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Video is a GO!

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Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:09:17

Hey check out these two movies, they both have something in common:

NOTE: Starbarians is by HappyHarry, my name appearing is a bug that was triggered by me hitting PUBLISH on his project. 'doh!

They were both uploaded as MP4 files and are playing in our new video player! Starbarians originally consisted of three SWFs, too big to compile as one file. HappyHarry used Swivel, software developed by Mike to perform the best-ever SWF to video conversions. It's full framerate, 1080p (try fullscreen mode) and it even merged his individual SWF files on the fly. Swivel is still in the testing phase but we'll be releasing it to the public when it's all polished up!

The MP4 upload feature is invite-only at the moment to avoid an all-out video dumpfest. The focus is on animated content and the occasional film with cool post-production, like if MindChamber ever makes his MindChamber movie. If you have an animation that doesn't work well as a traditional SWF, PM me.

Everyone else, enjoy the show! If the video doesn't work for you, let us know. For some reason Adblocker in Firefox might block it from loading so try turning that off if you have problems. We're looking into what could be causing that.

The Newgrounds Annual Tournament of Animation (NATA) open round has begun! You have until May 10th to create something based on the theme "Discovering Time Travel" - read the thread for more info!

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Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:11:24

Video Portal is out?

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuu!!! First!


Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:13:07

At 4/15/12 03:11 PM, JoaoGabriel wrote: Video Portal is out?

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuu!!! First!

Not really a video Portal, just another way to upload MOVIES.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:15:37

At 4/15/12 03:13 PM, citricsquid wrote:
At 4/15/12 03:09 PM, TomFulp wrote: Hey check out these two movies, they both have something in common:
they take forever to buffer?

I'm 60 seconds of loading later and there is ~5 seconds buffered. Teething problems? completely unwatchable...

Same here, although I do have a lousy internet connection atm, I think it's because it's buffering at full 1080p, I think you need to implement an option to turn down the quality Tom :(

Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:16:16

Never a more epic introduction to a new feature.

BBS Signature

Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:16:54

Hey Tom! its needs a option to change the quality of videos like youtube.


Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:18:49

Damn this is great. I love new features for the website. We should see some more people attracted to NG because of this too.

Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:19:40

Starbarians episode is a glitchy, pixely mess with lots of green everywhere. May be the video player itself.

Also, how about a way to change quality down in case someone has a slow Internet connection?

Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:21:07

Awesome, that also sorts out that feature some guy was asking for a couple of days ago.

He wanted a timebar like the one on youtube.

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Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:22:17

First, it was talk of the VC.

Then, it was talk about traditional video player videos coming to NG.

Ladies and gentlemen: Welcome to NewgroundsTube

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Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:22:18

At 4/15/12 03:19 PM, BritishGamer wrote: Starbarians episode is a glitchy, pixely mess with lots of green everywhere. May be the video player itself.

This is most likely a Flash bug - it can happen on YouTube videos too. Are you watching in fullscreen mode? If so it might fix itself if you exit out and go back into fullscreen.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:23:24

By Computer isn't all that great. But the video lagged extremely..I couldn't really enjoy the toon.

Yea..Best Signature..Ever.

Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:27:16

Both episodes loaded/played flawlessly for me. Excellent new feature!

BBS Signature

Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:27:28

whoa, awesome! good to see more formats than flash being accepted, very nice indeed!!!
lets just hope people don't think this is youtube and start uploading crap... but that's what the blamming system is for! ^_^

Wakka wakka

Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:27:35

I tested it on fullscreen - great quality ;D
Great episode ;D Damn your skills Harry!!

The only 'but' about the player is the time it takes to buffer ;D but other than that im happy for this feature

Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:28:37

Yeah - I turned AdBlock off and it works like a dream boat.


Sig by BlueHippo / User Icon by CosmicDeath.

