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+++The Zombie Survival Crew+++

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Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-05 02:55:46

At 12/4/07 04:35 PM, flamingsquirrel107 wrote: I live in the middle of Ohio, in a small town. so I'd hole up in my house, and if my fortress was penetrated, I'd make my way up to lake erie ;)

Anyway, my house, right, strong brick walls, all doors leading outside are tick heavy wooden doors, with multiple deadlocks. The windows are double pane, and they start about eye level. In addition, there's a lot of thick plywood in my attic, so I would board them up with that. My basment aleady has a nice stockpile of non perishable foods, enough to last 1-2 months, in addirion, there is a small grocery store JUST up the street, so right off the bat, I would raid that place, grabbing all the food I ca fit into my parents 2 minivans. I have 2 melee weapons sitting in my room, one is an replica samuria sword, kinda usless as the blade isn't that secure, the 2nd is an "replica" or scimitar. One peice, heavy enough to decapitate if needed, but light enough not to slow you down. I alos have a 22 rifle, and a 20 gauge shotgun, but only around 5 or 6 rounds for each.

Swords are one of those melee weapons most people dive in and tell people "I'LL BE USING THIS TO CUT SOME ZOMBIES BRAINS TO HELL!". Now, if you even attempted, you'd either:
A. Get the blade stuck in the skull.
B. Behead and not realise because you're a dip-shit that zombies are still alive headless.
Not to mention, you need to smash/destroy the brain. Why do it by cutting when you can just smash the brain to hell with a blunt object like a bat of some kind or a hammer and not risk it getting stuck?

So I would send 2 members of my family to raid the grocery store witht the minivans, and use the car to drive to my freinds house, pick up him and his family, as well as their stockpile of guns (30 30 lever action, plenty of ammo, 12 guage shotgun, plenty of ammo, 2 22 rifles, plenty of ammo. ) and any non perishables they have.

I will guarentee you, you're not the first one to think of this idea. While this may seem very insignificant and pointless, that means that a lot of people will be trying to raid the food and guns shops. A lot. It's better to wait out until the immediate crash has gone and then start raiding not only shops but people's houses. That way, you have a less chance of being killed due to civilians trying to grab the last tin of baked beans or that last box of 9mm bullets.

While I'm out picking up my friend and his supplies, and 2 other family members gathering food, the remaining 2 family members would be fortifying the house, boarding up windows, blockading doors/windows, gathering supplies into one place.

If you've blockaded it up, how would you get in? Would common sense tell you to blockade everything up after you've gotten in with everything?

Unfortunatley, there is no place easiy accesible to gather lots of weaponry, food, yes, weapons, no.

Food no as well.

After fortifying the house, and gathering supplies, I would continue to make supply runs (gas station for generator gas, etc) untill it became bad enough that I really needed to close up the shelter. We heat the house with a wood stove, so heat wouldn't be a problem during the winter.

Any system of what you'll take, how long to grab the shit, what happens if it goes wrong, etc.

Now if for some reason, the house was overrun (I can't imagine it happening, my house is practily perfect for fortifying against zombies) then I would have a small stash of weapons and food in one of the minivans, in the garage (also fortified) so we can try to escape to lake erie. I have no plans on what to do AFTER getting to lake erie, except trying to get on a boat, of course, everyone else will have had the same idea, so I don't expect it work. It's just a last ditch attempt.

Then it's a question of then what? What about the weight problem of, too heavy will sink the boat.

I think I covered everything. Also, i would have to make an agreement, anyone that would live in the shelter would have to agree to be "terminated" if they're infected. None of the "not telling anyone i'm infected" crap. if your infected, your isolated, or killed.

I wouldn't even make an agreement. Any hint of them being infected, I'd put a sledgehammer into their fucking skull.

Also, if I had the supplies and time to spare, I SECRETLY stash some things in my attic, which is entered through the garage, and has no other enterance. as a backup, I could always fall back to the attic.

Holing yourself up in one place with no real means of escape is a bad idea.

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-05 04:41:09

this is a special note to LC

I put up my plan a little while ago, but Big Dates reviewed it, so i'm fairly certian it didn't count. Therefore (after a long review) i'll repost something better. Here goes.

I live in the northern wasteland of Idaho. On average the tempreture at night can get well below freezing during the winter, everybody owns a gun, and there is no shortage of stupid or beer. So nobody would come up through here any way, less of caurse they are refugies heading toward Canada (World war Z) . that is hopefully the case and if that were true I'd have plenty of time to prepare and gather a possy before the infection reaches me. If that were not the case and the infection reaches my city before I'm prepared, i would be in a shit load of trouble.

