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Relationship Crew

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Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-15 02:23:00

At 1/14/09 05:48 PM, Everlasting-Elements wrote:
At 1/14/09 05:09 PM, Knorpfdog wrote: It's been....3 months and 5 days since I started seeing my GF. It's all gone pretty well, and I don't really think there's anything to indicate she's lost interest in me, but that's the problem. I keep feeling like she's mad/annoyed/tired of me, and I don't know why. I've been getting WAY better, but I stress over really small, unimportant details sometimes.
You're just sketching out, man. You should definately stop doing that. You're, most likely, stressing over nothing. If you think you're failing, step your game up and play it with a different set of dice man. If you think you're failing, sit down and analyze certain things.

Worrying itself is often the root of the problem. You think you see a problem, you start worrying, and by doing that you create a problem. What suck is that if you go through with this, things will go wrong and you'll say to yourself: "See, I was right", causing even more trouble in the future.

What you need to do, just like EE said, is relax. Understand that if there is a problem at all, it's most likely you being worried about nothing. Don't fall into this trap and enjoy your time with this girl.

I always like to think of it in this way: "He who's most afraid of losing something is the one who's most likely to lose it", just as it's equal opposite: "He who's least interested in getting something, is the one who's most likely to get it". Think about it and apply it to yourself.

Basically, it was amazing when we first started seeing each other. Now, it just seems like she's laughing less, acting less happy to be around me, etc. BUT, she also told me at the beginning of this month, something along the lines of "I might start acting weird/irritable until jan 25." Does that just mean it's her time of month? But isn't that supposed to be shorter than 3 weeks? :S. I don't know.

Maybe there's something on the 25th that she's worried about.

As for first seeing, it's always just a little bit more exciting in the beginning. That's when you meet someone new, get to know them better, experience the high of being together. After that it can get a bit less, but depending on the things you do, you decide wether it goes up again or goes down.

And besides that, there's one more problemish thing. At lunch (in high school :P) I usually sit with a few of my buddies, and then my GF comes over with one or two of her friends and sits with us. One of my friends clearly has something for my GF. He's always directing things at her, he seems too eager to make any sort of physical contact with her, all that. Now I used to be a very clingy, jealous guy, and while I've gotten rid of 99% of the clingyness, some of the jealousy is still with me. And when my GF laughs at some of the shit this kid says, it kills me inside. I stay calm on the outside, but I'm in despair on the inside. I just dunno what to do about it, because it doesn't seem like my GF has any sort of actual feelings for this kid, but I'm not the best at reading people, either.
You sir. Stop! You see, perhaps that's just a test. To see if you'll bitch out, er some shit. Obviously, if this is the case, you're failing this test. It's great that you're able to contain it, though. Seriously, think of it like this. Who is the one that gets to kiss her on a regular basis? Mmhm, that's right. So stop fretting and let them balls drop, buddy. =]

EE's right, you need to stop bitching and start realizing what's really going on. Too many guys see a guy with interest and think they're about to lose their girl. Don't you have any faith in your girl? Or even worse, don't you have any faith in yourself?

What this guy wants and what this guy thinks is irrelevant. His thinking and his needs won't have any positive effect for him on your girl. In fact, if he starts to go all out to get her, he'll simply come across as needy.

You're containing the emotion though and that's good because it keeps your relationship healthy. However, a healthy mind is more important then that because a troubled mind is more likely to make mistakes and trouble itself even more (by worrying).
There is a reason why this girl is with you and that's because she's attracted to you, which you have yourself to thank for. This is a fact that should rule out any form of jealousy, as she wouldn't be with you if she wanted to be with him.

"Never was anything great achieved without danger." - Niccolo Machiavelli

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Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-15 12:17:54

At 1/14/09 05:09 PM, Knorpfdog wrote: It's been....3 months and 5 days since I started seeing my GF. It's all gone pretty well, and I don't really think there's anything to indicate she's lost interest in me, but that's the problem. I keep feeling like she's mad/annoyed/tired of me, and I don't know why. I've been getting WAY better, but I stress over really small, unimportant details sometimes.

I say confront her with it, if you see any doubts. Or subtly ask if she needs more excitement. But lovebugs die eventually anyway and then you just get along with eachother.

Basically, it was amazing when we first started seeing each other. Now, it just seems like she's laughing less, acting less happy to be around me, etc. BUT, she also told me at the beginning of this month, something along the lines of "I might start acting weird/irritable until jan 25." Does that just mean it's her time of month? But isn't that supposed to be shorter than 3 weeks? :S. I don't know.

I say that's probably the time of the month (my GF says it flat out also at least), or you could ask further if you're really doubting. Is she the girl that's shy about her body, or would she flat out say if it's that time?

