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+++The Zombie Survival Crew+++

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Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 01:04:53

All of that is true except for the cure part. Two years is under best conditions. If things go FUBAR, then I doubt a cure coming in years to come, let alone two years.

ZSC/FE Crews

NG Mafia/Survival RPG

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 01:06:40

At 10/5/06 01:04 AM, HitTheTarget wrote: All of that is true except for the cure part. Two years is under best conditions. If things go FUBAR, then I doubt a cure coming in years to come, let alone two years.

True but, think of this they would have the best scientist in the world and with infinite number amount of money. Not to mention there would be more than one country trying to find a cure.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 01:32:27

At 10/5/06 01:02 AM, StraitJacketSoldier wrote: Zombies are not cannibles, they do not eat there own kind.


Zombies are ignorant, illiterate, and cannot feel pain what so ever.

You forgot to tack on slow (if we are lucky and don't get fast zombies)

Zombies feed on human flesh, there is no explanation that if a zombie outbreak occured what and how zeds would react.

As it has not happened yet, that is correct

If you were infected there is no telling when or how fast the infection spreads so that one heart pump = zed is bullshit.

I think you misunderstood him.

:Reason is becuase, there is a possibility people could be immune to the infection, and no one knows how long your immunity system could fight the infection. Therefore the infection time rate would be impossible to be known.
Ok you did misunderstand him =)

He said that within one heart beat of the virus being in your BLOOD STREAM you will be infected. . . Now that is infection in a sense that you will become sick, not that you are a zombie.

I had to double check that myself. But he said, once you get bitten and the bite[saliva] makes contact with bloodstream you are infect [not a zombie]. Which, I, and everyone here (I think) holds to be self evident - once you are bitten and it is in your blood you will become ill and becomes a zombie down the road.

If a zed outbreak did occur, it is most likely that with our modern technology, it wouldn't take more than 2 years to come up with a cure.

That is, of course, if the zombie infection did NOT start in a major city. . . If it were to start in a major city the numbers of the undead would have swelled to incomprehensable numbers. . . then the army goes in and the zombies ranks swell again.

----Basicly my point is that we run the risk of losing our more prominent scientists due to rapid spread of virus.

PLUS you gotta think about, what if Dude A gets bitten in NY then gets on a bus for Chicago. Once in Chicago he turns and starts an epidemic in Chicago. . . THen Dude B hops on a bus for Detroit after being bitten. . .

The virus could spread halfway across t he US in a day or two . . . We [Scientific institutions] may not last long enough for that.

Also There is no cure for death. Zombies are dead. You can't bring a guy back from the dead. . . The only cure is to stop it from moving [destroy its brain] . This may just be me. . . but once i turn into a zombie and I have a hole in my torso andno legs and an exposed tibula, DO NOT "CURE" [ressurect] ME! I would come back to life then die of blood loss!

sorry for the misspelling.

You're fine

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 02:01:13

meh, hard to argue with that, but if zombies were just created from the virus how would it start in the first place, theres no possible way that it would happen in a major city most likely in a isolated lab, where all progess is stored and if it happened that they found out how to reanimate and the virus broke out in the lab, the government and the fbi would be all over that. Shit there has probaly been an outbreak already and its been taken care of withought anyone knowing about it accept for the fbi and the government.....Who knows? I'm just saying if an outbreak did occur we would be prepared for the worst..

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 02:11:27

At 10/5/06 02:01 AM, StraitJacketSoldier wrote: Who knows? I'm just saying if an outbreak did occur we would be prepared for the worst..

Au contraire. Look at America. We have the most technilogically advanced army in the world. We can nail a fly on your jacket with a 2,000 pound bomb with pinpoint accuracy. We have equipment and weapons that make every soldier a demi-god on the battlefield, especially against zombies. All that, and guess what?

Three-fourths of them aren't here. They are in other countries, and they are in no position to react to a powerful outbreak.

So, in their abscence, who do we have to defend ourselves? Police? National Guard? With all due respect, that's nowhere near enough. And the rest of the world doesn't quite have the technology we have, giving them even less of a chance.

Scientists? How could they find the time, and place, and resources to study for the cure if the world is going to hell all around them.

And I still haven't mentioned Daze's argument that you can't cure a dead person, only counter-act the virus. That has limited usage, as you have to stab the antivirus in as soon as you get bitten, meaning you have to mass produce, and distribute, which just can't happen in an outbreak.

What's that? Vaccine you say? That would take even longer.

In short, we are in no way ready for a zombie outbreak, and you know it.

ZSC/FE Crews

NG Mafia/Survival RPG

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 02:56:55

heh, can't argue with that. Let's just say I would be prepared! : P

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 02:59:10

I love that damn book.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 03:03:51

At 10/5/06 02:59 AM, Zwickel wrote: I love that damn book.