The city I live in is an urban nightmare until you reach city limits, then it becomes a mountain like hell. being a college town there are lots of coffee shops, and malls, and bars. As well as being disorienting, its very hilly. This means if i had to start running from zombies that i'd get real tired real fast. The immense amount of alleys, and corners also means the possibility of being surprised by a zombie is raised dramticly. Other crazies and raiders would also be a huge problem for the same reason. To survive the initial break out (like mass panic every where, where there is not a whole lot of zombies yet, but there wil be), I would have to find a handy long hard object to bash skulls with.

After that, grab as many supplies(food, water, a gun, ammunition, and even survival gear can be found in many stores all over the place because hunting is a ig deal) as I can while lotters all around me do the same. I would try to persuade some of the paniced public to come with me to safety, as many as a I could on my way to the country side that is. After that long term preperations are required.

The survival technic I would use would be to form a gang or small society. Being a city with a population reaching into the 20,000's combined with the nearby city's 40,000 (moscow, Pullman area).
This means Icould have about 50,000+ Zed walking around. The idea then would be to go unnoticed. Small and stealthy, not making lots of noise, and living away from the city is a good way to go in this instance. A small society would survive better for this. There probably wouldn't be a whole lot of people left anyway, seeing as how the infection would spread increadibly fast( lots of malls and social places). My gang, as it were, would be divided into three parts; Hunters, Gathers, and engineers.

The Hunters would be out during the day, in broad day light, and patrol perimiter, escort gatherers, hunt zombies, etc. These guts are my main force, they protect every one and everything (perferred if they were hunters and soldiers, that way they know how to shoot well). Gatherers would be my salvaging, scrounging, and farming group. They would work in a team of three (2 gatherers, 1 hunter) and move throughout the city gathering supplies. Engineers is only a technical term for my medics, repairmen, and construction people. The engineers would never leave the base (priority personnel).

The base would be on the top of a hill with a house or a cellar (idaho patato cellars exsist above ground in rectangular structurs that are covered in dirt [ready made camafluage, not that it would help] ) It would not be hard to reinforce the building, and its gates. It would have 3; a front, a back, and an emergeny escape tunnel door that would go out through the side under ground 20 meters away from the complex towards the mountains (this would have to be dug, but thats not as difficult as it sounds).

Munitions would primarily be given over to the hunters. This would consist of rifles, a .22 caliber rifle is fairly easy to come by as well as its ammunition and can infact puncture the skull, as well as a long reaching melee weapon (perferably steel), and whatever explosives we can find or make. Pistols (if any are left) would be given to the gatherers, mostly because of the tight places they'd be going into, and they are a great close qurters support weapon. Shotguns would be given to the priority crew. Why? becuase if zombies were actually able to make it past our perimiter and into our base, the shotgun may be able to buy the critical time needed for the others to escape as it has the most stopping power, most damage, and requires the least amount of accuracy.

Now the biggest problem i would have is if I couldn't find enough people for my gang (about 12 would do just fine, 18 would be better) or if my cellar was over run. Its cold enough that I could escape into the mountains as the zombies are terrible climbers and would probably freeze trying to get us, but its also cold enough that we could freeze to death ourselves. Being overun is entirely possible given my location. Thus the escape hatch, but if we could prepare it, a emergency leave pack for the whole crew could be assembled and we may just be able to get the hell out of dodge and live to tell the tale.

hope thats good enough for ya LC, or who ever grades these things

I cannot know whose blood stains my hands, to many died by them to tell

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-05 10:06:57

At 12/5/07 04:41 AM, djudy wrote: this is a special note to LC

I'd prefer a hyphen between the L and C. Just there used to be an old regular who was known as LC.

I put up my plan a little while ago, but Big Dates reviewed it, so i'm fairly certian it didn't count. Therefore (after a long review) i'll repost something better. Here goes.

It didn't count. Only my voice counts when it comes to who comes in and who ends up on their arse.

I live in the northern wasteland of Idaho. On average the tempreture at night can get well below freezing during the winter, everybody owns a gun, and there is no shortage of stupid or beer. So nobody would come up through here any way, less of caurse they are refugies heading toward Canada (World war Z) . that is hopefully the case and if that were true I'd have plenty of time to prepare and gather a possy before the infection reaches me. If that were not the case and the infection reaches my city before I'm prepared, i would be in a shit load of trouble.

Yep, nice to see you've taken in account your surroundings in more ways than one. A thing most people don't do. Even me.

The city I live in is an urban nightmare until you reach city limits, then it becomes a mountain like hell. being a college town there are lots of coffee shops, and malls, and bars. As well as being disorienting, its very hilly. This means if i had to start running from zombies that i'd get real tired real fast. The immense amount of alleys, and corners also means the possibility of being surprised by a zombie is raised dramticly. Other crazies and raiders would also be a huge problem for the same reason. To survive the initial break out (like mass panic every where, where there is not a whole lot of zombies yet, but there wil be), I would have to find a handy long hard object to bash skulls with.