And besides that, there's one more problemish thing. At lunch (in high school :P) I usually sit with a few of my buddies, and then my GF comes over with one or two of her friends and sits with us. One of my friends clearly has something for my GF. He's always directing things at her, he seems too eager to make any sort of physical contact with her, all that. Now I used to be a very clingy, jealous guy, and while I've gotten rid of 99% of the clingyness, some of the jealousy is still with me. And when my GF laughs at some of the shit this kid says, it kills me inside. I stay calm on the outside, but I'm in despair on the inside. I just dunno what to do about it, because it doesn't seem like my GF has any sort of actual feelings for this kid, but I'm not the best at reading people, either.

I flirt around with girls all the time and they laugh along anyway. (I can be really in the mood) It doesn't mean I'm aiming for a relationship with them. I'm even willing to help them out with stuff voluntarily. I'm just that kind of gentleman. Maybe your friend is the same way.

Also, her reactions can be just her being a social extravert type. Does that fit her personality with other type of friends?

Anyway, it's a dangerous assumption that friendly actions between a guy and a girl equal a sexual tension, cause chances are you're wrong and then you kill the relationship forever. (or you'll become a bastard who hits his girl for spending time with friends)


Mathematics club: we have beer and exponentials.

Cartoon club: Cause Toons>> Charlie Sheen+Raptor

Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-15 15:01:37

At 1/15/09 12:17 PM, RubberTrucky wrote: I say confront her with it, if you see any doubts. Or subtly ask if she needs more excitement. But lovebugs die eventually anyway and then you just get along with eachother.

If I was a girl, and a guy came up to me about me 'not laughing as much' I'd say 'We're done.' What guy bitched about that? Honestly, no. If you confront her, you will fail most definately.
Do your best to try and change up your dialogue. Don't say the same thing all the time and be on your toes. Ready for anything. A hard skill to aquire yes, I mean sheeit, I was born with the talent, and I still fuck up on it. Remember! Always keep them guessing.

I flirt around with girls all the time and they laugh along anyway. (I can be really in the mood) It doesn't mean I'm aiming for a relationship with them. I'm even willing to help them out with stuff voluntarily. I'm just that kind of gentleman. Maybe your friend is the same way.

I think you might, actually, have something on this one, though. You see, I flirt with girls all the time. Why? I don't know, honestly. I'm only interested in one, but like... when I decide to be a nice kid, I flirt with girls. It's just a kind flirting, though. Nothing really like trying to get with them.
Your girlfriend could also be trying to be nice, I mean they are YOUR friends. She's probably trying for you.

Anyway, it's a dangerous assumption that friendly actions between a guy and a girl equal a sexual tension, cause chances are you're wrong and then you kill the relationship forever. (or you'll become a bastard who hits his girl for spending time with friends)

True. Partially. He won't hit a girl though. I'm not saying a dude is something if he can hit a girl, but judging by the way you worry about nothing, your girlfriend would probably kick your ass, man. Nothing to be ashamed of I guess. The girl I'm seeing could beat my ass, too. Provided, I don't hit back. Which, I won't. But still. I think he's too soft to do that.


PSN ID: soul_reaper5

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-15 15:39:01

Thanks for all the input. First, yeah, I would NEVER physically harm any girl, let alone my girl. That's why I don't show any feelings of jealousy on the outside, because I HATE those people that are so jealous that they prevent their gf/bf from even talking to people of the opposite sex. I will never become one of those people.

About the jan 25th thing, I think i might just casually ask her about it. Just drop something small like "so, what's all this about the 25?" good idea? bad idea?

About my friend, I'm 99% positive I'm reading him right. I know what you're saying about the harmless flirting, seeing that I'll often do it myself, and I don't think he's just trying to be nice/friendly. And as for her trying to be nice to him for me, I don't really think so, just because our two groups meshed REALLY well, ie her friends are my friends, my friends are her friends now.

But I think you got it with that first part, EE (is it cool if I call you that? :P), because I've thought about it and whenever she says "what's up?" or anything to that effect, my answer's often "nothing", "not much", etc. So I tried to be a bit better today, more interesting, all that good shit, and I think it turned out pretty well. I can be REALLY good at teasing/drawing a reaction when I want to.

Besides all that though, I still just feel like something's wrong. I've tried to make myself relax, and it'll work for around an hour. Then I'll let myself start to worry about things, and it'll all come rushing back at me. She's still talking to me, hugging me, kissing me, walking with me, doing shit outside of school with me, everything. But I still worry about it all. I dunno why.

On another note, we've been hanging at each others' houses for the past couple of weekends, I think I'll see if she wants to catch a movie or something this weekend. Change things up a bit.

Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-15 22:33:54

At 1/15/09 03:39 PM, Knorpfdog wrote: About the jan 25th thing, I think i might just casually ask her about it. Just drop something small like "so, what's all this about the 25?" good idea? bad idea?

I think if she wanted to tell you, she would have... Something I've learned about people in this past week. If they don't tell you, don't ask. If they give you details, cool. If they just give you a basic outline, then take it and leave it. Don't pry, child.

About my friend, I'm 99% positive I'm reading him right. I know what you're saying about the harmless flirting, seeing that I'll often do it myself, and I don't think he's just trying to be nice/friendly. And as for her trying to be nice to him for me, I don't really think so, just because our two groups meshed REALLY well, ie her friends are my friends, my friends are her friends now.

Of course you don't. You're one of those guys that are in denial, sir. You see, if you would just seriously sit there... well, hold on, I'll explain this in a second...

But I think you got it with that first part, EE (is it cool if I call you that? :P), because I've thought about it and whenever she says "what's up?" or anything to that effect, my answer's often "nothing", "not much", etc. So I tried to be a bit better today, more interesting, all that good shit, and I think it turned out pretty well. I can be REALLY good at teasing/drawing a reaction when I want to.

Hahaha! If you're so good at teasing, my friend, then there should be no reason to fret about your friend. If you're as good as you think you are, then this chick will be all over you. Honestly... Think about this for like... five minutes.
It's Mr. EE, to you. =P Just playin'.

Besides all that though, I still just feel like something's wrong. I've tried to make myself relax, and it'll work for around an hour. Then I'll let myself start to worry about things, and it'll all come rushing back at me. She's still talking to me, hugging me, kissing me, walking with me, doing shit outside of school with me, everything. But I still worry about it all. I dunno why.

Because this is probably one of your first, maybe your first, serious relationships. I imagine, things will go great for a while, dude. But once things go wry, you'll just eventually come to the realization like I did. If you want to be the shit, you just gotta do what Vinc and I say. I can throw you basic things, and Vincoid will go into detail for you. Sheeit, jim.

On another note, we've been hanging at each others' houses for the past couple of weekends, I think I'll see if she wants to catch a movie or something this weekend. Change things up a bit.

Right on, right on. I would suggest something better. For instance, try ice skating. Or take a walk in the park. Honestly, going to the movie with a girl is A) Far too cliche, and B) Great. You got to see a movie, too bad you didn't spend that two hours raising attraction levels with her.
You can't get that level to rise if you're sitting in silence, man. Take her out to the park. Go on a walk, talk about yourself. Get to know a little about her. Do shit right, the first time. I promise, we won't steer you wrong.
I know, you're probably thinking we're full of shit. I mean, when I first talked in here coming for advice, I hated Vincoid, because he didn't tell me what I wanted to hear. He told me the facts. Straight. Had I listened to him from the get go, things might have been different. But oh well, I got another girl, now. She's sleeping on her couch right now, the only reason I'm online right now, but shit dude. I'm gonna do shit right. =]


PSN ID: soul_reaper5

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-16 03:37:20

At 1/11/09 08:48 PM, Zack wrote: Juggler AKA Wayne Elise is another pick up artist that I really enjoy, you should check out his website http://www.charismaarts.com/

let me know if you like it and i can get you his book i have it as a pdf on my computer, it's a really great read.

Got it, read it, loved it. Really great for learning how to be a conversationalist, especially with women. I learned some great new things from this ebook, as well as get some in depth info on some of the things I was already doing.

@ Knorpfdog: How much do you hang out with her in a week? How many hours?

"Never was anything great achieved without danger." - Niccolo Machiavelli

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-16 06:24:32

At 1/16/09 03:37 AM, Vincoid wrote: @ Knorpfdog: How much do you hang out with her in a week? How many hours?

I'll see her casually in school ever day, nothing big. Actually hanging out with just her? probably 1-3 hours most weekends...I've read all your stuff about hanging out with them too much, making yourself unavailable, etc...is that really too much?

Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-16 07:24:40

At 1/16/09 06:24 AM, Knorpfdog wrote:
At 1/16/09 03:37 AM, Vincoid wrote: @ Knorpfdog: How much do you hang out with her in a week? How many hours?
I'll see her casually in school ever day, nothing big. Actually hanging out with just her? probably 1-3 hours most weekends...I've read all your stuff about hanging out with them too much, making yourself unavailable, etc...is that really too much?

No, that's just fine, considering she's your girl.

