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Juggling club

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Response to Juggling club 2005-05-10 17:24:13

wow this is a dead club i can juggle two balls does that count

Response to Juggling club 2005-05-14 02:22:13

Damn, finally, some people! Come, let us frolic and learn new tricks!

Response to Juggling club 2005-05-22 15:08:12

I can juggle 3 and 4 balls, rings, clubs and fire.

Response to Juggling club 2005-05-27 22:32:25

At 5/22/05 03:08 PM, juggleman wrote: I can juggle 3 and 4 balls, rings, clubs and fire.

Well, this is the club for you!

Response to Juggling club 2005-06-04 14:46:25

I burned my arm practicing once!

Response to Juggling club 2005-06-05 13:42:12

At 6/4/05 02:46 PM, juggleman wrote: I burned my arm practicing once!

That must have really hurt! Have you ever considered contact juggling?

Response to Juggling club 2005-08-23 01:07:04

At 12/21/04 07:32 PM, DDRManiak wrote: the trick to juggling 4 is that you arnt crossing hands. you are really juggling two in one hand on both of your hands. but you throw them alternativl to make it look like you are using both hands together as apposed to independant.

Your right. But if you are good like me you can cross four balls. Just do a five casade and leave a ball out and you will be juggling four with crosses. And to say my highest count for juggling 3 balls or bags is 1000 after that i was to bored to care. for 4 balls its 390 and four 5 balls its 39. I'm trying to learn 6 balls but it is a very danting task. I can complete about 4 throws but until i can get to ten throws i will not consider it to be juggling. If anyone needs help or needs advice or ponions ask.

Response to Juggling club 2005-08-23 01:10:58

I will join this club, Now lets get some people here.

Response to Juggling club 2005-08-23 01:15:28

now,i can juggerand never care about but on espn i saw a juggling tournement and it look so cool,so i starter juggling and after a while i end up juggling 5 balls not bad right

BBS Signature

Response to Juggling club 2005-08-24 01:29:25

Wow, some pretty nice jugglers here. Yeah, whoever wants to can join. no numbers or hazing or anything.

Im working on five ball, but I am having a hard time trying to focus on the right patturn. I see some of them incoming, and I think I had just thrown them, and it gets to be a really big mess. I have been working on my clubs and contact juggling mostly.

What kind of 3 ball tricks can you guys do? Can you do any 4 or five ball tricks? If so, tell me what they are :D

Response to Juggling club 2005-08-24 22:41:38

how bout juggling sticks? i do them, im probly going to a comp this summer in Colarodo

Response to Juggling club 2005-08-25 00:59:55

At 8/24/05 10:41 PM, il0vedrugs wrote: how bout juggling sticks? i do them, im probly going to a comp this summer in Colarodo

sticks? like lotus?

Response to Juggling club 2005-09-13 01:10:34

At 8/23/05 01:15 AM, RemRulzz wrote: now,i can juggerand never care about but on espn i saw a juggling tournement and it look so cool,so i starter juggling and after a while i end up juggling 5 balls not bad right

Hey, what tricks can you do?

Response to Juggling club 2006-11-17 03:55:27

where are all the jugglers of newgrounds? i know there are like 20 of you guys!

Yay, another place where i belong (maybe)

Im not as good as Raven but i've done 400 3 ball throws, can do about 150 4 balls at best but im beggining to get an average of about 40-50 per go. I havent tried 5 ball as i only have 4 balls/beanbaggy things. I can do columns and cheat columns as well as a flash for 3 ball tricks.
Thats about it i recall, cept i only started learning 6 weeks ago.

I'd be honoured to join this crew and help keep it alive.

Funny juggler - worked for me

Response to Juggling club 2006-11-17 03:59:43

Well, as a clown, I'm very good at juggling, so I'll join. Has anyone ever juggled a penis?

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

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Response to Juggling club 2006-11-17 04:26:37

At 11/17/06 03:59 AM, PenisClown wrote: Well, as a clown, I'm very good at juggling, so I'll join. Has anyone ever juggled a penis?

*ignore's spammers poor attempt to be funny*
sorry, i dont like penis jokes

But im guessing you might be serious, thats up to DDR to decide i beleive. This crew need more members.

Response to Juggling club 2006-11-17 05:21:51

At 11/17/06 04:26 AM, Dragonman11 wrote: But im guessing you might be serious, thats up to DDR to decide i beleive. This crew need more members.

Well, I am serious as in I want to join. I was just being funny aswell.

Metal Hell.

Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.

BBS Signature

Response to Juggling club 2006-11-18 05:23:26

At 11/17/06 07:21 AM, Garram wrote: Yer we need more peole! Ive never juggled penises, i attempted to juggle 3 fire torches on bonfire night but it ended up making hot wax fly over everyone and myself so i stopped.

Lol, i gotta try that one day, or something equally as dangerous. Could Raven or someone run me through the basics of 5 ball juggling, i can do 3 and 4 quite competantly as well as some simple tricks like a flash.

Response to Juggling club 2006-11-18 08:17:19

At 11/17/06 07:21 AM, Garram wrote: Yer we need more peole! Ive never juggled penises, i attempted to juggle 3 fire torches on bonfire night but it ended up making hot wax fly over everyone and myself so i stopped.

