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[insert Generic Art Thread Title]

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[insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-02-17 17:39:55

Hey guys, this will be my own personal art thread. I hope to see improvement in my art in the near future, but until then you all have to suffer!

[insert Generic Art Thread Title]

"To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true."

Flickr | My "Art"

BBS Signature

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-02-17 17:45:12

Here is my first real picture picture that I've made with my tablet, I call it "Life Without Music". In case you didn't know, I'm deep like that. Anyway, here is the better quality version.

[insert Generic Art Thread Title]

"To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true."

Flickr | My "Art"

BBS Signature

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-02-17 20:33:44

Before I go into any detail about my next picture, I want to apologize for anyone who looked at the .gif and suffered a seizure, or became mesmerized by the lines. It may be a little too distracting... it looked better in Photoshop.

This was an entry for the Artpocalypse Now: Art Collab. In this picture, I depicted my idea for an apocalyptic world in the not too distant future. In this hellhole of a future, the few remaining survivors form gangs. Unfortunately for these gangs, the price of a real motorcycle is just out of reach. This catastrophe disbands many gangs, but the few gangs that are intelligent enough to... downsize... remain intact and mobile enough to reign over this desolate landscape they once called home.

High Quality Picture Here

[insert Generic Art Thread Title]

"To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true."

Flickr | My "Art"

BBS Signature

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-02-17 21:54:31

The idea looks good but the people look to blobby and amorphous, try to get the basics of anatomy down, just enough to make them look more normal

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-02-17 22:52:24

At 2/17/11 09:54 PM, BluGil wrote: The idea looks good but the people look to blobby and amorphous, try to get the basics of anatomy down, just enough to make them look more normal

Yeah I agree with you on the first picture, I was still getting used to my tablet, and drawing again. It's been 5+ years since I've actually drawn a picture, I used to draw a lot in elementary and middle school, but then it died off when I went into high school. Hopefully not all of my artistic talent has starved to death from lack of feeding.

As for the second picture (minibike gang), I was going for an unrealistic look to the people on the bikes. I wanted to exaggerate the fatness of the guy in the back by rounding all of his joints to the point of being unrealistic. I just made the guy in the front for the facial expression (and that sweet hair). Although I wasn't aiming for realism in the biker picture, I do realize that I am terrible with drawing correct anatomy and I need to improve in that area. I'm definitely going to work on my anatomy skills soon.

Other than the lack of anatomy in my two pictures, did you find the coloring and the lines satisfactory? I'm not too good at drawing perfectly smooth lines, but I do kind of like the look of the slightly wavy lines in the biker picture...

"To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true."

Flickr | My "Art"

BBS Signature

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-02-21 17:25:00

Here is a piece of mine from the up and coming Cupcake Collab. Tell me what'cha think...

Better Quality Pic

[insert Generic Art Thread Title]

"To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true."

Flickr | My "Art"

BBS Signature

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-02-24 17:40:40

Here is another entry of mine for the Cupcake Collab. Oddly enough, I've not been told that I'm doing it wrong. Anyway, better quality image is here.

Now I have to decide on what to make next.... I've decided to turn to an idea generator...
My next picture will be an "erotic enticing compass". That could be fun.

[insert Generic Art Thread Title]

"To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true."

Flickr | My "Art"

BBS Signature

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-02-24 18:39:29

Great artwork. I like the style in the second picture. Keep it up.

Just your average beginner artist

My Youtube Account

My DeviantArt Account

BBS Signature

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-02-26 17:45:52

Here is a logo I made for SoundJunkie. The finished product is 2500x2500 pixels (8"x8"), I think it turned out all right. I have a boatload of different versions too hah. Now to get back to my final project for an 8 weeks college course.

[insert Generic Art Thread Title]

"To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true."

Flickr | My "Art"

BBS Signature

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-02-26 19:24:15

I don't call this art.

For some reason much of the younger generation of Newgrounds has gotten into it's head that art is completely random comical comic. This is not the case.
Art is not making up random things such as a cake killing another cake, and drawing it on photoshop is a cartoonist style.
This is art:

[insert Generic Art Thread Title]

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-02-26 19:41:49

At 2/26/11 07:24 PM, Japati wrote: I don't call this art.

For some reason much of the younger generation of Newgrounds has gotten into it's head that art is completely random comical comic. This is not the case.
Art is not making up random things such as a cake killing another cake, and drawing it on photoshop is a cartoonist style.
This is art:

Troll much?

