Yes! How did I miss this! It's so good to here rock in the finals like this! The mixing sounds so delicious (other than feeling crowded in spots)! Great sound, good lyrics. I'm so glad you made it to the finals!
Here's my submission for NGUAC 2019. This song definitely turned out to be something really different than what I had planned in the beginning. This song talks about Guilt as if it was a person. How some times it devours us from inside.
Here are the lyrics:
I live under the gallows.
I can't find another place to be.
Feel the pleasure I can give you
Should you just let me in.
But you think you're so special
Do you think you are free?
Guilt is present in everyone
Who looses sympathy
But you were never so special
And you were never free
It's all in your ...
Head, in your heart
Don't believe what they say.
I am truth,
I am guilt,
I don't believe what you say.
*When words are missing, music speaks*
Do you think you're so special?
Do you think you are free?
It's all in your ...
Head, in your heart
Don't believe what they say.
I am truth,
I am guilt,
I don't believe what you say.
Yes! How did I miss this! It's so good to here rock in the finals like this! The mixing sounds so delicious (other than feeling crowded in spots)! Great sound, good lyrics. I'm so glad you made it to the finals!
I like the smooth guitar strumming at the beginning and the dark vocals. The mix is really clean and sharp, and the vocals are quite well-balanced with the instrumental tracks. The lyrics have a great conversational tone that make their content feel really personal for me, and the overall tone of the piece is really haunting and ballad-like. You do a great job of gradually leading into the refrain at 1:18. I like the flowy and more mellow vibe of the section at 1:40 too, as well as the more melodic flair of the texture at around 2:06. The transition at 2:22 was a bit sudden, but the burst of intensity there was a great way of providing contrast with the dark, soft-spoken vocals thereafter. You hit the piece home with the second refrain quite well. I liked the dissonant guitar screech at the very end, too. I think your production really has improved a lot in the last year or two, man. This piece is awesome. My only real complaints here - a couple of sudden transitions, some missed opportunities for more variety, some cliche elements of the arrangement - are pretty small details at the end of the day. It’s been a pleasure following your work throughout this competition, and I look forward to keeping up with your upcoming projects as well. Congratulations on your hard work over the past couple months! ^_^ Also, is there anywhere I can download/buy this?
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score
I'll send you a copy of the wav file. Let me know what your email is! It is an honor to receive such comments from you, TaintedLogic. Let me know what your email is and I'll send it right away!
Thank you for checking my stuff out.
Guitar sounds good. You have a really good voice! Nice mixing so far. Drums and bass come in at a great time and in a great way too. Something in the drums might be a bit too overbearing but I understand the desire to have them take front and center. I wasn't sure how the chorus would sound compared to the rest of the song but it fits really well. I like the timing and the way those words come out. Maybe a heavier distorted guitar solo around 2:03 to 2:22... oh wait, there it is! Well played! I might have made that come in sooner but I'm so glad that it came in. And good ending. Well done.
And upon the 2nd listen, forget what I said about the section I mentioned. You know what you're doing.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.