Do you have any ideas what things you have already which you can use?

After that, grab as many supplies(food, water, a gun, ammunition, and even survival gear can be found in many stores all over the place because hunting is a ig deal) as I can while lotters all around me do the same. I would try to persuade some of the paniced public to come with me to safety, as many as a I could on my way to the country side that is. After that long term preperations are required.

My advise is to hide out until the first panic is over. But if you want to rush out fast while there is very few zombies, go right ahead. You just run a large risk of being killed by other humans.

The survival technic I would use would be to form a gang or small society. Being a city with a population reaching into the 20,000's combined with the nearby city's 40,000 (moscow, Pullman area).

Do you have any friends or anyone you'd consider bringing with you?

This means Icould have about 50,000+ Zed walking around. The idea then would be to go unnoticed. Small and stealthy, not making lots of noise, and living away from the city is a good way to go in this instance. A small society would survive better for this. There probably wouldn't be a whole lot of people left anyway, seeing as how the infection would spread increadibly fast( lots of malls and social places). My gang, as it were, would be divided into three parts; Hunters, Gathers, and engineers.

Nice organisation skills.

The Hunters would be out during the day, in broad day light, and patrol perimiter, escort gatherers, hunt zombies, etc. These guts are my main force, they protect every one and everything (perferred if they were hunters and soldiers, that way they know how to shoot well). Gatherers would be my salvaging, scrounging, and farming group. They would work in a team of three (2 gatherers, 1 hunter) and move throughout the city gathering supplies. Engineers is only a technical term for my medics, repairmen, and construction people. The engineers would never leave the base (priority personnel).

This relies a little too much that everyone wants to divide into one of three precise roles, not to mention that you'd have to meet people who are able to be Engineers.

The base would be on the top of a hill with a house or a cellar (idaho patato cellars exsist above ground in rectangular structurs that are covered in dirt [ready made camafluage, not that it would help] ) It would not be hard to reinforce the building, and its gates. It would have 3; a front, a back, and an emergeny escape tunnel door that would go out through the side under ground 20 meters away from the complex towards the mountains (this would have to be dug, but thats not as difficult as it sounds).

It's sounds very difficult. Do you have any idea how you would find a house so precise to your ideas?

Munitions would primarily be given over to the hunters. This would consist of rifles, a .22 caliber rifle is fairly easy to come by as well as its ammunition and can infact puncture the skull, as well as a long reaching melee weapon (perferably steel), and whatever explosives we can find or make.

What kind of melee weapon would you be looking for?

Pistols (if any are left) would be given to the gatherers, mostly because of the tight places they'd be going into, and they are a great close qurters support weapon. Shotguns would be given to the priority crew. Why? becuase if zombies were actually able to make it past our perimiter and into our base, the shotgun may be able to buy the critical time needed for the others to escape as it has the most stopping power, most damage, and requires the least amount of accuracy.

Priority crew? Who is that?

Now the biggest problem i would have is if I couldn't find enough people for my gang (about 12 would do just fine, 18 would be better) or if my cellar was over run. Its cold enough that I could escape into the mountains as the zombies are terrible climbers and would probably freeze trying to get us, but its also cold enough that we could freeze to death ourselves. Being overun is entirely possible given my location. Thus the escape hatch, but if we could prepare it, a emergency leave pack for the whole crew could be assembled and we may just be able to get the hell out of dodge and live to tell the tale.

That is another problem, the amount of people and space that you have to keep in mind.

hope thats good enough for ya LC, or who ever grades these things

It's mostly good, but can you please check for spelling and grammar.

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-05 10:14:57

Ok, after reading more of the Zombie Survival Guide, I relist hole up in my house, there's gonna be too many looters and if any zombies actualy figure out there're people in my house, they'll draw a crowd, and my house couldn't stand up to a whole bunch of em. 5-10, yes, more than that, not so much.

New plan:

