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Best of September 2016 & New Emotes

10,344 Views | 47 Replies
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We just released an exclusive gift for supporters: Monster emotes by @deathink! If you'd like to become a supporter, it's just $2.99 per month and you get a lot of great perks. You also get to help Newgrounds achieve more while being less reliant on advertisers.

If this is getting you into the Halloween spirit, check out our Spooktacular! There are prizes for the best animation, game, art and music.

Best of September

Your votes are in and the Best of September have been determined!

Top Five Movies

The top-ranked movie based on original material and winner of $250 is Calloused Hands. Congrats, @Sexual-Lobster!

Top Five Games

Runner-up Movies

6. Volkor X - This Means War ACT I (Official Video)
7. Trump Vs. Clinton: Total Annihilation
8. Assassinate:Madness
9. Perverted Toads
10. A Poetic Meal
11. Pokemon Go Make Friends
12. Madness Infiltration
13. Phony Phantom
14. Thrift Store Clothes : Foamy The Squirrel
15. Peck Goes to School
16. Galactic Kids Next Door Fan Animation
17. Madness Unleashed
18. Rick And Morty: Soylent LeafGreen
19. 'Well of Noise'
20. Madness Gladius

Runner-up Games

6. Dangerous Adventure 2
7. Madness Throne (Demo)
8. Bacteria
9. Chaos Eclipse
10. Hermine's Ghost Town Adventure
11. Blackstorm II
12. The Splitting: Chapter 2
13. The Legend of Zelda - The Hero of Rhyme
14. Dead Detention 2 After Story
15. A Sweet Typing Thrill
16. Free Afternoon
17. Make Me Laugh!
18. Colossal Cave (Unfinished)
19. Van Helsing vs Skeletons 2
20. Cat in Japan

The voter of the month and winner of honorary Supporter status is @EarlJHickey.

Congrats to the winners and thank you everyone who participated in September!

Site Progress

Last week we launched a new community hub and in doing so also ditched the dropdown boxes from the navbar. If you're missing a specific dropdown, let me know because I'm always curious about those things. We are looking at some ideas to further streamline the community hub and I would like to see the option for navbar customization, so users who want things a specific way can have them that way.

Next up is the Audio hub, which will introduce the play all feature we added to the Audio feed - simply click the thumbnail for a submission and it will play everything in the list!

Here's an upscaled sampling of the monster emotes by @deathink, now available for Supporters!

Best of September 2016 & New Emotes

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature


Also, Tom, I can't seem to find the forum list in the community hub, there's just the "Jump to Forum" thing and tbh that's hard to find :\

Click the Squid -> ๐Ÿฆ‘

Response to Best of September 2016 & New Emotes 2016-10-10 15:07:15

deathink emotes again...

BBS Signature

At 10/10/16 03:01 PM, squidly wrote: spoopy

Also, Tom, I can't seem to find the forum list in the community hub, there's just the "Jump to Forum" thing and tbh that's hard to find :\

Do you see an "All Forums" button to the right of the "Jump To Forum" link?

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Best of September 2016 & New Emotes 2016-10-10 15:30:33

Totally rad!!! I love it! It's like a fever dream from 1989!

Sig by BlueHippo - AMA

Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod

"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!

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Response to Best of September 2016 & New Emotes 2016-10-10 15:40:11

At 10/10/16 03:30 PM, ZJ wrote: Totally rad!!! I love it! It's like a fever dream from 1989!

Thank you ZJ for the positive reply.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Best of September 2016 & New Emotes 2016-10-10 15:44:09

At 10/10/16 03:30 PM, ZJ wrote: Totally rad!!! I love it! It's like a fever dream from 1989!

My LIFE is a fever dream from 1989!

"A reward is it's own reward." - Killgar

Response to Best of September 2016 & New Emotes 2016-10-10 16:05:13

At 10/10/16 02:29 PM, TomFulp wrote: Last week we launched a new community hub and in doing so also ditched the dropdown boxes from the navbar. If you're missing a specific dropdown, let me know because I'm always curious about those things. We are looking at some ideas to further streamline the community hub and I would like to see the option for navbar customization, so users who want things a specific way can have them that way.

Yeah, I like to go right to "Under Judgement Games" to see what's under judgement, but now I have to click to the Games page, then scroll down to find that Under Judgement link. And sometimes I go to "Popular Art", but again...

Here's an upscaled sampling of the monster emotes by @deathink, now available for Supporters!

...Hey, I know those "monsters"! I owned a few of them back on the day. ;)

Response to Best of September 2016 & New Emotes 2016-10-10 16:20:57

At 10/10/16 04:05 PM, Listen2Reason wrote: Yeah, I like to go right to "Under Judgement Games" to see what's under judgement, but now I have to click to the Games page, then scroll down to find that Under Judgement link. And sometimes I go to "Popular Art", but again...

There is a link to under judgement games and movies on the front page, but I assume you're talking about accessing them from every page.

Response to Best of September 2016 & New Emotes 2016-10-10 17:09:16

At 10/10/16 03:08 PM, TomFulp wrote:
At 10/10/16 03:01 PM, squidly wrote: spoopy

Also, Tom, I can't seem to find the forum list in the community hub, there's just the "Jump to Forum" thing and tbh that's hard to find :\
Do you see an "All Forums" button to the right of the "Jump To Forum" link?

Oh I didn't notice that, you should make that button a bit more prominent imo.

Click the Squid -> ๐Ÿฆ‘

Response to Best of September 2016 & New Emotes 2016-10-10 17:18:56

I like this. I can be okay with this.

Congrats to the winners! Awesome emotes, love each and every one of them, thanks @deathink

Heavy Vibes

BBS Signature

Response to Best of September 2016 & New Emotes 2016-10-10 18:11:11

At 10/10/16 02:29 PM, TomFulp wrote:
The voter of the month and winner of honorary Supporter status is @EarlJHickey.

Well damn I would have never thought.

I am i

Will an Admin DELETE MY SAVES.

Response to Best of September 2016 & New Emotes 2016-10-10 18:20:19

Thanks for the supporter feature its neat. And Congartes to all the winners

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Congrats to all the winners! And nice emotes!

Calloused Hands was pretty good, I linked it to all my friends

sicko mode

BBS Signature

Response to Best of September 2016 & New Emotes 2016-10-10 19:24:54

At 10/10/16 03:44 PM, deathink wrote: My LIFE is a fever dream from 1989!

Same, mine's 1994 though. Basically, it's just Ace of Base on a loop and the sense that everybody around is in a new form of Hell from last nights uppers.

Cool new Emotes by the way.

- P R O F E S S I O N A L - G R A P H I C - D E S I G N E R -


BBS Signature

Response to Best of September 2016 & New Emotes 2016-10-10 19:25:58

Can't find anything in 'Community' or 'Your Feed', that shows which of our friends are on/offline, used to be a link in 'Your Feed' that went right to that page.

Vault 101 I have (LOST) many old and deleted Flash submissions, (you can't) PM me (dammit Tom) the filename, maybe I (godhelpmeonedayIwill) got it.

BBS Signature

Response to Best of September 2016 & New Emotes 2016-10-10 19:35:35

At 10/10/16 05:49 PM, Pink-Ninja wrote: Congrats to the winners! Awesome emotes, love each and every one of them, thanks @deathink

I'm glad you like 'em bro.

"A reward is it's own reward." - Killgar

Response to Best of September 2016 & New Emotes 2016-10-10 19:47:01

Loving the new emotes! Can't wait to see the streamlined Audio portal, too.

Response to Best of September 2016 & New Emotes 2016-10-10 20:21:53

I'm glad Calloused Hands got first, I love Sexual Lobster. Those monster emotes look fucking sick btw.

Response to Best of September 2016 & New Emotes 2016-10-10 21:28:34

Props to deathink. Love the emotes.

Congrats to the winners! Beautiful emotes!

Edit: This post has been edited.

Response to Best of September 2016 & New Emotes 2016-10-11 06:19:25

Thank you newgrounds and everyone who voted for Calloused Hands!

At 10/11/16 03:00 AM, FGIJonC wrote: awesome as always tom.

Speaking of the audio portal, you know waht would be cool? Something I just thought about today. I stream a bit and want to play music sometimes, well, itd be awesome if we had a playlist feature, like I could add music to them, ala SoundCloud for example. It'd be cool to promote the NG artists in that regard I think.

We actually do have playlists, they're just a bit hidden. When you're on the song page, look for the three lines in the header above the audio player - to the left of the lightbulb and heart. We need to update the icon because it was made before the association with "hamburger menus" on mobile came about.

Click that icon and you can add to an existing playlist or start a new playlist. Your playlists are then listed on your userpage.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

At 10/11/16 12:55 AM, Wkay wrote: The emotes inspire me NOT to get Supporter, honestly.
No offense, but I just don't see the use for them and they're very slightly ugly.

If only we had made the Madness emotes supporter only...

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Best of September 2016 & New Emotes 2016-10-11 07:57:59

At 10/10/16 07:25 PM, VicariousE wrote: Can't find anything in 'Community' or 'Your Feed', that shows which of our friends are on/offline, used to be a link in 'Your Feed' that went right to that page.

The friends list is currently available from your account options page (the gear in the header), under "User Relations."

It will likely become more prominent if more utility comes out of it - for example seeing where your friends are on the site if they are in a communal space where you can interact. A summary of on-line friends on the community hub could be interesting, though.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Thanks @Tom, thanks @Deathink <3

Damn it, I forgot to vote this month... Welp, congrats winners!

BBS Signature

Response to Best of September 2016 & New Emotes 2016-10-11 09:33:33

Congrats to the winners!

I kind of miss the Submit Yours! option from the dropdown lists, but that's minor. The "Help Wanted" section in the community hub is a really slick addition, good thought on that.

Also, rad icons!

Response to Best of September 2016 & New Emotes 2016-10-11 12:16:22

At 10/10/16 02:29 PM, TomFulp wrote: 18. Rick And Morty: Soylent LeafGreen

7. Madness Throne (Demo)

Pretty cool to show up in the monthly best twice!
Thanks everyone :)

I'm really glad my short came out before Judge Morty, because that is like the gold standard for what a Rick and Morty fan animation should look like...

Here were my top picks for the month, and yes, I did throw myself a couple of votes

Best of September 2016 & New Emotes


BBS Signature

Response to Best of September 2016 & New Emotes 2016-10-11 21:54:25

I like this one the most

Sig by @Brokendeck

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