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Martial Arts Club

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Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-08 22:06:25

At 1/8/07 10:00 PM, wiid wrote: Yaaayy! I can post again, did I spell Sensai right?

NO. It's spelled Sensei.


NG Naruto RP Crew

PM me Sig Requests

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-08 22:13:07


Thanks for the concern. Sorry guys but hawt best friend > NGMAC. He out ranks you! XP

I was posting in the politics a good bit and occasionally the general forum but its hard to find a good thread that isnt over run with immature 13 year olds looking for cyber sects. Im more into mature civilized conversations so I come here. There really isnt anything out there in NG that interests me other than the MAC. Mono's stories are the exception. Love it! Peanut butter and chocolate is the best combination. Just barely tops pickles and ice cream! XP

Other guy-

Sensei = correct spelling.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-08 22:44:27


Do any of you guys play tennis? It's so much fun...I'm going to start to play casually this year.


NG Naruto RP Crew

PM me Sig Requests

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-09 01:27:15

At 1/8/07 09:44 PM, wiid wrote: Sorry I haven't posted in a while. God I feel shitty around here when I quit at Orange2 and you're all brown/black belts, I should have stayed in, but I quit because my sensai's were teenaged drunks, they were just in it for the money, I'd still be in if sensai Andrew was there.
*breaks into tears*

Not everyone is a black or brown belt. Monocrom doesn't hold any rank and we have other members who are still in their colored belts, they just don't post as much as everyone else.



I whould have no big problem with psych games but humiliation unrelated to martial arts is going a bit too far for me...

I've never played tennis before but I do enjoy a good game of racquet ball :)



I don't know about this pickles and ice cream business... What kind of pickles and what kind of ice cream to recomend?

I was wondering, do you still practice your martial arts actively? Or are you kinda on vacation from that for a while?

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I just thought you all should know :)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-09 01:47:24

At 1/9/07 01:27 AM, ThunderboltLegion wrote: Satan:

I don't know about this pickles and ice cream business... What kind of pickles and what kind of ice cream to recomend?

I was wondering, do you still practice your martial arts actively? Or are you kinda on vacation from that for a while?

Yeah I have this thing where I have to eat a dill pickle with vanilla ice cream. I have no idea why but it tastes good to me....my stomach always hates me afterwards but its worth it. :P

Since my best friend was up this is the most Ive trained in months. It wasnt even actual training, just him randomly chocking me out and getting me into joint locks. I loved the violence. Mwahaha. But until I get some time to have a life after school and work is done I might get back into training. Im so fucking tired of the political race at dojangs now a days with the ranking system and money so Im going to be getting into RBSD, Kali, or Systema when I get back into it. Hapkido has too many missing links for me to want to continue training in it. All I want is self defense, belts do not matter to me.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-09 20:23:32

At 1/7/07 06:19 PM, Monocrom wrote: Dude, how'd you make the same post twice like that?

I was just wondering the same thing o.0 its friggin weird >.<

At 1/7/07 09:31 PM, ThunderboltLegion wrote:

:Of course I know what ginseng is, but you used it out of context :P

...? lol how did i manage that? I was hopped up on ginseng, explain to me how i was using it out of context? lol

British Columbians: Speak out against the new meal tax or you'll be paying 7% tax on top of the 5% you already pay. http://www2.nomealtax.ca/

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-09 20:34:19

At 1/8/07 10:44 PM, Fremen wrote: ...right.

Do any of you guys play tennis? It's so much fun...I'm going to start to play casually this year.

we played it breifly, never had much fun with it. Tennis was more of a passing whim for us

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-09 21:13:22

At 1/7/07 08:25 PM, The-brothers-III wrote: But we can tell that you're probably not going to be satiated by this, would you like a way to tell us apart?
Sure. Could you tell us a little more about yourselves? Do you all have the same martial arts experience? Are you all the same belt? Stuff like that. Also if you could give us a way to distinguish the three of you ("me", "myself" and "I") apart from eachother that would be most helpful. Just give everyone time to get used to the three of you sharing an account and posting as one person. I personally think it's a fun idea, just a little confusing ;)

Sorry, we double posted, but we replied to another question,then saw this one.

