I like the quirky synths at the beginning, but the choir sample sounds a bit cheesy and inauthentic. The rhythm of the beat at :09 is a little hard to follow, and the synth that comes in at :15 might sound a bit better with a more rounded, legato sound (as opposed to short and pizzicato-y). I think there are a number of sudden transitions in the piece, like at 1:03, and also that the syncopations are a bit overly complicated. Part of the problem could be that the mix is a bit too muddy to make the different instruments sound distinct. I’d suggest cutting back on the reverb at times and getting stricter with the equalizers. The panning you used for the string samples was a good idea, but equalization should usually be the main method for making sure each instrument comes through clearly in the texture. The piece might need a stronger sense of shape and structuring. Gradual transitions, more volume automations and phrasing, and other compositional techniques could help with that. I also think there are multiple melodies at the refrain (e.x., 1:18) that play over each other, which sounds a bit jarring. I was also a little thrown off by the eerie sound effects at 2:16 and 2:30. Still, I think you did a great job overall with the harmonic content and atmosphere here. I’m more concerned about the arrangement, mixing, and sound design, although the instruments do blend well together. I’d encourage you to keep working on this piece. It sounds like a really cute VGM track in the making. :) Keep at it, OddaSykes!
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score