Excellent, isn't it? Would you like to join the cew? If so, post a survival plan on just what you would do if zombies were to attack. We'll take it from there.

Love Brink of Alienation, BTW.

ZSC/FE Crews

NG Mafia/Survival RPG

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 13:46:09

At 10/5/06 02:11 AM, HitTheTarget wrote:
At 10/5/06 02:01 AM, StraitJacketSoldier wrote: Who knows? I'm just saying if an outbreak did occur we would be prepared for the worst..
Au contraire. Look at America. We have the most technilogically advanced army in the world. We can nail a fly on your jacket with a 2,000 pound bomb with pinpoint accuracy. We have equipment and weapons that make every soldier a demi-god on the battlefield, especially against zombies. All that, and guess what?

There is a problem with that as well HTT - and if you were to read WWZ you'd already know what I am about to say. The problem with having our awesome technology is that we are going to rely on it way to heavily. The MAJORITY, I stress majority, of our weapons are not made to completely irradicate a head or a body from existance; the MAJORITY [stressed again] of our technologic weapons are made to shoot flak in every direction causing massive internal injury and severe trauma.

Take our friend the hand grenade for example. . . An explosive [anti-personel ]fragmentation device, designed to send shrapnel into the toroso of enemies to cause severe internal injury, or to make them so messed up that the enemy uses a lot of their resources to patch them up, causing them to expel their supplies and wipe them out that way.

The problem arrises from there, zombies, for one, do not have a hospital in which they patch themselves up and potentially run out of supplies. PLUS extensive interal injuries won't do shit to a zombie.

If a chunk of flak gets lodged into the brain then it [zombie] goes down. But grenades are thrown, and land on the ground, then send shrapnel everywhere, since it is on the ground the chances of a small chunk of shrap finding its way to the brain is pretty slim.

Then you go to missles and stuff to the like, Sure if you hit a zombie squah' in the chest with a missle from the other side of the country it is going down permanetly. But the same cannot be said for the others around it; again the same problem arrises missles rely on incindiary/anti-personel devices . . . And we already know what happens when you catch a zed on fire. . .

Plus as Americans we weild the awe and might of technologic warfare that instills fear into our enemies. That is one of the main things that our weaponry does, instill fear and hopelessness into enemies, causing them to flee in retreat. It's a form of psychologic warfare. Except Zombies don't fear, or feel hopeless and sure as hell don't retreat. No matter what blows up to their left or right, or what body part falls off, or how much extra weight it gains due to his new lead toros (bullets/shrapnel)

Basicly using hightech weapons wouldn't work so well. : /

and that sucks.

but what ever, swords are more exhillerating.

So, in their abscence, who do we have to defend ourselves? Police? National Guard? With all due respect, that's nowhere near enough.


And I still haven't mentioned Daze's argument that you can't cure a dead person, only counter-act the virus. That has limited usage, as you have to stab the antivirus in as soon as you get bitten, meaning you have to mass produce, and distribute, which just can't happen in an outbreak.

Let me build on that, Outbreak spreads FAST - zombies don't move fast, but the virus, and infected humans move, and spread fast. In a bad scenario zombism could spread from the Atlantic to the Pacific in a matter of 3-4 days. In a worse case scenio it could spread from east to west in 1 day . . . via airplane.

Say a man in D.C. gets a corneal [eye, cornea] transplant off of the black market [happens often I think] and the "donor" was in the early stages of infection, but no one knew it because they had no idea to even be looking for that, then that man in D.C. becomes infected - it would likely be a slow-burn-infection and could take days, if not a couple weeks for that 'Burn' to set in and take effect. By that time he is well on his way to recovery and has already booked a plane to California due to an outbreak in his city.

the virus just spread coast to coast in one day.

What's that? Vaccine you say? That would take even longer.

Can't cure a dead man.

I think I am ready for a zombie outbreak . . . now to get a real Katana. . .

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 15:11:53

I decided to draw the game Godfather and/or Mafia if zombies were around.

Just to ask something, why do zombies move slowly? Could it be because of their stupidity and their brain power or could it be to do with the rotting and damage done to the leg. If it's the later two, then should zombies that have just freshly turned and have no damage to the leg be able to run fast?

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 15:13:39

At 10/5/06 12:05 AM, HitTheTarget wrote: Ahh, straightened it all out? Do tell, do you know when he'll be dropping in? Want to greet, and all that.

Plus, I want to look nice.

awww come on....you dont have to look nice for me!

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 15:35:42

At 10/5/06 03:11 PM, Lost-Chances wrote: I decided to draw the game Godfather and/or Mafia if zombies were around.

Just to ask something, why do zombies move slowly? Could it be because of their stupidity and their brain power or could it be to do with the rotting and damage done to the leg. If it's the later two, then should zombies that have just freshly turned and have no damage to the leg be able to run fast?

