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+++The Zombie Survival Crew+++

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Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-29 21:46:06

Five feels the hair on the back of her neck stand on end, and her eyes widen in exhilaration, she runs and dives into a hallway as the experimental weapon pack overloads and explodes, sending a electrical plasmid in every direction, burning through everything in it’s path. Squankjack caught the brunt of his own attack. The plasmids landed on his face melting his head on contact. He tried to scream but couldn’t form the words through his melted vocal cords. Tsao had also gotten hit, a bit landed on his left thigh burning a hole down to the bone. Tsao screamed in pain and he watched his leg melt and collapse under his own weight.

Beluga grabs Tsao by the shoulder straps and drags him into the hallway that Five dove into. Six runs through the hallway as well, leaving the melting corpse of Squanjack behind as food for the remaining zombies.

“We’re not getting’ out that way!” Five said with a rash excitement.
“What the fuck are you smiling at, you sadistic piece of shit?!” Tsao managed to scream at Five even through the pain. Beluga and Six shot a glares at Five.
“What?!!” She pauses, carefully thinking out her words, “This is fun” her eyes shrunk in content. “We’ve gotta’ get out of here now! I suggest following those live ones, no way anyone would run into a cellar with no way out.” She starts to move out, the others reluctantly follow, Beluga still dragging Tsao and the zombies hoard closes the space between them.

aaaaaaand I'm done --- that was HELLA' fun to write. I could keep going if you want. =)

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-29 21:59:43

Well, I love them both. Whats up with Five, anyway? Is she so scared, she's hysterical, or what? Dont the death dealers know which part of the body to shoot, or did they only find out when Five told them? So many questions....

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-29 22:26:04

At 10/29/06 10:19 PM, Dejanus wrote: I had envisioned the Death Dealers as a clean-up unit. The mission is to kill any possible infected persons. They did not know what the nature of the threat was, only that it was biological and highly contagious.

Oh, so you mean that the Gov. is hiding info even from them, right? Or does the Gov. doesnt know anything about the treat level and nature?

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-29 22:36:07

Um, Third echelon is fictional, see . Does the president know about the true threat?

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-29 22:41:06

I assumed they were just a clean up crew who was told to go in and kill all like Dej said.

Five is just Sadistic, she loves to kill, but seems to take no thrill in killing the already dead. She Loves the grim and does not fear death, though she will do all that she can in order to stay alive.

"Those afraid of death are afraid to live. ---Daze" << ((You can quote me on that. . . cause that's an original Daze Quote ))

and given that the sonic weapon was experimental Squankjack was just hoping that the energy pack would explode. He had no clue what was going to happen. . . I'm pretty sure that if he did. . . he wouldn't have shot it.

Why Five knew how to kill a zombie is still up in the air. Maybe she just watches a lot of movie. . or maybe that's the only way she kills people - who knows.

all I know is she is one fucked up broad.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-29 22:42:09

At 10/29/06 10:36 PM, Snype wrote: Um, Third echelon is fictional, see . Does the president know about the true threat?

That's just what the govt. says xD
you can't trust those fuckers =P

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-29 22:42:54

That is teh coolest quote I have heard in a while, and I am afraid of death. So I guess that means Im afraid of living? Anyone else feel the same way?

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-29 22:46:28

At 10/29/06 10:42 PM, Snype wrote: That is teh coolest quote I have heard in a while, and I am afraid of death. So I guess that means Im afraid of living? Anyone else feel the same way?

Not me, I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrom, its a skin defect [=P] that effects organs, which make them stretchy and easily ripped. . . long story short I could have an aneurism and die at any second . . . i've know this for years, at first it was scary, but I've come to terms with it, and I am not really afraid of it. Plus it hasn't happened yet, so I'm fine.

So I always have fun. . . hence my typing at work. No point in being bored when I could be doing something fun =)

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-29 22:52:37

At 10/29/06 10:46 PM, NocturnalDaze wrote:

Not me, I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrom, its a skin defect [=P] that effects organs, which make them stretchy and easily ripped. . . long story short I could have an aneurism and die at any second . . . i've know this for years, at first it was scary, but I've come to terms with it, and I am not really afraid of it. Plus it hasn't happened yet, so I'm fine.

Damn. Sounds pretty obscure. Well, I guess you really don't have to worry too much about that, most injuries that'll even touch the organs will leave you pretty boned, with or without the syndrom.

ZSC/FE Crews

NG Mafia/Survival RPG

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-29 22:56:39

At 10/29/06 10:52 PM, HitTheTarget wrote:
At 10/29/06 10:46 PM, NocturnalDaze wrote:
Damn. Sounds pretty obscure. Well, I guess you really don't have to worry too much about that, most injuries that'll even touch the organs will leave you pretty boned, with or without the syndrom.

you don't under stand - i turned to the left and ripped a set of muscles in my back xD

but im better now, and stronger than eva'

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-29 23:07:42

At 10/29/06 10:50 PM, Dejanus wrote: Anyway, I would do Saints Row with you on X-box live, but my 360 is broken due to my shit-for-brains cousin falling on it. I will write the next chapter if no one else is up for it.

You son of a bitch! (Pardon my language), You never mentioned you have a 360 and Xbox Live.

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-29 23:13:59

At 10/29/06 10:56 PM, NocturnalDaze wrote:
At 10/29/06 10:52 PM, HitTheTarget wrote:
you don't under stand - i turned to the left and ripped a set of muscles in my back xD

but im better now, and stronger than eva'

Oh. Now I feel all nice and terrible inside. Like after I made fun of a guy in a wheelchair, only to figure out he was crippled.

ZSC/FE Crews

NG Mafia/Survival RPG

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-29 23:17:05

At 10/29/06 11:13 PM, HitTheTarget wrote: Oh. Now I feel all nice and terrible inside. Like after I made fun of a guy in a wheelchair, only to figure out he was crippled.