Those things mostly apply to girls you're seeing but are not yet in a relationship with. However, doing your own thing, not being around her all the time like a dog begging for food and being unpredictable are some things that can make or break a relationship.
They are all connected to each other too, as spending a lot of time together demands more originality from you. And if you're doing your own thing, you don't have to worry about that.

The most important thing of all is to remember that it's all just guidelines. You have to do your thing and keep these in mind, and not worry about doing them the right way all the time because there is no such thing. Girls are not an exact science, nor are you, so nobody can tell you exactly how long you need to do one thing before moving on to the next. You just do them and experience will give you an estimate.

"Never was anything great achieved without danger." - Niccolo Machiavelli

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-16 15:58:52

At 1/15/09 10:33 PM, Everlasting-Elements wrote:
I think if she wanted to tell you, she would have... Something I've learned about people in this past week. If they don't tell you, don't ask. If they give you details, cool. If they just give you a basic outline, then take it and leave it. Don't pry, child.

Depends on the girl, really. My GF told me if she looked unhappy, I should ask her up to five times what is wrong. They need that attention sometimes.


Mathematics club: we have beer and exponentials.

Cartoon club: Cause Toons>> Charlie Sheen+Raptor

Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-16 20:52:30

Thanks to all that helped out, I really appreciate it =).

I think I figured out why I'm feeling like something's going wrong. I'm really comparing how she acts when it's just me and her with how she acts towards me at school. And obviously there's going to be some sort of difference. I just got done talking to her on the phone for a while, about random shit, and it's all good =). I just have to get better at the whole relaxing thing :P. It's kinda like a rollercoaster, it's amazing on the weekends when it's just us, one on one, and then mon-fri I get progressively worse, until it's friday and I'm going crazy. Then the weekend shows up, rinse and repeat. So I just have to chill out.

But again, thanks a lot vinc, EE, and rubbertrucky =).

Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-16 21:51:01

At 1/16/09 03:58 PM, RubberTrucky wrote: Depends on the girl, really. My GF told me if she looked unhappy, I should ask her up to five times what is wrong. They need that attention sometimes.

Yeah, see. That's a problem. Of course, a girl deserves attention. But she doesn't deserve you to plead like a dog does when I'm eating at the fuckin' dinner table. =[[

At 1/16/09 08:52 PM, Knorpfdog wrote: But again, thanks a lot vinc, EE, and rubbertrucky =).

No problem. Just stay flow. Things will go your way, you just gotta do that shit right. Trust me. Stay cool, you'll have to pry her off with a crowbar cuz she just wants you that bad. =]


PSN ID: soul_reaper5

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-17 05:44:31

At 1/16/09 09:51 PM, Everlasting-Elements wrote:
At 1/16/09 03:58 PM, RubberTrucky wrote: Depends on the girl, really. My GF told me if she looked unhappy, I should ask her up to five times what is wrong. They need that attention sometimes.
Yeah, see. That's a problem. Of course, a girl deserves attention. But she doesn't deserve you to plead like a dog does when I'm eating at the fuckin' dinner table. =[[

Damn right! Her looking unhappy to get attention from you is exactly why you shouldn't pay attention to it. That's like her asking you to buy her something, and you being her bitch and doing it. You'll turn into a slave in no time, just as long as she feels like going on with you and then she walks, leaving you asking yourself: "How did this go wrong, I did everything she asked me to?!".

At 1/16/09 08:52 PM, Knorpfdog wrote: But again, thanks a lot vinc, EE, and rubbertrucky =).
No problem. Just stay flow. Things will go your way, you just gotta do that shit right. Trust me. Stay cool, you'll have to pry her off with a crowbar cuz she just wants you that bad. =]

No problem.

You're absolutely right though, social situations are a perfect reason for her to act differently since most girls really care a lot about what people think of them. At least you know this, so now you can also realize that you can relax, because it's got nothing to do with you. In contrary, if you make it about yourself and start acting on it, it will be about you and she will take care of it (bye bye nutsack).

Can't say it enough:

Relax ;)

"Never was anything great achieved without danger." - Niccolo Machiavelli

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-17 09:32:56

At 1/17/09 05:44 AM, Vincoid wrote:
Damn right! Her looking unhappy to get attention from you is exactly why you shouldn't pay attention to it. That's like her asking you to buy her something, and you being her bitch and doing it. You'll turn into a slave in no time, just as long as she feels like going on with you and then she walks, leaving you asking yourself: "How did this go wrong, I did everything she asked me to?!".

Hmm, seems like an asshole move to just ignore her if she's unhappy. It's necessary to show you care enough for eachother so you get through the hard parts also. At least she does it for me.


Mathematics club: we have beer and exponentials.