Gather all the food and general supplies from my house (melee weapons, guns, ammo, food, blankets, radios, flares for emergency or to distract zombies, as in chuck the flare or shoot the flare really far away, zombies will go to there the flare lands, not the source.) pile up all that crap in the vehicles, assumeing travel by vehicle is still possible. (i'm thinking VERY realy now, like before the general public even knows it's zombies, rather than a bunch of strange disaperences) go my to one friends, pick up all his weapons and food and family etc. Go to OTHER friend, who lives more in the country. not the boondox, but not innercity. maybe 5 houses close to him.2 of these houses are also family members of his. Unfortunatley, they don't have lots of weapons. They have maybe 1-2 rifles per house. These are big hunting rifles though. Anyway, we'd pick the out of the 3 houses, the best to fortify, have one team (we're looking at a total of 14 or 15 people here) start boarding up windows, etc, while the rest of people, split into 2 groups, and gather supplies from the other houses. One person will be outside on watch, the second they spot a zombie, everyone goes to the selected fortress, and a fighter is sent out to take care of it (melee) depending on the situation, the zombies will either be dispatched, or the entire group will hole up in the fortress. My hope would be to continue working on the fortress, untill zombies arrive, making it impossible to work. if just one or two zombies arrive, they will be killed, and burried, or otherwise disposed of. If the outrbeak is prolonged, or no help ever arrives, and we have to face a long term situation, then we would eventualy clear one exit in a way that zombies still can't get in (an exit to the roof from the attic, then a ladder going to the ground) and continue fortiying when zombies aren't around. Idealy, some kind of wall would be built encompassing all 3 houses, and it would act more as an entire compound rather than one fortified house. The main house would still be our fallback point though. Unfortunatley, I don't think a wall type situation would ever work out, as it would need to be something like a 10 foot high concrete wall. Also in a long term situtaion, we would have to eventualy scavenge for food etc. first would be neihboring houses, and only as a last resort would we re-enter the city

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-05 11:45:51

At 12/4/07 12:44 PM, flamingsquirrel107 wrote:
At 12/4/07 11:50 AM, apple32 wrote:

But zombies are just re-animated human bodies. The human body moves by using muscles, those muscles need fuel, oxengen. if they don't get oxegen, they'll stop working.
esentialy, a zombie is just a human, with no personality, or higher brain functions, and pain does not affect them. So.. basicaly a druggie ;)

no but zombies are independent of everything we need it no longer needs anything to survive and eventually will rot to an extent to where it is a bunch of undead zombie part

(place worthless text here)

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-05 12:37:52

Ok. You non-member dumbasses need to stop posting.

Unless LC says you're a member, the only thing that should be posted is your survival plan. SO STOP POSTING!

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-05 14:15:33

At 12/5/07 10:14 AM, flamingsquirrel107 wrote: New plan:

Wow...That wall is almost as big as the Berlin Wall...

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-05 18:34:07

At 12/5/07 02:15 PM, Lost-Chances wrote:
At 12/5/07 10:14 AM, flamingsquirrel107 wrote: New plan:
Wow...That wall is almost as big as the Berlin Wall...

Better safe than sorry.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-05 21:43:46

At 12/5/07 06:34 PM, flamingsquirrel107 wrote:
Better safe than sorry.

I think he means that you need to split up your posts, make paragraphs and spaces, it helps us to easily remember where we are at in reading your post, and it looks better.

"Roleplaying is to the mind what masturbation is to the body. It's dirty, obscene, not publicly performed " - Shalashaska-1

ZombieCrew SurvivalRP Siggy by Thimbles

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-05 21:59:26

At 12/5/07 09:43 PM, JakFro5t wrote:
At 12/5/07 06:34 PM, flamingsquirrel107 wrote:
Better safe than sorry.
I think he means that you need to split up your posts, make paragraphs and spaces, it helps us to easily remember where we are at in reading your post, and it looks better.

I knew that... I was testing you... <_<

I definately did not think he was talking about the size of the ideal wall i would build..

At 12/5/07 10:14 AM, flamingsquirrel107 wrote: New plan:

Gather all the food and general supplies from my house (melee weapons, guns, ammo, food, blankets, radios, flares for emergency or to distract zombies, as in chuck the flare or shoot the flare really far away, zombies will go to there the flare lands, not the source.) pile up all that crap in the vehicles, assumeing travel by vehicle is still possible. (i'm thinking VERY realy now, like before the general public even knows it's zombies, rather than a bunch of strange disaperences) go my to one friends, pick up all his weapons and food and family etc. Go to OTHER friend, who lives more in the country. not the boondox, but not innercity. maybe 5 houses close to him.2 of these houses are also family members of his. Unfortunatley, they don't have lots of weapons. They have maybe 1-2 rifles per house. These are big hunting rifles though.

Anyway, we'd pick the out of the 3 houses, the best to fortify, have one team (we're looking at a total of 14 or 15 people here) start boarding up windows, etc, while the rest of people, split into 2 groups, and gather supplies from the other houses. One person will be outside on watch, the second they spot a zombie, everyone goes to the selected fortress, and a fighter is sent out to take care of it (melee) depending on the situation, the zombies will either be dispatched, or the entire group will hole up in the fortress.

My hope would be to continue working on the fortress, untill zombies arrive, making it impossible to work. if just one or two zombies arrive, they will be killed, and burried, or otherwise disposed of. If the outrbeak is prolonged, or no help ever arrives, and we have to face a long term situation, then we would eventualy clear one exit in a way that zombies still can't get in (an exit to the roof from the attic, then a ladder going to the ground) and continue fortiying when zombies aren't around.