Ok, let's see, in order now. Our families are all close to each other. Supporting each other during WWII in Germany tends to do that. The three of us were born in Germany some time after WWII. However, seeing as the Germans didn't have a spectacular past, and christianity was rapidly declining (a funny place to do that too, the birthplace of Lutheranisim and all), so We all moved to the wonderful country of Canada. Later, there, we discovered the Martial Art Kuk Sool Won, and are currently Red belts with Brown stripes(about 1/2 to 3/4's way to black). and are currently considering beginning Kung Fu(Wushu in China) when we make it to second degree (Kyo-sa-nim). Kuk Sool has two underlying diciplines(underlying meaning; you won't find this in any kind of KSW book). Heavy and light, solid and liquid. Offense and defense, almost. We don't know if this is true for all Martial arts, having only studied one, but we know that you can be exactly the same, but totally different depending on which dicipline you prefer. Oh, and like diciplines are never used against istelf. you never fight heavy with heavy, and never liquid with liquid. It is realy a very exiting time to see a master of Solid and a master of Liquid fight each other, but it doens't seem to work so well when you use similar styles.
Now, telling us apart....usually we all post together, and if anyone of us stands out or wants to say somthing extra, then we'll tell you who it is. Although sometimes only one of us will want to speak on a topic, in which case the other two agree to void their opinions. Generally when this happens the author will sign it at the end, and when he refers to himself then he will not capitalize the word (I.E. i am German) and when he refers to a brother he will capitalize it (I is German). but we realize that we are human and skrew up every now and again we will forget to sign, or not to capitalize. but there are still ways that we can be twixd. each of us has a distinct writing style.
Me is the satirist. his entries are usually short and too the point. and he often uses analogies that would otherwise make no sense if anyone else used them. he gets a kick out of refering to himself as Me, because otherwise it would be improper English
Myself is the realist, and in many cases the buffer between Me and I (who are constantly bickering). He tends not to sugarcoat things with humor, nor advanced literary devices to cause the true meaning to escape from the laymen. To steal a famous line "He tells it like it is." This doesn't always get him friends, and it doens't always let him win, but he is sturdy in his beliefs that a lost cause should be avoided.
I is the Idealist and the exact opposite of Me. Where Me tells jokes, I gives a stirring oration. Where Me bounds forward almost aimlessly, I plans his strikes and sweeps ten moves in advance. It must be understood that I and Me don't usually disagree on the subject itself, but how to present it. They know that both that each other's way works, but they want it tooled to their own personal preferences. I generally gives long entries that have a lot of literary devices, if you know what those are (no offence, but you'd be suprised that many don't know a similie from a metaphor)
Oh, and it should be noted that there is a fourth. He's not a brother, and he doesn't usually partake in debates, but he does write all this down when we're to busy arguing to type. His name is Thomas, and thank him for us when you get the chance. When you look on myspace under the brother Me, Myself, and I it's his picture you see, he keeps it, even though it's under his name. He is actually typing the right now, but is too used talking like a group of people, as opposed to one person to stop typing like this. He's only in highschool, so forgive his spelling.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-09 22:33:47


Hello. Welcome. I suggest trying protein, vitamin and mineral supplements in a fruit smoothie every morning before working out. For bulking weight and resistance training is always the way to go. Working out isnt going to give you any improvement without the right diet and supplements. Go to a natural health food store, a nutritionist or a personal trainer and they can tell you what you want to know. I'm working on a Masters in Holistic Nutrition so I might be able to answer specific diet related questions. Its spelled Wing Chun btw....but a lot of people spell it different ways. As long as we know what you're talking about I guess it doesnt matter.


Welcome back! Havent seen you around in a while. How are things with training going? Welcome back to myspace too!


Eeeyeah....you guys should get seperate accounts. You're confusing me. =D

About the tennis-

OMG I fucking love it but I havent played in 3 years. A close training buddy of mine in Muay Thai had a tennis scholarship at Peidmont and I played with him a lot. Since I moved here I havent had anyone to play with. Its really great for reflexes and endurance.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-09 23:12:26

At 1/9/07 07:49 AM, mampo wrote: Hi, i posted a thread in the general forum asking about how i could bulk out. Bi0Reaper told me to come here and ask for tips and stuff, basicly im pretty tall and really skinny round my waist and chest and want to bulk out around that area cos i look like a stickman. my arms are already quite strong and i have no trouble doing pres ups and stuff. o yer and ive also done a few classes in wing shun (i think thats how you spell it)

There is also The Ng Gym that you could probably get some advice from :)

At 1/9/07 09:13 PM, The-brothers-III wrote: too much to quote in it's entirety :P

First of all, thanks for typing all that out, I now only have very few questions of you.

and are currently considering beginning Kung Fu(Wushu in China)

Does this mean you are planning on at least temporarily living in China?

Kuk Sool has two underlying diciplines(underlying meaning; you won't find this in any kind of KSW book). Heavy and light, solid and liquid. Offense and defense, almost. We don't know if this is true for all Martial arts, having only studied one, but we know that you can be exactly the same, but totally different depending on which dicipline you prefer.