Art is all a matter of opinion. I guess what you're getting at is that what is depicted here may not be to your standards of "fine art," but every scribble put down on any surface is art. Whether that art is good or not is up to interpretation.

That's just my two cents.

Btw, Mr Confuzzeled, your cake in a cup is adorable :3

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-02-26 19:49:02

At 2/26/11 07:24 PM, Japati wrote: I don't call this art.

For some reason much of the younger generation of Newgrounds has gotten into it's head that art is completely random comical comic. This is not the case.
Art is not making up random things such as a cake killing another cake, and drawing it on photoshop is a cartoonist style.
This is art:

First off, let me start by saying thanks for taking a look at my series of black lines and colors thread. Now, my "comical comic(s)" that you talk about are part of a few collabs here on the art forum, many of my... cartoonist style photoshop drawings... are merely my interpretations of the subject matter required for each said collab. I am by no means an artist, hell I'm in college and I intend on majoring in Finance/Accounting. Now, if you have nothing to say that would actually improve my pictures, I would greatly appreciate it if you could leave my thread the fuck alone. Thanks again for stopping by.

"To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true."

Flickr | My "Art"

BBS Signature

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-02-26 20:07:49


[insert Generic Art Thread Title]

"To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true."

Flickr | My "Art"

BBS Signature

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-02-26 23:09:22

At 2/26/11 08:07 PM, SoConfused wrote: Also...

By "younger generation" he means age. Not creation of user. He lists his age as 19 and, whether or not that is his actual age, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. You are also 19, though, so I am kind of confused there. At least, you also say you are, and I am also going to give you the benefit of the doubt.
Moving on, like Tem said, art is a matter of opinion. Furthermore, there is more than just one form/style of "art". Whether or not people like your style, just accept their critique or comments and say thank you and don't be a dick back to them, even if they are a complete asshole. If it is really that big of a problem, you could always ask a mod to delete it (not that they will, neccessarily)

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-02-26 23:20:35

Sign up date means everything lololol

been going to this site since 02

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-02-26 23:55:10

At 2/26/11 11:09 PM, Kakashi1930 wrote:
At 2/26/11 08:07 PM, SoConfused wrote: Also...
By "younger generation" he means age. Not creation of user. He lists his age as 19 and, whether or not that is his actual age, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. You are also 19, though, so I am kind of confused there. At least, you also say you are, and I am also going to give you the benefit of the doubt.
Moving on, like Tem said, art is a matter of opinion. Furthermore, there is more than just one form/style of "art". Whether or not people like your style, just accept their critique or comments and say thank you and don't be a dick back to them, even if they are a complete asshole. If it is really that big of a problem, you could always ask a mod to delete it (not that they will, neccessarily)

I wouldn't mind being harshly critiqued. However, saying what I make isn't art and then posting a picture of "art" as some sort of example isn't exactly doing anyone good. I would have embraced a response that contained at least a scrap of useable information even if it was presented in a condescending way.

Basically you can be a complete ass to me and I wouldn't mind so long as you have some useable information that will allow me to improve on my future attempts at "art". I did actually thank him for stopping by, I wouldn't mind him commenting on my post again as long as he is attempting to be helpful instead of just poorly stating his opinion.

As for my reaction that made me seem like a sarcastic dick, yeah I would probably edit that small section out if I could, but I ultimately stand by my opinion. As for my age, yeah I'm actually 19 (whoa, one of the few members of NG who is actually the age he says he is), turning 20 in May.

"To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true."

Flickr | My "Art"

BBS Signature

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-02-27 05:26:24


Sorry guys. My brother seems to make his way onto my NG account sometimes.
Hopefully these posts can get deleted.

And yeah, I am 19. This is also the fourth of my accounts, the first dating back to 2005, and of which I don't actually use anymore.

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-03-01 22:01:48

Me practicing doing quick sketches of my left hand (since doing a pose with my right hand and sketching would be impossible). I spent around 30 or 40 seconds per hand, nothing too major, just practicing since I have the most trouble with hands. I drew from bottom left to right, then random up top (holding keys in first pic). Next step, posemaniacs.

[insert Generic Art Thread Title]

"To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true."

Flickr | My "Art"

BBS Signature

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-03-01 22:24:18

My first attempt at posemaniacs.... my first 3 pics were the view from below of people curled up in balls, so I skipped those... For some reason photoshop is now saving my pictures in CMYK, and Newgrounds doesn't like, so I have to manually change it to RGB.

Any tips for doing posemaniacs? I feel like im doing it wrong.

[insert Generic Art Thread Title]

"To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true."