I believe in both cases(obviously independant of each other) Either the zombie is too stupid to run, or at one point was able to, but his limbs rotted to the point that running is impossible.

Nice picture, BTW.

ZSC/FE Crews

NG Mafia/Survival RPG

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 15:42:12

We are very lucky that the zombies have no common sense or even the power of thought. Imagine if zombies could think, for example find another way up if you demolished your stairs to the second floor. Imaging if they could somehow figure out some guerella (sp) tactics and fight with our weapons. Then what? We would be fucked for sure.

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 16:02:20

Well, if you say that our weapons are supossed to scare the shit out of people, then what is the point of a .50 AP round? To make a big hole? No! Its for sucessfully elimitating a target. Hell, I bet those rounds can pierce old tanks (correct me if Im wrong).
How about the 5.56 round? Its no piecre the enemy's body, and cause massive damage - to either the brain or internal organs. If our weapons were always louder than hell, there would be no need for a Swat team, since the noise alone would scare the shit out of terrorists/kidnappers/homocidal maniacs, etc. If this is not the point you are trying to prove, Im sorry.

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 16:06:03

At 10/5/06 03:13 PM, Dark-orchestra wrote: awww come on....you dont have to look nice for me!

*puts on his zombie-survival-suit*
AKA: the Polyester Suit - How the heck are yah! ^ ^!

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 16:09:20

At 10/5/06 04:06 PM, Xtesh wrote:
Also, what does anyone think about the effects of drugs(that would affect the part of a brain that a zombie uses)on a zombie? I say nothing more than not being able to catch/eat something unless it's sleeping.

If drugs did affect their brain, I bet it would look hilarious to see a stoned or a drunk zombie stumbling around, looking like an idiot, and trying to imitate a girl. Then, they fall on their face. I personally would laugh a good 5 minutes at them, then if they get angry, shoot them in the face.

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 16:13:04

At 10/5/06 04:10 PM, Dejanus wrote:
The only real defence is the infantry, and even they are equipped with assault rifles, inefficient anti-zombie weapons. Read WWZ, then you will understand.

This I can argue with. Assualt rifles are indeed effect zombie weapons. Soldiers are trained to fire for single shot, burst if they have to. Eventually, someone will figure out that you gotta shoot them in the head. The only question is, and this question is crucial to our survival.

How long will that take?

ZSC/FE Crews

NG Mafia/Survival RPG

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 16:15:46

What do you mean how long it will take? Also, I agree. Sharpshooters would be the best choice for zombie killing. Maybe a whole regiment armed with light snipers, caribines and SAWS (if they control it) would probably be the best idea. Its just my opinion though. Expand on it if you'd like.

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 16:18:55

At 10/5/06 04:15 PM, Snype wrote: What do you mean how long it will take?

I thought the meaning was pretty clear. How long would it take for the soldiers to realize only headshots work against zombies?

ZSC/FE Crews

NG Mafia/Survival RPG

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 16:20:16

At 10/5/06 04:18 PM, HitTheTarget wrote: I thought the meaning was pretty clear. How long would it take for the soldiers to realize only headshots work against zombies?

Too long.

I drew this a couple nights ago - Pardon the low qual pic - scanner is broken So i photographed it =)

Fresh Zombie (as in recently turned)

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 16:20:50

Well, Im sure soldiers arent stupid. Maybe if they knew beforehand if some General told them if that they dont shoot for the face, they're dead. Im sure they would figure it out sooner or later. Besides, the Death Dealers know what they're doing, right?

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 16:24:40

All of that varies from person to person. For the tank example:

Some people would calmly approach, and blow the zombies brains out into the street.
Some people will go into an unstoppable panic.
Some woud develop a mild fear/paranoiam, and proceed to blow it's brains out from afar.

You also forget while some of our weapons don't kill the zombie, it certainly erases enough of the zombie from existence to stop it from being a threat. An arty strike would cut down the odds from hundred of zombies to dozens of zombies, and a lot of just half remaining, flopping limbs.

ZSC/FE Crews

NG Mafia/Survival RPG

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 16:24:58

At 10/5/06 04:18 PM, HitTheTarget wrote: I thought the meaning was pretty clear. How long would it take for the soldiers to realize only headshots work against zombies?

Ha, way to long! The army would shoot at the body a few times, waste ammo, and keep aiming at body until the zombie died. Of course, the zombies WONT die. Eventualy, they will start tryin the head, and figure that out. but, by then, it will be to late.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 16:32:54

That's possibly because the M4 is a carbine, lacking the proper stopping power of an assualt rifle. Need I remind you that the military is primarily equipped with the M16? Much greater stopping power than the M4. Also, if a pistol shot to the head would deal with a zombie, I'm sure a carbine shot would do the trick, seeing as they have the same stopping power.