In my style (Chinese Kenpo Karate) we don't have specific underlying diciplines as you put it, so I'm not quite sure if I know what you're talking about. Many of our techniques implement a blending of fluid, circular motions with ridgid, straight motions. For example, a technique will start out with a circular motion to block building up momentum to then strike hard and fast. Is this similar to what you're talking about?

As far as telling you guys apart, that should help when needed.

Oh, and it should be noted that there is a fourth. He's not a brother, and he doesn't usually partake in debates, but he does write all this down when we're to busy arguing to type. His name is Thomas, and thank him for us when you get the chance

Well it isn't necissarily to my benefit but since it was requested... On behalf of the brothers; thanks Thomas :D

Is Thomas also involved in martial arts?

He's only in highschool, so forgive his spelling.

I've been out of high school and I still make many spelling, punctuation and gramatical errors, so no problem :)

Two more things: I noticed in your profile that your age is listed as 79, would this be your ages added up?

And some other members of this club have MySpace pages (myself included). I am unabe to find your page on my own, could you post a link?

At 1/9/07 08:23 PM, Bi0Reaper wrote: I was just wondering the same thing o.0 its friggin weird >.<

Did you perhaps hit the "Post It!" button only to have nothing happen and hit it again a few seconds later? Because if this scenario is accurate then you probably did indeed hit it the first time and when you hit it a second time it processed your post twice...

...? lol how did i manage that? I was hopped up on ginseng, explain to me how i was using it out of context? lol

My apologies, I mis-read your post. I've never heard of anyone being "loaded up with ginsing". Now your post is funny that I have re-learned to read :P

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I just thought you all should know :)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-10 21:00:14

At 1/9/07 11:12 PM, ThunderboltLegion wrote:
There is also The Ng Gym that you could probably get some advice from :)

:OTraitor!:P dont turn away the guy lol

At 1/9/07 08:23 PM, Bi0Reaper wrote: I was just wondering the same thing o.0 its friggin weird >.<
Did you perhaps hit the "Post It!" button only to have nothing happen and hit it again a few seconds later? Because if this scenario is accurate then you probably did indeed hit it the first time and when you hit it a second time it processed your post twice...

yeah thats probabley it lol but normally it doesnt work that way :S

...? lol how did i manage that? I was hopped up on ginseng, explain to me how i was using it out of context? lol
My apologies, I mis-read your post. I've never heard of anyone being "loaded up with ginsing". Now your post is funny that I have re-learned to read :P

lol I always say that. There is still a guy in my kung-fu class who buges me about the "ginseng in my coffee" because i was drinking that fusion power coffee when he saw me. But, hey, it raises endurance and energy, and when taken correctly it makes you sleep better and deeper, so you wake up feeling rested. I love it :D

British Columbians: Speak out against the new meal tax or you'll be paying 7% tax on top of the 5% you already pay. http://www2.nomealtax.ca/

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-10 21:07:56

i am very good at SUN BIN


Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-10 21:09:43

woops,i forgot KENPO


Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-10 22:46:49

I do kendo and kickboxing
may i join?

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-10 23:17:12

At 1/10/07 10:46 PM, Sullivan wrote: I do kendo and kickboxing
may i join?

Certainly! Welcome to the club :)

About how long have you been taking each of those?

At 1/10/07 09:07 PM, taconinja wrote: i am very good at SUN BIN
At 1/10/07 09:09 PM, taconinja wrote: woops,i forgot KENPO

So do you mean to say that you take a style called "Sun Bin Kenpo"?

At 1/10/07 09:00 PM, Bi0Reaper wrote:

:OTraitor!:P dont turn away the guy lol

That not at all was my intention, it's just that's not really what we do here and I'm not sure how helpful we could be. I personally wouldn't be any help at all, I don't really work out :P

yeah thats probabley it lol but normally it doesnt work that way :S

Yeah, sometimes either your computer or Newgrounds will lag a bit, either way it happens.

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I just thought you all should know :)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-11 16:56:42

2 new guys: Welcome to the club. If you need club sigs, just ask me, and I'll help you get them.


NG Naruto RP Crew

PM me Sig Requests

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-11 17:02:10

At 1/11/07 04:56 PM, Fremen wrote: 2 new guys: Welcome to the club. If you need club sigs, just ask me, and I'll help you get them.

Or maybe I could do them? Not now though, I need to watch mock the week. Catch ya later guys.

cos shotgun bullets are bad for yo health.



BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-11 17:41:11

Hey guys, many of you probably don't know me. I used to come here back in the day. I still talk to Semi a lot.

Well I am still kickboxing (it's actually more Krav Maga). We aren't very active in the Jiu Jitsu section anymore. I have gained lenght and currently weigh 76.3KG. (168 pounds).

Perhaps, with a little bit of luck I will get to meet Fedor again.


Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-11 20:50:46

At 1/9/07 09:13 PM, The-brothers-III wrote: too much to quote in it's entirety :P
First of all, thanks for typing all that out, I now only have very few questions of you.

and are currently considering beginning Kung Fu(Wushu in China)
Does this mean you are planning on at least temporarily living in China?

Sadly, no, as much as we would love to go to china, we neither have the capital to go, nor the time to learn the language. we are however, learning Spanish. We just wanted to point that out because we just saw "Fearless" and hadn't known that previously.

Kuk Sool has two underlying diciplines(underlying meaning; you won't find this in any kind of KSW book). Heavy and light, solid and liquid. Offense and defense, almost. We don't know if this is true for all Martial arts, having only studied one, but we know that you can be exactly the same, but totally different depending on which dicipline you prefer.
In my style (Chinese Kenpo Karate) we don't have specific underlying diciplines as you put it, so I'm not quite sure if I know what you're talking about. Many of our techniques implement a blending of fluid, circular motions with ridgid, straight motions. For example, a technique will start out with a circular motion to block building up momentum to then strike hard and fast. Is this similar to what you're talking about?

Almost. As stated earlier You'll never find these in a book, and you'll almost never hear it. mostly because it's not a real style you have to sit down and learn. the difference between solid and liquid is the diference between little things, like blocking, and re-directing. Between Force applied and force made null. and it changes from person to person. we've been looking around and have seen it a bit in other martial arts, particularly solid in Kung Fu, and liquid in (H?)A(p?)kido. but nothing we've found yet quite uses both like we see in Kuk Sool

As far as telling you guys apart, that should help when needed.

You're very welcome

Oh, and it should be noted that there is a fourth. He's not a brother, and he doesn't usually partake in debates, but he does write all this down when we're to busy arguing to type. His name is Thomas, and thank him for us when you get the chance
Well it isn't necissarily to my benefit but since it was requested... On behalf of the brothers; thanks Thomas :D

Is Thomas also involved in martial arts?
He's only in highschool, so forgive his spelling.
I've been out of high school and I still make many spelling, punctuation and gramatical errors, so no problem :)

In order: He Thanks you for thanking you, and for being lenient on his spelling. Yes, that's how we met him. He joined our Do-jang just about two months after we did, and is planning to move with us as soon as he makes Kyo-Sa-Nim.

Two more things: I noticed in your profile that your age is listed as 79, would this be your ages added up?

You can think that if you like, the little details of our lives are up to those who care to imagine them. "Like a choose your own adventure book, but better writing" -Me

And some other members of this club have MySpace pages (myself included). I am unabe to find your page on my own, could you post a link?

(Vormund is german for guardian, we think, but aren't sure, having been born in Germany, but instead growing up in Canada. speaking of Canada, we don't really live in Hell, Nova scotia. That's just the coolest town ever.)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-11 22:14:12

At 1/11/07 05:41 PM, Akula wrote: Hey guys, many of you probably don't know me. I used to come here back in the day. I still talk to Semi a lot.

Well I am still kickboxing (it's actually more Krav Maga). We aren't very active in the Jiu Jitsu section anymore. I have gained lenght and currently weigh 76.3KG. (168 pounds).

Perhaps, with a little bit of luck I will get to meet Fedor again.


w00t! Another Pride/UFC fan FTW! Yeah you should post more, I wasnt here during your posting days but Shinro says good things. XD


I sent you a friend request on myspace in case you're wondering who "Sara" is. kkthnx

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-13 19:45:34

Hey guys, been busy this week. And sad to see that DSM hasn't posted since he came to his decision regarding his school. Just 3 things I wanted to touch on:

1) (This is mostly for wiid)
Some of us are also good enough to teach martial arts. Don't let that get you down. We don't make fun of anyone who can't teach or who is below a Black Belt. Despite not having a rank, I do know enough that I could teach if I wanted to. Just an honest evaluation of my abilities. A few Arts have no ranking system but are worth looking into. Besides mine, JKD comes to mind.