Idealy, some kind of wall would be built encompassing all 3 houses, and it would act more as an entire compound rather than one fortified house. The main house would still be our fallback point though. Unfortunatley, I don't think a wall type situation would ever work out, as it would need to be something like a 10 foot high concrete wall. Also in a long term situtaion, we would have to eventualy scavenge for food etc. first would be neihboring houses, and only as a last resort would we re-enter the city

TADA! I know the spelling/grammer isn't that great, but I don't wanna type it out all nice and pretty untill I come up with something that isn't crap.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-07 03:26:41

At 12/5/07 10:06 AM, Lost-Chances wrote:
At 12/5/07 04:41 AM, djudy wrote: this is a special note to LC

thank you L-C, for going over the plan. I prefer not to make another huge block of text to fix it though and wiil just answer your questions here.

Do you have any ideas what things you have already which you can use?

I have a small food storage that would last me personally 1 week, a flash light, a crank radio (never know right?) and a hand gun (9mm berretta). Its not a whole lot, thats why grabbing supplies initially is important.

My advise is to hide out until the first panic is over. But if you want to rush out fast while there is very few zombies, go right ahead. You just run a large risk of being killed by other humans.

I thought about that, but in the end I figured that the majority of the people would be stupid, rather than smart, and would be busy clogging up the high way, leaving me room to find a suitable location.

Do you have any friends or anyone you'd consider bringing with you?

My brother lives in the same town, but I just went under the assumtion I would start out alone. Its possible that I could keep him alive, but he's not that great a survivalist, he'd probably only slow us down.

My gang, as it were, would be divided into three parts; Hunters, Gathers, and engineers.
This relies a little too much that everyone wants to divide into one of three precise roles, not to mention that you'd have to meet people who are able to be Engineers.

This is something that was also a big problem i was considering, but i figured that I would end up with some brave people, and some not so brave people, if the roles they were assigned didn't fit them they could change, but i'd probably kick them out (infighting and complaing cannot be tolerated). Living in a colledge town means that the young to old ratio is 5:1, it also means that every 2:1 people carry degrees of some kind. so in other words, Engineer class citizens would be easy to find, relitivly speaking. it really relies a lot more on luck of the draw then any thing (what doesn't?).

It's sounds very difficult. Do you have any idea how you would find a house so precise to your ideas?

A cellar with the particulars I've mentioned are not hard to find, its making sure that no one is inside it still thats the problem

What kind of melee weapon would you be looking for?

I'm thinking anything steel and longer than the length of your arm, though I imagine that the majority of those using them will have a personal preferance (I'm partial to a lead water pipe)

Priority crew? Who is that?

They are the Engineers I mentioned earlier. They are a priority because of their skills.

Now the biggest problem i would have is if I couldn't find enough people for my gang (about 12 would do just fine, 18 would be better) or if my cellar was over run. Its cold enough that I could escape into the mountains as the zombies are terrible climbers and would probably freeze trying to get us, but its also cold enough that we could freeze to death ourselves. Being overun is entirely possible given my location. Thus the escape hatch, but if we could prepare it, a emergency leave pack for the whole crew could be assembled and we may just be able to get the hell out of dodge and live to tell the tale.
That is another problem, the amount of people and space that you have to keep in mind.

thats a big 10-4, space and resources are the biggest problem of any army or country, rarely its the enemy.

It's mostly good, but can you please check for spelling and grammar.

So i'm In right, I'll probably cry until somebody kills me if I'm not. I'll promise to use a spell checker and what not in the future.

I cannot know whose blood stains my hands, to many died by them to tell

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-07 13:03:16

At 12/5/07 12:37 PM, Twilight-Knight wrote: Ok. You non-member dumbasses need to stop posting.

Unless LC says you're a member, the only thing that should be posted is your survival plan. SO STOP POSTING!

I post my survival plan no one has responded

(place worthless text here)

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-07 15:44:55

At 12/7/07 01:03 PM, apple32 wrote:
At 12/5/07 12:37 PM, Twilight-Knight wrote: Ok. You non-member dumbasses need to stop posting.

Unless LC says you're a member, the only thing that should be posted is your survival plan. SO STOP POSTING!
I post my survival plan no one has responded

I am going to...Just not yet. I've been busy lately.

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-07 17:14:22

At 12/5/07 04:41 AM, djudy wrote: this is a special note to LC

Bravo!!!! I do say bravo that was one of the most interesting reads I've read in a while here your a natural it seems.

Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-07 18:09:40

At 12/7/07 05:14 PM, smeagol1 wrote: Bravo!!!! I do say bravo that was one of the most interesting reads I've read in a while here your a natural it seems.

Bravo, for once in your fucking life you've actually used the grammar capabilities of a three year old.