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Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:30:18

Definitely need a quality change button, I can play large files like this because my PC is pretty bad ass... but because of my internet connection Its taking forever to buffer, it still hasn't loaded 100% as I type this.

Some people may have a pretty sweet internet connection but a rather slow pc, so it makes sense to have a button for quality. Please put it there soon.

Its a pretty sweet video player none the less though, NG will really be able to rival youtube now.

Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:38:23

I'm just getting audio with pure black. I'm using AdBlockPlus and tried disabling it on Newgrounds but still no result. Do you have to turn it off altogether?

Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:39:07

It's cool and all, but I prefer having a preloader so I don't have to wait every time the animation gets stuck on loading.

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Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:40:49

video is a -no- go for me. I've tried 3 browsers and the videos will not work.

I hear audio only, I've tried chrome, opera, and explorer. I have all the latest versions.

On chrome its completely black.
On explorer, and opera I see it flashing green and random frames from the videos.

But one thing was consistent, that was the audio. It was fine, the video was working at all.

I'm also using windows 7 OS

anyone know why this is happening?

BBS Signature

Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:41:38

At 4/15/12 03:39 PM, Hacsev wrote: It's cool and all, but I prefer having a preloader so I don't have to wait every time the animation gets stuck on loading.

...Theres a pause button, and the timeline itself is a preloader.

... seriously?

Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:42:35

I've no idea how this streaming vid works, but is it possible that it's slow to load because of the amount of traffic? I'm sure the Valentine's Day cartoon loaded much quicker a few days go.

BBS Signature

Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:44:02

It's good to see animators will have some more tools available to create awesome stuff.

I do have to say that the loading times are pretty long for these vids. Especially that Valentine submission seemed to take unusually long to load yesterday.

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Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:46:44

wow, give mike a raise, when I was watching "starbarins" I thought harry must have animated the video in toon boom or something cuz there was no way an swf to mp4 was that fucking good... Again GREAT JOB FELLAS. Well that's 3 hours... oops, got to go :P

"A reward is it's own reward." - Killgar

Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:49:12

At 4/15/12 03:09 PM, TomFulp wrote: They were both uploaded as MP4 files and are playing in our new video player! Starbarians originally consisted of three SWFs, too big to compile as one file. HappyHarry used Swivel, software developed by Mike to perform the best-ever SWF to video conversions. It's full framerate, 1080p (try fullscreen mode) and it even merged his individual SWF files on the fly. Swivel is still in the testing phase but we'll be releasing it to the public when it's all polished up!





You know, there was a time (around when the sopa blackout happened) that I was afraid of the future, but FUCK THAT NOW, WE'LL HAVE PERFECT SWF TO VIDEO CONVERSIONS!

Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:50:59

Wow really impressive step you guys. Good work Mike!

I will try it out when I have an animation to publish

Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:52:04

I think the Valentine's Day submission is a great example of how this will increase the diversity of movies on NG. It's inarguably a great piece, traditionally animated, but would be a huge hassle to put together in Flash. Knox's claymation movies are another great example of content that was ravenously consumed by users but just fell outside the scope of what Flash can practically do.

Can't wait to see what people do with this new option.

Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:52:54

This is a welcome addition to the site. I'm happy to see that artists will have a ton of more options to flex their creative muscle! Also, super stoked that the first episode of Starbarians is now out! :)

Need a voice actor? Give me a call! I've got 13 years of experience and great vocal range.

BBS Signature

Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 15:55:13

good work on starbarians tom it's really funny stuff, probably your best animation yet. i'm surprised you were able to make something so good

Response to Video is a GO! 2012-04-15 16:00:05

At 4/15/12 03:46 PM, deathink wrote: wow, give mike a raise, when I was watching "starbarins" I thought harry must have animated the video in toon boom or something cuz there was no way an swf to mp4 was that fucking good... Again GREAT JOB FELLAS. Well that's 3 hours... oops, got to go :P

Poor Deathink...