Cartoon club: Cause Toons>> Charlie Sheen+Raptor

Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-17 16:13:46

Tell her the safer, but suggestive version of "I love you": "I really like you" or "If I meet you, I think I may fall in love with you."
But be sure she has intimate feelings towards you too. This means that you should have had a few long conversations and talked about personal stuff. Also, you should be sure she's single.

Does she live far away? If she does, you might have to give in to the fact that it is nigh impossible. Most online relationships can only work if you're close by. Or you should be able to handle barely seeing eachother.
Also, make sure you won't ignore her if she doesn't want to be with you. Don't flip out and ignore her afterwards. Don't be stupid and look for her to plead her to date you or do other crazy stuff.


Mathematics club: we have beer and exponentials.

Cartoon club: Cause Toons>> Charlie Sheen+Raptor

Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-17 17:15:25

At 1/17/09 09:32 AM, RubberTrucky wrote: Hmm, seems like an asshole move to just ignore her if she's unhappy. It's necessary to show you care enough for eachother so you get through the hard parts also. At least she does it for me.

Maybe you should learn the difference between a girl faking the emotion and actually feeling unhappy. Plus, her feeling you care for her hardly comes from the words you say, and more about the feeling she feels when you're around.

While I agree you need to show you care for each other, I obviously do not agree with the way you propose. In fact, it seems to me like you base your advice on your current relationship, which I think is a bit of a stupid thing to do, considering how different most relationships are.
I, on the other hand, base my advice completely on the way women work, the way attraction works and my knowledge and experience of all my relationships together.

Honestly, I really don't like the way you give advice. There's some thing's to learn from what you say, I must admit that, but it's explained so poorly and covered in so much nonsense that's actually way to hard to really learn from it.

As for your situation Jezuz, I only have one thing to say: Don't do relationships over the internet. Communication, both verbal and non-verbal is way too important in relationships and that's exactly what you're missing. Besides, you realize well enough how a pain in the ass it is not to be able to see and touch the person you like.

"Never was anything great achieved without danger." - Niccolo Machiavelli

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-17 17:31:19

At 1/17/09 05:15 PM, Vincoid wrote:
While I agree you need to show you care for each other, I obviously do not agree with the way you propose. In fact, it seems to me like you base your advice on your current relationship, which I think is a bit of a stupid thing to do, considering how different most relationships are.

And also considdering that my relationship apparently is a fraud, since I'm being brain-wiped by my evil sociopathic girlfriend... :-s

But I did have a few msn contact-love encounters. None eventually led into a relation, but I did end up staying on really good terms with them.

But I'll restrain my meddling to the relationship topics in general from now on...


Mathematics club: we have beer and exponentials.

Cartoon club: Cause Toons>> Charlie Sheen+Raptor

Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-17 18:11:32

Ok, here we go, I have been in a relationship with my Girlfriend for about 5 months, it has been going amazingly, but she asked me to prove my love for her, we're not going to have sex, because we're only 14 and we're not ready, now I think she's upset with me because I said I don't know how to prove my love for her, I'll post what I wrote to her,

"tbh im not very romantic, but i love you and will always love you, even if anything happened to our relationship(touch wood) i would still have huge feelings for you, i always want to be with you, and well, i love you"

Then she continued to talk about how she loved me too, then I went on,

"its not that i dont want to prove my love, its just i dont know how, i love you, like more than anything, but we cant just go out for a picnic in the sunset can we?, sorry bout me goin on, John Lennon is in my ears."

Then she said I was "takin the mick" and I pleaded that I wasn't, anyway, we are now like all lovey dovey again and she says I don't need to prove anything,

but I want too, but as it says above, I don't know how. By the way thanks for any help you give me NewGrounds.

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-17 18:39:01

At 1/17/09 06:11 PM, jjrmet wrote: but I want too, but as it says above, I don't know how. By the way thanks for any help you give me NewGrounds.

Being romantic helps if you really want to prove your love for her. But, dude, you're 14, there's no need to commit yourself to anything yet, but still, do what you feel is right, not what others think.

Sorry if I said something that offended you

Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-17 18:54:52

At 1/17/09 06:39 PM, dididu915 wrote:
At 1/17/09 06:11 PM, jjrmet wrote: but I want too, but as it says above, I don't know how. By the way thanks for any help you give me NewGrounds.
Being romantic helps if you really want to prove your love for her. But, dude, you're 14, there's no need to commit yourself to anything yet, but still, do what you feel is right, not what others think.

Sorry if I said something that offended you

Yea, I'm 14, so what?, it annoys me just because your not over the age of 18, everyone supposedly thinks that every relationship you have will not last over a couple of months, I see her every day, when I'm not with her, I'm on the phone with her, if I have no phone, I'm on msn, and so forth, this is the one for me, lol, anyway, I just need advice on how to be more romantic.