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-07 22:32:47

So I couldn't think of what to talk about lately, and finally decided to ask....

despite what the Zombie Survival Handbook (guide) says about what would create a living dead, if you made you own story how would the zombies come to be? Personally I think it would be a mutated basterd freak organism that scientist created by interfuseing Dicrocoelium dendriticum, Toxoplasma gondii, and some sort of organism that highjacks the mitocondria in the body to "shock" it back to life, to create a mutant with "volanteers" from the local prisons. Somehow the reincarnated undead get out, thus the Apocolypse.

So how would it happen if you could choose, don't steal Max Brooks' ideas, make your own.

"Roleplaying is to the mind what masturbation is to the body. It's dirty, obscene, not publicly performed " - Shalashaska-1

ZombieCrew SurvivalRP Siggy by Thimbles

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-08 01:01:33

At 12/7/07 10:32 PM, JakFro5t wrote: So I couldn't think of what to talk about lately, and finally decided to ask....

despite what the Zombie Survival Handbook (guide) says about what would create a living dead, if you made you own story how would the zombies come to be? Personally I think it would be a mutated basterd freak organism that scientist created by interfuseing Dicrocoelium dendriticum, Toxoplasma gondii, and some sort of organism that highjacks the mitocondria in the body to "shock" it back to life, to create a mutant with "volanteers" from the local prisons. Somehow the reincarnated undead get out, thus the Apocolypse.

So how would it happen if you could choose, don't steal Max Brooks' ideas, make your own.

probably something to do with stem cells. They work their way through corpse, repairing enough to make the body function again, but since the person is "dead" the brain will only have its base inpulses, no personality, no intelligence.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-08 05:26:44

At 12/5/07 09:59 PM, flamingsquirrel107 wrote:
At 12/5/07 10:14 AM, flamingsquirrel107 wrote: New plan:
Gather all the food and general supplies from my house (melee weapons, guns, ammo, food, blankets, radios, flares for emergency or to distract zombies, as in chuck the flare or shoot the flare really far away, zombies will go to there the flare lands, not the source.) pile up all that crap in the vehicles, assumeing travel by vehicle is still possible. (i'm thinking VERY realy now, like before the general public even knows it's zombies, rather than a bunch of strange disaperences) go my to one friends, pick up all his weapons and food and family etc. Go to OTHER friend, who lives more in the country. not the boondox, but not innercity. maybe 5 houses close to him.2 of these houses are also family members of his. Unfortunatley, they don't have lots of weapons. They have maybe 1-2 rifles per house. These are big hunting rifles though.

Too much reliance on you finding out it might be zombie attacks before everyone else does. Not to mention, that is also putting a lot of reliance on:
A: Your friends are still alive.
B: Your friends are willing to still let you in. People can go pretty crazy under harsh environments. Environmentally and psychologically.

Anyway, we'd pick the out of the 3 houses, the best to fortify, have one team (we're looking at a total of 14 or 15 people here) start boarding up windows, etc, while the rest of people, split into 2 groups, and gather supplies from the other houses. One person will be outside on watch, the second they spot a zombie, everyone goes to the selected fortress, and a fighter is sent out to take care of it (melee) depending on the situation, the zombies will either be dispatched, or the entire group will hole up in the fortress.

One fighter or hole up a fortress? Everyone hides from one zombie? I hope I'm not the only one that thinks this might be over-the-top for the situation. Granted, it's a zombie. But one single zombie which can be taking out either:
A: A firm hit to the head.
B: A bullet to the brain.

My hope would be to continue working on the fortress, untill zombies arrive, making it impossible to work. if just one or two zombies arrive, they will be killed, and burried, or otherwise disposed of. If the outrbeak is prolonged, or no help ever arrives, and we have to face a long term situation, then we would eventualy clear one exit in a way that zombies still can't get in (an exit to the roof from the attic, then a ladder going to the ground) and continue fortiying when zombies aren't around.

Too risky just to fortify it.

Idealy, some kind of wall would be built encompassing all 3 houses, and it would act more as an entire compound rather than one fortified house. The main house would still be our fallback point though. Unfortunatley, I don't think a wall type situation would ever work out, as it would need to be something like a 10 foot high concrete wall. Also in a long term situtaion, we would have to eventualy scavenge for food etc. first would be neihboring houses, and only as a last resort would we re-enter the city

It'll never work. Never.

TADA! I know the spelling/grammer isn't that great, but I don't wanna type it out all nice and pretty untill I come up with something that isn't crap.

Isn't great? I struggled to read it. This plan needs major work.

At 12/7/07 10:32 PM, JakFro5t wrote: despite what the Zombie Survival Handbook (guide) says about what would create a living dead, if you made you own story how would the zombies come to be? Personally I think it would be a mutated basterd freak organism that scientist created by interfuseing Dicrocoelium dendriticum, Toxoplasma gondii, and some sort of organism that highjacks the mitocondria in the body to "shock" it back to life, to create a mutant with "volanteers" from the local prisons. Somehow the reincarnated undead get out, thus the Apocolypse.

