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Are Americans really that dumb?

7,367 Views | 188 Replies

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 16:31:25

At 6/16/04 02:08 PM, p_master_jiggles wrote: your just jellous of our superior american culture

culture my ass.,

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 16:39:35

At 6/16/04 07:54 AM, ThaRedSkull wrote: Once i was in Paris as a tourist on a tourist buss. Me and my parents were sitting next to an American couple;

here we have a guy inquiring an entire nation stupid because of a conversation with a single person. surely you aren't proclaiming yourself knowledgable in turn.

it's: "my parents and I", smartypants. :)

The woman leaned over to me and said "where do you come from young man?" in a friendly tone, to which i replied
"Ooow, she said, i've never been there. it must be very nice there."
"It is." i said.
She gave a thoughtful look. "Do you see the moon in Australia?"
"No, this is the first time i've seen it, in Paris." i replied.
"Ooow really, we see it every night back home."

She's never been to australia. you have. People are quick to label someone "stupid" who does not share the same knowledge as them.

You also noted she was friendly. She was trusting in what you had to say to her. Her "trust" is your label for "stupid". How sad.

You wouldn't know certain things about america if you've never been there. Does that make you stupid for not being educated about it previously? No.

I'll never ever forget that. It is like my most memorable memory. (too anyone who doesn't know, people in Australia, as well as the rest of the world, DO see the moon).

I was just wondering, becasue in Australia there is currently a parody show called "CNNNN" which will sometimes interview some American citizens. some of the questions they asked were "where is the Berling Wall" and "How many Eifel towers are there?", they got answers like, "Russia", and "10". Another question was "What do you think about Australia" the anwser was something similar to "they're all bluddy terroists aint they?"

American language does not commonly embrace the use of the term "bluddy" or "bloody" as an adjective. That's most likely not an american you were watching.

I also hear that in some states of the USA it is Illigal to teach Darwin's "theory of evolution".

Are some people in the US really this ignorent and stupid? Because i find it hard to belive!
Is that show being selective, or is a percentage of the populus really like that!

There are many people out there who are not well educated. You can interview any country's populous and make them all look dumb as doorknobs - if you edit the right footage.

Not so sure about Dawin's theories being banned in any state. That's an interesting one. I'd find it surprising if this is true!

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 16:42:28

At 6/16/04 07:58 AM, tadpole_warrior wrote: yes. americans are that dumb. only kidding, some of them are.

Some are dumb or ignorant, but they make everyone else look good.

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 16:42:38

I dont think he was bein very serious paladin... just putting a funny convo in this post

BBS Signature

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 16:48:18

wait could it be that everyone but the top 1% of the world population is a fucking idiot? oh i think looking at the bbs sometimes will bias you to a yes ton that question

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 16:57:48

At 6/16/04 08:50 AM, humpii wrote: hahhahahah yes!!!
that is soooo true americans dont have a clue what goes on outside their country (well the majority dont)

Hey, how much do you know about America? I'd be willing to guess jack shit. It's a lot easier to know the country you live in, and focus on what's immediately around you. When I worked in retail I dreaded helping non-Americans who came into my store, because not only did they come across as rock-stupid, they were always rude and stunk like shit (here in America we have this funny little habit of bathing every day, instead of once a month), regardless of whatever wonderful country they came from.

I'm not saying America's the greatest country in the world, or that everyone here is a genius, I'm just saying your country isn't any better. You just happen to live there.


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Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 17:02:00

At 6/16/04 04:19 PM, The_Darklands wrote: that has nothing to do with the vast majority of americans being idiots, which they are. Or maybe most people throughout the world are idiots...

Well that's the truth.

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 17:37:24

At 6/16/04 04:42 PM, AloneInTheDark wrote: I dont think he was bein very serious paladin... just putting a funny convo in this post

of course! look at all the joy everyone here has gotten out of his ..funny convo

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 18:11:04

At 6/16/04 01:27 PM, Mr_Destruction wrote:
ive been there, they are terrible people, they dont sell deodorant anywhere, and they really do smell horrible.

Ahhhh I love sweeping generalisations.

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 18:27:10

lol...some are not all but the "do you see the moon in austrailia" (sorry bad spelling) reminds me of when i went to colorado for vaction and met a bunch of kids about 15/16 years old from california. Of course they had to ask where abouts i was from so i told them then they were like...Does canada have soccer?Do you guys swim up there... I was thinking man somepeople are so ignorent. I think the presedent of the US should make it so they actualy learn about Canada and other countries. Another thing is..well my grampa owns a towing business and this guy from California comes and its winter , so like most dumb drivershe ends up in the ditch. when my granddad came to tow his peice the guy asked if there was any places to stay. So my Grandpa told him and one of the suggestions was the bar and the guy was like " YOU GUYS HAVE BARS UP HERE!! wow first i find out you guys actualy live in houses instead of igloos and now this!"...i think it may just be the majority of california who doesnt have a clue about anything. The guy also asked my grandpa how our tires last in the snow all year round...my grandpa told him that someof us use chains, spike or we use dog sled and skido....lol way to go grandpa mush the guys uneducated mind somemore...lol

P.S: like i said before... not all are that stupid but 755 of them probly are.

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 18:29:26

P.S: like i said before... not all are that stupid but 755 of them probly are.

i meant to put 75%..se americans arnt the only stupid ones...i am too...XD

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 18:34:00

At 6/16/04 06:27 PM, sabriel6 wrote: lol...some are not all but the "do you see the moon in austrailia"

I remember being asked by an American down south if this was the first time I've been in the sun. Sounds like a similar question.

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 18:35:52

very simular...lol

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 18:36:07

This is the perfect thread to recruit new members for my club.
To answer the question, there are morons in every country, if you need proof just look at the current leaders of Canada and the US. I believe that they are a minority, it just seems like they make up an overwhelming percentage of the populace because geniouses such as myself (no bullshit, my IQ is 147) tend to keep to ourselves lest we be unfairly judged by the ignorant morons. We have better things to do than to enter into pointless arguments that never end.

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 18:36:17

Yes americans are really that dumb. We focus more on saying things like, "LOL, WE HAVE BIGGER WEAPONS" instead of education.

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 18:38:14

At 6/16/04 06:36 PM, canada_rules wrote: Wow.
This is the perfect thread to recruit new members for my club.
To answer the question, there are morons in every country, if you need proof just look at the current leaders of Canada and the US. I believe that they are a minority, it just seems like they make up an overwhelming percentage of the populace because geniouses such as myself (no bullshit, my IQ is 147) tend to keep to ourselves lest we be unfairly judged by the ignorant morons. We have better things to do than to enter into pointless arguments that never end.

you have a point there..but still most people who actualy take time to learn about other countries are the smart ones...im not braging cause there are still many things i dont know..but its not that bad.

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 18:46:28

At 6/16/04 07:54 AM, ThaRedSkull wrote: I also hear that in some states of the USA it is Illigal to teach Darwin's "theory of evolution".

Well, you can't teach it, because it contradicts some people's religion. And to say to kids, "You're religion is a big pile of shit according to Darwin" isn't very enlightening. They can speak of it and explain it, but schools cannot teach it as a fact and/or teach lessons that have right or wrong answers that work entirely round the theory. Because, if the question was "Where did all living things come from?" the school's answer would be "Microscopic Single Celled organisms" whereas the religious answer would be "God" or something. Plus, most parents don't want them to teach Darwin's theory of evolution since it was voted on whether or not they should be able to teach it by parents themselves. Not all Americans are stupid, but there's a great deal of idiots who have their government think for them and have no clue what the words "physical" and "work" mean.

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 18:50:07

At 6/16/04 06:36 PM, SuperShroomClock wrote: Yes americans are really that dumb. We focus more on saying things like, "LOL, WE HAVE BIGGER WEAPONS" instead of education.

Haha. Damn anti-American. That's just silly. George Bush doesn't say "LOL". Get it right you damned Clock!

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 18:51:50

At 6/16/04 07:54 AM, ThaRedSkull wrote:

:: Are some people in the US really this ignorent and stupid?

Yes. For instance, I'm from America. And... ... ..... ........ .... .... *Cough*

"That's what the internet is all about. You have to feel like a retard before you can learn to not be a retard." -- Squidbit

BBS Signature

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 18:54:58

I think the problem with many Americans is that we get too dependent on our government so we aren't prepared for problems. Also, because of the government giving welfare to the homeless and jobless, the idiots and lazy people don't need to worry. America is like a parent that shields it's kids from the rest of the world so that when any trouble happens, mom takes care of it. But, when they leave the house, they have no idea what to do. Has this made any sense?

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 18:59:11

At 6/16/04 07:54 AM, ThaRedSkull wrote: Are some people in the US really this ignorent and stupid? Because i find it hard to belive!

Yes they are. I was on a chat site with a fellow canadian and a texan. We were making fun of her saying there was ten feet of snow where we lived. I think there is something in there water, or the flew shot.

In canada we have a show (not on anymore) called talking to americans. It sounds similar to CNNNN

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 19:02:11

At 6/16/04 06:50 PM, KupaMan wrote:
At 6/16/04 06:36 PM, SuperShroomClock wrote: Yes americans are really that dumb. We focus more on saying things like, "LOL, WE HAVE BIGGER WEAPONS" instead of education.
Haha. Damn anti-American. That's just silly. George Bush doesn't say "LOL". Get it right you damned Clock!

No, but he does say things like, "My enemies misunderestimate me. And doesn't know the difference between "Hostage and Hostile". Also, lets not forget that the man nearly choked to death on a pretzel.

>: ( @ Clock comment

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 19:08:44

dont forget the american's stupidity when it comes to CANADA. well, how many tv shows have we seen that show Canada to be a snowy forest-like nowhere with a couple of buildings? How many shows have we seen where they depict Canada as some place that is full of inuit people in igloos? If Canada cared about world dominance as much as America (George Bush, reincarnation of Hitler?) then we could spend our money on our military and make a large army and we would be the most dominant country in the world. Why dont we you ask? Because we DONT CARE! it doesnt matter! Americans need Canada just as much as we need them, and the only reason we need them is for protection , but like i said, if we wanted to all we hafta do is make a large army. Where does America (and every other country) go to for technological improvements? Canada, because we are the worlds most technologically advanced country. Canada rocks, nuff said.

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 19:10:03

Yes they are. I was on a chat site with a fellow canadian and a texan. We were making fun of her saying there was ten feet of snow where we lived. I think there is something in there water, or the flew shot.

In canada we have a show (not on anymore) called talking to americans. It sounds similar to CNNNN

we still have the show..22 mins right? yeah its still on

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 19:12:44

Canada, because we are the worlds most technologically advanced country. Canada rocks, nuff said.

mmm as much as i would like to agree with you i cant... japan is more tecnologically advanced than us but we are closer to the USA than japan sso you are partialy right

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 19:17:31


Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 19:19:47

But the american who made Newgrounds..along with the others must be pretty damn smart cause...*shrugs and looks around* i sure as hell couldnt have pulled of a site like this

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 19:25:54

At 6/16/04 07:12 PM, sabriel6 wrote: Canada rocks, nuff said.

I would like canada too if the people there didnt eat unborn children, iam not saying ALL of them do.... just 75% or so.....

It doesnt make them bad people.... just... cannibals.

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 19:36:13

At 6/16/04 07:54 AM, ThaRedSkull wrote:

:: Are some people in the US really this ignorent and stupid? Because i find it hard to belive!

Is that show being selective, or is a percentage of the populus really like that!

o hell yea.....alot of americans are just ignorant because they think that were better than everyone else, even each other!
i never fail to be amazed at the stupidity of americans....any of you watch street smarts or jaywalking on jay leno? AHHHH!

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 19:38:57

At 6/16/04 07:56 AM, 1337_Baka wrote: never trust tourists they r teh scum of teh planet o.o

I can go on vacation if I fucking please. I mean...just because you want to visit another country, doesn't make you ignorant or something. It'd be cool to go to australia. Really...I'd only wanna stay near the coast though...or like, go on my own safari without a guide. That'd be fun.