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-18 01:14:49

At 1/17/09 09:32 AM, RubberTrucky wrote: Hmm, seems like an asshole move to just ignore her if she's unhappy. It's necessary to show you care enough for eachother so you get through the hard parts also. At least she does it for me.

This is where you are wrong. Of course, like I said. You need to give her some attention but you don't want to be wrapped around her finger. Trust me on this. I've had first hand experience on this fuck up. You keep relationships long?

At 1/17/09 03:50 PM, Jezuz wrote: Too late. Sort of blurted out something similar. Oh well, was awkward and shit and I regret it 100%.

Smooth. I dunno. I just don't think distance ever works. Internet relationships are gay. You'll find that she's probably different in person.

At 1/17/09 04:13 PM, RubberTrucky wrote: Tell her the safer, but suggestive version of "I love you": "I really like you" or "If I meet you, I think I may fall in love with you."
But be sure she has intimate feelings towards you too. This means that you should have had a few long conversations and talked about personal stuff. Also, you should be sure she's single.

Lol, no don't. Don't even bring it up.
lol lol.


PSN ID: soul_reaper5

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-18 05:54:19

At 1/17/09 05:31 PM, RubberTrucky wrote: And also considdering that my relationship apparently is a fraud, since I'm being brain-wiped by my evil sociopathic girlfriend... :-s

It's not and I'm definitely not saying it is, but this proves my point exactly. If you knew more about women, you'd known that a big part of their behaviour is a test. Most of it is even unconscious to them, but if you fuck up, she'll still feel you did.
Acting unhappy is one of those thing. If you then start to hang around her trying to be kind and asking her why she's unhappy, you'll fuck up. Maybe not right away, but over the long run.
Now, I'm not saying you should ignore it and dismiss it as if she's faking it, I suggest an alternate solution. Wether she's acting or not, what she wants is to feel good. So what you need to do is do something that'll make her feel good, and not ask her what'll feel good. She wants you to feel how she feels and act on it by making her feel good, and not by focussing on how she feels.

Here are two real life examples, one a test and one genuine:

A guy and his girl are walking down the street. They're on the outside near the curb, him on the outside, she on the inside. A man with a big dog approaches from the other side, about to walk past the girl.
Now, the guy is holding the girls hand, and he feels a slight tremble. What he does is not asking why she's scared, in contrary, he pulls her hand, switches places with her and walks on.
Not a word was spoken, but once home, she jumped on him and they had a great time, all because of this small gesture.

Second example, a guy is out having dinner with a woman. All the way through dinner they talk, but the girl barely eats anything. The guy let's it be and keeps on having fun.
After dinner, the woman tells him how amazed she was by him and tells him she had already eaten before dinner to see how he would react. By not getting angry at her, he passed the test. All he thought was: "It's your dinner, you do with it what you want to do, I'll just have a good time".
So again, not a word spoken about it, but if he had, he would've fucked up.

But I did have a few msn contact-love encounters. None eventually led into a relation, but I did end up staying on really good terms with them.

But I'll restrain my meddling to the relationship topics in general from now on...

The reason I told you all this is because this is the exact reason why I spend so much time here. When I first came here, the advice that was given wasn't that great. Most of it was some kind of cliche romantic thing you can take from any random book, and pretty much all of it lacked knowledge about women.
Maybe it's just me, but that's pretty much the most important thing to know when giving advice.

So I'm not picking on you, it's just that I want to help guys, and when I see guys being helped in a way that won't really help them at all, at least not in the long run, I just need to say something about it.

At 1/17/09 06:54 PM, jjrmet wrote: Yea, I'm 14, so what?, it annoys me just because your not over the age of 18, everyone supposedly thinks that every relationship you have will not last over a couple of months, I see her every day, when I'm not with her, I'm on the phone with her, if I have no phone, I'm on msn, and so forth, this is the one for me, lol, anyway, I just need advice on how to be more romantic.

No, you don't. What you need is advice on how to be more manly and on how to be more attractive.

First of all, what I think the other guy was talking about, and I agree on that, is that commiting yourself to a girl like this at such a young age isn't really worth the trouble. I'm not really sure how to explain this to you, but I'm almost 19 and even I don't commit to relationships like this because I know they won't last.

The probability of your relationship staying healthy isn't that high, at least, not right now. Here's why:
- You're doing everything she tells you to. The problem here is that she doesn't really want most of those things, she's just seeing wether you'll remain in control or not. By blindly following what she says, you're giving her the control, and this is exactly what she doesn't want.

