF DIED. but i do agree with that vader pwnz mauls ass.

Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-05-29 03:00:56

Darth Vader is better than Darh Maul, Darth Maul was defeated by Obi-Wan, and Dath Vader defeated Obi-Wan! edn

Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-05-29 03:18:28

I think what it really comes down to is appearance. Cause stat wise, Vader appears to have the better record. Then again we don't know Maul's past and he doesn't have a future of meeting with Vader so we can't be sure.

Appearance: I have to say that Maul wins. He looks cooler and his fighting style more ninja like.

Vader (not Anakin) looks cool, but still is like more of a big knight.

Force Powers: Vader definitely used the force better in my opinion. He also got in a tiefighter. That is pretty cool.

Darth Maul did have that motorcycle like speeder that was cool, but it doesn't beat a tiefighter.

I'm not conceited...I'm convinced.

Also, I like to use ellipses.......a lot...

Xbox Live: GreenLanternDSC

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Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-05-29 05:28:53

dath vader would would massacre darth maul

Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-05-29 05:31:52

Vader. of course he is the chosen one and a master of the dark side ... and then their is maul tisk tisk he is just a wanna be... lol could kick my ass tho

Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-05-29 05:34:13

Darth Maul. Because at that point on the timeline, Vader is some stupid, pod-racing kid.

Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-05-29 05:50:57

I don't want to sound like a Star Wars geek but fuck it, none of you guys know me its the internet. From my knowledge of Starwars, depending on the timezone, Maul would win because in his era, Vader was still a boy and could easily get owned by Maul. If it was later in life when Anikin turns into a badass dickhead with powers unimaginable, I think it would either resolve in a tie, or Vader would become the victor. Well its 3 A.M. and I've been posting on the BBS since about 5 this evening im pretty tired im gonna log off soon. Peace out

Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-05-29 19:53:04

These questions are only topped by 'which console - both coming out next christmas, no one has seen anything specific for now - is better' questions.

Star Destroyer vs. B5 Omega Class destroyer,
Yoda vs. Neo,
Indiana Jones vs. Santa Claus
Satan vs. Jesus,
David vs. Godzilla,
USA vs. China,
X-Wings vs. Battle Star Galactica...

... it is fiction and that is not comparable. I will take illusions, but the one wins, who *needs* to win to get an interesting plot.
Darth Vader is not stronger then Indiana Jones if the plot needs it... othervise Indy whips the light saber out of his hand, says 'Sith, i hate these guys' and kicks him in the nuts. Or something... *shrug*...

Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-08-23 04:34:33

At 5/28/05 11:36 PM, a_lost_prophet wrote: Who would win in a duel? Darth Vader or Darth Maul? MY vote goes to Vader just because he's bad-ass like that. No one can match his power with the Force. It took his son to defeat him.

Ummm they are bolth dead i beleave........vader died in episode 6 and maul died in episode 1 if they were bolth alive if you had mentioned that i would say vader 1st of all hes the greatest sith of them all 2nd he would pwn maulin a split second.

Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-08-23 04:35:25


Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-08-23 04:43:14

i would have to say vader.

Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-08-23 04:49:04

darth vader took 6 movies to die... maul died in one.
vader wins

Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-08-23 04:52:55

All the people who hates Shitwars woult com and kill them both.

Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-08-23 05:00:34

Darth Vader is at least 20 years younger than Maul.

It's pretty obvious that Vader can beat the shit out of an old hack.

Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-08-23 05:12:52

darth vader , he is way to powerful

Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-08-23 05:18:19

Man darth mauls dual lightsaber would win the battle So in the end vader would lose.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

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Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-08-23 07:02:29

Vader would win, but Maul would give him the best fight of his life since Obi Wan fought him(before he became Vader).

Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-08-23 07:14:12

Vader would do owange on mauls ass

Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-08-23 07:14:28

vader could force choke maul to death with out blinking and
but in a saber dual maul has a slight advantage.

for pure power though: DARTH VADER

Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-08-23 07:21:01

OK, killing Obi-Wan wasn't that difficult for Vader. The man was like 70 and he sacrificed himself! And remember that Obi-Wan pwned Vader at the volcano and could have killed him if he had had the guts.

Darth Maul was a skilled duelist and very agile. He died because of his stupidity and arrogance, not because of his lack in fighting skills.

George Lucas has said that when Vader got injured at the volcano, he lost a bulk of his Force potential. The fully armoured Vader was clumsy and not as powerful as he ought to have been. That Vader would lose to Darth Maul.

However, if Palpatine had had time to train Vader completely and without the incident at the volcano, he, Vader, would have become twice as powerful as his master, in which case he would pwn both Maul and Palpatine, crush the rebellion and become the supreme ruler of the Galaxy.

Wow, a galaxy ruled by Hayden Christensen ... that would suck.

Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-08-23 07:28:16

Depend Vader from episode 3 or Vader from episode 4? There's a huge difference!

Episode 3: Faster, Impatient, always crying, Angrier and a lot more agile...

Episode 4: Stronger in the force, patient (he doesn't say stupid thing such as "Don't tell me what to do!" than is slashed by Obiwan), not as angry as before but he is for sure on the dark side, slower but clearly one of the best jedi with a lightsaber.

The lesson is that Mace Windu died in a way he shouldn't because he was too much charismatic! (Don't search the link)

Anyway, I guess both Vader would kill Maul in a second

Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-08-23 08:48:23

Darth Vader(he is a better villan and Episodes 4,5 and 6 are better than episode 1.

Response to Darth Vader vs. Darth Maul 2005-08-23 08:51:47

I'd win!!

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