Flickr | My "Art"

BBS Signature

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-03-02 11:20:37

At 3/1/11 10:24 PM, SoConfused wrote: My first attempt at posemaniacs.... my first 3 pics were the view from below of people curled up in balls, so I skipped those... For some reason photoshop is now saving my pictures in CMYK, and Newgrounds doesn't like, so I have to manually change it to RGB.

Any tips for doing posemaniacs? I feel like im doing it wrong.

Looking good :)
I feel like I should contribute to this thread after 'not-knowingly' being an asshole.

I started going to life drawing sessions, you simply go in, pay the person some money, and then pose for you and several other artists at the same time. It's really good because they'll do about 10 different poses an hour and you can just sketch them down in about 5 minutes or so, helping you to get the figure right, and teaching you at the same time. I think I'll start going every Tuesday, simply so that I can progress on my human figure skills.
Maybe you should check that out, if you're into that

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-03-02 17:05:55

At 3/2/11 11:20 AM, Japati wrote:
At 3/1/11 10:24 PM, SoConfused wrote: My first attempt at posemaniacs.... my first 3 pics were the view from below of people curled up in balls, so I skipped those... For some reason photoshop is now saving my pictures in CMYK, and Newgrounds doesn't like, so I have to manually change it to RGB.

Any tips for doing posemaniacs? I feel like im doing it wrong.
Looking good :)
I feel like I should contribute to this thread after 'not-knowingly' being an asshole.

I started going to life drawing sessions, you simply go in, pay the person some money, and then pose for you and several other artists at the same time. It's really good because they'll do about 10 different poses an hour and you can just sketch them down in about 5 minutes or so, helping you to get the figure right, and teaching you at the same time. I think I'll start going every Tuesday, simply so that I can progress on my human figure skills.
Maybe you should check that out, if you're into that

I don't hold grudges, so one sorry was enough, and knowing it wasn't you is even better. As for the sessions with the models, I don't think that would be my cup of tea... I'm not planning on becoming a fantastic artist, I just want a way to blow some free time, and possibly make a hobby out of it. I'm in college studying accounting an finance, so paying someone to pose just seems silly if I'm not going to benefit from it monetarily in the near future. Thanks for the suggestion, but I think posemaniacs will be good enough for me.

I was sitting at my computer reading some forum posts on NG when I said to myself, "I should sketch my hand as it draws itself...". I left the lines rough and added some color, but I used a different style to do so. At least I think it looks interesting... anyway....

[insert Generic Art Thread Title]

"To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true."

Flickr | My "Art"

BBS Signature

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-03-02 17:13:02

At 3/1/11 10:24 PM, SoConfused wrote: My first attempt at posemaniacs.... my first 3 pics were the view from below of people curled up in balls, so I skipped those... For some reason photoshop is now saving my pictures in CMYK, and Newgrounds doesn't like, so I have to manually change it to RGB.

Any tips for doing posemaniacs? I feel like im doing it wrong.

Idk if you were, but try Posemaniac's 30-second drawing.
Basically, you have 30 seconds to draw the pose, and then a new one takes its place.
Its seems simple enough, but it is very helpful.
Going along with that, Lintire posted a very helpful link in Fifty's thread yesterday, gestural drawing
It may help with the 30 second drawing.
Have fun~

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-03-02 17:27:12

At 3/2/11 05:13 PM, Kakashi1930 wrote:
At 3/1/11 10:24 PM, SoConfused wrote: My first attempt at posemaniacs.... my first 3 pics were the view from below of people curled up in balls, so I skipped those... For some reason photoshop is now saving my pictures in CMYK, and Newgrounds doesn't like, so I have to manually change it to RGB.

Any tips for doing posemaniacs? I feel like im doing it wrong.
Idk if you were, but try Posemaniac's 30-second drawing.
Basically, you have 30 seconds to draw the pose, and then a new one takes its place.
Its seems simple enough, but it is very helpful.
Going along with that, Lintire posted a very helpful link in Fifty's thread yesterday, gestural drawing
It may help with the 30 second drawing.
Have fun~

Thanks for the link, and yeah I was doing the Posemaniac's 30-second drawing. It was a challenge, especially when I had to make a new layer, hide the previous layer, then start drawing. It was more of a 25 second challenge when all was said and done. For some reason, the people just love curling into balls when I was doing the challenge. I omitted them from the picture that I posted because 5 people in balls would probably make it look as if I was just drawing circles and adding limbs and then calling it a Posemaniac's pose. About to start on another Artpocalypse Now submission...luckily, no human anatomy is involved with my idea.