- You're with her all the time. Now, this might not be such a big deal yet since you're 14 and most girls still have these girly fantasies in their heads by that age, but it will eventually. Being around her constantly, wether that's direct or indirect, makes you boring and predictable.
It's like the difference between wanting something and having it. Let's say you really want a car. Right now you can't have it yet, so you feel excited about it. Once you are allowed you can have it, you get your license, get a car and drive it. Now the first few times driving it will feel great. But eventually, the feeling will wear off. You'll just be sitting in your car, driving towards the place you need to be at, and that's it; no excitement anymore.
However, if you then break both of your legs and can't drive for a while, you'll excited to start doing it again.
The time spend with your girl is like driving the car, and to keep that excited you need to break your legs once in a while, aka, you need to do your own thing in order to keep driving the car (aka, being with you) interesting for your girl.

So, in short, I'm not saying your relationship won't last, but it all depends on how you act. If you keep up what you're doing right now, then yes, it won't last long, but if you turn it around, start doing more things on your own, stop trying to impress her or prove her something and remain in control, it could last forever. Or at least a very long time :P

"Never was anything great achieved without danger." - Niccolo Machiavelli

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Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-18 07:40:01

Basics first, Ok ( userpage aside ) I just turned 17, im a virgin, has never seen boobs with my own eyes, touched them, etc. Never even had a single fucking date, NONE, No Relationship no nothing, Ive had crushes out the ass, but nothing.

So Basically Ive had many fly balls in my life, ive worked on a few ladies that have devastated me, (ohnoesimcrying ;(. but, ive always looked ahead, but now, its pissing me off, I live in a small, i mran SMALL ass town, ok. With atleast a 2:1 ratio of doods/girls,


Anyways, Prom is coming and one of my friends fiance's cousins wants to go, so well hookup with me ( since im the loser without a date, always ) So shes pretty, and I'm hoping to somehow convert this into a relationship, thing is, I havn't met her, close & personal yet, so I really sont know, her face is cute and such, w/e but somthing tells me my friend might just be setting me up, idk what it is, but it doesnt feel right, ive tried to contact her on myspace, but no luck... yet, so well I guess im stuck in a pickle, she has no idea what I look like and im seriously thinking she will just drop the whole thing ;(, so what should i do from here? idk... Valentines is coming up, so I was thinking about getting her somthing, but I really do think I should atleast talk to her a bit right? hmm

Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-18 08:52:21

At 1/17/09 06:11 PM, jjrmet wrote: but I want too, but as it says above, I don't know how. By the way thanks for any help you give me NewGrounds.

I heard somewhere that different people express their love in different ways. Such as:
Service-Going out and DOING something for that person
Gifts-Thinking of that person and getting them flowers
Sex-To be sexually expressive
Touch-You know those people who just are really touchy? Ya.
Words-To say I love you, or to be able to open up and talk things out.

Chances are that you two have different ways, and are mix matched. Maybe she isn't getting what she wants. Maybe she wants more than just words. You need to sit down and talk to her about it, ask her what she wants. This isnt some surprise, it something you two need to talk about.


BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-18 09:14:04

I jus broke up wi me girlfrend coz i caught her in bed with sum other dude and then about 2 weeks ltr she said she waz pregnant.wtf shoul i do??

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-18 09:28:31

At 1/18/09 07:40 AM, Tykwa wrote: Basics first, Ok ( userpage aside ) I just turned 17, im a virgin, has never seen boobs with my own eyes, touched them, etc. Never even had a single fucking date, NONE, No Relationship no nothing, Ive had crushes out the ass, but nothing.


So Basically Ive had many fly balls in my life, ive worked on a few ladies that have devastated me, (ohnoesimcrying ;(. but, ive always looked ahead, but now, its pissing me off, I live in a small, i mran SMALL ass town, ok. With atleast a 2:1 ratio of doods/girls,

Ok, so it's at least partially not your fault.


Anyways, Prom is coming and one of my friends fiance's cousins wants to go, so well hookup with me ( since im the loser without a date, always ) So shes pretty, and I'm hoping to somehow convert this into a relationship, thing is, I havn't met her, close & personal yet, so I really sont know, her face is cute and such, w/e but somthing tells me my friend might just be setting me up, idk what it is, but it doesnt feel right, ive tried to contact her on myspace, but no luck... yet, so well I guess im stuck in a pickle, she has no idea what I look like and im seriously thinking she will just drop the whole thing ;(, so what should i do from here? idk... Valentines is coming up, so I was thinking about getting her somthing, but I really do think I should atleast talk to her a bit right? hmm

Ok, first things first, please start using periods as clarity is very important when giving advice to someone. If you're posting something that's supposed to get you advice on how to change your life, at least spend some time on grammar and being clear.

