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Playlist Update: Phase Two

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At 5/26/23 09:16 PM, GraywulfDaDolf wrote:
At 5/22/23 09:56 PM, NightfallGloam wrote: I'm liking the new update to the playlists so far, provides a good chunk of relevant information for us desktop users, though I have noticed it takes its time to load on my laptop even after everything else has already loaded in, like, roughly 5 seconds afterwards (OS is Linux Mint 21.1 and I use Firefox if that info helps)... Actually I just checked again and it seems to be loading much faster now, must've just been my internet at the time or the bug was already fixed.
Although, I was wondering if playlists without thumbnail art could default to taking thumbnails from content inside the playlists similar to how other websites tend to do it?
I definitely would enjoy seeing the addition of skeuomorphic borders around submissions in the various portals, as long as it isn't anything too distracting I think it would add a nice touch to the Newgrounds experience. Themes would also be fun too!
Linux Mint 21.1 on Firefox, can confirm it shows up a second after the layout stuff. I thought it was because I'm using a Core 2 Duo P7550, but I now see what's up. (Yeah, I refuse to let this thing die.)

The rich content links were updated earlier this year, where they load in secondary from the initial page load - it makes the initial page load faster but results in you seeing that delay before they fill in. Usually it's snappy but has the potential to lag.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

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Response to Playlist Update: Phase Two 2023-05-26 22:18:37

At 5/26/23 09:41 PM, TomFulp wrote:
At 5/26/23 09:16 PM, GraywulfDaDolf wrote:
At 5/22/23 09:56 PM, NightfallGloam wrote: I'm liking the new update to the playlists so far, provides a good chunk of relevant information for us desktop users, though I have noticed it takes its time to load on my laptop even after everything else has already loaded in, like, roughly 5 seconds afterwards (OS is Linux Mint 21.1 and I use Firefox if that info helps)... Actually I just checked again and it seems to be loading much faster now, must've just been my internet at the time or the bug was already fixed.
Although, I was wondering if playlists without thumbnail art could default to taking thumbnails from content inside the playlists similar to how other websites tend to do it?
I definitely would enjoy seeing the addition of skeuomorphic borders around submissions in the various portals, as long as it isn't anything too distracting I think it would add a nice touch to the Newgrounds experience. Themes would also be fun too!
Linux Mint 21.1 on Firefox, can confirm it shows up a second after the layout stuff. I thought it was because I'm using a Core 2 Duo P7550, but I now see what's up. (Yeah, I refuse to let this thing die.)
The rich content links were updated earlier this year, where they load in secondary from the initial page load - it makes the initial page load faster but results in you seeing that delay before they fill in. Usually it's snappy but has the potential to lag.

That's actually an ingenious idea! I never really thought about doing that (mainly because I have a fear of PHP and JS).

Your (former) resident furfag on NG!


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Response to Playlist Update: Phase Two 2023-05-26 22:29:31

At 5/26/23 10:18 PM, GraywulfDaDolf wrote:
At 5/26/23 09:41 PM, TomFulp wrote:
At 5/26/23 09:16 PM, GraywulfDaDolf wrote:
At 5/22/23 09:56 PM, NightfallGloam wrote: I'm liking the new update to the playlists so far, provides a good chunk of relevant information for us desktop users, though I have noticed it takes its time to load on my laptop even after everything else has already loaded in, like, roughly 5 seconds afterwards (OS is Linux Mint 21.1 and I use Firefox if that info helps)... Actually I just checked again and it seems to be loading much faster now, must've just been my internet at the time or the bug was already fixed.
Although, I was wondering if playlists without thumbnail art could default to taking thumbnails from content inside the playlists similar to how other websites tend to do it?
I definitely would enjoy seeing the addition of skeuomorphic borders around submissions in the various portals, as long as it isn't anything too distracting I think it would add a nice touch to the Newgrounds experience. Themes would also be fun too!
Linux Mint 21.1 on Firefox, can confirm it shows up a second after the layout stuff. I thought it was because I'm using a Core 2 Duo P7550, but I now see what's up. (Yeah, I refuse to let this thing die.)
The rich content links were updated earlier this year, where they load in secondary from the initial page load - it makes the initial page load faster but results in you seeing that delay before they fill in. Usually it's snappy but has the potential to lag.
That's actually an ingenious idea! I never really thought about doing that (mainly because I have a fear of PHP and JS).