"To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true."

Flickr | My "Art"

BBS Signature

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-03-02 23:31:27

"To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true."

Flickr | My "Art"

BBS Signature

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-03-02 23:44:53

At 3/2/11 11:31 PM, SoConfused wrote: Herp

its cool, but dont you think the planets could be... round? they were hand-drawn, which is appreciated, but they look really shaky and lopsided.
I see you used the circle tool for the sun; the planets deserve to be round too!
I also think you could try and make them more proportional. I understand the sun probably wouldn't fit, but they planets could be smaller and more spaced apart.
Looks good though ;)

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-03-03 01:50:51

I can see that art is different in each persons eyes! :D however I don't think of cartoonish as being all that hard of art I mean is't much more simple and requires alot less detail I think I'm just saying that Art should have to take Effort! :D I don't condone Anime either as being Art (but that's for own personal reasons)

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-03-03 02:12:24

At 3/3/11 01:50 AM, silversunned wrote: I can see that art is different in each persons eyes! :D however I don't think of cartoonish as being all that hard of art I mean is't much more simple and requires alot less detail I think I'm just saying that Art should have to take Effort! :D I don't condone Anime either as being Art (but that's for own personal reasons)

Yep, this statement here holds utter truth. The way we perceive art is different with each artist. We all have our own styles. But I have to say cartoons aren't also something to laugh at though. Trust me, I've tried. But I don't understand why you'll put your own pic though?

Art Thread/NG Art - View it. /I love rainbows do you?/

BBS Signature

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-03-03 02:20:15

I put my piece up because well I dunno I just felt like it, but I never said cartoons were a laughing matter I just said I don't consider it all that hard because of the fact that it requires ALOT less attention to detail as to say if you were to compare it to a realistic picture ore even a surreal picture at that. I used to draw only anime and cartoons but I got out of that rut simply by trying something else and because I got bored of it

At 3/3/11 02:12 AM, Fifty-50 wrote:
Yep, this statement here holds utter truth. The way we perceive art is different with each artist. We all have our own styles. But I have to say cartoons aren't also something to laugh at though. Trust me, I've tried. But I don't understand why you'll put your own pic though?

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-03-03 08:25:46

At 3/3/11 01:50 AM, silversunned wrote: I can see that art is different in each persons eyes! :D however I don't think of cartoonish as being all that hard of art I mean is't much more simple and requires alot less detail I think I'm just saying that Art should have to take Effort! :D I don't condone Anime either as being Art (but that's for own personal reasons)

Cool story... bro.
However, I can understand where you might think my cartoons take little time. With cartoons though, it is less about how the final product looks, and more about the idea behind the picture. With your style of art, I could easily just draw a hand and call it quits with your art. With cartoons, it tends to be more abou the idea of the picture rather than the final outcome.

Since I am failing to create art, I decided to dabble in abstract... don't worry silversunned, it took me 8 hours just to ponder the positioning of the circles, let alone their color. Now THAT is art!

Here, I'll explain this picture to you. The picture itself taps into a fundamental, primitive part of our existence. There are no flaws within the circle, just one continuous perfect curve that will eventually come to represent my existence within this black world. The round and continuous circles are also in different colors, if you didn't already notice that, but you probably didn't. These different colors represent the different beliefs within society regarding true art.

Or... you can take my picture of circles as it really is, a picture with circles. Also, before you finish reading my post, make sure that you understand this:

Don't post your own art in someone else's art thread. Am I really such an astounding artist that my presence on these forums requires you to present me your art because of my godly art gaze? Will my mere gaze turn your pencil sketch into art? (Answer is: yes it will)

Anyway, I'm done with my incoherent speech.

[insert Generic Art Thread Title]

"To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true."

Flickr | My "Art"

BBS Signature

Response to [insert Generic Art Thread Title] 2011-03-03 11:26:13

At 3/3/11 08:25 AM, SoConfused wrote: Or... you can take my picture of circles as it really is, a picture with circles. Also, before you finish reading my post, make sure that you understand this:

Don't post your own art in someone else's art thread. Am I really such an astounding artist that my presence on these forums requires you to present me your art because of my godly art gaze? Will my mere gaze turn your pencil sketch into art? (Answer is: yes it will)

Anyway, I'm done with my incoherent speech.


He posted it on my art thread too ¬_¬
I think he wants the attention. It also seems like he created an alt account for the purpose of commenting on his own picture in the art portal.