Hey don't worry about it. it doesn't bother me any =)

I'm I'll tell yah more about it over aim if yah want - it's fun in it's own ways.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-29 23:43:36

Shit Daze, GREAT STUFF! I woke up my roomate laughing when you had Michal called "Cookie!" If you want to continue from there, or from the other parts of the story, by all means!! We need to think about a conclusion too, for how it will all come together, which as im sure you won't mind, will be yours to choose in the last chapter! (whenever that will be)

I really like the characterization of the Dealers, its adding a great part to the story!

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-29 23:51:47

So, Dej, are you up now? Or should I continue. Either way it doesn't bother me

I need something to keep my occupied at work tomorrow =)

---Thanks TA =)

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-30 11:35:54

At 10/29/06 10:46 PM, NocturnalDaze wrote: Not me, I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrom, its a skin defect [=P] that effects organs, which make them stretchy and easily ripped. . . long story short I could have an aneurism and die at any second . . . i've know this for years, at first it was scary, but I've come to terms with it, and I am not really afraid of it.

Thats pretty fucked, bad luck there. So much of being a ninja. "Watch me do this handstand, whoops. My arms ripped off". Not very good for when the zombie attacks. They can grab your arm and rip it off with great ease.

At 10/29/06 02:57 PM, The-almighty-one wrote: i meanhmmm shit on the walls, inless hes a alt...

Oh yes, a level 14 alt with 10,000+ posts. Watch out.

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-30 13:55:51

dawn of the dead (2004) is the best zombie film ever becuse the survivers had no military connection what so ever (except one man being a copper) and the zombies had full mobility which seems more scary,

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-30 16:40:34

At 10/30/06 03:40 PM, Dejanus wrote: Yeah, I will write it. I have had npothng to do lately and I wil make it good. I think I will tie up Knives'/Global Cannible's character. I left him captured by a mysterious man in charge of a group of Dealers.

when the hell was that!?!?!?

-- looking forward to reading it.


so much for being a good ninja.

Actually It makes all of my joints hypermobile (meaning I am crazy flexible) plus I can climb things like a squirrel. And one of the photogs (camera guys) calls me Ghost - because he is black and I am white. . . PLUS i sneak up on him all the time . . . so it's beacause I am both white. . . and sneaky =)

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-30 18:21:35

That was a great story man. Bang up jpb on that one. Am I still going to be on the list since i have more free time? Also is shitalloverthewalls, lost?

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-30 18:31:12

At 10/30/06 06:21 PM, blackmantis1 wrote: That was a great story man. Bang up jpb on that one. Am I still going to be on the list since i have more free time? Also is shitalloverthewalls, lost?

We don't really have a list anymore. =P

we stopped since the last time Dej wrote and then we all got tooo busy - OH TAO wrote but we negated it - he introduced a giant dog and I said NOOOO to that!

If you would like to write you'd be after mister Dej.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-30 20:49:12

At 10/30/06 06:21 PM, blackmantis1 wrote: That was a great story man. Bang up jpb on that one. Am I still going to be on the list since i have more free time? Also is shitalloverthewalls, lost?

Yes. Shitalloverthewalls is indeed, LostChances.

Reminds me of the fact Shit wasn't aware that I had changed my name for over one hundred pages.

ZSC/FE Crews

NG Mafia/Survival RPG

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-30 22:20:37

Are you prepared for a zombie outbreak?

If you don't have the new Zombie Alert then you may want to think again.

The only way to be protected from a zombie is to have early warning. With Zombie Alert you get just that, and the peice of mind that your family member hasn't just one crazy and that it is ok to shoot them.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-30 22:48:11


I have to make me one of these cakes!

Zombie Cake X_o

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-31 00:47:56

I had a dream about a zombie attack and the only weapon I had was a huge medi-evil sward that I make as sharp a a razor. Just imagine braveheart when wallace was fighting at stirrling. Just imaging the english as zombies.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-31 07:18:50

look, only members can post here. If you want to become a member, post a survival plan of what you would do if there was a zombie outbreak. You have 2 chances, If you blow both of those, youre out, and if you post here after that, we will call a mod. Now, to get a good surivial plan, you should read the Zombie Survival Guide.

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-31 12:12:10

At 10/30/06 10:48 PM, NocturnalDaze wrote: HOLY SHIT!!!

I have to make me one of these cakes!

Zombie Cake X_o

Wouldn't mind trying the head out. Looks really good.

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-31 14:28:51

Max Brooks is going to be in my gf town tonight signing his book WWZ BUT I HAVE TO FUCKING WORK AND CAN'T GO !!!


Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-31 14:30:23

At 10/31/06 02:28 PM, NocturnalDaze wrote: Max Brooks is going to be in my gf town tonight signing his book WWZ BUT I HAVE TO FUCKING WORK AND CAN'T GO !!!


Go anyway god damn it!

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-31 15:23:56

At 10/31/06 02:28 PM, NocturnalDaze wrote: Max Brooks is going to be in my gf town tonight signing his book WWZ BUT I HAVE TO FUCKING WORK AND CAN'T GO !!!


Have your GF get it signed for you!!
damn havent posted in awhile becuase I got banned.
damn TAO is p-m-s ing or what?
Hey since dej, has decided to continue my characters story, can I jump into the ZSC rotation and write vincents part in the ZSC????

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-31 15:50:57

Ok, i dont want to be here right now, BUT right now is a 24 hour zombie movie marthon...really good as movies, if you have dig cable..and can pay for a channel its god..

Shawn of the dead
Dawn of the dead.
Zombies are us.
Night of zombies.
Francstien..Or however you spell it.
Land of the dead...