If you know your not experienced juggling Chainsaws or Flaming torches, then you could die. :/

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Response to Juggling club 2006-11-19 04:35:47

At 11/18/06 08:17 AM, Seamonky wrote:
If you know your not experienced juggling Chainsaws or Flaming torches, then you could die. :/

Well, i guess im not good at that so i could die. I guess i wont try then haha

Response to Juggling club 2006-11-19 08:27:21

I like to juggle kitchen knives while cooking. I can do three at a time until I notice something burning or I get bored. I have tried 4 knives but it isnt very pretty. I started doing this when I started training with knives in martial arts a couple years ago. Since I love to cook Im constantly in the kitchen. I learned how to juggle one day when I got bored and was in the process of cutting fruit, I just started juggling apples. After that I found knives.

Response to Juggling club 2006-11-24 01:10:20

At 11/19/06 08:27 AM, Satanic-Samurai wrote: After that I found knives.


I currently want to learn 5 ball juggling, any tips? I got several sites but iwanna hear it from soneone who can.

Response to Juggling club 2006-11-26 16:06:46

YAY!! It has been revived!

yeah, I do 5 ball, study the websites. They do help, but it is going to take a shit load of practice to get 5 ball down. it took all of summer break for me to get it.

torches: do not, I repeat, do NOT use candle wwax for your torches. I do torches and in my experience, coleman lighter fluid works the best. and be sure to shake the torches out before you start to light them on fire and throw them around. speak to fire jugglers for more info on that topic.

I'm so glad more people have come to have fun here ^_^!

Response to Juggling club 2006-11-27 04:11:37

At 11/26/06 04:06 PM, DDRManiak wrote: YAY!! It has been revived!

yeah, I do 5 ball, study the websites. They do help, but it is going to take a shit load of practice to get 5 ball down. it took all of summer break for me to get it.

I'll have to get my hands on a proper 5th ball.... 4 good balls and a tennis ball probably isnt the best way to learn......

torches: do not, I repeat, do NOT use candle wwax for your torches. I do torches and in my experience, coleman lighter fluid works the best. and be sure to shake the torches out before you start to light them on fire and throw them around. speak to fire jugglers for more info on that topic.

I'll try knives before them maybe lol.

I'm so glad more people have come to have fun here ^_^!

Pity i cant post for a few days due to camp....

Can anyone do an exchange or robot/ machine, whatever. Im trying to get it down b ut im having a bit of troubles.

Tricks im currently learning:
- 4 ball duel crossover (whatever you wanna call it lol)
- Smooth interchange between 3 and 4 ball juggling (nearly got that one down, another few days i reckon)
- Practising 5 balls everyso often but with little success....
- Robot/exchange with little success but getting there slowly.

Just thought i'd add that, anyone else got a list of tricks they're learning?

Response to Juggling club 2006-11-28 01:00:34

yeah, I do:

6 ball, status:
I can do 3 in one hand in either hand
and I have flashed it ^_^

2 diabolo:
like 10 spins is my best so far

I think that is about it for the tricks I am working on.

who all saw the WJF tournament on ESPN?

Response to Juggling club 2006-12-01 01:13:27

At 11/28/06 01:00 AM, DDRManiak wrote: yeah, I do:

6 ball, status:
I can do 3 in one hand in either hand
and I have flashed it ^_^

Wow, thats power

2 diabolo:
like 10 spins is my best so far

Diabloes, those things on strings i remember seeing. I dont think i will learn them but 2 sounds hard, good luck.

I think that is about it for the tricks I am working on.

who all saw the WJF tournament on ESPN?


I've just seen a circus video with a guy doing an act where he eventually does a 7 ball cascade, awesome stuff, very motivating *grabs juggling balls and starts juggling* lol

Response to Juggling club 2006-12-04 02:22:38

At 12/1/06 07:56 AM, Garram wrote: I dont have ESPN :( I cant use a diablo for shit, it always tips over and i cant get it spinning. Probally my crappy diablo. Can anyone elso ride a unicycle?

I can mono a mountain bike alright and i can due (back two wheels) a wheelchair haha (this is all beside the point) but no, i cant ride a unicycle.

Ive got one now and im learning, i can ride fowards and turn quite well, i just cant slow down and move backwards. Hopefully i will be able to juggle on it soon, it also kains your balls when you try to bunny hop :(

Sounds like whne you try to bunny hop on a science lab chair. Good luck with that though!

Response to Juggling club 2006-12-08 02:55:09

Grrr... i think this crew is dying... even the crew started doesnt seem to reply in this crew.

Response to Juggling club 2006-12-09 14:42:16

Oh, sorry, I haven't been on in a while. I've been getting a little lazy lately. So, what props does everyone use(you don't have to list the tricks off, as that could create an overly long post)?

I've got balls, diabolo(somewhat plural), clubs, torches, I've done knives and I do a lot of contact juggling.

Response to Juggling club 2006-12-09 23:37:17

I'm a good juggler. The last time I checked I counted over 100 with three bouncy balls. I would like to join this club.

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