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Are Americans really that dumb?

7,366 Views | 188 Replies

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 14:08:32

your just jellous of our superior american culture

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 14:13:34

It's like Patrice O'Neil said. "We don't know and we don't care. "

BBS Signature

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 14:14:06

At 6/16/04 02:08 PM, p_master_jiggles wrote: your just jellous of our superior american culture

all bow down to the power of reality television and total propaganda to perpetuate an even more powerful image of our friendly country....BOW DOWN WORLD...our american "friends" are much superior...

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 14:15:13

oh and ya_violence, you are just another misguided person. i couldnt care less about religon and im an american. you just have this stupid image from the media that we are all like that. i hope you die in an accident involving a toilet, a pice of tofu and uncle sams old sock |('o')|

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 14:16:44

Ive lived in germany for about 7 years now, before that I was in america. I have seen most of europe, and have seen first hand the ingnorance ( note that Im not using the word stupidity) of some of the americans over here. But, I have also senn and heard many misconceptions about america over here. every country has stupid people and ignorant people. Ours just happen to be more vocal. And Ive been to france too. Its decent for the most part, but its the parisians who are stuck up assholes (no offense to any decent parisians who may be on this website) In short, if you go to any country in the world, eventually you will come across an ignorant moron.

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 14:18:08

americans are dumb cause they can be, hell its a advantage. get free welfare money from being unqualified for a actual job.

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 14:22:42

At 6/16/04 02:18 PM, Morextremist wrote: americans are dumb cause they can be, hell its a advantage. get free welfare money from being unqualified for a actual job.

What a waste of the 100th reply.

I am not responsible for the content of the post above.

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Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 14:28:31

Just saw this topic.

Can someone please tell me why I am dumb?

I don't feel dumb...


Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 14:29:17

Americans are arrogant, not dumb.

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 14:30:32

At 6/16/04 02:29 PM, g3tLoST wrote: Americans are arrogant, not dumb.

*I agree. A lot are. Not all are, though.

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 14:33:24

Hey man! I'm an American! LOL it's so true. Around like 87 percent of American tourists are that stupid.

It's 5 again, the air is thin.

No sunlight through my window.

BBS Signature

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 14:35:40

Look around and you'll find people that stupid in every country, it's just the US is the country to pick on at the moment. Yeah some of us are that dumb, but so are people in every country on this planet.

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 14:36:48

I think you are all dumb.

I win

Request deletion

This went wrong.

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 14:37:55

At 6/16/04 02:36 PM, DroopyA wrote: I think you are all dumb.

I win

Got me there.


Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 14:39:52

you think american accident are dumb? you should see the ones we get here in japan. the worst are;


in that order. so like prevously said no matter what country you visit, there are dumb people. DEAL WITH IT. and stop posting stupid crap like this. your foul stench of stupidness and lack of thought offends me.

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 14:48:31

Hahaha, just so you know not all Americans are like that, she was blonde was she not? ; ) lol still that is funny. Man, that made me lol...

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 15:04:51

At 6/16/04 11:01 AM, TheShrek wrote: Bah. People all over the world are stupid. I think NG proves this, in it's own way.

Hell this thread proves it without a doubt. Hardly an intellegent reply to be found.

It's hilarious how many people regard Americans as ignorant and stereotyping when that is itself a stereotype.

Americans are all fat, ignorant, warmongering rednecks that own 34 guns.

Candians all dress like mounites and lumberjacks, live in igloos, hump beavers, and ride moose around instead of cars.

British people all have bad teeth and speak like an 1890's chiminey sweep.

Mexicans are all lazy and all jump the Rio Grande to work in landscaping in the US.

Russians are all drunk hairy people.


If you accuse a nation of being ignorant, don't be ignorant about that nation yourself.

UNITE THE CLANS | space cheese | RG podcasts | also cocks

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Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 15:08:44

At 6/16/04 03:04 PM, Captain_Bob wrote: STEREOTYPES ARE FUN LOLOL.

Don't forget the cowardly French that smell bad.

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

BBS Signature

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 15:11:06

At 6/16/04 03:08 PM, GaryHobson wrote:
At 6/16/04 03:04 PM, Captain_Bob wrote: STEREOTYPES ARE FUN LOLOL.
Don't forget the cowardly French that smell bad.

They were all running away and waving white flags when I was looking for people to stereotype.

UNITE THE CLANS | space cheese | RG podcasts | also cocks

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Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 15:11:51

At 6/16/04 03:04 PM, Captain_Bob wrote:
At 6/16/04 11:01 AM, TheShrek wrote: Bah. People all over the world are stupid. I think NG proves this, in it's own way.
Hell this thread proves it without a doubt. Hardly an intellegent reply to be found.

Y'know, I have been pondering the use of the administrate button, as it relates to this thread, all morning long. This topic is pretty much devoid of intelligent posts (delete all the crap, and it'd be a page or two). What do you think?

"A witty quote proves nothing."


BBS Signature

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 15:14:07

At 6/16/04 03:11 PM, TheShrek wrote: Y'know, I have been pondering the use of the administrate button, as it relates to this thread, all morning long. This topic is pretty much devoid of intelligent posts (delete all the crap, and it'd be a page or two). What do you think?

That sounds like a good plan. Also, ban people with a stereotype about their country of origin.

UNITE THE CLANS | space cheese | RG podcasts | also cocks

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Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 15:14:52

Dont be harsh on them, for they do not know what they are!

They are the table leg of the world! They cannot see how wonderfull the rest of the table is!
They sit under the table top, thinking they are the world, they are best, they have it best and every arabian is a terrorist... even if these used medecine whilst people in europa (which spawmed you americans) used cowshit and draining of wounds.

I though of something a person once mentioned...
They people who fleed to america, were hated in europa, because their relegion or stupidity...

leave it to shunouts to build the worlds biggest nation...

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 15:18:29

At 6/16/04 03:14 PM, Captain_Bob wrote: That sounds like a good plan. Also, ban people with a stereotype about their country of origin.

Heheh I was actually thinking more along the lines of a lock, but that'll do. =p

"A witty quote proves nothing."


BBS Signature

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 15:28:16

It is from american culture that ebonics comes from, which is the idolization of stupidity, Imoral behavior and improper grammer. Teachers encourage you not to be so smart because if you are intelegent, they make you do extra work, like join the national honor society and do community service, like youre a fucking convict! Alot of americans are so hyped up they have no clue about anything around them, because everything is targeted to Be easier, to make you lazier. everyone tells everyone that they are free, and can do whateer they want, which is a lie, most of europe is far more free and democratic than this country. So we were all raised to belive we can be whatever we want and lied too... A whole country of people who think they have rights and privaleges, that they are unike and special... All those douches you see on E! in other countrys making fools of themselves and drinking and putting out to whatever turns them on, thats Us

So yes Americans are that Fucking stupid.. including myself. to me, Nothing exists outside chicago-land... and if the whole world shoots up in flames today, my biggest issue is going to be "who the fuck drank my diet Coke!"

BBS Signature

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 15:37:12

aaaawww... go suck on a lemmon artist J

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 15:40:58

I, myself am not dumb, but then again, I was born in Europe and went to private DODs (Department of Defence) schools, because my dad was in the airforce so I was born when my parents were stationed over there, but I digress. The classes and schools were smaller, but you learned more, for instance I learned the same thing when I was in fourth grade in a DOD's school overseas, that I learned in the U.S. when I was in sixth grade. It wasn't cumulative either this was new stuff to them, but I already knew it from 2 years back. So I would believe that there's a certain more ignorance to Americans, but there were dumb people overseas too :\

BBS Signature

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 15:52:55

The U.S Department of Defense invented the internet. Just wanted to share that. But don't get me wrong, there are dumb Americans, as well as dumb Europeans, Australians, Asians, Hispanics, Africans etc. etc. and so on and so forth. Stupidity comes in all shapes and sizes.

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 16:12:30

Well not all Americans are that dumb, but the problem is it appears they got a lot that aren't educated enough on geography and world events. They seem to be misinformed in the media and historic events. Like for example, you hear it time and time again from Americans how they saved France, yet when do you ever see Canadians or the British telling France to kiss our asses? I mean Canadians were there much earlier sacrificing their lives to save them, but it seems like Americans make more of a big deal of it when they came 2 years into the war. Oh and BTW it was our great grandfathers that fought in that war, nothing to do with our generation. If you want to get technical, France helped the U.S. during the Britain and American war. These are just an example of the kinds of facts that seem to be severly distorted with Americans.

I'm not trying to insult Americans here because I know there's a great deal of intellectuals down there who know the facts and don't "follow the crowd". What I'm referring to are the general public who buy into what ever popular opinion and media tells them. On the front page, that Atkins diet show is a good example of the kind of people I'm referring to. Canadians have the advantage in that we're bombarded with American media, yet we get the other side of the story in our media that challenges your views. Also, we can dissent from American media's popular opinion without worrying about our friends saying "OMG YOU'RE AN ANTI-AMERICAN LIBERAL COMMUNIST!!" or "IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT HERE MOVE". Actually we're even encouraged by our general public to challenge popular American views.

Are Americans really that dumb?

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 16:19:35

At 6/16/04 08:52 AM, Edvin1412 wrote: WE ALL HAVE DIFFERENT POINTS OF VIEWS !!! THAT'S JUST IT !!

that has nothing to do with the vast majority of americans being idiots, which they are. Or maybe most people throughout the world are idiots...

Response to Are Americans really that dumb? 2004-06-16 16:25:40

i went to america and i spoke plain english, they couldn't understand me. yes there dumb