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If you quit NG

4,892 Views | 93 Replies

Response to If you quit NG 2011-06-12 11:39:28

I'd make a News Post that says "leaving NG", and then I'd leave.

Except then I'd cave in a week later and come back.

BBS Signature

Response to If you quit NG 2011-06-12 11:40:57

At 6/12/11 11:38 AM, Squidbit wrote: Some thread with a horrible title, and then the text would be something like "Requesting a permaban"
Also I would make the entire thread a link to porn. Maybe each letter would be a link to a different video. Then I would post something disgusting for the picture.
Also I would request that the thread only be locked, not deleted, even though that would never happen.

This is assuming that for some reason I'm leaving suddenly. Realistically I wouldn't leave any message because it's just gonna fade out of my life.
But don't worry guys, I'm gonna stay here with you until I'm 86 years old, at which point I will post a thread asking how I should kill myself.

Response to If you quit NG 2011-06-12 11:57:56

Eh, I'm not much of a drama queen/whore so I wouldn't be the kind of person that leaves some long complex message explaining my departure. I'd probably just explain that "I'm out" to the Crews/Clubs that I'm involved in and vanish.

Then, in two years I'd return and post a thread in General asking you guys' for help in my math homework (because it's hard, GOSH).

Response to If you quit NG 2011-06-12 12:22:37

Fairwell address:
* four ruffles and flourishes and Hail to the cheif plays, I walk onto stage*
My fellow newgrounders. It has been a long 5 years on this website. You are all retards with exception to an elite 100 or less people. Perhaps some of the stupidity I saw and regarded as true retardation was actually just trolling. Regardless, I am for too good for any of you and I now will never return to this site ever again. I am effectively resigning from newgrounds.
*Cue peace sign*
I am not a crook.

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