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New and Old Drawings Related to the Universe GW (And not only!)

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(I decided to reload the first drawing, as I found out that it is better not to publish them individually... I apologize for this.)

Hi Everyone! One of my recent drawings, it depicts a little Takeda Saymus.

Cute, isn't it?

Thanks for your attention!


Hi guys! Another drawing made last year.

It depicts a young, Yanshen blacksmith named Nalbat Malborn.

In my opinion, it looks good

Thanks for your attention!


How is going? Another graphic made for the cover of my fourth book on the adventures of bloody mercenary Yuki

Look beautiful, right?

Thanks for your attention!


Welcome again! Last year I was pretty good with drawings.

Now, unfortunately, things are not going so well in this...


The picture shows the lord of all the Yanshen, Lord Endanor!

Looks damn good, doesn't it?


Greetings! Not so long ago, my dear person had a birthday and in honor of this, I decided to create a drawing.

It depicts my heroine (Monkut Yumi with a grenade launcher) and the heroine belonging to this person (Giveine with a bow)

They look great, right?

Thanks for your attention!


Hello again! This picture was made two years ago, under a burst of inspiration.

It depicts the daughter of a noble Inshen (also known as Takeda Saymus) named Elly.

Despite her face as serious as her father’s, she looks pretty cute.

Thanks for your attention!


Hello everybody!

Another relatively old, but funny picture, made in honor of the bygone, March 8

Looks funny, right?


A-a-and! Another old, funny congratulatory picture taken in honor of two holidays, New Year and Christmas

Happy holidays to you! Even if it's mid-summer...


Illustration on the theme of what a Shensian cat-girl would look like if she were a man...

Geez, It seems to her ... In the sense of "him" it's time to go on a diet.

Thanks for your attention!


How is going? Of the new drawings there are only a couple of pieces ...

But from the old there is still something to show

Almost all my characters are depicted here ... Only in the form of cute children

Cuties, right?

I will be glad if you write a comment about which baby you liked the most

Thanks for your attention!


Welcome again! Once I decided to slightly exert my drawing skills and draw one of the main characters in an anime-like style, but with more detail on the facial features.

The figure depicts a fiery, two-meter yanshen named Endanor Rihard

Looks pretty cool

Thanks for your attention!



One of my old works, which depicts a bank robbery, by a gang of shensians

Well ... Nothing out of the ordinary

For them, this is quite normal.

Thanks for your attention!


What's up?

A very old drawing, which depicts almost all of my characters, made in a certain "comix" style... At least I think so.

Thanks for your attention!


Hello to all! Today, the collection of old drawings is supplemented by the goddess of retribution, which is the main antagonist of the universe of Ghost Warriors

Given that this picture is about eight years old - it does not look so bad

Thanks for your attention!


And again, good afternoon!

Another old illustration on the theme that even bloodthirsty yanshens are able to know the path of nobility and knightly valor... Well, as if

Thanks for your attention!


Good day! This old drawing depicts a green-skinned yanshen who leads an exceptionally healthy lifestyle, often looks after his figure, and also desperately tries to find a soul mate ...

But since its disadvantage is neglect of personal hygiene - if you approach it by only one meter, you will immediately be struck by a wall from an unbearable smell, from which you will most likely lose consciousness ...

The character himself believes that this is his "natural charm"

Thanks for your attention!


Greetings! Another, very old drawing, which depicts Grim Reaper from the universe Ghost Warriors

Well ... The proportions here are definitely not very good (and not only...)

Thanks for your attention!



Well ... I think my comments here are unnecessary, because the picture itself describes the mood well

Thanks for your attention!


And hello again!

Today, the collection of long-standing drawings will be supplemented by a picture that depicts a trio of yanshens (plus shensian woman) in the image of fierce barbarians!

Thanks for your attention!


Hello to all!

I present to you the old drawing, which depicts none other than the sadism general, who in the past captured all of ancient, parallel Asia

Thanks for your attention!


Hi Everyone!

My another old drawing created many years ago.

Well... For a yanshen, who has chosen the profession of a mercenary and whom half the population of the parallel world knows - this is quite an ordinary, working day...