I can already tell right now that your personality above all things is holding you back in getting a girl. Here's why:
- You talk about being a virgin in way that suggests you don't like being it, as if being a virgin means you're somehow less of a man.
- You talk about wanting to be in a relationship with a girl you haven't met yet.
- You want to give her something for Valentines, all based on her face.
- You have no clue what women want.

Here's why these things block you:
- You're needy. You need to be with a girl, you need to lose your virginity, you are desperate. Desperation, neediness, disinterest in the girl and interest in feeding an ego or pleasing your own needs are all things that cause you to screw up with girls. How? Because it's unattractive to them.

Now, it's not as bad as it may sound since all of these things are connected:
- You haven't been with a girl yet, others have.
- Because of this, you want to lose your virginity.
- You become needy, which results in wanting to be with girls without even knowing them.
- You want them not for who they are, but for what they are. They feel this and don't like it, thus are not interested in you.
- This fortifies your needs and makes you even more desperate.

Now you need to break this pattern. You do this by means of realizations, epiphanies if you will. Realizations about what girls really want, what they don't want, how this behaviour will eventually affect you as a person, how you need to change as a person.

A while back, I've made some posts about attraction and what personality traits are and are not interested in. I'll leave this post for what it is and link you to the page with those posts.

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1803 60/177

If you've got any questions after that, which I hope you do as this is merely a part of the basics, ask them here and I'll go through them.

"Never was anything great achieved without danger." - Niccolo Machiavelli

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-18 09:29:31

At 1/18/09 09:14 AM, 8ight wrote: I jus broke up wi me girlfrend coz i caught her in bed with sum other dude and then about 2 weeks ltr she said she waz pregnant.wtf shoul i do??

Learn how to spell and find a good place to troll.

"Never was anything great achieved without danger." - Niccolo Machiavelli

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-18 09:46:08

Maybe my intentions are just to lose my virginity, But I'm not always thinking about just me, I've always dreamed of simply, having someone there for me, for my emotions, and to back me up, I'm not simply just wanting to lose my virginity, It's as if... I'm thinking that if I ever do get someone to take my virginity away, and then sooner or later things don't go so swell, That I could never get over it.

Also, There's always a few girls who I know who always compliment me, and such, not really teasing, but I know theyre in a relationship with someone else, Why are they doing this? I know they aren' interested in me.

Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-18 10:50:02

At 1/18/09 09:29 AM, Vincoid wrote:
At 1/18/09 09:14 AM, 8ight wrote: I jus broke up wi me girlfrend coz i caught her in bed with sum other dude and then about 2 weeks ltr she said she waz pregnant.wtf shoul i do??
Learn how to spell and find a good place to troll.

well i can spell i was just trying to make it short......not tat way?

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-19 05:17:18

At 1/18/09 09:46 AM, Tykwa wrote: Maybe my intentions are just to lose my virginity, But I'm not always thinking about just me, I've always dreamed of simply, having someone there for me, for my emotions, and to back me up, I'm not simply just wanting to lose my virginity, It's as if... I'm thinking that if I ever do get someone to take my virginity away, and then sooner or later things don't go so swell, That I could never get over it.

Ok, but to get to that point, you first need to able to get girls, and that also takes emotional control.

Have you read the posts that I linked you to?

Also, There's always a few girls who I know who always compliment me, and such, not really teasing, but I know theyre in a relationship with someone else, Why are they doing this? I know they aren' interested in me.

Fun. No matter how weird it sounds, it's probably just for fun. Or they're just like that and are very friendly to others, but they're getting fun out of that too.

"Never was anything great achieved without danger." - Niccolo Machiavelli

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2009-01-19 05:26:09

At 1/18/09 10:50 AM, 8ight wrote: well i can spell i was just trying to make it short......not tat way?

Are you in a hurry or something? I'm not, and seeing as I responded 15 minutes after you posted, you had enough time to spell it out right.

As for your apparent problem, if you knock a girl up, you first try and find out if it's yours. If it (most likely) is, then you deal with it by talking about it with her.
Your profile says you're 15 years old, your spelling seems to confirm that, so I guess the girl is about the same age. Not many girls that age want to actually keep a baby, nor do their parents. So unless they're against abortion, that's what most likely what's going to happen. Unless they're pro-adoption.

If not, you can prepare for a life of either paying for a child you'll never see, or raising a child and paying for it while damaging your study, career, life, etc.

"Unprotected sex, it's the clever choice to make!" ;D

I wish the bbs would allow emoticons so I could add a thums up one to add more sarcasm to this post.

"Never was anything great achieved without danger." - Niccolo Machiavelli

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