Like you said, it's all about numbers, but it matters with the military too. I'm positive that 200,000 troops with the proper backup could take on up to a million zombies.

ZSC/FE Crews

NG Mafia/Survival RPG

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 16:35:35

At 10/5/06 04:20 PM, Dejanus wrote:

And what happens to morale when you blow someone up with a tank, and they continue to crawl towards you?

im sure that you'd be dead if you got hit with a tank shell. That thing carries some fucking powerful explosives. Hell, Im sure it would fucking blow you to smithereens! Im sure that most soliders aim for the face, since its a one-hit kill. (Correct me if Im wrong.) Besides, I dont know the tactics about the US army because Im a european dude, and im sure that they have different tactics, that actually use some sence of cover instead of just blowing up the whole fucking target with explosives. Why do you think the Polish Soldiers fighting in Warsaw during WWII managed to keep the city for a month for the entire German army with only one machine gun, a few hundred sub machine guns and a few hundered pistols. Tactics and a smart lader, my friend.

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 16:39:05

Snype has a point. You dont have to know the whole headshot thing to stop the zombies with a tank, cuz pretty much all of you is destroyed when your pegged with a Armor-piercing missile.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 16:47:01

The army really dosent have the stopping power. Our guns aren't effective(like Dejanus said, M16's jam. And M4's just totaly suck), and air strikes would be a bad idea. When a airtrike is called, usualy the enemy would retreat. But zeds, dont really care or know whats happening. So they would advance. The bombs would kill a bunch, but more would survive. The soldiars would pretty much be screwed.

It feels good to be posting on the ZSC again. Thanks for having me back, guys!

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 16:48:19

At 10/5/06 04:41 PM, Dejanus wrote: Wrong HTT, the US military now only uses M16 variants, the original jams way too much. The most commonly used variant in the US military is the M4.

Yep. We only had the original in Vietnam. The M4 is most common because its pretty reliable, and packs a punch (with 5.56 NATO rounds). Its pretty short too.

Backup? We dont have any vehicles that would be very effective against zeds, with the possible exception of Bradleys and Strykers.

Yea, put a .50 cal on that thing, drive around packing headshots, but it would be pretty hard since its a machine gun (the 50 cal) and not a caribine.

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 16:51:17

At 10/5/06 04:41 PM, Dejanus wrote:

Wrong HTT, the US military now only uses M16 variants, the original jams way too much. The most commonly used variant in the US military is the M4.

Well, DUH! Knew that. My brother is so gungho about this fact, it makes me sick to type in M16A2, or M16A4.The most commonly used is not the M4. The one we use most now is the A2, which is being replaced by the A4 model.

Backup? We dont have any vehicles that would be very effective against zeds, with the possible exception of Bradleys and Strykers. Tanks would be a waste of space, and airstrikes would be impracticle. Our planes use explosives, which are inefficient against zombies. Sure, many would die, but more would survive. And dont even get me started on missles...

I disagree. Using standard tactics, we would engage them out in the open. where space isn't an issue. Think about the Abrams. Think very hard about the Abrams. What about the Apache/Comanche helicopters? 30mm cannon fire would tear through hundreds of zeds. Don't forget the use of Carpet bombing. Hitting the head doesn't matter when you blow the whole damn thing up.

Space still wouldn't be an issue, due to precision guided bombs that have little to no collateral damage. Hummers, both TOW missle and machine gun would be highly effective. Just think what .50 caliber does to a zombie, in mass fire.

ZSC/FE Crews

NG Mafia/Survival RPG

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2006-10-05 17:11:11

At 10/5/06 05:01 PM, Dejanus wrote:
At 10/5/06 04:51 PM, HitTheTarget wrote:
That is true, even I was outdated on that. But it still is not NEAR as effective as a semi-auto rifle.

Once more, disagree. When the M16A2 was updated in accordance with NATO standards, it was given a slimmer tip. Why does this matter, you might ask? It gives it more stopping power, enough to just olbiterate body armor. I think that's enough firepower we need to stomp some Zeds.

HTT, where are people? Cities. Where would zeds go? Cities. Do cities have open space? No. Would there be zombies in every building, every alley, every possible flank of a military force? Yes. Armored vehicles would have no room to manuever, and the soldiers would fall into disorder, being attacked in every possible place. Zeds trapped in cars, buildings, sewers could pop out behind you at any time. And it is naive to think the zombies will be in the open or that our precision weapons will be effective against them.

While it's true we can't stop them in the city, the military won't try to unless it's forced. knowing them, they'd just blow the cities to hell. They wouldn't try and go in the cities, they'd barricade the city off in large numbers. Nothing goes in, nothing goes out. Zeds try anything funny, they face a wall of lead.

ZSC/FE Crews

NG Mafia/Survival RPG