Thanks for your attention!


i've gotta be honest with you and say this,i think you're doing yourself injustice by not posting more of your newer drawings.

from what i've seen so far,espacially with your drawing of endanor rinhard (amazing work by the way), your skill level as went levels beyond all of the older drawings you've made,and you don't show us enough of where you stand today. i understand that you're trying to show us the world you've built and showcase the characters you have,but at the same time some of these drawings were basicly just meme or gag drawings which don't really represent much of your world,or any of it at all..

i think that the best thing you could do is to focus on showcasing your newest drawings,make sure they present the story you're trying to convey and present the traits of personality your characters hold in them,and if you belive you have an old drawing that might help covering that up then you could post it,but all in all,i think that what you should do is focus on the new and present your world in the best way you possibly can,since so far,your skills are far greater then what you show in your old works

At 7/14/20 05:26 PM, pointlessfield wrote: i've gotta be honest with you and say this,i think you're doing yourself injustice by not posting more of your newer drawings.
from what i've seen so far,espacially with your drawing of endanor rinhard (amazing work by the way), your skill level as went levels beyond all of the older drawings you've made,and you don't show us enough of where you stand today. i understand that you're trying to show us the world you've built and showcase the characters you have,but at the same time some of these drawings were basicly just meme or gag drawings which don't really represent much of your world,or any of it at all..
i think that the best thing you could do is to focus on showcasing your newest drawings,make sure they present the story you're trying to convey and present the traits of personality your characters hold in them,and if you belive you have an old drawing that might help covering that up then you could post it,but all in all,i think that what you should do is focus on the new and present your world in the best way you possibly can,since so far,your skills are far greater then what you show in your old works

Thank you!

But the essence of my old drawings is to try to convey at least a small part of the mood to the viewer. And even if they do not do it very well (or don't do at all) I can’t leave my old works without proper attention.

Yes, of course I will focus exclusively on the new, but for now, I would like to share my old drawings with others.

Good night, art lovers!

I decided to publish cover for my first story, which was created (like the drawing itself) a long time ago.

There are four covers in total - the fifth, like the book itself, is under development

Even though the drawing was made a few years ago, it looks pretty good, doesn't it?


Good day, art lovers!

The second cover, dedicated to the second story, who which tells about the adventures of a two-meter mercenary in the land of the rising sun.

Where he first met a sweet, kind-hearted and selfless onmyoji-girl

The picture was create a year after the first cover.

Looks pretty well, isn't?

Thanks for your attention!


How are you?

Do you love cute and attractive cat-girls? In this case, you will definitely like this picture!

This cover is dedicated to the third story, which tells about the adventures of a Shensian-cat named Melissa and her journey from the ultra-modern land of the rising sun to ancient and extremely inhospitable China.

The drawing was made about two or three years ago, but even now it looks just great!


Well, the covers for my stories are over...

This picture is dedicated to the not yet published, second part about the past of the bloody mercenary Yuki.

I decided to capture the moment of their battle... Before that, she first made her way into the mansion of Endanor (when they did not know each other) and almost caught him off guard while he was sleeping.

The drawing was made relatively recently, but nevertheless, it looks funny and very beautiful, doesn't it?

Thanks for your attention!


Good evening!

One of the old drawings, which was also made with a bias towards realism

The illustration depicts Takeda Saymus in his true inshen form

Looks pretty impressive, doesn't it?

Thanks for your attention!



Last night I thought it was time to update the cover for my community in Amino, so I decided to create such a simple but rather colorful animation from the already created drawing.

It looks pretty well, right?

Thanks for your attention!


Good day!

I decided to delve into old works and found this...

The painting depicts a two-meter mercenary who barely managed to free the imprisoned soul of a bloodthirsty Shensian woman named Yuki, right from hell itself!

Yes, the drawing is very old, and therefore, it has many flaws, but it looks quite touching.

Thanks for your attention!


Have a nice day!

Another drawing was found by me in old archives...

It depicts a shensian-cat named Melissa Mediokris, along with the fiery yanshen's adopted daughter, also known as Monkut Yumi

The image of Melissa is conveyed here very well and in accordance with the character, but you can't say the same about Yumi... It’s painfully she is friendly here.

Thanks for your attention!


Hello again!

The image of a cyborg-genius, with not flattering lighting at all... However, given his indifferent, and sometimes even sneaky character, this lighting reveals his nature quite well.

Thanks for your attention!


How are you?

It looks like there are very few old drawings left...

This drawing was made a very long time ago... Then I was just starting a more thorough study of the structure of the body, but the image of the green-skinned guy turned out a little... Umm, inappropriate to his more friendly (especially to girls) character.

Thanks for your attention!
