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What's your social life like?

2,607 Views | 61 Replies

Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 01:19:00

I'm deceitful and have a bad social history amongst former friends.

I've been known to break ties with my former friends by openly leaving them for another in front of there face.

I can still hear the taunting words I've recited shamefully o'er the past few years of my life..

What's your social life like?

This Is A Signature.

Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 01:21:19

I don't go out much, if at all, and I only have a few close friends. I mean after all, why stick with people you don't even like just for something as stupid as social value? if I'm gonna have friends they're gonna be people that I like pretty god-damn well. unfortunately i seem to have a major distaste for most people that live in the same zip code as me.

Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 01:30:06

pretty good man, I Am happy with my social life. I have plenty of friends to keep me happy during the boring school hours.

Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 05:29:53

i fuckin hate everyone metal fo eva my lyff \m/ ^_^ \m/ LOL AWESOME fuk u faget

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it's just diana ross slowed down 11/10 it's fuckin awful

BBS Signature

Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 05:48:53

Social... Life?


Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 05:49:37

I hang out with all my brothers a lot (not all blood), other than that I work at McDonalds and live in a house of five where I'm the only male. Having four female roommates can suck when they all get their rag around the same time, life's pretty chill overall though.

R.I.P Nick Curley

Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 05:50:29

At 11/12/10 03:35 PM, Ptero wrote: Non-existent.

I thought of posting literally that when I clicked the thread, only to learn you beat me to it.

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Sig by Me.

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Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 06:00:12

I wouldn't say it's that bad actually. I have a group of friends that I had all the way through high school who I still see now and again, although admittedly I see them less and less these days, and I only have myself to blame for that. The only chance I really get to see them these days would be Saturday nights when they hit the bars, but I don't really have the money to be doing that regularly, where as they all have jobs.

I have another set of friends who I met at university. I see them on a daily basis through the week for a good few hours each day. Although I don't do anything with them outside of university, due to me being about an hour and a half away by bus. It's not that bad though, since I am around them most of the week.

I don't think people you know over the internet was intended to be included in this thread, but I don't see why they shouldn't count. I speak to a few people that I've met over the internet (mainly from Newgrounds, actually) quite regularly and actually consider a few of them to be good friends of mine.

I don't really think my social life is that bad. Could be better but I'm quite happy with it.

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Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 07:23:21

I like to see myself as an antisocial being, but I DO have lots of friends IRL, I don't see them that often, but I when I do we have loads of fun.

I don't go to any parties, bars, any stupid events like that, disco's, because wiggling ass is STUPID and pointless.


Tick Tock

BBS Signature

Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 07:31:40

I'm not so much anti-social, as ignored all the time.

Seriously, usually when I go out with people, I get forgotten for some reason and that kind of sucks.


Mathematics club: we have beer and exponentials.

Cartoon club: Cause Toons>> Charlie Sheen+Raptor

Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 07:35:10

At 11/13/10 07:31 AM, RubberTrucky wrote: I'm not so much anti-social, as ignored all the time.

Seriously, usually when I go out with people, I get forgotten for some reason and that kind of sucks.

Your attention-whore level is lowest of all apparently, it can be a good thing, it can be a bad thing.
If you want to be social etc, it's a bad thing.

Tick Tock

BBS Signature

Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 07:37:49

At 11/12/10 03:44 PM, EpicFail wrote: My social life isn't much of a social life.
Most of my friends are people I know online, and the few friends I have in real life seem to only want to hang out when I have money for alcohol and stuff like that, so I tend to just spend my money on alcohol and drink alone because I hate when people walk all over me like that. I don't have many people I can call my friends and I am okay with that because I have awesome people I know online.

I guess we're quite similar then, EpicFail, even though we don't know eachother and may never do...

My topics when I wasn't an asshole...12


BBS Signature

Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 07:42:21

At 11/13/10 05:48 AM, Mangix wrote: Social... Life?


Tick Tock

BBS Signature

Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 10:00:47

I don't have friends.

Just future victims.

And they are plentiful.

BBS Signature

Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 10:02:41

Great, actually ;)

BBS Signature

Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 10:04:26

S'pretty good. Work and college tend to get in the way a lot, but that's expected


Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 10:17:46

Depends, does talking to yourself qualify as a social life? If not, then no.

Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 10:22:21

At 11/13/10 10:17 AM, Grade-Zero wrote: Depends, does talking to yourself qualify as a social life? If not, then no.

If you're schizophrenic then in some crazy weird way yes.

Tick Tock

BBS Signature

Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 11:18:37

I try to be as antisocial as I can at school, but I always have people saying hi to me in the halls.

BBS Signature

Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 11:28:35

I call friends on the phone every now and then and most of the time they do not answer and no one is there because of how unlucky I happen to be, at least with connecting with phone numbers. I guess my social life is pretty bad, but then again I do have a Facebook profile and I try to go to everything I get invited to. It would probably help if I invited someone to something of my own, but I am too shy to do that.

You know the world's gone crazy when the best rapper's a white guy and the best golfer's a black guy - Chris Rock

Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 12:05:03

It varies. Some weeks I do nothing at all during the week but stay in and do my work, others I go out. This week, I've stayed at my friends one night, went out drinking thursday and friday and am staying at my friends again tonight. Whereas last week, I stayed in all week as I had a lot of work to do, and then socialised at the weekend.

Release your inner crazy.

BBS Signature

Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 12:20:25

At 11/12/10 03:44 PM, EpicFail wrote: My social life isn't much of a social life.
Most of my friends are people I know online

Fucking loser lol.

Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 17:11:43

At 11/13/10 07:31 AM, RubberTrucky wrote: I'm not so much anti-social, as ignored all the time.

Seriously, usually when I go out with people, I get forgotten for some reason and that kind of sucks.

I know! I fucking hate that! Earlier this week I was invited to applebees for this girl's B-day and I could'nt get my two cents in a conversation. And to make it worse these 2 assholes kicked me out for not saying a word. Then the girl invited me back in and still nothing happened.

What a waste of a night that was.

Sig by @Brokendeck

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Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 17:18:07

I have 293 friends according to facebook :D

BBS Signature

Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 17:28:29

Social anxiety, lol.

If people invite me somewhere, I'll go, or if I'm with my few good mates I'll hang out any time. Any group bigger than about 4 or 5 people, I start to get anxiety symptoms which I try and control when I'm around people.

So it's sort of a " I'll socialize when I've ran out of things to do " attitude.


BBS Signature

Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 17:30:13

really good sociable but only the 'in' crowd yea i have my own f'n crowd :D
yaaa fer sure.
but im straight edged and some straight edgers were givin me a hard ass time it was like back the fuck off dawg


Website Coming SoonPurevolume

<BR>Perfection Confection Sugar, you can use it on babies.

BBS Signature

Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 18:01:31

I haven't been in Newgrounds since forever, that just shows my social life is going great. Everybody should get a chance to go out and have some fun once and a while. If you can't do this, then fix yourself together.

Plus staying inside forever get you fat and lazy. So get off the couch, fatty and do some outdoor activities.

Not needed, non needed, no one bled.

Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 18:17:40

What's this 'social life' of which you speak of?


BBS Signature

Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 18:27:43

What the hell is a social life?

I am a vagina cleaner. My Steam

In world god make every thing. Therefore God can't deid. -calvinmark

BBS Signature

Response to What's your social life like? 2010-11-13 18:34:05

a few good friends a couple of enemies who im very close to slaughtering and a few girls i want to get with but i'm too chicken

the cake is a lie numb nuts

not gay just a funy site i made

BBS Signature