Those languages were pretty standard in web dev back in the day. It was very difficult to remember them both.

Response to Playlist Update: Phase Two 2023-05-27 01:56:51

At 5/26/23 11:36 AM, needza wrote: I thought about the Tiger Electronics/LCD game concept again, and this is what I have for a mockup of that. (The design under the thumbnail can be customized, I'd guess)

The Tiger Electronics/LCD game concept is an interesting look. I haven't seen the originals in years.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

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Response to Playlist Update: Phase Two 2023-05-27 05:59:49


Cool mock up james! Id only suggest game title being in hyperlink yellow so it reads as a link and is consistent with the visual design system of text links

forst post


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Response to Playlist Update: Phase Two 2023-05-27 07:50:21

At 5/26/23 12:50 PM, nexusdd wrote: finaly playlist art can get the attention they so deserrves

They have had two recent updates. How many more do you think they need to be attention worthy?

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

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Response to Playlist Update: Phase Two 2023-05-27 10:19:45

Tom, I propose an idea to add analytics, such as how many views have accumulated over some time. It would be very convenient.

Response to Playlist Update: Phase Two 2023-05-28 04:42:21

At 5/22/23 10:20 AM, TomFulp wrote: What do you think of that mockup? It’s a shift back towards a more skeuomorphic design, something that was frowned on this past decade but is maybe primed for a come-back. I enjoyed all the feedback I got on Saturday’s post because it’s a reminder you are out there and reading this, so please don’t hesitate to weigh in on this idea now!

I think those designs are really unique and should be used. I for my part liked the fact that music thumbnails were displayed as CDs. Gave it a unique charm (And can also add a small challenge for the artist to design a thumbnail that fits the CD without losing on stuff).

Just having a simple square is boring and would make NG yet another site hosting music, like Spotify or Soundcloud. It would loose a bit of its unique-ness is what I'm saying.

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Skeuomorphism is a tricky one. Now that we're in the post-Flash era and Newgrounds' design has adjusted to a more minimalist HTML5/mobile friendly style for a few years, maybe it's time to bring back elements of older designs? The mockups I've seen so far look very cool but it does raise some questions too. 

One of my concerns is how the current layout will be affected. JamesLee's game section in particular puts a lot of bloat between the actual thumbnails. This type of spacing will mean less thumbnails can fit in the same amount of space and it also looks like the actual thumbnail needs to be smaller in order for this to work. It appears preferable to change out the surrounding graphics for something more compact. I'm also thinking pages might load slower because of all the extra assets but I guess it all depends on how it is done.

Another concern would be that you can't just apply these changes to one portal alone. Changing the aesthetic of a single portal would look inconsistent with the rest of the site, so all portals would have to undergo similar changes. I personally think this will be detrimental to the Art Portal in particular, which looks especially good these days! The Audio Portal would probably benefit the most from this, since there's a lot of unused space there to begin with.

I'm also assuming this new design would have to conform to a specific timeframe? Let's take the 80's as an example: movies, games, audio and art would respectively be videotapes, cartridges, casettes and posters with little thumbtacks in the corners. This type of conformity would be more consistent than taking a 1940's filmreel and putting it next to an audio CD for instance. But if the site decides to adhere to such a theme, wouldn't that mean the rest of the site's design would have to follow? And if it does, isn't that changing NG's entire branding? "Newgrounds: A place where you post retro stuff."

I'm probably just overthinking it here but I thought I'd share my thoughts on the matter.

BBS Signature

Response to Playlist Update: Phase Two 2023-05-28 10:11:07

At 5/28/23 10:01 AM, Whirlguy wrote: Skeuomorphism is a tricky one. Now that we're in the post-Flash era and Newgrounds' design has adjusted to a more minimalist HTML5/mobile friendly style for a few years, maybe it's time to bring back elements of older designs? The mockups I've seen so far look very cool but it does raise some questions too. 