2) To: satan-
Hey little sis. If you want to take up RBSD. I recommend that you stay away from one particular system. It's called C.F.A. (Contemporary Fighting Arts) run by Sammy Franco. It's not the system I have a problem with. It's the guy who runs it. There's not one specific thing I can point to. But a bunch of little things that bother me. He has several books and DVDs out. His earlier work is great. But lately........ it's just something that bothers me. He's had 4 forums set up on his website. Been a member of 3 of them, including his latest one. Just the way he ran his last 2 forums that concerned me.

Anyway, if you have ANY questions regarding R.B.S.D., feel free to post here or even PM me.

3) To: Akula-
Good to see you here. I joined just as you left the last time. Hope you'll post more.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-13 20:08:06

i practice the hiten mitsurugi-Ryu style.

SSBB code:


Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-13 20:43:51

At 8/4/04 07:52 AM, MrReaper wrote: I take Kempo, and I have a good half year under my belt

WOAHHHH!!!!!! I teach Kenpo!!!!! I'm a brown belt!

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.

- George Carlin

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-13 23:30:56

At 1/13/07 08:08 PM, outlawwarrior781 wrote: i practice the hiten mitsurugi-Ryu style.

I've never heard of that before, could you tell us a little about it?

At 1/13/07 08:43 PM, Cooliostrongbad wrote: WOAHHHH!!!!!! I teach Kenpo!!!!! I'm a brown belt!

WOAHHHH!!!!!! I teach Kenpo!!!!! :p
Good for you :)

At 1/11/07 08:50 PM, The-brothers-III wrote: You can think that if you like, the little details of our lives are up to those who care to imagine them. "Like a choose your own adventure book, but better writing" -Me

It doesn't matter, just curious :)

(Vormund is german for guardian, we think, but aren't sure, having been born in Germany, but instead growing up in Canada. speaking of Canada, we don't really live in Hell, Nova scotia. That's just the coolest town ever.)

I sent you an add request just so you know.

At 1/11/07 05:41 PM, Akula wrote: Hey guys, many of you probably don't know me. I used to come here back in the day. I still talk to Semi a lot.

I remember you from skimming some of the older posts. It's always nice to see a vetern member post again. Welcome back! :D

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I just thought you all should know :)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-14 00:49:01

I sent you an add request just so you know.

Okay, we'll check it tommorow (which may just be today for you) we actually don't get much chance to cruise myspace, too busy with...our job.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-14 03:15:58

At 1/14/07 12:49 AM, The-brothers-III wrote:

I sent you an add request just so you know.
Okay, we'll check it tommorow (which may just be today for you) we actually don't get much chance to cruise myspace, too busy with...our job.

Each of you has the same job?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-14 06:27:29

At 1/14/07 03:15 AM, Monocrom wrote:
At 1/14/07 12:49 AM, The-brothers-III wrote:

I sent you an add request just so you know.
Okay, we'll check it tommorow (which may just be today for you) we actually don't get much chance to cruise myspace, too busy with...our job.
Each of you has the same job?

I'm getting the feeling that these guys are siamese triplets, how are you supposed to fight like that? Lol.

cos shotgun bullets are bad for yo health.



BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-14 21:22:38

Each of you has the same job?

Yes, read our profile to find out what it is. and no, it's not as exciting as it sounds. Just like actual detective work isn't that fun.

I'm getting the feeling that these guys are siamese triplets, how are you supposed to fight like that? Lol.

Haha, nope, not even actual brothers, but we wen't through that, didn't we? "now that I think of that though, that would be pretty kick ass if you could coordinate that." -Me

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-15 00:19:09

At 1/11/07 05:41 PM, Akula wrote: Hey guys, many of you probably don't know me. I used to come here back in the day. I still talk to Semi a lot.

I remember you from the outside forums.

Either way, yesterday was an amazing test. We had one kid throw-up, a nine-year-old pass, a kid who won two seperate competitions within the testers, and one kid who everyone thought was gonna fail pass.

All in All, it was an amazing test, 8 people tested for black belt and they all made it. It was freaking amazing.


NG Naruto RP Crew

PM me Sig Requests

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2007-01-16 13:02:50

Yo what up G's been busy with school and whatnot so posting was not really top priority.

I decided not to get a second job because I feel if I walk on my TKD school now then it will just get to bad. I dunno I just feel as if though I will be able to save it. Oh well, I'll see.

On a lighter note I destroyed my back on Saturday. I tried doing front flip again and man did I die. I kinda went nuts and would not stop doing it till I got it. Constantly missing the mat we where using and after I land run back to line to do it again right away.

Also I can now do 100 push-ups in a minute which I find to be sick. At first I didn't think it would be fast till I got the time. My next goal will be 120 which is 2 per a second.

O and welcome back Akula.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature