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Project Pitch Template

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Temperance11 here with an exciting new opportunity that we know you’re just going to love. Don’t know how to talk about your project? Trouble communicating your ideas in an organized manner? Tired of prospective VAs sending their auditions to the wrong place for the 8,000th f*cking time? HAVE WE GOT A TREAT FOR YOU!


It’s simple! Just copy and paste the template located at the bottom of this post into your very own thread, replace all of the nonsense I wrote in parenthesis with your own sh*t, and watch those auditions come rolling in!

NOTE: This is by no means a “mandatory” template, just a guideline to help get you started. If you’ve got something better, then go ahead and use that…IDGAF!



What is it?
(Write a brief description about what your project is and why we should care)

How long will it take?
(Approximate how long this project will take to complete)

When do I need to send in my audition?
(Set the deadline for when VAs need to send you their auditions)

Where should I send my audition?
(Provide an email/link to where VAs can send their auditions)

CHARACTERS (List as many as you are taking auditions for)

Name: (The name of the character)
Age: (The character’s age)
Sex: (List weather the character is male, female, neutral, transparent biapple, whatever)
Description: (Write a description of the character, this might include physical description, personality, backstory, etc. The more detailed the better)
# of Lines: (Approximate the number of lines the character has in the project)


(Provide any useful links or images here)

Response to Project Pitch Template 2014-12-12 15:48:20

You're a genius.

Response to Project Pitch Template 2014-12-12 15:51:06

This needs like, stickied or something. I don't even know. Perhaps we can create a section on the wiki for it.

[Report Rule-Breaking Portal Submissions] - [Game & Movie Portal Moderator]

Response to Project Pitch Template 2014-12-12 15:55:12 (edited 2014-12-12 15:57:51)

Here's an example of the template in action!

NOTE: Development for THE BEST PROJECT EVER has been suspended indefinitely...



What is it?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

How long will it take?
5 minutes, give or take a few months.

When do I need to send in my audition?
Crapurary 35th, 20XX

Where should I send my audition?
Up your butt and around the corner.


Name: Butts MacKenzie
Age: 67
Sex: No
Description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
# of Lines: 9,001



Project Pitch Template

Response to Project Pitch Template 2014-12-12 17:24:09

Audition for (The name of the character) sent

Voice actor response example (not necessary)

Response to Project Pitch Template 2014-12-12 17:50:51

Most important thing is deadline so everyone knows what their fair shot of time is before casting happens. Mandatory over on VAC or VAA, I think. I'd say second place is audition lines, leaving people to just come up with lines is alright but at that point you might as well just be asking for demo reels instead of doing a recorded audition. Maybe that's just me, I dunno.

BBS Signature

Response to Project Pitch Template 2014-12-12 17:57:06

At 12/12/14 05:50 PM, SirUndead wrote: Most important thing is deadline so everyone knows what their fair shot of time is before casting happens. Mandatory over on VAC or VAA, I think. I'd say second place is audition lines, leaving people to just come up with lines is alright but at that point you might as well just be asking for demo reels instead of doing a recorded audition. Maybe that's just me, I dunno.

See...this why the "Timed Edit" feature needs to be removed. Adding "Audition Lines" in the CHARACTERS section is a great idea.

Response to Project Pitch Template 2014-12-12 18:05:52

Timed edit, I had my doubts. And by that I mean I immediately disliked it. I think permanence discourages activity. Like with reviews. That shit is carved into forever, and with games it's worse because those get updates. Who wants that kind of pressure? Hah! Not me, I regret MOST of the things I say!

BBS Signature

Response to Project Pitch Template 2014-12-12 18:13:39

This is great! Thank you! And the same as Gianni said about the lines and the deadline. Oh, boy! Deadline is the most overlooked when people email me inquiries for voice over. Some times I'll get back to them within a few days and they'll be super stressed out because they already had to pick someone before the deadline. Like whoa. What? There was a deadline? "What? I didn't put it in there?"

"Nope!" For some reason the deadline is overlooked very often. We can probably have a link to some voice acting forum wiki page next to "Read the rules!" when people come to the NGVA forum. We'll see what these wonderful mods can help us out with when we've finally reached that point.

Thanks again! You're awesome.

Voice of Pipistrella in Pit People, Riley from Zonestream. Voice of Lily, Aurora and Lenora in Everwing

Response to Project Pitch Template 2014-12-12 19:26:27

This shit really just seems like common sense or some shit. Then again, I've never had a manager be this organized so I suppose it really does take a genius I.Q. to not be a fumbling dipshit.

Response to Project Pitch Template 2014-12-12 22:14:25 (edited 2014-12-12 22:22:49)

At 12/12/14 06:13 PM, Piper wrote: Thanks again! You're awesome.


Project Pitch Template

Response to Project Pitch Template 2014-12-12 23:45:58

Like I said before, this looks like a great standard to aim towards, but we shouldn't give any users grief if they are not this detailed, just sayin' ;)

Response to Project Pitch Template 2014-12-13 01:13:56

At 12/12/14 11:45 PM, BrokenDeck wrote: Like I said before, this looks like a great standard to aim towards, but we shouldn't give any users grief if they are not this detailed, just sayin' ;)

Yeah, I can agree with this. I actually like how mandated the standards are on the other voice acting forums, but I think for Newgrounds' purposes there will be benefit from a less refined approach welcoming people who aren't as confident or structured, as they won't be intimidated away from posting here, or at least they won't feel like "Ugh, I don't wanna be hassled with figuring out an entire ruleset before I even talk."

BBS Signature

Response to Project Pitch Template 2014-12-13 02:09:44

At 12/12/14 03:38 PM, Temperance11 wrote:

How long will it take?
(Approximate how long this project will take to complete)

by that do you mean the audio part or the project as a whole which really depends on how long the animater or programer takes to do there thing, and if you mean the audio that depends on how fast the acter or actress read there lines.

it should say : project runtime?( estimated length of completed project)

this is much more useful information to a voice acter as they will be able to figure out if they even have the time to work on said project instead of a different one.

Response to Project Pitch Template 2014-12-14 22:04:45 (edited 2014-12-14 22:05:39)

This is good template. I have a similar one that I made years ago and still use to this day (though a bit outdated.), with an emphasis on the detailing the project's narrative. Though I really wish I can say how long my project will take to make, but I'm quite unstable in this area. (even with an expected release date).

Again, good template.

Response to Project Pitch Template 2014-12-14 22:12:50

Perfect! Seriously, this covers the bases that should be obvious, but that often require some prodding from the actors.
To whomever functions as moderator here: Sticky? Maybe? That'd be neat!

BBS Signature

Response to Project Pitch Template 2014-12-15 05:23:18

Another thing people might want to include is whether or not it's a paid gig. I'm sure on NG most people will assume it isn't if it doesn't say so, and most are willing to work for free on a project they like. But to avoid any misunderstandings, I'd say put that in somewhere.