One of my concerns is how the current layout will be affected. JamesLee's game section in particular puts a lot of bloat between the actual thumbnails. This type of spacing will mean less thumbnails can fit in the same amount of space and it also looks like the actual thumbnail needs to be smaller in order for this to work. It appears preferable to change out the surrounding graphics for something more compact. I'm also thinking pages might load slower because of all the extra assets but I guess it all depends on how it is done.

Another concern would be that you can't just apply these changes to one portal alone. Changing the aesthetic of a single portal would look inconsistent with the rest of the site, so all portals would have to undergo similar changes. I personally think this will be detrimental to the Art Portal in particular, which looks especially good these days! The Audio Portal would probably benefit the most from this, since there's a lot of unused space there to begin with.

I'm also assuming this new design would have to conform to a specific timeframe? Let's take the 80's as an example: movies, games, audio and art would respectively be videotapes, cartridges, casettes and posters with little thumbtacks in the corners. This type of conformity would be more consistent than taking a 1940's filmreel and putting it next to an audio CD for instance. But if the site decides to adhere to such a theme, wouldn't that mean the rest of the site's design would have to follow? And if it does, isn't that changing NG's entire branding? "Newgrounds: A place where you post retro stuff."

I'm probably just overthinking it here but I thought I'd share my thoughts on the matter.

This actually sums up all of my concerns as well. I love the look of JamesLee's CDs, where I feel like we could pop that into place and it would overall be well-received and enjoyed. The game cartridges are inspiring but I agree with a lot of other replies that they would likely need to be reworked a bit, however I do fear they would just create a lot of page bloat and once the novelty wears off, they would be considered overkill. Similar to how the TVs for movies looks really fun but might also get tiresome after a while.

I've thought a bunch on art and I don't think there is any playful border that a majority of artists would want around their work, I think a lot would also consider it childish and not like it in places like their gallery.

That's also a good point that if we embrace retro aesthetic too much, NG starts to look like a site that is focused on retro / living in the past. I prefer the idea of taking retro elements we like and presenting them in new ways, where it keeps more modern and forward-looking.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

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Response to Playlist Update: Phase Two 2023-05-29 06:57:53

At 5/26/23 01:09 PM, JYGame wrote: The possibility are endless, this is a good update

I agree with you. Do you have any ideas about a new playlist update?

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

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Response to Playlist Update: Phase Two 2023-05-29 15:03:22


Response to Playlist Update: Phase Two 2023-05-30 15:44:21

Nice updates here



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to Playlist Update: Phase Two 2023-06-02 05:55:34

At 5/29/23 03:03 PM, JYGame wrote: Badass

What was your favorite part about Phase two?


I have a PhD in Troll Physics

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Response to Playlist Update: Phase Two 2023-06-02 07:02:52

The Playlist update

Response to Playlist Update: Phase Two 2023-06-04 08:16:43

My thumbnail resolution seems to be broken. I have downloaded the HD image.


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Response to Playlist Update: Phase Two 2023-06-04 08:19:01

I think it's a good idea to add headings. Like the ones you can see on users profile.

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Response to Playlist Update: Phase Two 2023-06-05 08:23:23

At 6/4/23 08:19 AM, Enere wrote: I think it's a good idea to add headings. Like the ones you can see on users profile.

We do plan to overhaul the front-end, at which point there will be more potential for header art.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

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Response to Playlist Update: Phase Two 2023-06-09 05:13:10

I think I should be able to sort my playlists in alphabetical order.

Please remove all my posts from the politics forum. They are either misinformation or poorly worded.

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Response to Playlist Update: Phase Two 2023-06-10 03:44:24

At 6/9/23 05:13 AM, Enere wrote: I think I should be able to sort my playlists in alphabetical order.

That could be very useful. Customization always leads to productivity.


I have a PhD in Troll Physics

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Response to Playlist Update: Phase Two 2023-06-10 04:24:18

At 6/10/23 03:44 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote:
At 6/9/23 05:13 AM, Enere wrote: I think I should be able to sort my playlists in alphabetical order.
That could be very useful. Customization always leads to productivity.


Thank you


Please remove all my posts from the politics forum. They are either misinformation or poorly worded.

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