This is semi-stolen so just deal with me here.

A man breaks out of prison and stays out for ten years. In that period, the prison he used to be at is torn down after mysterious events. It is the tenth anniversary of him breaking out and he receives a letter stating that his share of the money is back at the prison. No mention of how he got the money or what crime he has done is revealed. Once he returns back, he meets many "monsters", which are manifestations (which wouldn't be told in the story) of things. Some of them could class as zombies due to them being undead since they symbolise different killings. The man must then fight through the prison to find out about his money, what is going on and a few other minor things.

This too will pass.

Memento mori

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Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-08 12:08:05

Lost-Chances is a grammer nazi, but when he started posting here on page 4, his grammer wasn't anything special...

He even said one of his weapons of choice was a sword; something he criticized me for choosing. BTW, I have decided to arm other party members with the swords, and keep the Crowbar for myself. I have 2 crowbars actualy. One is half life red!

At 3/10/05 04:30 PM, Lost-Chances wrote: if this is true, why the fuck hasn't been destroyed? If it doesn't get destroyed then one day it will excape and only 4 words will explain what will happen, the world is fucked. simple. i mean, yeah, we'll survive but to make sure there is some sort of future there has to be at least 200+ survivors to be able to restore everything. because what no one has thought of is, when these fuckers hit the earth, everyone will stop making food so it will run out!! simple......and you can't live on water alone. ammo will soon run out, so melee is best, gun in the extreme situations. use shotgun, rifle or semi auto m16. NO AUTO!!! autos waste ammo quick. shotgun is best for problems if they are closing in on you and rifle if you can shoot from far away. sniper rifle even better but if can't get that, rifle will do (m1 grand for example). Just to let you know, i will like to join. my weapon is sword and baseball bat....

Look, basicaly my plan is

A) In the case of being able to drive, without the3 streets being totaly clogged, load supplies into van, pick up other fighter, drive to guys house that lives in the country, keep fortifying house untill too many zombies make it impossible.

B) in the case that it's impossible to travel to more remote location by vehicle, fortiy my own house, and gather supplies that are close. If possible, drive to pick up fighters that are only within 1 mile of me.

Oh, and to my freinds "going crazy, not letting me in, etc"
That's not going to happen, more than likley they'll have no idea what to do, and won't have even started fortifying or anything. Also, all of the people I have in mind to either pick up as fighters (2 guys) or go to his house in the country (one guy) I've known them for at least 8 years, and trained in martial arts with them for that long. All of use (except the guy in the country) have black belts in at least 2 styles of martal arts, meaning we're highly disapined, and not going to to freak out. We have hand to hand combat training, know simple ways to incapacitate (break knees, zombies can't walk on it) etc. We also have had training with how to deal with people on drugs, who won't feel or react to pain, so those are all attacks that physical disable them, so they cannot move. Also, we've had weapon training with at least 3 weapons. Including bo staff, which is basicaly a stick, so it's easy to find something to function as one.

Point is these guys are highly disaplined, know how to be organized, how to take commands, and how to fight well.

With the whole "everyone goes insode the fort at the sign of a zombie"
for one, your trying to tell me that I'm being too carefull in a damn zombie outbreak? Besides, I'm talking about non fighters, the people that, while usefull for gathering supplies, fortiying, etc etc, aren't the best of fighters.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-08 13:27:49

At 12/8/07 12:08 PM, flamingsquirrel107 wrote: The worst plan ever.

You fail at dealing with zombie outbreaks. Read up and get wise or you won't survive.

Better Days | "If you don't stand behind our troops, please feel free to stand in front of them." | The Hookah Lounge | Merry Christmas Cocksmokers! |

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Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-08 13:42:06

At 12/8/07 12:08 PM, flamingsquirrel107 wrote: Hmm...
Lost-Chances is a grammer nazi, but when he started posting here on page 4, his grammer wasn't anything special...

Any chance of you joining has been thrown out the window, well done. What I did two years ago means fuck all to what I do now. Why the fuck should I read the rest of your post when I waste my time to read poorly constructed plans, help improve them and let in only people who show a sign of intelligence, helpfulness and activity when I get little failures who attempt to weasel their way out of very slack things like punctuation so it makes it a harder time to read your stupid over-done ideas at any time between 6 and 8 in the morning after waking up before leaving for school.

It's also spelt grammar and Nazi requires a capital n.

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-08 17:55:21

At 12/8/07 01:42 PM, Lost-Chances wrote:
At 12/8/07 12:08 PM, flamingsquirrel107 wrote: Hmm...
Lost-Chances is a grammer nazi, but when he started posting here on page 4, his grammer wasn't anything special...
Any chance of you joining has been thrown out the window, well done.

OH GOD! Mommy! Some random asshat won't let me into his internet club about fictional monster survial plans! My feelings are hurt...

What I did two years ago means fuck all to what I do now.

When you first started posting here, your gammer was nothing special. I'm first posting here, my grammer is nothing special...

:Why the fuck should I read the rest of your post when I waste my time to read poorly constructed :plans,

If you think it's a waste of time, stop. No one's holding a gun to your head.

:help improve them

Bull shit. Your "improvments" are "that'll never work" or "you suck"

:and let in only people who show a sign of intelligence, helpfulness and activity when I get little :failures who attempt to weasel their way out of very slack things like punctuation so it :makes it a harder time to read your stupid over-done ideas

That doesn't make sense. "so it makes it a harder time" ?

at any time between 6 and 8 in the morning after waking up before leaving for school.
It's also spelt grammar and Nazi requires a capital n.

Thanks for pointing out my mistake.

Now, I'm running ideas past you, and when I finaly settle on a plan, I'll type it out all nice and fancy. Why should I spend an hour proof reading and correcting when you're just going to say "that'll never work" ?

I post a plan, you rudley shoot it down, insult me because of my "terrible, done to death" plan; I make another plan, again, you insult me, and my plan. I bring up the fact that when you first posted your plan, you didn't have it written in perfect english. You get all pissy.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-08 17:58:37

At 12/8/07 05:55 PM, flamingsquirrel107 wrote: OH GOD! Mommy! Some random asshat won't let me into his internet club about fictional monster survial plans! My feelings are hurt...

Well I am sorry to tell you, but I live in the PRESENT. I don't give a flying fuck what happened back then. Plus, why are you being sarcastic about me not letting you in and not giving a crap? You're the one still arguing about it.

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-08 20:26:41

At 12/8/07 05:55 PM, flamingsquirrel107 wrote:

*N00bish PMSing on the public.....

Listen dude you really don't know who your dealing with We don't take kindly to Cunts like you Get out or be banned for provokeing a Flame war.

This is your final warning before we bring Armaggedon apon your N00bish ass.

Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

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Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-08 20:57:27

ok, assumeing this is my first post in this thread, assumeing that none of those posts ever happened, what would you consider to be a good plan for someone in a small city, population 20,000?
living near the center of the town, around 15 mintues away from other citys.

For each stage:

Panic (Zombies are pretty much accepted, but the virus hasn't spread to where you live
Class I
Class II
Class III

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-08 21:50:23

At 12/8/07 08:57 PM, flamingsquirrel107 wrote: ok, assumeing this is my first post in this thread, assumeing that none of those posts ever happened, what would you consider to be a good plan for someone in a small city, population 20,000?
living near the center of the town, around 15 mintues away from other citys.

For each stage:

Panic (Zombies are pretty much accepted, but the virus hasn't spread to where you live
Class I
Class II
Class III

*Sigh* Your not supposed to be posting even if this were your first post, you would still need to become a member. I would sujest that you look over other members plans and see what would work for you, then post another plan.....I doubt you'll even be considered for joining, but I suppose you can try.


So any responses to my question?

"Roleplaying is to the mind what masturbation is to the body. It's dirty, obscene, not publicly performed " - Shalashaska-1

ZombieCrew SurvivalRP Siggy by Thimbles

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Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-08 22:00:20

At 12/8/07 09:50 PM, JakFro5t wrote: Attempted shunning.

You....Leave it to me and Lost Learn some decent fucking grammer while your at it.

You would be here with your 78 post count if it weren't for Daze. You would be allowed in at 400 posts strictly 400 posts.

I haven't been here for awhile due to a long case of Belphegor I have lazied about.

I might consider reposting a new plan if I feel like it.

Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

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Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-08 22:08:58

At 12/8/07 10:00 PM, smeagol1 wrote:
At 12/8/07 09:50 PM, JakFro5t wrote: Attempted shunning.
You....Leave it to me and Lost Learn some decent fucking grammer while your at it.


I might consider reposting a new plan if I feel like it.

What have you done with Smeagol?

I have nothing to say that is at all relevant.

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-08 22:28:21

Did I miss something?

"Roleplaying is to the mind what masturbation is to the body. It's dirty, obscene, not publicly performed " - Shalashaska-1

ZombieCrew SurvivalRP Siggy by Thimbles

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2007-12-08 22:28:52

Hmmm I like the new me I feel more wicked.....More Intellegent. Big e-penis boost I do say.

Your Smeagol does not exist here only in your dreams do I walk with you Through the dreams you behold.

I am neo-Smeagol at your service.

Think it like Gandalf's transformation.

Now transform and rock the fuck out!!!!

Enter Thy Metal Hell

www.infowars.com Because There Is A War On For Your Mind.

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