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New and Old Drawings Related to the Universe GW (And not only!)

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And according to tradition, the end of a character's animation ends with his death.

Goodbye, Siren Lad, We will always remember... Wait a second... Looking at how he goes deep into the swamp, one image immediately appears in my head... Hmm, but maybe Siren head did not die completely? Maybe "It will be back"?

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So the Hulk's turn came to go to eternal rest...

Goodbye Bruce Banner.

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Good evening.

The other day I finished the cover for my upcoming third episode of M.F.T.G.U (Moments From The Ghostly Universe)

The cover (in addition to Endanor and Tshin Dzao) features Melissa, which I then decided to move into a separate image, while adding a background.

Looks pretty cute, doesn't it?

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Oh, and for those who are interesting what this cover looks like... Well, something like that.



Just yesterday I finished the cover For my upcoming quizzes in Amino.

I also plan to remake this drawing for the Christmas theme, because Christmas is just around the corner, and I really want to convey the holiday atmosphere.

Looks pretty funny, doesn't it?

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While I am doing other projects, I decided to redo the cover for my quizzes, making it more Christmas

I hope you will like it.

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Just yesterday I finished my new picture-prize, for the already past quiz.

The picture shows the already well-known to you, the Two-Meter Mercenary, together with the character of the winner, named Zahram Zezik.

They look pretty epic and brutal, don't you agree?

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Long time no see. In honor of the coming decade of my universe, I decided to update the logo

(and not only the logo... But, this is only later)

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I finally decided to publish those drawings that have gathered over the past months.

This fanart was made for my brother on his birthday

He, like me, loves this character, so I decided to make such a gift for him.

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A couple of months ago I decided to practice my skills in working out female bodies.

And although my heroines usually do not appear in such a guise, I still decided to draw them.



I decided to publish one heroine in this guise for each day of the week (there are six of them in total)

So, I'm sorry Sunday...

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It's time for Wednesday... For a BIG and cute Wednesday

But in fact, for her to be in this guise is a common thing.

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Not so long ago, i created this drawing, which depicts The First Yanshen Blacksmith, being half cursed

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Now it's time for Thursday, and the young girl onmyoji will take this day.

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While new projects are being prepared for completion and subsequent publication, I decided to publish those works that I either forgot to publish earlier, or there was no free time for them.

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In fact, apart from illustrations from the past quiz, I still have nothing from finished projects, so for now I will publish them.

And yes, there is a question written on this GIF animation:

Which of the two provided races in the world of Ghost Warriors is dominant in numbers?

Left answer: Yanshens

Right answer: Shensians

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So the first question is:

You wake up in this parallel world, finding yourself on one of the dark streets.

On this street, you suddenly heard like girl crying...

What will you do?

№1: Do nothing

№2: Ask her "Can i help you?"

№3: I run away, worried about my life

№4: Carefully approach and take a closer look

You can leave your choice as a comment

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So question number two:

Once in this cruel world, you will eventually get hungry. Obviously, you need to go to the nearest eatery, but for this you need to find out where it is:

Any ideas?

№1: Threaten a passerby with your fist to show you the way.

№2: Rob some girl and try to find a diner yourself

№3: Politely ask someone

№4: Begging for alms

You can leave your choice as a comment

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The turn has come for Friday, which is represented by a little, grim reaper

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So the turn came for the last, female character from the GW universe

And this section will be closed by the goddess of punishment and retribution, one of the two main villains of the parallel universe - Nemesis

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And question number three:

You are yanshen.

On one of the streets, you accidentally stumbled upon a battle between a inshen and an evil immortal just like you: Who can you help?

№1: Inshen

№2: Yanshen

№3: Nobody. It's better to leave.

№4: To the people behind them

You can leave your choice as a comment

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Question number four:

You turned out to be a Inshen and became friends with your own kind.

Both of you were on watch, but then suddenly a horde of hardened freaks attacked you and your friend: What will you do?

№1: Run for help

№2: Protect a friend at all costs

№3: Forget about him and save yourself

№4: Sacrifice yourself to save him

You can leave your choice as a comment

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I created this cover for my new single "Let Me Rest"

Check this song

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So brutal, so cats...

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The new album will be published soon, so I made a cover for it.

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This art was made for my good friend on his birthday, a couple of years ago, I managed to interest him in painting, so he draws and develops in this direction to this day, happy birthday to you, man!

I wish you good luck and success in achieving your goals

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Question number five:

You have become an influential Shensian. An unknown, evil immortal once entered your territory, but your troops managed to catch him: What is your verdict?

№1: Listen to him and let him go

№2: Try to make him respect you

№3: Subdue him to your will, making him a slave

№4: Kill him here and now

You can leave your choice as a comment

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Question number six:

You are a yanshen on the run, trapped in the country named Jalam. You have been put on the wanted list by local authorities and a special "Defender Squad" is already next to you: What will you do?

№1: Try to take on human form and hide

№2: Try to become one of the squad

№3: Try to beat the crap out of these freaks

№4: Try to hide among a crowd of people

You can leave your choice as a comment

Thanks for your attention!

Already 100 published art? Woah! That's quite a lot! Thanks a million to those who supported, rated and commented! This gives motivation for new exploits! But 500 or 1000 published art would be even better, don’t you agree?



So, the last question of this quiz... Number seven:

You are inshen. In one of the big battles between good and evil immortals, you and one strong yanshen managed to survive the battle, but he wants to see it through to the end, challenging you to a duel to the death: What will you do?

№1: Give up and die

№2: Accept a duel from a blood enemy

№3: Try to leave the battlefield

№4: Try to negotiate with him

You can leave your choice as a comment

Thanks for your attention!
