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Ignored 2009-05-06 16:39:46

Hey guys. I submitted something to the audio portal a few days ago, a little black metal number I (unfortunately) called "Blackcore Arise". I'm aware everyone's first submission goes through a screening process. It hasn't appeared on the portal, so I'm guessing it's either too low quality or my submission somehow fell under the radar of the audio moderators. Now, I'm not one to blow my own horn, but the quality of the upload isn't an issue. The song received nothing but good reception on other sites.

So, I decided I'd send a PM to one of the many audio moderators. However, three days with no kind of feedback and I'm starting to get a little miffed! Not one to lose hope though, I sent the same PM to 6 other audio moderators, and one to Wade Fulp. I'm not particularly hopeful for a reply from Wade but I hoped the other 6 moderators MIGHT see their way into responding. Even just a "sry it was 2 sht lol k" would have been appreciated, but to be utterly ignored like this is making me a SAD PANDA T_T I didn't want to bring my misery onto the public forums where everyone will catch it, but unfortunately, it's either this or send a PM to EVERY moderator and risk getting banned, which is the last thing on my to-do list.

So, if there are any staff who would like to answer me, or even if any members have had similar experiences, please reply.

Smella dodge.

BBS Signature

Response to Ignored 2009-05-06 16:41:43

It takes up to three weeks for first time submissions to get approved. Be patient, it'll happen soon.

BBS Signature

Response to Ignored 2009-05-06 16:47:34

At 5/6/09 04:41 PM, Hades wrote: It takes up to three weeks for first time submissions to get approved. Be patient, it'll happen soon.

Really? Holy shit. If that was mentioned in the FAQ or the upload menu or something, that'd put me at ease. Three weeks for 19 moderators to listen to 2 minutes of music seems a little excessive though. Other users I know here had their first submission approved within hours. Ah well, I'll keep faith. Thanks for the reply man, really appreciate it!

Smella dodge.

BBS Signature

Response to Ignored 2009-05-06 16:50:58


But really though, it's entirely dependent on when an audio mod looks at your sing and clicks a button.

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BBS Signature

Response to Ignored 2009-05-06 16:52:33

At 5/6/09 04:41 PM, Hades wrote: It takes up to three weeks for first time submissions to get approved. Be patient, it'll happen soon.

Where did you get that from? I'm going to guess you picked a random number of days or weeks. If you did, then stop doing that...

Thread starter was approved but anybody reading this thread should see this thread if they haven't already